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This movie is gorgeous and has exelent talent behind it, but it's contemporary roots spoil it's weight.
12 January 2024
For starters, I don't think it's historical accuraccy (Which is already very muddy) should be considered in a review for this movie, rather the movie should be judged by it's artestry and execution alone.

That being said, this movie was GORGEOUS! Almost every frame of this film was a work of art, the costumes, scenery, acting, dialouge was all top notch as espected from the wonderful cast both on and off screen working on this work of art.

Why is it not a 8-10 movie? Well.

My biggest issue with this movie (which is why I give it a 7) was it's choice of music and the way the movie exibited the luxuries of Marie's life. For starters, the choice of music was awful, I felt the contemporary punk-rock choices like "I want candy" when Marie was begining to enduldge in her luxuries was very off place and spoil the magic of this time-piece, also during the second quarter of the movie it felt like the production relied allot on it's awful music choices to push the story forward, laizily pasting montages with this music really took a toll in my opinion of this movie, and for this reason the movie felt allot less elegant till the end.

I'd like to finish on a good note by saying that the begining was flawless and also that towards the end the production relied more on classical music and silence to acompany it's scenes which I felt should have been done from the begining.

TLDR: How can this movie been better?

-Don't use silly contemporary music, rather use classical music (It did not even have to be of the 1800's just not pop and punk rock from the 90's and 2000's.) -Appreciate silence and let the scenes not have as much music, specially with such awful choices for music used at the begining -Instead of poorly executed montages of her clothes eating away at the time, these montages could have been replaced by the cooks making the beautiful food, the architecture and anything else around the gorgeous sets they had to play with.

This movie was amazing to watch and is well worth the time, but it could have been much, much better. Much love and I wish the best for the production and crew in their future projects, they are still very talented, just that they made many poor and un-inspired choices during big parts of this project.
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Exiting and engaging the whole way through!
7 November 2022
I find this movie truly engaging the whole way through. The excellent performances, screen play and production team made a masterpiece of a movie that is deserving of a perfect score.

One of the best traits of the movie is the way they personify the villains through the dialogue. They are not portrayed just "bad guys" but are humans pushed into a corner and are trying to make ends meet.

It's one of those screenplays that shows you things for what they are in a very pure and objective way. Allowing the viewer to question what they'd do in their shoes.

The music selection is perfectly tame, it never pushes scenes forward they simply underline the moods in very subtle ways. In some instances the use of pure silence causes some very impactful moments without the need of a "wow this just happened" sound effect/music movies often use. Truly a breath of fresh air. This movie will be relevant for many generations to come.
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
When mom says: "We have Walking Dead at home"
8 August 2022
Z Nation is an good show. It's pretty fun to watch and it does it's job of entertaining the viewer, but if you are someone who loves depth and rich emotional rollercoasters in your media this is not for you. The show is just... good, it has a good cast with good visuals and fun to watch action, but the story does not stand out in anyway, it's quite mediocre. The writers did not take much risks with this show and nothing makes it stand out from other Zombie shows and movies other than it's visual production skill and budget.
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The Eric Andre Show (2012– )
Extremely funny and clever.
7 August 2022
This show stands out in the already elite Adult Swim line up for it's impressively random and funny directions. To say it's "random" is an understatement since the ideas for pranks, questions and stunts are impressively creative and unique. I can't think of anyone who would not like this masterpiece of a show.
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South Park (1997– )
Not as funny as it was before 2020 but a great show nonetheless
7 August 2022
These latest seasons have been pretty superficial, it feels like they really lost something along the way, episodes used to not just be funny but at times quite deep and emotional. Hopefully the writers jump start their writing again, i'm still a fan but South Park used to be way better.
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Brickleberry (2012–2015)
I really, really, really dislike this show.
7 August 2022
Poorly written jokes tied together with the most ridiculously uninteresting plots. I could not watch this high or sober, definitely the worst animated show ever.
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It's a cliché teen movie but a very beautiful one
7 August 2022
This movie really sets itself apart from others in the genre, though it is full of clichés the execution from start is brilliant and quite poetic. I found the story very heart warming. I highly recommend anyone into the "coming of age" and or "teen romance" genres to watch this movie.
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