
16 Reviews
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Matilda: The Musical (II) (2022)
28 December 2022
The 90s version was one of my favorite movies growing up. I had previously seen Matilda the musical on stage and didn't like it, but I thought maybe the movie would be better. I was wrong. The children in the support cast don't "sing". It's a shrill scream. Emma Thompson was a hit & miss with this one. Some scenes were good, but mostly I was just thinking "that's Emma Thompson in a suit". She was scarier in Cruella that she was here.

I didn't find any of the songs memorable and the only one that was slightly catchy was the one Matilda sings in the beginning. Some people complain about it being dark. I think the original was darker. This one seemed silly and more over the top. The actress who played Matilda was pretty good. I think she would do well in the musical version of Carrie when she gets older. I also liked the actress who played Miss Honey. Not as warm as the original one, but still good. They both earned one star since I could rate this 0 stars.
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Disenchanted (2022)
Satisfying sequel
21 November 2022
I had been looking forward to this sequel for a long time and it didn't disappoint. It was great to see the majority of the original cast back together and they seemed to fall right back into character. I enjoyed the storyline of Giselle turning into a wicked stepmother, but I wish they would have done more with this plot or more with any plot, as it felt rushed in some parts. It seems like they put a lot of focus on songs, which to me, weren't as memorable as the ones in the first movie. Rarely are sequels on par or better than the first so I think some reviewers were expecting too much. Overall, it's a cute family movie.
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Run-of-the-mill Christmas movie
15 November 2022
This was just as cheesy and predictable as any Hallmark channel type of movie. Rarely do I like these, but I was excited to see Lindsay Lohan make a comeback since I first heard about the movie a few months ago. For that reason, I felt like it was good enough for a one-time watch. Lindsay proves that she's still got talent and it would be great to see what she does with a script that has more substance. I actually felt like they could have even done more with her character here. It almost seemed like the movie Overboard taking place over the holiday but it barely scratched the surface.

If you like cheesy Christmas movies, Lindsay Lohan, or a bit of nostalgia (movie kind of has an early 2000s feel) then you will likely enjoy this.
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Preaching to the choir
31 December 2020
Pros: I agree with the reviewer who said that the the individuals telling their stories are well-presented. I found all of their stories interesting & many were heartbreaking.

Cons: With so much information in almost 2 hours, it would have been very beneficial if there were sources provided either as information was being presented or at the end so we viewers can research on their own. I'm not sure who was behind the making of this, but they were clearly religious & several of the individuals seemed to imply that atheism, secularism, etc excuses/justifies abortion, which obviously is not true. People tend to default to their religious reasons, but a strong pro-life case can be made without it. For a while I didn't mind this religious narrative, but then it became a bit annoying as it continued.

Summary: I've seen other documentaries that strengthened my pro-life stance, but this is not one of them. Few, if anyone will be swayed. The devoutly religious, who already tend to be pro-life, will fawn over this. It seems to have been made for them. Those who are not religious (at least not devoutly) & feel conflicted over abortion, will probably not like being hit over the head with so many religious points and people suggesting that secularism and abortion go hand in hand.
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Ignore the bad reviews
29 November 2020
The critics who call this the worst fil of the year must have never ventured outside of their elitist circle. I will preface by saying that I haven't read the memoir so maybe some people's disappointment is how the movie compares, but it's impossible to perfectly sum up a person's life in just shy of 2hrs. This movie shows the honest struggle of millions in our country and one man's journey to better himself. Amy Adams & Glenn Close are superb as usual. My main critique is that I wish they would have shown more of J.D.'s life growing up rather than continuing to flash, but I see why it was set up that way.
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Life of a Mistress (2018– )
Amazing period piece
10 April 2020
I'm a fan of period dramas, but generally, I stay away from shows/movies that are not in English or Spanish. However, the synopsis piqued my interest & I'm glad I gave it a chance! The interwoven plots all fit nicely & it was so captivating that relying on subtitles did not divert my interest. I think it would definitely be worth binge-watching.
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Judy (II) (2019)
It could have been better
8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If this review was based only on acting, Renee Zellweger would earn the movie a 10/10. Everyone gave a great performance to be honest. However, even awesome performances can't make up for a poor script, which is what happens here. The dialogue is dry & odd at many points. As much as I wanted to love the movie, I think it was a poor choice centering a film around the last year of Judy Garland's life when she had accomplished so much. Yes, the bulk of her life was filled with sad events but why does Hollywood want us to be entertained by her ultimately lowest point in life.

I grew up watching Judy Garland's movies with my grandmother & reading biographies about her. If you're a fan in this way, the movie doesn't present anything new. If all you can name is The Wizard of Oz, you may learn something. I'd recommend people try to watch at least once for the acting but it's not a movie I will watch multiple times.
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Probably better than the first
24 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes the story line is very predicable because hey, it's Disney. I knew how 95% of the movie would play out just by watching 1 trailer. With that being said, the acting and special effects makes for a fun, entertaining ride. I don't get the bad reviews unless you're just expecting a groundbreaking work of art, which it isn't & that's okay.

The film lagged a bit here and there but the reason I would venture to say it's better than the first is because where the first Maleficent stayed in tune with the main theme of Sleeping Beauty (aside from obvious examples), this movie implemented more experiences that many of us come across in our own lives, particularly judgement, changing ourselves to fit in, and exclusion/discrimination of various degrees. This is one I will definitely watch again.
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8 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
With every season being different, it's kind of difficult to give a rating, so 8 stars is how I feel about the series as a whole so far. I'm a big horror movie fan, but I'm horrible at keeping up faithfully with TV shows. With that being said, after roughly a week and a half of watching the show in order on Netflix from Season 1 (I knew I didn't have to start there), I'm into Season 4. I like the pace of the episodes & so far, there seems to be little "fluff" in the writing, solely for the purpose of stretching out an episode/season. A bit here & there, but not enough for it to be a turn off for me. Season 2 is my favorite hands down right now. Honestly, the start of Season 4 is not grabbing my attention as quickly, but I'm going to stick with it.
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Gone (I) (2012)
Great suspense
21 September 2017
This was a rare occasion where I thought the movie completely lived up to the excitement viewed in the trailer. I enjoyed seeing Seyfried in this role of a strong, determined woman. Seeing her in various movies, I've noticed how expressive her eyes are with any emotion and her style seems very natural.
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Chloe (2009)
Solid movie
18 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
****Spoiler Alert****

How did I miss this back in 2009? I just finished watching it on Netflix & it's definitely something I will watch again. While it was pretty predictable, the performances by Moore & Seyfried (Neeson is great as well) keeps you drawn in. This role showed a different side of Seyfried's talent and Moore was amazing as usual. Sensual scenes were done in good taste. Well written in and performed so that they add to the plot and provide the audience to grasp an emotion.
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Dead Awake (2016)
The Ring with sleep instead of VHS
16 September 2017
As someone who has experienced sleep paralysis countless times, I can say the ordeal is extremely terrifying. The concept & real life experiences could have made this a very decent movie, but it completely missed the mark. This movie doesn't even deserve one star, but I that's the lowest I could rate it. I wasn't expecting one of the greatest movies ever made, but I at least thought I would have a jump moment, feel tension, anything. I just found myself checking to see how much time was left.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
Very intense
4 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers

It took me months after this show premiered to get into the mental head-space to watch it. I am generally not triggered by images I see on television, but given the subject matter of suicide & as a person who deals with depression, suicidal idealization, etc, I wasn't in the right mindset to watch it when everyone was. After watching it, I have to say that I think it was very well acted & intense. I actually teared up & had to momentarily close my eyes on some scenes, which has never happened to me while watching a show. Maybe I'm in a minority here, but I don't see how this show glamorizes suicide or even has caused idealization of suicidal thoughts to increase as internet articles report. The story I took away is that suicide destroys the lives of your loved ones. This is quite an obvious thought in reality, but when you're in a deep emotional hole, you can lose touch with reality. You see the pain that her parents were in as well as Clay.
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Raven's Home (2017–2023)
Very surprised
25 July 2017
I loved That's So Raven growing up, but I didn't know if I should get my hopes up after being severely let down by Girl Meets World considering how much I looked forward to watching Boy Meets World every Friday. A part of me expected another disappointment, but I was very surprised. The acting of the children didn't seem overdone. Raven & Chelsea's characters kept the great comedic timing that they had with That's So Raven & aged well. There were moments that made me laugh. It seems like even with good shows, pilots may not be that great, but this one was well done.
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Bill Nye Saves the World (2017–2018)
Complete filth
14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers

I watched 2 episodes & I think I saw about 3 minutes of actual science. The first episode I watched was supposed to be debunking alternative medicine. While I'm aware of placebos, homeopathy, etc, there was barely anything said other than the fact that "this isn't real medicine". Obviously this is true, but I was expecting more detail. The acid test is the only thing worthwhile that I saw. The bit with the Indian guy talking about white people was off topic. I get what he was trying to say, but that wasn't the point of the episode. The "experts" he had on a segment were talking over each other & didn't really agree on any bottom line. Maybe they should have rehearsed answers first.

I was most disappointed about the episode talking about sex on a spectrum. No science whatsoever. I don't deny that sexual & gender attraction/identity/etc does have a lot of factors when it comes to individuals. Is there a science behind all this that can be tested & proved? Probably not. Is it a social construct that changes throughout generations, cultures, & geography (Native American "two spirits" for example)? Possibly so. If that is the case, don't present this stuff as some scientific fact.
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
30 May 2017
I have always been a fan of Anne of Green Gables since I was a child. I grew up watching the short lived animated series on Sunday mornings & became obsessed with my DVD of the mini-series starring Megan Follows in high school. This new Netflix series did not disappoint. While this series has a different tone than the mini-series version, I found this portrayal of Anne just as well done & realistic. I binge watched this first season in less than 48 hours & was very disappointed to realize at the end that it there were less than 10 episodes unlike most Netflix series that open with at least 10 episodes if not more. Hopefully with the positive reception, the following seasons will be just as good & much longer.
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