13 Reviews
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Garfield and Friends (1988–1995)
25 July 2023
This is the best show that lacks villains. It manages to be good without them! It's filled with hilarious jokes, pop culture references, decent animation for 1980's standards, catchy theme tunes, likable characters, and fun storylines! I truly enjoy this show, and I could watch it all day, along with my other favorites, like Cyberchase, Inspector Gadget, and good ol' Speed Racer. It's good to see that everyone else loves it too. This show is far more entertaining than most cartoons back then, and it still rocks today. I highly recommend that everyone watches this amazing masterpiece. It will NOT be a disappointment.
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Cyberchase (2002– )
Cool show
25 July 2023
While this could never compare to the greatness of Speed Racer, it is still worth a watch. The villain is a real villain. Hacker wants to rule the cyberuniverse by hacking the Motherboard and ruining the internet. But three kids, who are all really awesome, are here to save the day. Digit is a comic relief character, but this time he's actually funny. Inez and Jackie are not prissy-princesses and are actually really cool characters. Matt is cool too. The theme song rocks the house. And the animation screams 2000s and looks amazing as well. The later episodes are dumbed down though. When they switched to flash and changed it from math to ecology it began to stink. But the original episodes are classics and are really worth a watch!
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The New Archies (1987– )
Stupid show
25 July 2023
Who the heck names their child Jughead? Also, the characters all act like clueless idiots throughout the entire series. There's Veronica, that stereotype princess-y girl character, Jughead, who eats too much, and the dim-witted big guy Moose (who isn't even a real moose!) Though the theme song is good, sounds like something out of the radio. Pretty cool, but not enough to save this boring show from my no list. Basically we have a leader character who is good, but all other characters act clueless and do stupid things. And there are no villains, either. Just boring and stupid, I agree with cfc_can. Definitely an avoid.
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Dennis the Menace (1986–1988)
Boring junk
25 July 2023
All the show is just a boy torturing his family, friends, and neighbor. He never even gets punished. I agree with the user who said this should be banned lost media. It is an awful disgrace to the entire television industry. I mean, come on? Who would watch a boring garbage show about a dorky kid who goes around torturing the entire universe with his dorky little "plans" and his little dopey friends? The show's animation is awful, and it is NOT anime. Seriously? How is this an anime? It's AMERICAN. Anyways, Speed Racer, which IS an anime, is so, so many times better than this hunk of junk, that's for sure!
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Pingu (1980–2006)
Annoying as heck
25 July 2023
What the heck? What kind of crack was whoever who made this on anyway? Okay, first off, the characters speak gibberish the whole show. They don't mutter any real words, it's all gibberish. I think I might get a migraine because of this. The animation can also get pretty creepy, like the infamous demon walrus from you-know-where (can't swear on this site). This show also is disgusting, like the bathroom episode. EW. I mean, come on? How in the world did this show get so popular? It was supposed to flop and get cancelled after three episodes! This is just awful trash. Watch Speed Racer and Inspector Gadget instead.
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Inspector Gadget (1983–2023)
Finally, A REAL SHOW!
25 July 2023
Move over, Care Bears. I'm tired of your happy-pappy nonsense anyway. Bring on the Gadget! This is the best thing since Speed Racer. The villain is actually villainous. There's action everywhere. And the girl character ISN'T a prissy little princess! She's a cool character with computer skills and is extremely smart! AWESOME! And it's got humor, and it's so much fun to watch. With it's great theme song, and exciting stories. Definitely a must-watch! This, along with Speed Racer, are two great shows that are highly recommended by me to everyone else! This is awesome! Good job DIC. This may be the best cartoon from the 80s.
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The Get Along Gang (1984–1986)
Not only is it fuzzy-wuzzies, but they're also mean for no reason!
25 July 2023
Oh great, another fuzzy wuzzy cartoon. Bring out the barf bag and my puke, I could just scream. And not only is it another trip to lala land, it's also a mean spirited one. This supposed "get-along gang" treats Bingo Beaver like junk. Bingo is just a silly little boy who wants to joke around, he is also the only decent character on this junk show, but all the others treat him rudely. I mean come on! Nobody can have a sense of humor? Can't tell if this is worse than those gosh darn Care bears, but it's still pretty bad. This show is awful terrible and mean spirited! The opposite of getting along!!!
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25 July 2023
All I know is, this is yet another fuzzy wuzzy show from dumb old lala land. It's enough to make me throw up. The sight of fuzzy little friendly goody-two-shoes, perfect land, and non-villainous villains makes me want to run out of the room screaming! I have to yell out for someone to get me a real show instead of this boring junk. People kept sending me tapes of this, Care Bears and other boring garbage. But I said NO! I don't want to give a thought to this boring lala land junk, let alone want to WATCH it! And yet they sent me overloads of fuzzy wuzzy stuff, and I had to throw it all in the garbage. Okay, I've only seen one episode of this show, but that was enough! I'm tired of this lala land garbage!
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The Wuzzles (1985)
Worse than Care Bears!
25 July 2023
Just more happy pappy boring garbage! Ugh, what happened to REAL shows - like wonderful Speed Racer? What happened to a STORY? I don't know why anyone would want to watch a show about fuzzy wuzzies who go around being "caring" and "giving" and the villains are never even villainous. This is obnoxious. All these shows do is make your child act like a baby their whole life, instead of seeing something amazing, you get la-la land and SINGING! Oh no, not singing! Okay, I respect your opinion if you like this stuff, but I never even got into it. People thought I wanted to watch this junk just because I was a girl, but I was certainly not interested! UGH! 1/10!
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Worse than the 1993 version!
25 July 2023
If you thought that awful 90s version was bad, well this is even worse! Hardly any of the original characters are in this! At least the 90s series TRIED to be good...they just failed miserably by changing the character designs, giving them annoying voices, and making the show boring. This didn't even TRY to be good! Now, the original is a masterpiece and I love it with a passion, think of how I felt when I saw this! After being tortured by that 90s garbage, I got stuck with this trash! Their designs here are the ugliest I've ever seen, the racing is dumbed down (no more huge crashes!) and there isn't any actual action at all! It is the junkiest of all the Speed Racer shows. Avoid this trash. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH THE ORIGINAL! NEGATIVE 1000 out of 10!
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Speed Racer (1967–1968)
One of the greatest shows of all time!
25 July 2023
I love this show so much! It is amazing and fun for everybody! Okay, the animation is kinda cheap, but it makes the show hilarious and hey, it's an anime from the 60s, what did you expect? Of course, we all love the iconic theme song, possibly the greatest theme song in the history of television, and we all love Speed and the Mach 5! And of course, the villains are super cool and the action is awesome. And it has the best animated racing scenes of all time! Wow, I could go on and on about how much I love this show! It's so PERFECT! Best show ever, it gets INFINITY stars! I recommend this to everyone in the whole world! Don't watch those reboots though, they are trash.
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Speed Racer (1993)
Horrible, awful, TRASH!!!!
25 July 2023
Ugh, it's just terrible. I couldn't even finish the episode. I turned it off halfway! The redesigns are awful. Trixie looks like that one girl (forgot her name) from Denver the Last Dinosaur. Sparky TALKS like the Denver characters, Speed looks like a ripoff of Dave from Alvin and the Chipmunks, Spridle is a teenager (why!?), and they dare tamper with the iconic design of the Mach 5? There is hardly any action at all, it is extremely boring, and the new theme song is garbage. Who thought this was a good idea? Thank goodness it flopped, it sure deserved it! This is such a huge disgrace... to a beloved classic! Don't waste your time. AVOID.
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Heroes on Hot Wheels (1990–1991)
Nothing but a dumbed down version of Speed Racer
25 July 2023
I'm not sure why everyone likes this show. It's just a huge ripoff of Speed Racer. Think about it, it's about a guy being the best racer ever, and traveling the world and winning EVERY race. The mechanic is an obvious ripoff of Sparky. Also, Micheal acts like Speed, and even LOOKS like Speed. I also saw a car at the beginning of the opening that VERY suspiciously looks like the Mach 5. The whole opening screams "Huge knockoff of Speed Racer Here!" Also, the show is so terrible that they couldn't dub it as it was. They decided it was so bad they would turn it into another advertisement for toys. So instead of "Michel Valliant" it became a Hot Wheels advertisement. But that is not the worst part. As you can clearly see, it's just a dumbed down version of a beloved classic anime, which we loved so much, and ruined it big time. I shall respect those who like this. But being a devoted fan of Speed Racer, I just can't support this obvious ripoff. It's even based on a comic strip like Speed Racer was! HUGE THUMBS DOWN = NEGATIVE 100 out of 10.
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