
16 Reviews
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Prison (1987)
Tom Everett and Viggo Mortensen are in it to!
30 June 2002
Yes people this has three cast members from the movie "Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3" shocked? Well for me, yes I was very shocked. Tom Everett and Viggo Mortensen are too excellent actors, you might remember them as Tex and Alfredo, from TCM 3 of course. Prison relates to other movies like "The Horror Show", "Destroyer", and "Shocker" but there was something different about this film. It was creepier than all those others and it had better torture scenes of pain and agony and including...yes...death. The only thing that didn't make it as good as all the others you only see the spirit one time for about ten seconds, that's it. Through the whole movie the spirit appears as bright light and electricity. Oh and did I include that Kane Hodder is in this too? Good story, alright setting (It takes place in a prison what else do you want), and acting is basically average. If you like prison horror movies this is a for must see for your eyes, pure eye candy!
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Bad Taste (1987)
This looks like a job for real men? Looks to a movie for real horror fans!
30 June 2002
Peter Jackson excellent movie, I've been a fan of your work for years but I must say two things. First I understand your moving on to bigger and better things but please don't lose your interest in horror now since your doing popular movies. And second get ride of these wanna be, pathetic, fans of yours. Let me explain a little better. Since you have been doing the "Lord of the Ring" trilogy project people from all around are loving your work maybe not everyone but many more or less. I see people watch your older projects like "Bad Taste", "Meet the Feebles", and "Braindead", and what do they say? These total think it's a piece of trash. Now since your doing "Lord of the Rings" your older work is gold to them now. I believe that there are to many wanna~be Jackson fans out there who only give him credit because of "Lord of the Rings". Hate to say it but Jackson's older work is better. To all the really horror fans out there, more power to you! But to the cheap pathetic wanna~be Jackson fans out there, p*** off and go watch one of your preppy slasher flicks like "Scream" or "I Know What You Did Last Summer"...pathetic.
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Traces of Death II (1994 Video)
Simply Excruciating.
23 June 2002
Over the years I have seen many different types of faces of death movies. You have "The Many Faces of Death part 1-10", "Faces of Death part 1-4" (I think), and others like "Banded in America". But none of those comes close to "Traces of Death" Part 1-5. Excellent death movies, simply excruciating scenes of pain and death, and on top of that a bad *ss soundtrack with some wicked death metal music. I would have to say parts one and two are the best, three was weak and 4 and 5 were better. If you for some chance run across these movies check it out. I know there are many people out there who hate these films but these can also teach you some things. Things like never fly a ballon near power lines, never run out in front of a motorcycle, never p*** off an African tribe, and never get a sex change! 9/10 stars.
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Body Melt (1993)
Cool little movie.
23 June 2002
Body Melt...only one movie describes this film...trippy! Long time ago I saw it at the store and wondered about it and always gave it the cold shoulder, but finally I decided to rent it and man did I get my money's worth. Hard to describe the movie it reminds me of the movie "Street Trash". Body Melt has excellent special effects and make up work but hardly any plot what so ever. Mainly it consisted of people trippin out on this drug and exploding or melting. With comedy thrown in from time to time it makes it more enjoyable to watch. Painful scenes like a wooden pole to the nuts, bullet shot through the hand, and an expanding exploding penis. Well just to narrow it down if you like weird movies like "Street Trash", "Dead Alive", and "Frankenhooker" than this is a for must see film for you. Not for weak stomachs and not for "Scream" fans. 7 stars out of 10 stars.
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Trippy Movie
9 June 2002
Only once in awhile does a movie like this come along and on that account it is a great one. Ok it's not one of John Carpenter's best movies but it's worth seeing and it's worth buying. Great special effects, excellent monsters (Or possessed people), and with some comedy thrown in there it makes this movie worth seeing. The only problem is that there were too many flashbacks. I mean sometimes the movie would take place in a flashback with in a flashback, within a flashback, which is sort of new but it kind of twisted the story line a little. But not to worry the gore factor makes up for that, including some flying round sharp power blades that decapitate people in less than a second. It's not Carpenter's best work but it's worth a see, check it out. 8 stars out of 10 stars.
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Uncle Sam (1996 Video)
Utter Nosense Crappy Lowrated Entertainment
8 June 2002
Did Larry Cohen really write this movie or did they just slap his name on there because the original writer got his *ss kicked by the movie crew so many times. Well basically to narrow it down I believe this to be a horror movie for people under the age of nine. Don't let the cover fool you it's only for show. (And I thought Grim was bad). 2 / 10 stars only because Isaac Hayes is in it.
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Grim (1996)
What a mouth full, of what I don't know.
8 June 2002
Walking, walking, walking, wow was there ever a lot of walking. Man, I was beat after the film ended. I saw this movie on the self for sale for $2.00 and I bought it, now I know why it was so cheap. Subterranean terror you say? Well sort of but sort of not, I would say no. Cool underground setting but other than that it's not even worth renting. Even the opening credits are cheap, looks like a screen saver to Windows 95. Paul Matthews (Breeders) hum...I can't say much else on this one, except it was worse than "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4" and "Pootie-Tang" and that's pretty bad! Considering those other two movies were just about the worst movies ever made. Anyway, avoid and just close your eyes and walk away. How this ever got to DVD is beyond me.
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Madman (1981)
Leatherface without the chainsaw.
8 June 2002
What a kick in the nuts! Talk about a rip off of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and not to mention some of the scenes. Well basically to be honest this was a descent flick but it copied to much off of Leatherface. Well one he likes to kill people, and at the same time runs around the woods looking for helpless victims. Then you have the hooks in the basement that plain as day copies the hooks in Leatherface's kitchen. I have to give this movie one thing though, it had some wicked deaths, and some screw-balled actors. Actors that are completely stupid and basically down right retarded. Who in the hell would hide in a refrigerator when the killer is not even twelve feet away from you? Hum...let's think a minute, well only people in horror movies. Check it out if you like TCM but if not do what the Beatles said..."Let it be".
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Scarecrows (1988)
11 May 2002
Every now and then I come across a great horror movie that gets no credit, "Scarecrows" is one on them. This is one of those movies that makes you really think than just say "Wow" that was creepy. Picture yourself as one of the people on the screen and ask yourself. "What would I do in that situation?" William Wesley you are a genius at horror! This movie kicks almost every other horror movie in the butt. They need to re-release this movie for sale and rent again. And I mean a.s.a.p.! William Wesley only made one other movie, "Route 666" which is also a great movie but not as good as this one. Where is Anchor Bay Entertainment when you need them! RE-RELEASE THIS MOVIE!!!!!! 10 stars out of 10 stars! William Wesley don't quit keep going!
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Witchboard 2 (1993)
Not bad.
14 April 2002
This is one of those movies that you must see. Ok, it's not as good as the first one but it is still worth renting. In this movie Kevin S. Tenney shows us everything that happened in the first, but this time with some better acting and better death scenes. For actors you have Ami Dolenz (Ticks), and Timothy Gibbs (Leprechaun 3). I didn't care for anyone else, except for Laraine Newman who played the "I'm still stuck in 1969 lady". She's a good actor, and plays the role of a hippie pretty well. (To be honest a little to well). If you liked "Witchboard" then you will probably like this one. Stay away from the third one. Kevin S. Tenney didn't even write that one. For Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway ~ 7/10 stars.
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Brain Damage (1988)
Not just a great horror movie, but a lesson.
14 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Frank Henenlotter's second movie "Brain Damage" is a sure classic! This has to be one of the best cult classic movies of all time (Next to Basketcase and The Bone Yard) but it's also a lesson. Look at the film closely and listen to every word said.


1. The Worm "Aylmer" gives you a liquid drug by inserting a needle threw the back of your neck. Ok, relates to herion.

2. The high is like LSD. You trip out and see things.

3. It is very addicting and you will basically go crazy without it. Going into withdrawls and doing basically anything to get the drug.

4. A infamous quote from the worm..."This is the start of your new life Brian, a life full of colors, music and light. A life without pain, or hurt or suffering."

And many other things that I'm not going to spoil. But Frank Henenlotter put a lot of detail in to this movie. He's showing you what happens when your on drugs. The worm "Aylmer" is the drug. All I can really say is that this is not just a great bloody/gory horror movie, but it's an important lesson. Stay away from drugs! Cause most of the things you see in this movie happen in real life. (And no I'm not talking about the worm eating brains). So if your looking for a horror movie with some kick be sure to see this one. It's not just senseless killing, it's a lesson to be learned.
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Weird yet interesting.
14 April 2002
I completely have no idea why this movie was made. But there are lots of movies out there like that. This one is very weird but yet so interesting. You can tell straight up it's a B-movie. I mean really low budget, and bad acting. The reason why I say it's so interesting is because if I remember correctly the disease that turned people into bloodsucking zombies was an invisible gas that floated around town looking for victims. Um...yeah strange isn't it. But the make up and gore effects were alright. Hey if I could work on a low budget horror flick this would be it. I'm not sure that you can still find this movie, it's way out of print. And for all those people out there who hate this movie, you might hate me for what I'm about to say. This should be released on DVD. Maybe Anchor Bay will pick it up. Oh well, if not then it's no biggy. On a scale from 1~10, I give this a 5.
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10 April 2002
I remember watching this movie when I was sixteen years old. I showed my friends and they hated it. It wasn't funny enough for them. In my opinion I though it was great. Ray Stevens put on one hell of act. Some of his music is alright but his music video's are hilarious. His best video is "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival". If you ever come across this video take the time to watch it.
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Route 666 (2001)
One of the best movies of all time!
10 April 2002
It's been about thirteen years since I've heard or seen any of William Wesley's work. Thank god he's back, cause his earlier film (Scarecrows 1988) was a horror masterpiece. And when I heard he had released another, I just about flipped. With actors like Lou Diamond Phillips (Bats), Steven Williams (Jason Goes to Hell), and L.Q. Jones (The Beast Within) they make this movie ten times better. This movie has a great plot, and excellent acting. The setting is alright but it goes along with the story. Route 666 is a combination of many different things. It's a horror/action/comedy. So if you see this movie at your local video store rent it! You won't regret it. Only one thing puzzles me. Is William Wesley done with the movie making business or is he not done? Oh well, only time will tell.
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The Boneyard (1991)
10 April 2002
A great B-horror flick if I may add first of all. This movie stands on it's own ground as slick, original, and creepy. The acting could be a little better, and there could have been more violence but overall this movie is a sure classic.

The writter/director of the movie (James Cummins) is not bad at his work. But if you purchase this movie on DVD and listen to the Audio Commentary or the Exclusive Interview you will hear James Cummins say "And um....." about a hundred times.

I haven't seen any copies out there for rental but if you do see it, rent it. A great midnight movie for everyone. 7/10 stars.
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Basket Case (1982)
Something Weird, but something great.
10 April 2002
Written and Directed by Frank Henenlotter (Frankenhooker/Brain Damage) this movie is a piece of art. Made in 1981/1982 this low budget horror movie shows us many things. For one, it shows us the strength of brother love. And it also shows us that you can make a great horror movie with little money.

If you love horror movies this is the movie for you. Don't bother renting it, just go out and buy it on DVD. On the DVD you get tons of extra's. Like 2 trailers, Audio Commentary by Frank Henenlotter, Edger Levins, and Beverly Bonner, TV spots, behind-the-scenes, gallery, and much more.

On a scale from 1~10 I give this movie a 9. The only reason why I didn't give it a 10 was because you can tell Belial (The deformed brother) is a puppet. But what can you expect from a low budget horror flick. And besides the movie is so interesting you will soon forget that it is even a puppet. Check it out.
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