
8 Reviews
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A Teacher (2020)
Interesting Point of View
9 April 2021
I really liked this show. But, in complete opposition of most of the reviewers here, my favorite episode was the last one.

I feel like a lot of people missed the whole point of the mini-series, which was the last episode. The consequences. The reality. What is left when the storm passes and the cameras leave the room.

It would be easy to go for a happy ending, or even bittersweet. This was like a punch in the stomach, well deserved and realistic.

I don't think it matters whether or not she should've gone to jail, or what's the age of consent, or if you're European or not (I'm European and this show didn't bother me a bit - It's called context, people). It wasn't about the law. It was about the consequences of your actions and the fact that he was just a kid and she was an adult in a position of power. He was allowed to have a crush on a teacher - She should have known better.
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Tell Me a Story (2018– )
I almost gave up on this show. Glad I didn't.
16 February 2021
I saw the first 2 episodes and even though they were quite intense, I thought it wasn't going anywhere, that this all seemed very far fetched to compare it with modern fairytales... So I stopped watching it. But wait for it. I started to watch it again in the background, while I was cooking, but then it caught my attention again. It goes to another level. Seriously. This show really surprised me, looking forward to the next season.
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Terrible movie, but OK social criticism (if that was the point)
28 October 2018
I love Ana Vitória, the songs, and the lyrics... Well, I love the first album. The second one not so much. That's why I was so excited to see this movie (well, excited may be a strong word! I was intrigued. I'm excited about bohemian rhapsody. anyways...) The acting was dreadful. I mean, I wasn't expecting much from both of them, they are singers and musicians and they're great at it. but did everyone at this movie had to be so bad at it? That includes the playback scenes - which you would assume would be OK since it's a sort of, but musical. Well, think again. Even the playback fell short to say the least. I was sad they picked (my) least favorite songs. Maybe the movie was made to promote their last album which didn't have as much success as the previous... Whichever the reason, if you are going to watch this movie bear your expectations low. What I found interesting about it was the portrayal of youth today. Social media, fleeting relationships and unfocused priorities when it comes to partners and life decisions. And it seems like everyone is lost... Are we? (Ana & vitória, ainda amo o vosso primeiro álbum!!! Lindo)
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Full of Heart, Full of Comedy
11 October 2018
I did not see this movie coming. At all. The trailer did not spoil anything for once, and to be honest I had no idea what I was going in for - And I recommend you do the same. Don't read too many reviews, or catch any spoilers. Just go for it and let it move you. I didn't expect to laugh so hard I was grabbing my stomach, or almost starting to cry the next moment. Movies are all about this: Feeling. Bad, good, mixed feelings. And this movie definitely hit them all at one time or another. Sam Neill is amazing and so is the kid. Thank you for this. It was a real treat!
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Dollhouse (2009–2010)
Pure Joss Whedon
2 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When this show was created, (Almost!) 10 years ago, I was defintely looking forward to it. After following religiously others of Joss' shows (Buffy, Firefly), I couldn't wait to see what was coming next. And I was definitely not disappointed.

Dollhouse surprised me then, with its mastery over the human psych, its treatment and development of characters and it surprised me now, when I rewatched it in 2018 and found it to be as insightful as it once did. Sure, the technology seems almost outdated, due to the rapid changes on the landscape, but the terrifying predicitions seem only closer this time around, and I would say, more real. The many loops and twists were still amazing to watch (even if I still remembered some of them partially) and it is refreshing to rewatch such a clever show.

Should you watch this show? Yes, definitely, but especially if you: - Sometimes wonder where this technological advances are leading us; - Don't mind watching a show for the glory of its years (eg.: Watching Star Wars and remembering which technology was available at the time and not complaining how lame the computer graphics are); - Love Joss Whedon and want to capture its essence with the female-dominant hero, intelligent humor, different perspectives on the same situations, and grey scenarios and villains.

I also wanted to add that one of the things that I particularly enjoy in this show is exactly what Joss intended to do: It makes people nervous and it makes them hot and bothered even if sometimes they can't quite figure out why (well, in this show, many times you can clearly pinpoint why - My brain quickly travels to the SM outfit). It is also interesting that maybe nowadays, with the hollywood-ish climate on women being treated differently and abuse, this show could never have existed, at all.

And what a shame that would be.
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Man Up (I) (2015)
Quite a lovely one
22 September 2015
My advice? Watch it? nd don't watch the trailer, there is no need

I wasn't expecting a typical American comedy, since I usually appreciate Simon Pegg's work. But I wasn't expecting to enjoy it this much. It seemed to me like a romantic movie but realistic in many ways - Including the fact that the actors are not typically young and gorgeous from every angle - They are beautiful yes, in their own authentic way, much like their characters I think.

And of course it's a cliché film in many ways, but still made me smile and laugh out loud many times. I will recommend to my friends who appreciate quality cinema. It's one of the good ones!
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Galavant (2015–2016)
Well, I liked it!
5 January 2015
So, I just finished the first two episodes. I did not feel like turning off the screen like others mentioned. It definitely won't be a show for everyone - Probably will be canceled, like so many others - But I will watch it until it isn't!

I like the humor of the show. What can I say? Reminded me a bit of the Princess Bride's, if it were a musical ( am sorry if anyone feels offended by this) . I did like the last song of the second episode. I guess it's growing on me (also). In fact, I laughed out loud during several moments of the second episode, so I keep looking forward to the next one.

Also, the actors are funny and charming. What the hell - Let's give it a shot, shall we?

(And I can't BELIEVE that not everyone perceived this like a musical COMEDY)
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Parenthood (2010–2015)
Beautiful show
4 January 2015
I have to say, I decided to check this show out because I was a big fan of Gilmore Girls and I missed having a "family" drama on my show list. I guess I found it! I found actually Lauren Graham's character very similar to the the one she played in Gilmore Girls' - Which is not a complaint. I missed having her on my screen. Anyway, it took me one month to go through 5 complete seasons of Parenthood and I don't regret a second of it. These are real, diverse characters who realistically mess up all the time. Some more likable than others, but then again, so are normal people. Even while realizing that maybe the 4th and 5th seasons were not as good as the first three, I always look forward to watching the next episode because I want to know what's going to happen next with the Braverman. The soundtrack of the show is also to blame - The right songs for the right moments,causing the right emotions. This show made me laugh and made me cry. Like, tears streaming down my face. Try it out! You won't regret it. Thanks, Bravermans!
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