
13 Reviews
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Easily worst (and shortest) Call of Duty campaign ever
14 November 2023
I have played almost every Call of Duty game in the franchise starting from the first Call of Duty and later the United Offensive expansion.

Some have been better than others with regards to story, imagination and implementation, and when Call of duty 4: Modern Warfare was released it was a new experience as they were trying to cater to realism as you learned about Soap and Captain Price from the legendary SAS, and Sgt. Jackson U. S. Marine.

Modern Warfare evolved throughout the next two releases and after remastered versions we eventually saw the reboot of Task Force 141 in 2019.

In this reboot we got an amazing campaign that included the legendary level "Clean House" which is about as real as it gets according to ex. SAS highest ranking soldier Mark "Billy" Billingham and we could only dream what the next instalment would bring?

Modern Warfare 2 was ok but it didn't try to bring the realism that "Clean House" did, and I personally disliked the story with the new Shepard and Phillip Graves, but we got Simon "Ghost" Riley so it was something, but as the campaign progressed it turned more into an arcade game sadly...

Surprisingly Modern Warfare 3 was announced when we expected a DLC to MW2, but if they had put in the time and resources none would be happier than us gamers - but boy were we in for a surprise... In order to save time and money (my opinion) they decided to pick some multiplayer maps, with bots, and throw us players into a all-guns-blazing solo missions that replaced realism and tactics with power-ups and well lit arcade areas that nobody wanted! You could easily finish the whole campaign in under three hours?! If it had been the DLC we expected things wouldn't be so bad, but we had to pay full price for this mess.

Why even bother making a campaign when you're going to put close to zero effort into it compared to the excellent levels in Modern Warfare 2019?!

This is by far the biggest disappointment in the Call of Duty franchise - including Black Ops 3, which led to Black Ops 4 didn't get a single player campaign at all, but Modern Warfare is ALL about the story and the multiplayer was something to do afterwards if you felt like it.

This campaign was such a let down and the only positive thing was that it was so short that I could finish it and still get a refund on Steam!

I hope the negative criticism has some effect otherwise single player campaigns are yet again a dying breed...
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Uncharted (2022)
"How to butcher one of the best game series out there..."
3 May 2022
I've been a massive fan of Nathan Drake ever since the first Uncharted game released and the next three instalments gave us some of the best adventures ever made into games! The characters are solid and well written, as are the voice characters - and the stories have more action and suspense than 99.9% of all Hollywood productions!

There's been talks for a very long time about making a movie of the Uncharted series and we fans wanted Nathan Fillion to play Drake. Even Nathan Fillion wanted to play Drake - so much that an awesome self-funded trailer was made to show how much he wanted to play Drake!!! It went viral the very second it was released, and for a moment we all hoped Sony would come to their senses...

Sadly it was chosen to let Spiderman, aka Tom Holland to play young Drake (which we got to play in the last two games during flashback sequences) and Mark Wahlberg to play Sully. I can sort of see why they picked Tom, but Mark Wahlberg as Sully?! No way... Doesn't fit the character at all!

Despite this I was excited to see which story they picked to make this movie but oh buy was I wrong... Instead of picking one of the well crafted stories they picked bits from every game, mixed it up, added some new bits and called this Uncharted... sigh.

This I could've lived with, but neither the director nor the script writers had seen any of the games and instead they changed everyone and their relations, and what we got in the end was a kick in the **** to the whole fanbase - and the developers at Naughty Dog! In fact they totally ruined every character!

This is such a shame because if the movie had been called "Adventure Movie" I would've scored it a strong 7, but like this it's a bleak 3, and that's me being nice...

Talk about ruining a masterpiece. Now we probably will never get the chance of a proper Uncharted with Nathan Fillion as Drake. I would even have liked to see Nolan North (Drake voice actor, cameo on the beach) as Drake, but Nathan Fillion both looks and sounds like Drake and this is what we fans wanted, but when the director, script writers and Sony can't even bother to play or watch the games it's based upon, it'll always end up as a butchered franchise. Such a shame because this could've been a fantastic adventure movie with some of the best game characters ever made!

If you know nothing about the Uncharted games you'll probably like this movie, but if you're even the slightest invested in the games I'd stay way away from this movie because you'll only get upset how they ruined the characters we've loved for so many years...

Compare this to The Witcher series where Henry Cavill made sure he got the part as Geralt since he loved to play the games. They stayed true to both the books and the computer games and it was an instant success - for both fans of the books, fans of the games and those who knew nothing about the Witcher lore! But here they felt they knew better than the fans and we got this butchered mess instead... Epic fail!

But like I said, with a different title and character names it's an ok adventure, but it is what it is. I highly doubt there will ever be a follow up despite it making a profit. Sony knew it even before release since they were giving tickets away for free in order to fill the seats.

Sorry for wall of text but it should've been a masterpiece if they'd only bothered to play the games!
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Jackass - more accidents and concussions than ever before!!!
22 March 2022
So we finally got a new Jackass - despite losing two of the original members. One we tragically lost and one got lost somewhere along the way due to substance abuse amongst other things... I do home Bam Margera does sort things out but apart from a few seconds in a scene he was nowhere to be found in this production - which we knew.

The boys are no longer boys - they're all middle aged men now (apart from the new crew) and I'm really surprised how "all in" they went in Jackass Forever because there were more concussions, blood, pain, nutcracking, stings, falls and bottom burps than ever before - and there were plenty of hospital visits before the last scene had been shot!!!

Middle ages men doesn't heal like they did in their 20's but still they went full steam ahead and did we ever laugh from start to finish!!! :D

Some scenes were a bit short from not going exactly according to plan, but I know they filmed many scenes - many more than would fit into the timeframe of a movie - so they did what they usually do and just pick the favourite scenes and made it into a Jackass movie!

The new crew felt like they'd been part of the Jackass posse for the last decade and they all delivered! In fact I never even reflected over that I didn't know who some of the were because they felt so included in the team and that's not always been the case with the original crew... Everyone was happy apart from right in the heat of the moment, just after some terrible "surprise" had happened, but the next minute it was all hugs and laughter again!

A Jackass movie will never score a 10 because it's not that kind of movie, but a strong seven I'll happily give this one - currently standing with the highest review score of any Jackass film before!

I don't know if they'll ever do another Jackass movie because, like I said in the beginning - they're all middle aged men (original crew) and they're not getting any younger, but thank you ever so much for making number four and bringing us the carnage and laughter for a last time!

Crazy crazy people, but really fun, and the new crew might be the next generation Jackasses?!

The Dudesons aren't really doing anything anymore so these younger and talented (in their own unique ways) will perhaps keep the torch lit for the future? Who knows, but this type of basic and raw humour never fails!

If you haven't seen it yet and this is your kind of humour - you know what to do! ;)
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Disappointed - why can't we just have a happy ending?
22 March 2022
Like the title - why can't we just have a happy ending for once in these later Marvel movies?!

Spider-Man: No Way Home just left all of us disappointed and frustrated that everything great the previous two movies, and the Avengers parts, gave us with regards of Spider-Man was all undone here due to a rather uninteresting script that was the results from the Disney-Sony debacle... Multiverse?! Sorry but this wasn't at all what I hoped for and frankly the high review score made me expect so much more than this...

I had avoided the trailers and leaks prior to watching it a couple days ago with the kids so I didn't know much more than some of the actors that was going to return to old characters, but I was expecting more cameos than what was showed on the silver screen?!

I'm not going to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it yet but was it really necessary to kill you know who?

And Dr. Strange all of a sudden with a completely different persona? We were 100% sure it wasn't him at all initially but we were wrong. Sadly. And the ending was by far the worst one in any of these later Marvel movies simply because it undid EVERYTHING the previous Tom Holland Spider-Man movies had accomplished... And why does every Marvel movie nowadays have be so extremely sad...? Why can't we go home feeling happy, filled with joy and awesome after watching the movie instead of like now, going home feeling sad and empty, and wondering why they destroyed everything great that we the audience came to love about the latest incarnation of Spider-Man?

We were all disappointed about the latter half and it's such a shame because Spider-Man was important to the whole saga since he's the only one still being a normal person! Ant-Man sort of fits the description too, but here we have a teenager doing teenager stuff and that's why it turned out so great with Tom Holland being said teenager!

I hope there are no more Spider-Man instalments because I just can't see them going anywhere from this apart from even further south... :(

If you are going to watch this then make sure to bring plenty of tissue paper because you will cry. A lot. And you will not feel uplifted and joyful when done. Even if you're not as disappointed as we were you will feel sad and wishing things didn't unfold like they did.

Such a shame because to me Spider-Man really was the replacement Iron Man!
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Why was this movie made, and for whom?
10 January 2022
I was both excited and sceptical when the news broke that Matrix 4 was in the works. I refrained from reading about it, watching the trailers and reading the reviews but it was impossible to keep it a total surprise, and I was reluctant to watch it in the end to be honest.

I've now seen it and it left me with the questions why was it made, and for whom?

I usually do a detailed review about the movie and go into actors, footage etc but in this case I'm going to focus on these two questions and that's all.

My theory is that people have been asking the Wachowskis again and again and again and again if and when they'll do a follow up to the Matrix trilogy?

The only answer to the first question is that Lana Wachowski got fed up by these questions and made a really whacked fourth instalment that would stop anyone from ever asking the same question again - thus answering the second question that the movie was made for all those who's been bothering them about Matrix in an attempt to once and for all stop the nagging!

I can't fathom any other reason for making The Matrix Resurrections. I just can't.

There are some good scenes in the movie but they don't outweigh the bad ones, and the script is frankly rather terrible. That's my honest answer, which is a shame because Lana and her sister have written some genius stuff prior to this...

If you are a true fan of the Matrix saga then I'd stay well away from this one. It's a bit like Highlander 2 and how it almost ruined the first one by what they did and said in the sequel...

It feels odd to have Keanu Reeves in a bad movie, and Carrie-Anne Moss certainly deserved better, but here we are. Actors needs to be paid as much as anyone does and I hope they got a fat paycheck for putting their names and faces in this one!
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Black Widow (2021)
Don't expect the usual "Avenger/Marvel" quality
15 July 2021
I had high hopes for Black Widow to be a movie on the same level - script, acting, action, grandeur - as the early Marvel movies. (Iron Man, Avengers, Thor, Captain America etc) Instead we got a movie that felt like it had zero connection to the Marvel universe at all, or like it was made by people who hadn't seen any of the previous Marvel movies, let alone worked in any of the productions?!

The opening plot was exciting for the first 10 minutes but then it fell flat, and never recovered imho, and halfway through I was convinced Scarlet Johansson was only there to create enough buzz for the others to make a spinoff...

I don't know anything about the director Cate Shortland, nor do I want to find out what other movies she's made in the past because this was so uninspiring. Really poor acting - or directing, whatever's at fault?

Me and my kids have watched all of the Marvel movies up to the final Avengers time and time and time again - which is a true testament to great movies, but Black Widow is a movie I'll never watch again, which is a shame because I really love Scarlet Johansson when she's really into a role! This was a real "meh" moment...

I'd hoped Rachel Weisz and Olga Kurylenko would have great parts and really lift the movie but one of them seemed sleeping and the other only showed her face twice - and only had one tiny line... The only one at least trying to deliver was Florence Pugh - which is obviously set to return in a spinoff.

I'm putting this Marvel film in the same bucket as most of the newer ones, you know the extra bucket for milking that cow dry to the bone, hoping the connection to the original Avenger movies will be enough to print more money, but I'm getting more and more fed up with how these new Marvel movies are made and gone are the good unique superhero movies, replaced with some cookie cutter - often feminist - replacements, and not good ones either.

Your mileage might vary and I've seen reviews ranging from nil to max so please make up your own mind about Black Widow, but it's a Marvel movie I'd gladly had missed despite loving Scarlet Johansson as an actor because she can be really great with a good script and a good director!

I know Jon Favreau is super busy and can't make everything himself, but if Marvel is going to continue making awesome movies we need him behind the reigns, or Taika Waititi for doing comedy variants, which I gather this one tried to be and failed so hard...

P.s. The spoken Russian in the movie is abysmal, despite them supposedly being Russians... I mean couldn't they have spent a weekend with a speech coach teaching them their lines correctly?! My Russian is far from great but enough to make it feel like a comedy, not an action flick.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
Not what I expected... Truly bad movie.
3 March 2021
After watching Cosmic Sin I checked up on Bruce Willis current affairs and I discovered that he's currently doing a 5-movie deal with Edward Drake?! Going by the first two it's not looking great for the three to come...

I smell a desperate paycheck here but that's just me.

Avoid this at all costs if you have the smallest love for the sci-fi genre - and a slightly descent script!
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Final chapter?
27 November 2019
Angel Has Fallen is the third instalment of the secret service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) and the former Speaker/Vice President Trumbull (Morgan Freeman) is now the President and yet again Banning is thrown into a major crisis - this time being accused of an assassination attempt of the President?!

Obviously Gerard Butler is getting older and so is his character in the movie, but this is part of the story so those who complain that he's to old to be a bodyguard misses the plot.

None of the movies in the trilogy are made to win any Oscars, nor do we expect them to, because they are full fledged action movies - and pretty damn good ones too! However, Angel Has Fallen lacks somewhat in the story department compared to the two previous instalments, where I feel they've had much more involved and detailed stories whereas this one is more or less just one single thread throughout the whole movie. No side plots/tracks at all apart from a minor FBI investigation that's sadly cut short.

One huge negative is that the wife of Mike Banning, Leah, is replaced by Piper Perabo. I don't know why they couldn't get Radha Mitchell for this one as well, but even if it's a minor role it never works replacing established characters...

It doesn't quite match Olympus Has Fallen and London Has Fallen, but it's a good action movie and casting Nick Nolte as Bannings father, Clay Banning, was spot on and he delivers a really good supporting role.

If you like the previous movies and you want a classic action movie this'll do the trick, but don't expect the same depth and story as the previous ones, but on a rainy day it does its job.
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Surprisingly good film on every front!
6 April 2019
Trying to make an "as accurate as possible whilst trying to maintain artistic flair" movie is never going to be easy and when you take on a story like Bonny and Clyde, where the murderous criminals are given a romantic cult status, it just became a lot harder...

The story, or saga as some would call it, of Bonny and Clyde is something we all have heard in one shape or form. Some called them real Robin Hoods whereas those with open eyes saw them for the murderers they were, but in a time of financial hardships in the 1930's America people probably sought alternate heroes?

This movie isn't about a romantic depiction of Bonny and Clyde - this is about the men who were sent to stop them, or more precisely kill them. It's their story - and it's being told very well!

Casting Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson as Frank Hamer and Maney Gault, and Kathy Bates as governor Ma Ferguson, were all great choices and they gave the movie a solid base of real character but the supporting cast were equally well picked and William Sadler as Henry Barrow, the father of Clyde Barrow, made a really strong, but short, insight into what it must have been to be torn between the family and the law.

Historical dramas often gets stuck in love stories that takes away the focus and this was handled very well in The Highwaymen by reducing Bonny and Clyde to murderous subhumans and instead let the people affected by their fame and killing spree telling the story. This worked really well and both the script and the direction here was really well executed and when the 132 minutes was up and the end credits begun rolling I was only asking for more! Just a few minutes more...

Regardless if you are into history or not this is a movie really worth watching - and proof that Netflix productions are on par with the rest of Hollywood, only faster to screen!
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Overlord (2018)
Not the movie I expected but it turned out to be for the better!
6 February 2019
(This review contains mild story spoilers but less than what was in the trailer itself.) First of all I have to say that Overlord was NOT at all the movie I expected, this after only watching the initial trailer once and nothing more. I honestly expected more of an action/horror comedy than this, but I was not disappointed! The movie is about a team tasked with a demolition job in order to secure the Normandy landing, a.k.a. Operation Overlord. Something is lurking underneath the old church in the village though and the mission turns out to be a bit bigger than planned, what you have to find out for yourself... I was surprised to see such a big budget for a movie in this genre and whoever was in charge of props, costume and location did such an amazing job because everything was period correct - everything! If you like horror flicks and don't mind a few graphical scenes with blood and gore then this is the one for you. I actually prefer that it was a non comedy in the end and since these kind of movies are so rarely made, and never with this kind of budget and detail, I simply had to give it a 9/10 score! Will watch again!
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The Foreigner (I) (2017)
One of the best movies I've ever seen - a must watch!!!
17 March 2018
I had only briefly seen a short trailer for The Foreigner, but it is a Jackie Chan movie so I will see it regardless, and Pierce Brosnan is such a great actor so I just begun waiting for the right moment to watch it. Prior to watching the movie tonight I had read no reviews, nor had I watched the trailer again because I prefer to see a movie with as little as possible spoilers - and the brief trailer I saw seemed like a serious thriller so I was really excited!

The movie begins with the most tragic story one can experience - the death of a child, and in this case from an IRA bombing, killing innocent people. I soon realised that this wasn't going to be a normal Jackie Chan movie and it really sucked me in as a viewer with suspense, drama, intrigues and the vengeance made with precision and great acting! The story really depicts the conflict between IRA and the British and I felt it was very well written, based on facts - not fiction.

Here Jackie Chan was able to show what a fantastic actor he is, not just jump-kicking his way through every scene but top level stage acting! Major goosebumps throughout the almost two hours for sure! This is easily the best acting Jackie Chan has ever done and I hope he gets to play more deep acting roles in the future because this was magical!

Pierce Brosnan plays an IRA leader turned politician and his performance is absolutely on par with Jackie Chan - spot on, dramatic, energetic and with precision! Using his Irish heritage (he was born in Ireland) means he can deliver an Northern Irish accent that's very accurate. Best acting I've seen from Pierce Brosnan!

I'm not going to spoil anything else for you by going on any further but this movie was easily the best I've seen so far in 2018 - and probably the best one I've seen in a very long time! I might even go so far to say that this is amongst the best drama/thrillers I've seen in my life!

There are no computer generated special effects in this movie, only great acting, directing and camerawork! It's easily the Jackie Chan movie with the least fighting scenes - but the few ones in it are beautifully made and realistic.

There are many very strong supporting actors too in The Foreigner and I honestly can't say anything less about a single one of them - all superb acting! Whoever did the casting did a fantastic job.

It's anything but a Hollywood movie and if this movie doesn't win a load of awards it's only because it isn't made in Hollywood... Jackie Chan is so good that I wouldn't be surprised if he'd be nominated for an Oscar for this performance?! That's how good it is!

Giving a movie a score of 10 isn't something you do lightly because that's the score of the best movie ever made, but for me it was such a story, made with such precision and quality, that I simply have to give it the highest score.

If you only like Jackie Chan's more comical movies then this isn't what you expect, but it's such a great drama/action/thriller that it should appeal to anyone that appreciates quality movies. I can promise you that you won't regret watching it!

It's directed by Martin Campbell who's made great movies like GoldenEye, The Mask of Zorro and Casino Royale in the past, and now this! Thank you for making this fantastic movie - and one with one of the best endings I've ever seen in a movie!

TL;DR Best movie in years - just go and watch it!
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Totally hilarious, fast paced humorous action-comedy and a guest star that takes it to eleven!
9 December 2017
After reading initial poor reviews of Kingsman: The Golden Circle I decided to wait and see it until later, and now I'm writing this review in pain... ...after laughing so hard I thought I'd snap a rib or two!

The movie itself isn't your typical Oscars flick, nor is it supposed to. There's no complex dialog or character development, but it's a "slap in your face" type of comedy with one crazy thing after the other and it takes things a few steps further than the first instalment. The big hero of the film isn't Taron Egerton as Eggsy, nor is it Edward Holcroft as Charlie or Mark Strong as Merlin, or any of their American counterparts. The biggest hero - and the culprit of my almost broken ribs from laughing too hard, is Elton John himself!!! Putting one of the most flamboyant and colourful artists in a shabby track suit, cursing like a shav and giving the middle finger to the left and right - and then delivering a hilarious fight scene that would make Jackie Chan proud - that's a winner for me 7 days a week, and the reason why I'm scoring this movie the highest ever possible score - a 10! I've only ever done this once before but Kingsman: The Golden Circle deserves it for almost sending me to the hospital tonight!

Matthew Vaughn did a splendid job here and he developed his skills producing and directing movies like Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Harry Brown, Kick-Ass 1 & 2, Kingsmen: The Secret Service and Eddie the Eagle, and now he was given the task to direct this sequel which he did very well!.

This is British humor at its best if you ask me and if you're after a big laugh rather than something complex and deep, this is the one for you!
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A perhaps sad ending (?) to one of the best cartoon sagas out there...
28 September 2017
Another Despicable Me instalment means a load of popcorn for me and the kids - and days of laughter!!! Normally that is...

We'd already seen the trailer so we knew that Despicable Me 3 involved Gru's estranged twin brother Dru. (I assume everybody knows this so I'm not marking this as a spoiler.) We were also made aware of the new "super villain" Balthazar Bratt, an 80's themed crook, in the trailer. In the trailer he sort of made sense in the deranged world of Despicable Me, but not in the movie.

I don't know why they chose this script because it's a really poor one. If it is to kill off the franchise then it worked because good it wasn't. Also changing the voice actor for Agnes from Elsie Fisher to Nev Scharrel was a bad move. Nothing bad about Nev, but it was too obvious and the kids reacted instantly. You have to be careful with voice actors because they "are" the character and not just a paid actor that can be replaced at short notice. There might've been a reason for this, I don't know, but it was too obvious.

Without going into detail about the movie for those who haven't seen it it's the usual stuff with some sort of heist and one super villain - and something going wrong, but with a happy ending. Sadly without any finesse or enthusiasm as the previous instalments.

If you love Despicable Me and the Minions movie then watch this one as well - but don't expect it to be as fantastic as the previous ones! They had the chance of doing a movie about the young boy Gru and his adventures with the Minions, following up on the Minions movie, but this fell between the chairs somehow...

Me and my kids must've seen the previous movies at least 20 times each! This one we probably won't see again. That says something...

A weak 5 out of 10 - sadly.
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