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Anti American/Western Propaganda (Netflix documentaries are officially fiction)
19 March 2024
I got to episode 4 and had to just give it up. This is blatant agenda pushing/propaganda.

I'm an American who typically votes democrat, but I couldn't handle the agenda pushing.

It spends an inordinate time on American atrocities like CIA overthrowing foreign governments. But spends almost no time on anything Soviet (at least in the episodes i saw)

For example, it lightly touches on Stalin's Gulags, like barely at all. But we get a 10 minute false narrative about the Rosenberg's.

Here's the facts, they weren't innocent at all, literally not an opinion, Julius Rosenberg was a soviet spy, that is a fact you can look up right now.

They brought in his son to talk about how unfair it all was, his father was a literal Soviet Spy, and after their deaths, they were adopted by Communists because the rest of their families didn't want them. Which is tragic, but they are nowhere near unbiased.

After researching the sons, they have spent their whole lives trying to clear the names of their parents. When the documents were released that their father was undoubtedly a soviet spy (I believe this happened in 2008) they switched to just defending the mother.

Another thing that was quite absurd was they played 2 sequences of "mournful music" as it appeared in the Netflix subtitles. One when the Rosenburg's were executed and one when Stalin died. (Huh?)

What got me to stop watching was in episode 4 when the following line was used, "the Russians didn't want to be a military superpower".

After hearing that absurd statement, I realized that this wasn't going to be a fair, factual overlook of the cold war, something I would have loved to see.

It's a shame, because the visuals are excellent. But this isn't worth your time if you're looking for a fair accounting of the Cold War.

After the Cleopatra and Alexander "Documentaries", and now this disaster, these types of dramas is what we can expect from Netflix. Good looking stories, that are full of false information and agenda pushing.
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Cabrini (2024)
Liked it alot as a non religous person
13 March 2024
I'm not religious in any way shape or form, but I really liked this movie.

The sets and the acting were all top notch...watching this made me wonder how Hollywood movies are so expensive, because this looked better than alot of 100 million dollar + movies that I have seen.

It's a great story about someone who simply wants to help other by any means. She's a bulldog and does what she needs to in order to get the job done.

The entire story has religious undertones but it is very much not in your face. She doesn't perform any miracles or anything like that, she just works hard for those she cares about.

Excellent movie from people of all backgrounds.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Unlike most reviews, I watched the whole series. Best Resident Evil yet, but that's a very low bar to clear...
17 July 2022
Pros: The acting of the two young girls is quite good I liked the music a lot (although it's used in a few places it shouldn't be) Pacing is mostly tight I think the time split story telling works quite well Some fun callouts to the games (typewriter, tyrant, etc)

Cons: The story set in the 2030's was pretty much The Walking Dead (that's not a compliment) Zero horror elements (this is an action series, no horror to be found) The teen love drama was unbearable (dude looks like a generic TikTok dancer, and has the acting chops to match) Some terrible editing Way too many zombie movie tropes Not nearly enough "Resident Evil" A lot of holes in the story Plot armor is far too thick (no character in this series has earned plot armor)

A few quick points on the above.

I mentioned earlier that this is the best Resident Evil tv series/movie yet, and it is, but they've got a horrible track record. For those of you who suffered through "Welcome to Racoon City" this is better, Alot better.


This is not Resident Evil, and as horrible as literally everything released by Resident Evil (movies and tv shows) maybe that's not the worst decision. But it's almost too far gone. We're making up characters and storylines here, and none of them are that interesting.

I was particularly upset that there is no horror's a survival horror game series, and they just completely abandoned that premise. No "no don't go down that hallway!" Or "there's something lurking in the shadows!" Nothing, it's an action series

To my next point, it's MOSTLY an action series, the romance thrown in is so bad. I can dig a good love story, but this was nonsense. Zero development, one scene she's ignoring him, the next they are deeply in love.

Now onto the movie tropes...there are 3 they should bury in a deep hole and throw away the key that happen here.

1. The "click click, I'm in, hacker" further comment 2. The zombies that just kinda bump into you and don't bite if you are an important character...This killed the Walking Dead and it happened constantly in this show. Zombies (zeros) crave human flesh, not a awkward prom dance... 3. Wake up face down, unconscious on the float face down, you die.

Along with those tropes. There is just a lot that is "Fast and the Furious" rediculous. The worst being the end of the first episode, where she jumps 30-40 feet down and lands on a metal box in a pit of zombies then is picked up by a stranger...who's there for some reason. Just awful...she didn't even say "I LIVE FOR THIS $&#$!!!" in true Vin Diesel fashion.

There is some entertaining parts, (Lickers, zombie dogs, zombie beasts, etc) but this show isn't anything special. It was good enough that I got through it, but this show doesn't deserve a second season.

My recommendation is to miss this one unless you really love the games (like me), even then , it's no where near must see tv....

You wanna make Resident Evil work? Here you of charge. Listen up Hollywood Execs, Resident Evil 7, set in the Bayou of Louisiana, and it's a horror movie, that's scary and jumpy, DONE. That's how you turn this franchise around on the big screen.
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The fraudulent criminal is the hero
23 June 2022
As a fan of documentaries, I can truly and honestly say, this is the worst, most one sided piece of garbage production I've ever seen. Not an exaggeration. I am talking about episodes 5 and 6.

I should have looked at reviews first...this is truly an insult to good people everywhere.

If you are law abiding citizen, you will hate this. This dude Daniel is a scumbag. No amount of happy piano music with shots of BLM protesters cut with his face will change that.

Dude was a con artist, full stop.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Anchor (2009)
Season 11, Episode 10
Triple murder...not guilty...have we jumped the shark?
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this in 2022. Can you imagine someone killing 3 minority children and blaming it on Fox news AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT!? That's what this episode was... Kill 3 kids and no other defense outside of the TV told me to do it. The verdict was laughable, and im starting to see this show really slipping in quality and starting further from what is plausible in law.
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Mostly good, but the bias is hard to ignore
20 January 2022
Its a foreign made documentary about 9/11 where the u.s. Is the bad guy....that might be a pretty big simplification, but I don't think its unfair.

Very well researched, and as an American myself, its good to be critical. But it really got to the point of being anti American. I mean they are far more critical of the u.s. Than the Taliban in my eyes.

It seems they went out of their way to amplify voices of soldiers who only had very bad things to say. Most Americans know someone who served in Afghanistan, also most will agree it was a bad thing to be involved in. But we still respect them for trying to what they believed was right.. There are far more clips of American soldiers abusing afghans than helping out.

They made a pretty big attempt to humanize the enemy, especially the Guantonamo section...and it just didn't work for me. I really don't care about the fate of the San Diego based terrorist who moved to Yemen who was killed by a Drone. Does anyone besides the people they brought on the show? They completely glossed over who he was, and just used him as an example of American Government "murder".

They largely missed on this, and it was really uncomfortable for me that they even tried.... Americans aren't going to shed tears for terrorists killed or detained. I feel like someone should have really told the producers that...

But the good is that it goes far beyond 9/11, rather it ties in the next 20 years to present day. Its crazy how much of what we are as a country was due to 9/11. You see it every single day, and they did a good job of tying it all together.

Overall, a good documentary that had far too much bias, but still good information presented in a mostly effective way.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Oh how we've missed you Leonardo Dicaprio
25 December 2021
Don't Look Up is a genuinely enjoyable film that touches on very serious issues in a very real way, without being TOO serious

  • Genuinely funny (Jonah Hill is in rare form playing the rich entitled kid, one of his best)

-TERRIFICALLY ACTED, with a film starring Leo and J lawr, you expect the best. And boy do they deliver. Both are absolutely fantastic! Not a poor performance in the show, most supporting characters are great. Meryl S is of course excellent as the Trump-like President)

-Excellent political commentary without being preachy. (So many parallels can be drawn to our current environment. 2 years ago i would've thought the idea of "the meteor is fake activists" would be too hard to believe, but after the last 2 years, what is presented here actually seems likely. People openly questioning the existing of the comet. A great scene is Leo screaming on a tv appearance saying "WE HAVE A G*D DA*N PICTURE OF THE COMET! WHAT OTHER PROOF DO YOU NEED!?" I think we can all relate to that given our own situation of rampant science denial)

-Excellent message (The tendency to put profits over people is the message here, and its timeless

Cons -CGI scenes aren't great

-I thought the Ariana Grande character was poor. (I liked the idea behind her character "we care more about celebrities than the truly important stuff"..but I thought it was more an attempt to fit in another big name star to get an additional demographic. There is actually an extended concert scene and I just felt it was a bit pandering and took away from the seriousness of the film

Overall a very good movie that is a terrific watch.
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Not good but not terrible.
22 December 2021
See it once then never see it again.

Pro's Impressive and unique camera work The alternative history timeline was very interesting Some solid special effects during the war scenes

Cons Up and down acting Villain was very forgettable Couldn't really decide if it was a war movie or a spy movie (war scenes were the best in the film) A forgettable second act Script was bland.
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Arcane (2021–2024)
Never played Leugue of Legends, but this is a much watch for ANYONE
20 November 2021
This series is groundbreaking in every sense of the word. I thought I was just throwing on a show to kill some time, but this is, no hyperbole, one of the greatest television achievements of all time.

Things this series does well:

-Animations: think a beautiful combination of Into The Spider Verse and the best anime you've ever seen.

-World Building: They created TWO unique and equally amazing worlds, I feel like I understand what it would be like to live in Zaun and Piltover

-Music: every single song is a smash. One of my favorite scenes is in episode 1 where we are first introduced to the Undercuts with Bea Millers song playing. Fantastic work

-Writing: Zero flaws, and they had little to work with given the nature of the game, just brief bios.

-Voice acting: All are great. Hailey Steinfeld. Knocks if out of the park with her Vi

-Emotion: They do such a terrific job portraying emotional highs and lows. Especially evident with Powder/Jinx

-Characters: Is there a single character that wasn't fleshed out, that we didn't understand their thought processes? I dont think so. Even minor characters like Marcus, we can relate to his decision

-Ending: this not a Marvel esque "everyone lived happily ever after", nor should it be. The writers are smarter than that, they have created a world where that wouldn't make sense, a real world. No hokie stuff found here.

-Episode Transitions: Go back and watch where each episode cuts off. Top tension without feeling forced. Best job of that ive ever seen by a tv series.

After 20+ years of terrible video game adaptations, they have finally done it. And this is for EVERYONE, not just video gamers, LOL players, everyone should watch this masterpiece!
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Cheesy dialogue, terrible acting, and a nonsense story
7 May 2021
The movie is genuinely awful. I played the games growing up, and as such you don't expect much, just dumb fun, but this is just painful.

List of things wrong with this movie:

No tournament at all, you expect some sort of tournament in a far away world with fights ending in bloody fatalities, but no. Nothing of that sort, just a weird non sensicle war...between like 10 people...for the fate of humanity..

Acting is god awful, especially Sonya and Raiden

The main character was a totally useless storyline, I'm genuinely confused about who he was and why he was in the movie

Cheesy can tell the writers were just falling over themselves to force the lines "GET OVER HERE" , "FLAWLESS VICTORY", AND "FATALATY" into the movie

If you are a fan of the games or the old movie, don't watch this, I'm not a hater, I was really looking forward to this movie. But it is genuinely one of the worst movies I've seen in years.
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Pacific Rim: The Black (2021–2022)
Weak Characters, terrible voice acting, and nonsensical plot
8 March 2021
The decisions made by the characters don't make an ounce of sense. The voice actors are annoying.

I don't know why Netflix can't make a single anime that is of a high caliber...

Miss this one, a 5 in generous.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Didn't expect much, was still well short of expectations
19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The direction is just awful....she goes from happy go lucky girl to willing sex slave in all of 10 minutes.

Terrible acting, terrible story, and one of the worst endings of any movie I've ever seen...the actual end of the movie takes place while the credits are rolling.

It's a hard hard pass, trust me
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Blood of Zeus (2020– )
God of War - The Anime
31 October 2020
It's freaking awesome. Could be a little more character development, but overall a blast to watch
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Mostly enjoyable look into our misery the last 4 years.
1 October 2020
An overall great look at the disastrous 2016 election. It is well filmed and brilliantly acted, especially by Jeff Daniel.

I am not a Democrat or a Republican, and I thought it was a mostly fair portrayal of what went down. I will say that as far as partisanship, it certainly leans left, which will come as a surprise to no one, but it does mainly stick to the fact.

My one partisanship issue I had with it, is it portrays the FBI investigation as the lone reason Trump won the election, which is far from true. It certainly played a role, but if you think back to 4 years, Hilary Clinton was a deeply, deeply unpopular candidate. Additionally, she ran a terrible campaign, completing avoiding campaigning in areas/states that she should have. I believe that had much more to due with her election loss than Comey did, although I don't discount that it played a significant role.


Well acted (especially Jeff Daniels) Mostly accurate (I literally had a laptop with me the whole time fact checking everything) Directing and Cinematography were great Emotional ending that was really well done Presents some interesting ethical dilemma's from both Comey and the Deputy AG. Both making conflicting decisions and having to live with those.


A few useless side storylines (the love story between the two FBI agents was pointless) I thought it overstated how much the FBI investigation affected the outcome of the election. Donald Trump was a little over the top for me, I realize he's a clown, but a little bit too much. I am no fan of him, but they portrayed him to the be the worlds biggest buffoon. Although he is a buffoon, I think it was a tad over the top.

Overall certainly worth everyone's time.

TL:DR Vote Biden
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Mulan (2020)
Shades of Shamalan's the Last Airbender
5 September 2020
To start, if you are expecting a shot by shot remake, you will be disappointed. I think Disney learned their lesson from the terrible Lion King remake.

However this is an entirely different story in every way, and if you know that going in, you will like it better.

As stated in the title, it reminded me of the horrible Last Airbender live action remake...granted, it wasn't THAT bad. But I felt the story didn't need all the changes it had...especially since the main reason people will watch this is due to nostalgia.

To continue, it's long, the characters are very forgettable, and the new additions to the story add nothing.

It's an ok movie, but you will be upset if you pay 30 for it, like really upset...

Pro's: The shooting locations were beautiful Special effects are solid

Con's: Drastically different from the original The acting isn't great (her love interest has a British sounding accent) Some cheesey dialogue The witch character was a total waste, there was potential but it was wasted

Side note, did anyone else think Mulan's father looks just like Xi Xingping? That can't be by accident...

Miss this one
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Parasyte: The Maxim (2014–2015)
Spectacular show that isn't too long or too short
24 July 2020
Everything about this series is wonderful. Watch it!
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Most underrated Anime there is. It's perfection
24 July 2020
Loved this quick 24 episode journey so much. It's a fantastic story about revolution that pulls all the punches.

This show does an amazing job blurring the line between good guys and bad guys. You can see the merits of both in every battle.

This show also does a great job of showing that like in real life, the good guys dont win every battle, and you lose friends along the way in war. There is no plot armor in this series, which is unbelievably refreshing for anime. You go into each battle not knowing who is going to win or lose, whereas in shows like My Hero Academia and Dragonball Z, you know they are going to win, you are just watching to see how.


Excellent fight scenes, maybe the best I've seen Shows the merits of both particpants in the battle Wonderful characters who interact in a engrossing way Spectacular story No plot armor Ends wonderfully


Some of the "breasts bouncing in battle" scenes are a bit much That's it though, it's near perfect in my eyes

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Starts great, goes nowhere, ends with lots of questions
1 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the start of this anime. A kid falsely accused of a crime he didn't commit who now has to live through a Gladitor type of atmosphere for the enjoyment of TV viewers.

That's when it gets bad, they completely leave this storyline. It goes from a cool futuristic Hunger Games/Bloodsport type of thing to a break out of prison storyline.

They quickly add a bunch of secondary characters that have zero development and then kill them off as quick as they are introduced...leaving the viewer feeling nothing.

The whole time you're watching, you're waiting for an awesome show down with the Redman, (Side Note: I'm still not entirely sure who the Redman is) but instead you get two of the worst anime villains I've ever seen, a guitar weilding rocker and a 10 year old girl with a 12 foot sword. It made no sense.

At one point they do a background story of a bear child and a human snake creature who are killed literally 2 seconds after we got their background...were we supposed to develop a connection with them in that 60 second segment?

The series quickly ends with more questions than answers...

Some of the questions I still have:

Who was the Grandpa? What was the point of the Chief Warden's "research"? Who is the Hummingbird? Why did we learn about the brother and sister at all? Why is there a bar in a prison that no guards seem to know or care about? What's the deal with the Earthquake? And I may be stupid, but I still don't know who the Redman is...


enjoyed the Shiro character Some cool gore earlier on A few strong episodes in the first half


horrible villains A whiny main character A massively confusing plot Tons of cliches A hurried ending Tons of unanswered questions
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A travesty, plain and simple
19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure how you screw this one up so badly. The story is gift wrapped to you with a bow on top and this is what you spit out?

It's like they didn't even watch the series, how does a 150 million dollar show get character pronounciation wrong? Uhng? Sooka? Even a 5 year old writing fan fiction would get that one right.

Just a's my pro's and con's


The Princess was hot Some of the drone shots were cool

Con's....oh boy here we go...

Didn't get the character names right (I can't believe I typed that)

Some of the worst acting I've ever seen in a major motion picture. The guy that played "Sooka" should hang up the cleats, it was downright painful

Zero character development...when the Princess died I was just thinking "ok? Why do we care? We don't even know who she is?"

Marital arts was horrible, they just waived their hands in the air randomly and then had water or fire digitally added.

Why were all the bad guys Indian? I mean I realize Shamalan is Indian...but it seemed in bad taste to have "white guys good, brown guys bad" and without exception

Where is this "firebenders need a fire source to bend from" storyline coming from? Luckily for the firebenders, it was always convienentily there when they needed it...

Character were emotionally different...where is hardcore Katara and fun loving Aang? What they put on screen were two entirely different people

Corny scenes: when all the water benders (and firebenders?) Bow to him at the end and say they "have chosen you as their avatar". ???? Do they have a choice or is it a divine calling? It reminded me of the LOTR when everyone bows to the hobbits at the end of the series. The difference being the Hobbits earned it, this imposter "Uhng" did not

Lastly, they actually set it up like there would be another movie...did they really screen this and think this was going to be a trilogy? Lol dead on arrival.

Long story short: watch the TV series
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Spectacular series, good for kids or adults
19 May 2020

Does an amazing job handling real world issues in a positive way. Great characters Superb voice acting Ends extremely well


Watching as an adult, there are a few months that were a little too childish for me Too many filler episodes (Painted Lady, Boiling Rock, Sakka's Master)

I never watched this show as an child, but I am a big fan of Japanese anime and thought I'd give a go. It's a hot take to call it an anime, but it is watched and presented in a very similar fashion.

It tells a very engrossing and captivating story through the eyes of a cast of all young people. It does so in extremely effective way.

It tackles real issues like heart break, war, loss, betrayal, friendship, anger, revenge, etc in a way that appeals to all ages.

I didn't want Aang's journey to end, but they wrapped it up nicely! Really awesome way to spend the quarantine!
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I found the information good, but the delivery was a little scattered
15 May 2020
The ending message of the doc was to become "politically involved" what does that mean? In 2020 it means yelling at anyone that disagrees with you, which accomplishes nothing.

The doc mainly showed the problems of the very real wealth gap, but did almost nothing to explain what needs to be done to fix it.

I was left with a "ok there's a big problem, but now what?"

Left me feeling pretty empty. I think Reich is an incredibly smart person, but this director didn't do him any favors.

Long story short, just read the book.
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The Wretched (2019)
Pretty Good! Better than expected
6 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers

Solid special effects Good twist at the end Nice camera work Nice "what is that in the background" scares Acting not terrible


I think Hollywood has no idea how High School kids actually act, and I'm getting sick of it. The "tough kid who beats everyone up" character needs to be retired A few loose ends in the plot No lasting impact Very closing scene, the one setting up a sequal, was a little lame and reminded me of 80's slashers

Altogether I enjoyed it and I think you might as well watch it if you are a horror buff. 👍
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Great movie, following Your Name closely
4 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I think it's the most beautifully animated anime film I've ever seen. Simply breathtaking.

The soundtrack was fantastic and the acting was great.

My only gripe was how similar it was to Your Name. It's like they said to themselves "Your Name" was a hit, so let's follow that format exactly.

Similarities I saw:

Teenage love 2 different backgrounds, Big city and small town Wise cracking younger sibling The "will they ever see eachother again?" Pause The reunion ending at an older age

Granted I really enjoyed it, but it lacked originality to me. I'll watch the English dub when it comes out.

Still totally worth anyone's time!
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Kingdom: Episode #2.6 (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Ok, getting a little "Ironman" like
15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Lake scene was absurd. Really great series up to this point. Felt like I was watching a Marvel movie, a far cry from the spectacular film making and development of the first 11 episodes.
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What was wrong with the original story?
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Leaving out Scar and King Bradley is unforgivable. That's all I have to say
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