
12 Reviews
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Have you all really been paying attention?
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After all these years I finally finished watching GOT and was expecting some huge disaster based on everything I read before.

Turns out it was by far not as bad as expected.

I think the biggest issue, as I also take from many reviews here, is that people thought Daenerys would be "good".

Saying "I have not foreseen this development and there were never signs of it".

Really? For me it was pretty clear she was a psycho from the beginning, never in human history someone who said "I am going to liberate everyone and then we all live in peace" has done so without killing millions in the process. So everything she did was very much in character and Jon Snow did well by getting rid of her. Before she would do more harm as she has already announced (by saying what other places she would "liberate").

I understand that Kit Harrington wasn't overly happy with his ending but overall I found the conclusion reasonable.
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Whoever is responsible for cancelling this after Season 1...
1 February 2021
... should be fired. ASAP. I am most certainly not the target audience but I haven't laughed that much for quite a while. Excellent acting, the girls are hilarious. The storylines are fun too, as are the subtle (or not so subtle) digs at southern culture. I think someone just made a really bad job at creating a hype when it came out or many older viewers dismissed it as actual teenie series. But for me it's definitely one of the best shows I've seen for a long time and I can only hope they change their minds on a Season 2.
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The Holiday (2006)
Still good in 2020.
26 December 2020
I'm writing this in 2020 after watching this movie at least for the 8th or 9th time over the years. Whenever I skip through channels and it's on, i just stick with it. I'm saying that cause I read in another review from 2006 that it it's good but surely not something that will last. And here's where I have to say: it is, it will. I think the movie has proven to be as delightful and charming as it was when it came out. And I will keep watching it.
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The Sinner: Part VIII (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
The first two seasons were great...
6 July 2020
... and so I was really excited to see the third coming out.

Eight episodes later I am here to write my first 1/10 review ever.

I don't know how people who produced the first two seasons could have read those scripts and said "this is fine".

The only reason I watched this until the end was because after the first 3-4 episodes I felt committed.

But this is incoherent, illogical nonsense and it makes you want to throw stuff at your TV.
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Man Like Mobeen (2017– )
It's so freaking good...
21 March 2020
... that I am watching it for the third time now. While being hilariously funny, it also touches serious topics. All actors are on point, especially Guz Khan of course. I hope to see a lot more of him in the future.
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This is an ending...
31 January 2020
... that makes grown men cry. Like me. I followed this show from day one and I have rarely seen a more emotionally satisfying and perfect ending.

Maybe aside from M.A.S.H.
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Harsh reviews...
5 March 2019
After reading the other reviews - and after seeing the movie at its Berlin premiere - I have to say I find those reviews a bit too harsh.

Yes, it's probably not gonna win an Oscar but what do you expect when you read the story?

I think it's a decent B-movie and there are certainly worse ways to spend 90 minutes of your life.

The CGI work is once again very impressive and if you really want to critize something, it's the dialogues which can hardly be any more wooden at times.

Besides that it reminds a bit of teens having their first encounter with the other gender - a long build up with a very quick finish (pun not intended).

And if you watched the Q&A after the showing: I think we're all waiting now for the third part with Udo Kier as Nazi robot crocodile where only his lower part works.

Watch it!
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Bodyguard: Episode #1.6 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
Too bad...
23 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately I have to agree with some of the other reviews, the "Nadia" resolve is stupid (too say it politely) and quite the letdown after 5 3/4 episodes.

So why didn't she blow herself up in EP 1?

Or: If she's that good of an engineer and evil - why would she try to blow herself up in EP 1?

Does make no sense at all.

But with Julia Montague being really dead and David, Vicky and the kids being a happy family again, I guess there wasn't a second season planned anyways.

Too bad, this had potential, but it's like someone told the author after having written most of Ep 6: "don't bother with any meaningful end, it will not continue after this anyways".
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
I love this!
2 December 2018
Finally a comedy where people act and speak like people in the real world. With all the "bad" words, it's so f...... refreshing. Besides that the writing is awesome and Douglas/Arkin make a great couple. The same goes for the rest of the cast, I just have a hard time seeing Lisa Edelstein as drug addicted daughter after watching all episodes of House. But that will pass. More of this!
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The Snowman (2017)
Well, the first 20 minutes...
29 October 2017
... were kind of OK.

After that it turned into a huge cluster.... of nonsense and at the end nothing made sense at all anymore.

And after the final "climax" scene, most of the audience burst out laughing. Because it really really sucks.

Save your time and money.
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What can I say...
16 March 2017
I'm a 45 year old guy and my girlfriend made me watch this movie - even though I never cared about Japanese anime before.

Since then I have watched it 3 times more, bought her a Totoro jumpsuit, Studio Ghibli socks and soot spirit slippers.

This is what the movie does to you.
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Avanti! (1972)
Why does no one make movies like this anymore?
22 August 2010
I have to admit that I am usually more into movies like Fight Club or Lord of the Rings and so I watched Avanti only because there was really nothing else on TV and I was too lazy to put in a DVD.

And then something magic happened: I got totally sucked into this movie, up to the point that I had tears in my eyes in the final scene.

Jack Lemmon has always been a great actor, but in this movie he's absolutely awesome. Juliet Mills is beautiful, charming and Clive Revill as omnipresent hotel director with dozens of relatives is simply hilarious.

And the story... Well, if you didn't believe in love before, then Billy Wilder shows you that it really does exist - and that it does not matter who you are and where you come from. Only the moment counts.

Don't make the mistake to ignore this jewel just because it might be a bit older or because you think romantic comedies are just for girls. This movie has everything cinema is about and I thank Billy Wilder for creating it.
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