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MDK 2 (2000 Video Game)
One of the best action games of the last decade.
23 January 2004
Featuring an unique gameplay system, and goofy humour, MDK 2, the sequel to 1997's MDK (Murder Death Kill), definitely carries the player through hours of great fun. Starting out as Kurt Hectic, dr Hawkins' janitor, armed with a minigun and a sniper ability, you mindlessly shoot your way throughout the level, only to be replaced in the second level by Max, doc's faithful six-legged canine. Now this is a nice twist...Being able to shoot with 4(four) UZI's at a time!!! O_o...Continuing the game, you eventually get to play as dr Hawkins himself, this parts being the most intelligent ones of the game, also bringing a nice twist to the otherwise basic "kill 'em all" gameplay.("An atomic toaster! By Jove, now we're cooking!!!") From here on, it's all up to you. Saving the world from the mean Shwing Shwang and his hordes of interesting designed (but otherwise stupid) aliens, dodging asteroids while traveling in a torpedo, makin' atomic toast, or simply sniping those goddamn shooting orbs, whatever you do, this game manages to keep your interest up. Definitely, 9 out of 10 stars.
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Who needs magic? H&K P95C does a better job.
21 January 2003
I first played this game in the summer of 2002.Until then I only played fantasy type RPG-s.I never knew what I've missed.The first time I played it I was struck by the complexity of the character creation system.I said to myself "Maybe this could be something cool , even though it's from 1998." Then I started playing.YuK!!! I said out loud. The GFX were a little....dated... to put it nicely.But I said "What the heck! I paid for it , might as well see what's it about." (I was a little intrigued by the intros too...Remember the one with the Enclave Doodz?) And so,a little later, came the first level up...I tell you,I didn't know where to allocate my skill points first.Hmm...Let's see...aha! lockpick...2 points...NO WAIT!! I won't have enough points for the Doctor skill(and I suppose I'll need that later) I have plenty of points left but I have to think about the weapons skills...Hmm...Heavy or medium? Wait a minute... you can use a Bazooka in this game? And so , intrigued by this , I continued playing. I wasn't sorry. Well...all I can tell you is that in about 48 hours I slept only 3 or 4 hours and in these 48 hours I only ate a couple of slices of bread and drank a glass of water.That's what Fallout 2 did to me.And I wasn't sorry.Despite the old graphics and the bugs that made the game a little cumbersome,everything was perfect!I didn't play Fallout , but Fallout 2 is for me the best game I ever played. Maybe some time in the future I'll get my hands on Fallout - the original game and have "Another 48 hours" , but until then , let's talk a little about the game. One thing that stroke me from the first hours of play was the "Good or Evil" system based on your reputation.I finished the game as a "Goody goody two shoes" fella and then started it and did only evil and uncool stuff. It was a tottally different experience. Should I talk about the non-linearity and the freedom of movement?If Fallout 2 would be famous for two things, then these should be those things. Voice acting is only technical but I tell you , It beats by far nowadays games. And there's always the humor. There are some quotees that will always ring in my head."Gun , meet Enemy.Enemy, meet Gun!" or "Hope you got hip waders , 'cause we're about to walk in some serious sh*t!".

Overall Fallout 2 is a game like I've never seen before and like I don'think I'll see too soon. Play it. You must if you call yourself a gamer.
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The best film I have seen so far this year.
17 May 2002
Like I said,one of the best titles I have seen this year. Why? Why not "Harry Potter"? I don't know...It might just be that feeling I got when the first scenes ran in front of my eyes...It might just be the visual effects far superior to the ones from "Harry Potter".Just as well it might be the mood it creates... "Harry Potter" is more like a film for kids if you ask me.Now don't get me wrong,I don't mean to say that "Harry..." is uncool or something like that.No,it's a pretty good movie,but it just didn't leave me that feeling I had after I saw "Lord of the rings". "The Fellowship of the Ring" is more mature,it adresses not only to kids,but also to adults.The feelings depicted by the characters are more complex,the adventures they have are more dangerous... I could go on forever you know,but I think that I'm starting to bore you stiff,so,I'll just put a sock in it for now. However,if I would ever be forced to choose between "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and "Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring" I would choose the second any day.
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The best show I've seen on cartoon network so far.
15 May 2002
This is the coolest cartoon series I've ever watched.I seen the first episodes in 1995.It was rad.I fell in love with the damn thing.At the time it was the best animated series airing on CN...and I think that 'till today they haven't showed anything so well done. Anyway,a few "ears" later some "eediot"(I don't give names,I think you know very well who am I talking about)decided that the show was too violent or something like that and canceled it. Wake up fellas!!!Put it back on!! What the hell are we , the SK fans supposed to watch?The Powerpuff Girls??.....
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Alone in the Dark (1992 Video Game)
The game that started it all.
10 May 2002
This game started a revolution when it showed its ugly head on the gaming market,in 1993.A revolution carried on by the not so good sequel,"Alone in the dark 2" which appeared one year later and the amazing "Resident Evil" series.Although the weird 3-rd person engine and the cumbersome controls made it feel a little strange , the game was a blast.It was probably the first game that could really immerse you in a truly scary atmosphere. Taking place in a haunted mansion , it might have not seemed so original as a story at the time , when the market was flooded with that kind of stuff(maybe some of you doodz remember "The Legacy" from Microprose).The only difference about this game was that it had 3D graphics.That was enough.The rest just came along.Shooting zombies,avoiding ghosts,fighting evil and trying to escape from the was super.Today,if you take a look at the horrible graphics you might just wanna scream.But hey,it was 1993!After I played the game NOTHING absolutely NOTHING felt the same.You may call me an idiot,crazy or anything else but I tell you this:A true gamer has a corner in his heart in which he/she keeps a memory of the times when he or she was trapped Alone In the Dark...
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