
4 Reviews
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Faith (2022)
Terrible, just plain awful
29 November 2022
Jenny played by Leona Clarke is in labour, her boyfriend is nowhere on the scene so she contacts her alcoholic father played by Frank Jakeman to drive her to hospital, in what is the longest journey on record to rival the Hobbits taking the ring to Mordor and they were on foot.

DB Morgan as writer treats to the most inane awful dialogue, when you can actually hear it, as Director there is poor editing, direction, worse story telling and ham fisted performances that never get better, by the end when the crash happens there are a lot of regrets, mostly by the actors for signing onto this piece of garbage and quite possibly the viewing audience for wasting 70 minutes of their life that they are never getting back.

What was that ghostly character of a woman, was she supposed to be there or randomly showed up and sneaked onto the set with some kind of weird performance art. DB Morgan

Dont be fooled by the apparent awards from little non screening monthly festivals, they are no indication on this shlock, this a definite miss in my opinion.
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Day Shift (2022)
Not amazing
29 September 2022
Watchable but not great Jamie Foxx Action, vampire comedy. Foxx is always very watchable and good. Dave Franco and Snoop Dog make for a great comedic element. The story of a down and out pool cleaner working the "Day Shift" to kill day walking vampires is ok. The action and fighting are laughable but fun to watch. This blends elements from "From Dusk to Dawn", and "frightening Night", as well as some buddy cop films. It passed the time, but not much more.

I thought the bad guy/girl seemed to be smart then did the classic bond trope of leaving the hero to die in an easily escapable situation, then again was better than him but easily beaten.
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Son of Rambow (2007)
amazing story and fun
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I recently took this movie in at the 2007 Sundance film festival and am quite glad that I made the effort to sneak this little gem in. The movie was made by the very talented Garth Jennings of the famed music video production team Hammer and Tongs known for their visionary music videos and previously Hitcherhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Set in an average English town in 1982 the movie revolves around the interesting life of a 12-13 year old boy named Will whose family is part of a strict religious group that prohibits him from having any friends outside the group and strictly forbids him from watchings any TV or Movies. Without these usual sources of childhood entertainment Will finds other ways to pass the time, namely in drawing out his flourishing imagination that he scribbles and doodles all over the pages of his bible. One day Will unexpectedly crosses paths with the school terror Carter who also happens to be an amateur bootlegger at the local movie theater. Will, whose never seen a movie before is caught off guard when at Carters home he sees Rambo playing on the TV, the visuals of the movie explode in Will's imaginative mind and from there on out Will is forever changed. An unlikely friendship begins between Will and Carter as they begin production on Carter's home movie masterpiece, Son of Rambow. The two children begin coming closer before their friendship is tested by a new-wave French exchange student Didier Revolve. As the friendship between Will and Carter begins getting twisted so does his relationship with his family, as the church group starts taking notice of Wills more worldly interests. In the end Will must stay true to himself and the film must go on.

The performances by all the children were exceptional, especially Carter who is the movie's sparkplug and provides comic relief frequently. As well as Didier the french exchange student who is a text book example of how absurd the whole new wave trends of the day were, his appearances are all wildly amusing. The movie also has a fair amount of quirky animations and dream sequences that offer visual pleasures for the eyes and bring childhood doodles to life. The movie is just a brilliant little idea and it plays out so very well in all the settings and the characters are extremely likable in all manners, the movie should play great for almost all ages.
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Awful title - boring and slow.
26 September 2022
I'm sittin here with the knowledge that this film was made for pennies - £4,000, and all I keep thinking is how was none of that money spent on story and bringing in another writer to flesh some of the scenes out.

It all looks cheap as most of the film is in exteriors or small underdressed locations, and the sound is iffy... but this isnt some whacko crazy art house film with some poor photography and awful performances, and it's boring - and OMG it's a lengthy thing, with no moving or emotional parts, and way too much cognitive thinking, hoping the viewer will fill in the blanks.

It's badly executed and boring, did I mention boring a lot like the ghostly woman walking around in the park thinking of her life... it's all so awful that I'm sort of stunned they released it outside the director/writers friends and family.

They surely couldn't have spent so little on the writing?

And if they did, it might have been passable!
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