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Not to be taken seriously
18 July 2022
Love and Thunder is as enjoyable as its predecessor Ragnarok, but hammers away at humor to the point where the more serious aspects of the film feel like the break. This film is not meant to be taken seriously, and in many ways it makes fun of the superhero genre by further highlighting the already exaggerated and ridiculous nature of them. However, considering the serious topics the film revolves around, some may find the humor to be tasteless.
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The Quarry (2022 Video Game)
A Successor to Until Dawn?
17 June 2022
The Quarry is Supermassive Game's most recent outing into the Horror genre. This time we follow a group of camp counselors as they navigate the dangers of the night at Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp.

The game in many ways feels like a sequel and successor to Supermassive's hit game 'Until Dawn', following the formula of a group of Teenagers surviving a Horror scenario as they await the safety of sunlight to end the torments of the night.

Supermassive shows us improvements with more realistic graphics for both its characters and environments, and adds large open areas for us to explore and admire the views of virtual nature. The game also has a large amount of accessibility options that provides players of all skill levels to immerse themselves in its story, and the cast is the most diverse of all the games we've seen from Supermassive thus far.

However, the game unfortunately suffers from even more dumbed down characters that feel irrelevant after their first potential deaths, and an unsatisfactory conclusion that can make you feel like you're stuck in a Horror movie yourself. It's also worth noting that Supermassive made a lot of promises about the game that never came into fruition, which makes the game feel rushed and largely incomplete.

Its saving grace is the sheer variety in story-branching, as there are over a hundred different endings, and every character has unique scenes that depend on the previous choices you've made.
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A disappointing start to an international franchise
24 May 2022
UK vs The World sounds promising at first; international queens from various parts of the Drag Race franchise competing with one another in All Stars fashion, and whilst the queens were enjoyable as usual, the season suffers from a lot of the same problems Drag Race seasons suffer from - questionable judging, forced narratives and, something that the normal All Stars seasons veered away from for good reason, a competition format that encourages the queens to eliminate the best competitors, which only lessens the quality of the series.
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Dune (2021)
Boring but artistic
24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dune introduces the audience to an interesting futuristic world that feels akin to sci-fi films from the late 1900s and early 2000s. Hans Zimmer composes an ethereal soundtrack that elicits nostalgia of classic sci-fi, and the visuals throughout the film create a beautiful and realistic-looking atmosphere. Though part of what breaks immersion is the blandness and emptiness of this entire world. The story focuses on several factions that are offered up as advanced societies, yet seem to be in the brink of extinction with how few of them there are.

However, where Dune falls flat is both in its narrative and character development. In two and a half hours, the narrative barely progresses, and it makes a large chunk of the film feel like unnecessary filler - that may change with its sequels, but as a standalone film, its a slog to go through. Because of the way the characters are acted, they feel (I assume intentionally so) devoid of emotion, which feels alienating as an audience member attempting to relate to and understand a character's motivations.
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A budget version of Beauty and the Beast
24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
2008's The Incredible Hulk feels like a more mature but lower quality adaptation of Beauty an the Beast.

The first half of the film feels more engaging than its latter half. We explore Bruce Banner as he struggles with his emotional management issues relating to the Hulk, and it feels like a film about self-exploration, and then we transition to what feels like a big narrative and tonal shift halfway through the film.

The latter half of the film then delves into generic superhero narrative territory, with Bruce Banner facing an antagonist that parallels him, and a big CGI-fest where Bruce gives in to his inner monster.
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Fun but cringy
24 May 2022
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers feels like a spiritual successor for Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It blends 3D animation with live-action visuals, with aspects of 2D and puppeteering.

The best part of the film is its large amount of cameos and references to various pop culture franchises, but the movie can be a bit of a struggle to get through due to how much of its humor fails to land and how weak its narrative feels.
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Dead by Daylight (2016 Video Game)
Decent game, not so decent community
23 May 2022
Dead By Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game that allows you to either play as one of four survivors working to repair generators to escape a place of nightmares, or as the killer hunting down those survivors.

The game overall is very enjoyable when playing as both a survivor and a killer. There are a good variety of unique characters, especially when it comes to killers, and just as much variety when it comes to locations and perks each character can use.

However, the game is not very new player friendly. The matchmaking system, like with most PvPs, has its flaws and can lead new players to face off against experienced players, and this is where the game's main problems shine. As a new player, each survivor starts off only able to use a very limited number of perks at their weakest state, the same goes for killers, making it especially more difficult for new players to be on the same play field as veteran players. On top of that, progression is extremely slow, and much of the game's content is stuck behind pay-walls - most survivors and killers, and thus their perks are locked unless you purchase them individually, this also applies to cosmetics for all characters.

Perhaps the least enjoyable part of the game is its repetitive nature. Every game is the same, the killer hunting down four survivors and the four survivors working together to get generators completed so they can escape. There is little variation in the gameplay which can quickly bore players.

The best part of the game is how well it recreates the atmosphere of the Horror genre. The locations, killers, and use of sound and lighting, help create a spine-chilling atmosphere that makes you feel like you're apart of a Horror film. The game has also been working more to create intriguing lore for each of their characters, but this is more of an optional experience that requires a lot of effort from the player's end to be able to discover. And on the other side, playing as a killer is really fun, at least until the toxic playerbase comes to play.

Unfortunately, like most PvPs, people simply can't enjoy this game without sending you mockery and threats, especially if you're a minority.
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Overwatch (2016 Video Game)
A fun game without much content
23 May 2022
Overwatch is an entertaining and captivating PvP game that has an interesting and diverse cast of characters in an intriguing world, but fails to actually incorporating any narratives into the game.

Whilst it is very enjoyable to play, the game suffers from a lack of balance within the large cast of characters, a poor match-making system and an unfortunately toxic community both in and outside of the competitive scene.

The worst aspects of Overwatch is what it lacks. There is no proper progression system where you are properly rewarded for playing the game - instead you play several matches at a time to level up and receive a lootbox, which may or may not reward you with anything that feels rewarding (most of the time it does not). Even with its competitive scene rewarding unique currency, it is a grind to obtain and can only be used to unlock the same golden variation of each character's weapons.

The best aspect of Overwatch is, or perhaps it is better to say *was* it's frequent content drops, which included new cosmetics, maps, characters and events that kept the game fresh and enjoyable at least for a limited time. However, now the game has been barren of any real content for years and this only further highlights the flaws with the game.
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An absolute bargain!
23 May 2022
This is not a singular game, but a collection of most of the Kingdom Hearts franchise prior to its conclusion of the "Dark Seeker Saga" with Kingdom Hearts 3.

The collection offers you some of the most enjoyable games of the franchise, from the first installment and original Kingdom Hearts, to the most critically acclaimed Kingdom Hearts 2. The collection offers a way for new and old players alike to experience the magic that is the Kingdom Hearts series.

In addition, the collection includes the Final Mix version for Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, providing a more definitive experience packed with a tonne of additional content previously exclusive to their Japanese releases. The game also includes Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, a console port of a GBA title that provides a unique take on the card-battle genre. Finally, the DS games Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded are packaged as movies you can enjoy as a break between the games, providing you additional lore and context to the overarching narratives of the series.

This collection has value like no other. You get four quality games and two movies in this memorable journey of a game.
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A love letter to Kingdom Hearts music
23 May 2022
Melody of Memory is a homage to the magical music crafted by Yoko Shimomura, which pays homage to the many beloved Disney and Pixar films that appear across the series. The music is now combined with rhythm-based game-play that is both enjoyable and difficult.

To a novice in the realm of rhythm games, it was very easy to get into the game-play loop, and simply playing the game felt rewarding due to the beautiful soundtrack and imagery that accompanied every level. As a veteran Kingdom Hearts player, I was also hit with frequent feelings of nostalgia, reminding me of my first experience with this amazing franchise.

This game even features a multiplayer mode, which is rather unpolished compared to typical co-op settings, but provides additional enjoyment after completion of the game. And as with every Kingdom Hearts entry, simply playing the game rewards you with a progression of the narrative, giving us insight of what to expect for the much awaited Kingdom Hearts 4.
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The most disliked Dragon Age character
23 May 2022
This DLC adds possibly the most disliked companion in the Dragon Age Series. Sebastian provides a new perspective for the game, being the only character who is apart of the game's Chantry, which has a pivotal role in the game's narrative and overarching conflict. His character also provides some additional depth to some aspects of the game's third act. However, Sebastian's addition feels poorly executed as he is largely irrelevant to many of the subplots and even main story missions, as he fails to provide additional dialogue compared to other characters, and furthermore, his romance is also the least interesting and fulfilling, if you can even call it a romance. The worst part of this DLC is how late you receive this character, which isn't until act 2, long after you've recruited all the base game characters, and as he is the second archer for your team, his combat viability is largely nullified.
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A decent side adventure
23 May 2022
Mark of the Assassin introduces an interesting new companion, and allows you to explore a new location with a rather fun narrative, with a few references to Origins. Although it suffers from being largely forgettable and irrelevant, but at least offers new much needed enemies to fight.
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Dragon Age II (2011 Video Game)
A hidden gem
23 May 2022
A truly underrated sequel to the wonder that was Dragon Age: Origins. Although I do agree that the game fails to match up with its predecessor in many ways - from player choice practically being ignored to reusing many areas and enemies, the game still manages to be a thoroughly immersing and enjoyable experience.

Although Hawke, the game's protagonist cannot be as well-defined as the protagonist in Origins, having a definitive background allows Hawke to be have the most personal storyline, as opposed to being isolated from the narrative as a savior archetype. Not only that, but Hawke themselves is a very personable character, whose personality can be defined and redefined by the dialogue choices you make, which do have some impact in dialogue and subplots.

Furthermore, restricting the game to a singular location allows you to have a more personable experience with the location, as opposed to simply stopping by for a few hours to save everyone, you experience what life is in Thedas, and you see how the narrative in the world around you progresses.

The narrative, although being my least favorite aspect of this game, especially due to the game's third act and how it handles the overarching conflict, still manages to be immersive - out of every Dragon Age game and DLC, this is the only game that has made me legitimately cry because the game managed to make me care about its more minor characters.

The gameplay is also the most enjoyable in the series. Some do not enjoy the more fast-paced and action packed change of style, but it personally made the game's combat more enjoyable for me - Dragon Age is partially notorious for having rather bland gameplay, and Dragon Age: II provides the most enjoyable combat experience.

Finally, the characters are what truly make this game my favorite of the series. Not only are there practically no restrictions of who you can romance - a win for player-choice and homosexual gamers, but your relationship with the characters is more three-dimensional, as you can either be a friend or a rival to them, and in both instances you can romance the character, leading to a lovey dovey romance, or a toxic relationship. The best part about the new relationship system is how rivalries might actually be better for those characters, as friendships often enable them to do dangerous things, whilst rivalries can prompt a change in perspective.

Dragon Age: II is truly an underrated gem, despite all of its flaws, much like Origins was despite its flaws.
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Lazy but important
23 May 2022
The most disappointing part of this DLC is how it recycles so many areas and enemies, and in spite of that, resources weren't used to try to make the narrative any more interesting. Though this DLC still proves to a pivotal part of Origins' narrative, and could be touted as the game's true ending, and it involves one of the best characters in the game.
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The best Dragon Age companion
23 May 2022
I'm not simply giving this DLC a 10 because it's free, but the character that is primary focus of the DLC is arguably one of the best companions in the series, and compared to how other games handle their paid DLC companions, Origin's free DLC companion actually receives the same depth as the base game's characters, complete with their own unique equipment, dialogue tree, abilities and subplot, and the character even has significant ties to the narrative.
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A bit of a boring song
23 May 2022
This DLC provides a decent exploration into the past of one of Origin's most beloved characters. Though, like most of Origin's add-on content, this DLC feels largely forgettable and irrelevant, from having bland characters, to a boring narrative, and such a short experience that it would have been more efficient to read the synopsis on the game's Wiki.
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A decent "What If?" scenario
23 May 2022
Darkspawn Chronicles is another largely forgettable and irrelevant expansion to Origins, though the DLC does provide an intriguing take on an alternative timeline where the protagonist of Origins never existed, and there is some fun to be had in playing against the enemies you fought.
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It exists
23 May 2022
A wonderful DLC for those who enjoy a difficult gameplay experience, but largely forgettable and irrelevant.

It explores some lore regarding the Dwarves and introduces us to some largely uninteresting characters.

There's honestly not a lot to say about this DLC. It feels like a hard mode given a price point.
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A step down from Origins
23 May 2022
The most impressive aspect of Origin's Awakening DLC is its length. Whilst I would agree with general consensus of this being one of the best game DLCs, and how a DLC is done correctly, Awakening itself fails to match up to Origins in terms of quality.

From a interesting, though largely forgettable narrative, to hardly memorable locations, Awakening just feels like a rushed version of Origins without its deeper nuances, impactful decision-making or immersive subplots. I would give the DLC's narrative more props, but the story elements introduced here are largely ignored by the following games, in fact, most of what occurs in Awakening is almost treated like it's not canonical, making the experience less enjoyable the second time around.

Though where the story does shine is its introduction of new interesting and enjoyable characters, lore and world-building, though none feel like they live up to the experience in Origins.
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Dragon Age: Origins (2009 Video Game)
A Masterpiece in Gaming (Except on Console)
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dragon Age: Origins is an example of how to do an RPG right. From its great focus on highlighting player choice, to the amazing world-building used to construct the world of Thedas.

You have the ability to choose your own origin story, which not only makes the first few hours of the game unique, but different origins have different relationships to the overarching narrative and sub-plots, and furthermore, every decision you make truly feels like it has an impact - you can secure the best ending for a minor NPC, kill everyone in your path, and even have an orgy with your companions.

Speaking of companions, Dragon Age: Origins has a great cast of characters, many of which are entirely optional for you to recruit, and many of which can also die by your own hand. The best thing about these companions is that they are their own characters, if you make a decision that goes against their beliefs, they will turn on you.

Another thing Origins does well, which its successors fail to do, is to create an immersive world full of live. The game features many destinations from the underground kingdom of the Dwarves, to the forests the Elves reside in. The world is large but is not simply littered by empty space, it is filled with unique enemies, narratives, characters and lore to explore.

One of the less praiseworthy elements of Origins is that it follows the cliche "chosen one" trope, yet still achieves to make it an enjoyable experience, even if you have seen it time and again. The darker aspects of Origin's narrative is what sets it apart from its successors, highlighting themes of sexism, racism, and classism that many modern games shy away from portraying, and as your own protagonist can be at the receiving end of these issues, it makes for a more personable experience that helps you gain empathy for the people who suffer from such injustices in reality.

The reason I did not give Origins a 10, or even a 9 is for two reasons:

1) The combat, while adored by many, is not the immersive experience in this game, especially so on a PlayStation 3 where you are more limited with what abilities you can quickly use. Overall the combat feels sluggish and lacks depth in some areas, though makes up for it with depth in other areas.

2) The primary reason I cannot give the PlayStation 3 version of Origins a higher score is because the game is filled with a plethora of bugs - from crashing, graphical glitches and quest progression bugs, to conflict with DLC to the point where some characters do not appear where they should.

Overall, I highly recommend anyone who can, to play Dragon Age: Origins at least once fully, but if you can, I highly suggest playing on a PC over a PS3.
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Moon Knight (2022)
A step in the right direction for Marvel Studios
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Marvel Studios' Moon Knight is it's most impressive television project to date.

Mohammed Diab and co. Did an amazing job portraying a complex character and delving into Egyptian mythology. The score, characters and setting let you know that this a story focusing on Egyptian culture and highlighting the many beautiful and mystical aspects of it.

Oscar Isaac is the standout, showing his Juilliard training in full force as he manages to instantly and believably change into various characters, each feeling like a different actor is portraying them. He also does a tremendous job in expressing the trauma that come with mental illness.

The series also succeeds in the ways that comic book films and series usually fail, and that is in the depiction of mental health. Marc Spector is a unique character in that he deals with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and although the series still delves into problematic and exaggerated depictions of mental illness, it is among the better half that succeeds in highlighting the complexity and trauma that come with mental illness.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
I finally feel seen!
23 May 2022
As a queer person, Heartstopper was the first time I ever felt seen or represented by film or television.

Heartstopper is a wholesome story about a budding love between two boys in highschool, and Alice Oseman perfectly captured the queer experience of youth in the modern day - from the butterflies of falling for your first crushes, the pain of finding out your first love was not meant for you, to the Depression and Anxiety that comes with harboring an identity that is largely unaccepted in society, and how the mental illness you garner from traumatic experiences negatively impacts your perspective of yourself and your relationships with others.

The series has fittingly queer music that melds well with every moment of the show. The artistry of using hand drawn animation hearkens back to the graphic novels, and highlight the passion the people working on this series have for the story of the comics, and it amplifies the series' wholesomeness.

Heartstopper finally gives us a wholesome queer experience that also manages to deal well with the complexities of existing outside of the heternormative sphere of larger society. It will make you cry, cheer, angry, laugh and feel more hopeful about the future of queer entertainment.
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Black Widow (2021)
I thought this was a Natasha movie
23 May 2022
Whilst I am glad the MCU has finally given its first female superhero her own solo film, Natasha Romanoff does not feel like the main character in her own story.

The film does a nice job delving into Natasha as a character, but only provides glimpses of her background - one that acts as social commentary for child trafficking, an aspect of the film brought up during the intro sequence but is otherwise largely ignored for the rest of the film. One of the bigger problems that seem consistent across all Marvel Studios productions, is how they add humor inappropriately during points of the film where it tries to deal with serious topics. In Black Widow, a saving grace is that the comedy was fairly enjoyable.

Black Widow also suffers from Marvel Studios' villain problem, where its primary antagonists are barely characters and more so plot points that exist for a conflict to occur. We learn very little about Natasha's rivals and they ultimately felt like unnecessary and uninteresting additions to the MCU.

The best aspect of the film to me was the cast. Scarlett Johansson reprises her role as Natasha Romanoff and does an excellent job in the role as usual. Joining her are Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, and David Harbour who make up the most enjoyable and heartfelt moments in the film.
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Iron Man (2008)
Generic but enjoyable
23 May 2022
Iron Man is the first film of what is now widely known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is action-packed, humorous but solidified the aspects of what would quickly be framed as the "generic comic-book film" - with an antagonist that parallels the main protagonist, but is significantly less interesting and developed, a three act structure that ends with a big CGI battle, comedy inserted into inappropriate moments, and a surface level commentary of society, and a lack of any real diversity.

Tony Stark is the best part of the film, all thanks to Robert Downey Junior's insatiable charisma, thus in spite of Tony being a largely unlikeable character, Robert's ooze of charm makes it difficult not to like him.
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A pretty small Multiverse
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first foray into the Horror genre on the big screen. In most ways it manages to deliver to an artistic dive into the human psyche, and highlights new terrifying depictions of familiar fan favorite characters. It truly feels like a Sam Raimi film, but it unfortunately fails to deliver on its promise of exploring the multiverse, only really providing us with what feels like a taste of what is to come.

Elizabeth Olsen reprises her role as Wanda Maximoff and shows off her acting capabilities, simultaneously showing us the loving character we fell in love with and a more antagonistic and monstrous side of her. She feels like the true star of the film, leaving Benedict Cumberbatch's Stephen Strange to take a back seat and unfortunately become one of the least intriguing aspects of the film.

One other shortfall of the film is its lack of explaining important aspects of how the multiverse and Darkhold work - diehard fans are rewarded with knowledge obtained from watching hundreds of hours of MCU content, but the general audience is left with more questions than answers.
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