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Criminal Minds: Magnum Opus (2013)
Season 8, Episode 13
What a Bloody Mess
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Had to comment on this one So let me get this straight, a bloke comes in fit and healthy and says "I used human blood" to paint this picture. The people at the art gallery would NOT get intouch with the Police? Are you F Serious Maybe it's me but if someone tried to sell me a picture which was painted with human blood, I would be a bit concerned, but maybe that's just me Is it normal to use human blood to paint? I mean did they not wonder at the gallery "whose blood it was" I don't think the paint shops sell human blood?

And then he comes in and says "this is a friend" and she says sorry about your friend.

Hold on, it seems some artists use their own blood, well to paint that picture you would def know it's not the artists blood.

Stupid episode.
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Criminal Minds: The Lesson (2012)
Season 8, Episode 10
Surprised at the Reviews
24 May 2024
It's only the past few years that I have started to watch Criminal Minds, and have enjoyed it, like the characters, my fav is Rossi, which is funny as i was gutted when the brilliant Mandy Patinkin left cause the show was too violent.

It's interesting that not one review mentioned this?

But folks TV shows live on "viewers" and when you saw the way cinema went with the crazy violent SAW and Hostel films, which made Millions. They had to follow, all the cast and crew want the show renewed, so they saw "Violence" sells.

It's why we were told at the end of season one of Lost "It's def not about time travel, and they are def not dead" well 5 seasons later they sort of were dead.

We the viewers can make or break a show, just look at Star Trek it was for the bin after the 1st season, than thousands upon thousands under guildance from Gene wrote letters, demanded the show be brought back and it was So don't so much blame the writers and TV company, they are only giving you what you want, showed by our love of the sickest films like SAW and Hostel.
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Are you for Real ?
28 March 2024
That's the thing about good storytelling, you always need to present it so the audience forgets that you're making it all up. Every enemy starship, every Nazi guard, every orc from Mordor,

Mr Frank Nazi's were real, they are not "good storytellng" Are you F Sure, maybe ask the famillies of the millions that were gassed or shot or raped or tortured if the Nazis were "making it up" How can you compare the Nazi's to ORCS to Star Trek. Yes Trek has used them in episodes but they were Real and are Real pop over the Hamburg and see the old C@@@S How can you belittle all these lives lost at the hands of these Monsters by saying "good storytelling"
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4 March 2024
A lot of reviwes are from people who have been affected by Monsters like the grandfather. I don't walk in their shoes and can't take in the pain they have suffered all their lives, not just the abuse but that it is a loved family member who is the abuser So for me this make me angry, I could not understand why they visited that monster, be in the same room as it. It should have been thrown out with the trash not put into a care home, how much did that cost the family? Did the care home know what he had done?

The mother said as they were going thou the clothes "we need to laugh" because she knows she is guilty. She was abused why would she ever go anywhere near her parents again? I know it's easy to say "it's her parents" it's not that easy to walk away. But she left her daughter alone in the house The grandmother was as bad as IT in my opinion she knew what was going on, but done F ALL and then we have the religion BS, it's like the Mafia kill 10 people then pop to Church The old C@@T was not even sorry, in his sick F up mind. It's all good cause Jesus will forgive me As for forgetting I can't comment on that, but i suppose to be able to live your life can you forget? Some people can put bad things that happen to you away deep in your heart behind a padlock, but it still affects them A lot of people are saying Amanda was wrong to make this film, what I got from it, she is angry with her mother more then the Monster as her mother could have got him arrested and she done zero and made it worse, this doc was not just about the Monster IT but also to hurt the mother.

As for the other victims, you can't force someone to appear on TV and the one with the daughter who was preggers seemed fine being on the program We all want to look up to our parents and be proud of them and make them proud of us.

Sometimes you have to admit who they really are and let the world know.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: His Way (1998)
Season 6, Episode 20
Get a LIfe People
15 January 2024
Finally after all these years i have gotten round to DS9 and boy it's rather good up there with the best of Trek TOS for me. What makes it so good I care about the characters as I did in TOS This is a Superb Fun Episode, the people giving it grief "Lighten up Folks" take the ride, roll the dice I have been to Vegas a few times since the 80s but this is the Vegas I would have loved to visit the Rat Pack man that is Living The actors in DS9 are just so good. I was never that fussed about Wolf but now I actually care about him This is a episode most blokes can get with, the "Horrible Friend Zone" the actors are having fun with this episode roll the dice, kick your shoes off and Chill people.
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The Kemps: All Gold (2023 TV Special)
This is Not GOLD
5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
How many digs can you make at Tony Hadley.

I watched Spandau when they started off a very small place in Finsbury Park. I am sure it was not far from Highbury

Bits of this were worth a smile, but it was mostly pretty yuck Has anyone mentioned the Kray titles, a clever little nod to the film and of course the Tom Hardy mention The dig about 60 year old blokes still singing the same old songs from 40 years back, that is nearly every band you can think of I wonder if they tried to get the Real Ross Kemp to play the brother, maybe he was to expensive The cameo stuff was true to life, they are all doing it From a business point of view it would really make sense to "sort it out" with Tony.

They used to be so tight sitting at the Arsenal together, now Gold is used for Bold or sung at the Arsenal to a player who is a lot like this program, has good bits but the bad bits are very @@@@ Did Martin plug every program he was ever in, as for Enders they brought Bobby back and Den Watts anything is possible But the ending was "interesting" Did Tony have a hand in this? Is it all a work about their breakup?

Are we being feed a load of Tottenham (S@@T)
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Farscape: A Human Reaction (1999)
Season 1, Episode 16
Moan Moan Moan Spoilers
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For the person who reviewed this in 2019 Have never watched this show before, had heard loads about it, but never been able to find it on UK TV.

But have never managed to see it, my fave series are Trek TOS and DS9 the Orville and the Brilliant Babylon 5 Watching the 1st few episodes of this series its from OZ never knew that have to admit, never knew they made Sci-FI But I am slowly getting hooked the characters are growing on me even the Muppets reject Yes it's cheap and the acting is OK were their any stars to ever come out of this?

Right onto this episode, now this is a clever episode, takes you one way the "return home" episodes, but then does a screaming left hand turn and bang you hit your head.

Now this is not Grade A camerawork or sets or ET but it's OK, it's the story that sells it.

I did not guess the twist I just thought they escaped back into the wormhole. But nope The way it was played out with the magazines was very clever and then they had to see if they could live on Earth and nope they are right "we would kill them" This series is 24 years old, and boy the world is in a S@@T state. If you was a Alien would you want to live here, NOPE !!

It's right what they said "we are dangerous beings" It's just a shame they cut off the episode when they did, should have showed him returning back though the wormhole and the reaction It reminded me a bit of the Brilliant "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" maybe that's where the idea was nicked from.
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Vigil: Episode #2.4 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 4
Its Minus ZERO
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a load of cack So I pay my Licence fee, for this tat and Enders.

The 1st season a Russian spy to stop the Nuclear warheads and this season spies against the Army, What we got for season 3 "Orange clothes and ban the Oil" Only good thing is D. Scott and the very Bond title sequence and song.

I mean she is a Policewoman not Mrs Bond, it's a joke a comedy, Hey BBC have you Actually heard of the Official Secrets Act. At least makes this cack seem real.

She has been locked in a torpedo tube, kidnapped and now tasered I know for season 3 the amount the BBC screws out of the British public for their beano's overseas.
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I am Shocked
15 December 2023
That Actual people are surprised by this? Are you lot for real? How many programs and films over the years has there been about Sex Trafficking ?

Vegas was run by the mob, it's not a clean city, there is now a massive drug culture in Vegas, go off the strip see the porn shows, the druggies. 1st went to Vegas in the 80s the Real Vegas with Sands, Dunes that was Vegas baby.

Been there twice since, going again next year as part of Route 66. Last time 4 of us me and the gf and another couple had around 30 cards put into our hands, but what surprised me was how the Vans with ads on the side are allowed to drive around ?

Seems to me the big wheels of Vegas are quite happy for this to carry on, I wonder how much the pimps made over the F1 weekend.

A lot of the women are brought in from overseas the Ukraine, Russia, Asia, etc. It's not new been going on for many years, these girls are tricked into "making their money" or becoming a film star put on drugs.

This looks very scripted, never heard of this geezer before.
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Only Murders in the Building: Ghost Light (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Steve Martin
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Always loved him when he was in his crazy days. SNL, The Nerd, Man with 2 Brains, and he is back to that person in this series We saw it in the last episode of season 1, a bit more in season 2 and now he is taking over this episode with the fish was cuckoo but Martin at his best.

And this is the problem, he is "taking over the show" the episode with the musical number where he was brilliant again he "takes over" It's not about murders anymore it's all about Manic Steve Martin which for me is no bad thing, but it's not what the show was supposed to be about So Martin Short is now coming up very Short, and Selena starts to show some leg and be a bit sexy. As Martin is "taking over" and the other 2 must be in a right old tizz.

And we all know who the Murderer is, it stands out a Mile it's :-) And prey tell why the Police never checked the dressing room, I mean come on !!
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The Crowded Room: Reunion (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Jump the Harbour
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The last episode jumped the shark People he is a MAN, a Bisexual MAN, he don't have boobs or women's sex organs, this Jerome must be a gay or bi bloke. Who do they keep calling him a her, it's him it's not a real woman These 2 reviews don't seem to understand this and also he did have sex with Annabel did he not?

This was good, but now it's just got stupid, we see him as Ari and he is a bloke not even wearing women's clothing so not a CD or a TV, just a bi bloke who is a bottom as we saw in the clips, so why do they keep saying he was a woman??

It's cuckoo a split personality can not grow boobs and become a woman, they can change the mind of a person and make him have a different personality a bit like a actor but they can't change the outside body only with clothes or wigs makeup this whole episode don't make sense.
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The Crowded Room: The Crowded Room (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Up it's own Ass
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As we say in the UK, Tom's accent is rather good. But this episode "jumped the shark" it's good, but the personalities all getting together was a bit daft, I have never heard of all the personalities working together to help the main person. All that I have seem each personality wants to be the one who takes over , I have never heard of them all sitting round having a chat that's a new one on me And the drug-dealer did not know that Danny loves to draw? Really? So when they are in this room, I take it they have no communication with Danny and what he does, or wait but they are all in the Crowded Room are they not? Talking about protecting him and the druggie gets him beaten up, how's that work?

This episode don't make sense, if his mind wants to protect him why tell him to go to jail?

The mind is a crazy thing, I used to help people with phobic's we had this rugby player who had this fear of flowers, it was destroying his life, people laughed at him. But it turned out that as a young boy he jumped into a flower patch and a wasp was not happy and stung him. So his mind every-time he saw flowers, went into panic mode as it remembered the pain the crying the hurt.

How nuts is that, Once his mind allowed him to remember the incident and the pain, the phobic was gone, just like that.
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The Crowded Room: Rya (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
DONT Watch any of the Titles pr Credits
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Superb acting by Tom and Amanda, Never knew Tom was this good a actor. People are saying about the "Twist" in this episode the Twist was given away at the start of episode one, by mentioning the name of the book "The Minds of" So straight away you knew he was a split personality and the 1st end credit saying if anyone needs "help" was a massive spoiler also. The London episode enforced that as it was pretty oblivious knowing the Title of the book that he was on his own, And then when we found out about his brother it all made sense. He hid in his mind and his mind made other versions of him so he could survive.

It's like with depression the mind works against you, and boy when it does that it's a very powerful weapon.

I did not understand with the mother, why would she not want to visit him?
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19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Never seem this actor before, but Jayne was just brilliant she stole the show. We have many "surface friends" who we say Hello to, ask how they are, but don't really care.

People are so fake so false sometimes, we are all so "self-centred" We don't look below the surface cause we don't want to This is a Superb Powerful episode about Human Kindness, Bunny had her barriers up 99,9% of the time, and people stayed away but deep down she was lonely and depressed, but was scared to let anybody in as for her Murderer it's not Nina it's Alice, has to be otherwise why is she in it? For a bit of lesbo sex with Selena to get the viewership up?
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Only Murders in the Building: Open and Shut (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Steve Martin Back to his Very Best
18 November 2023
Even some Brilliant Physical comedy which he was known for in his early days, the Nerd, Man with Two Brains, Genius stuff Martin Short one of the best things he has ever done, and who knew the very talented Selena Gomez can act and act very well This has a lot of clever humour, and a very well written story, a bit like a comedy Columbo, why Peter Falk was so good was their was a comedy element involved to the stories, but the best thing about it you was involved you was totally hooked ! This policeman who people thought was a total idiot suddenly turns into a Genius every episode.

This has a similar vibe to that show. Gets your mind turning. It's brilliant fun, and boy do we need some fun in these days.

Also all the old songs, they must bring out a soundtrack album.
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The Crown: Persona Non Grata (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
It's not Coronation Street
16 November 2023
Lady Di, as I call her was the female 007 before there was one.

Every bloke wanted to be Bond and every woman wanted to be with him. With Lady Di every woman wanted to be her, the clothes, makeup, hair the wedding ring, and every bloke wanted to be with her This series is not meant to be real life, but the problem with that is, for us in the UK it's one of the Biggest ever Events in our history and this series is really not good news for the King as people start to forget, and as for the Queen well I will Never call her "My Queen" this series shows what a B@@ch she was and how the King cheated on Di before Di then went and cheated on her very unfaithful husband.

People say "we remember where we were when Elvis died" I don't but I do remember where I was when Di died. Coming home from the nightclub around 1am and lights were on and Mum & Dad were watching the TV we stayed up to 4am I think. I phoned the girl I had been with and she and her parents were also watching the News.

Lady Di was "worshipped" by us the people of the UK, this series is a Soap Opera and we need to remember that I mean a scene with her "Ghost" WTF I have just read Claudio Christian's book, she was also having am affair with Dodi she had known him for 20 years on and off but don't get a mention in this, you learn some interesting bits from her book.

The acting is superb in this of course, the actors act and behave like the real people, the sets are amazing it's a Brilliant show, but I say again " it's meant to be a Soap Opera"
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The Red Ghost (2020)
The man called The Red Ghost
12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where is Clint Eastwood when you need him, a def rip-off of the Good, Bad and the Ugly, the fight with the Nazi and the Russian taken from the above film.

It's interesting reading the reviews on this before the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the reviews after the invasion.

For me being in the UK, Hitler attacking Russia rather then crossing the channel might have saved us losing the war. Yes they started being friends but one review on here feels they become friends after this. Nope they started off being together then Hitler decided to screw Russia and went after them and that mistake a lot of people feel cost him the war.

Of course at the end of the war Berlin was split up with the Berlin Wall.

Anyway back to this film, I really liked it, I don't speak Russian or German so don't have a clue if the sub titles are correct? Would I watch it again most def.

Russia now is not as it was then, and in this film I can't help but cheer for them.
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The Fearway (2023)
Get your Kicks on Route 66
9 November 2023
I plan to do Route 66 next year in a Dodge Challenger, which after watching this film is a bit "concerning" The car did look good, but am a Mustang man, as have my baby 2016 CS, fancied something different for Route 66 Unusual to have a English guy in one of these films. And of course he is not 100% out of place in the Diner I mean just look at the clothes Are there "Dead Zones" on Route 66? Rather worrying if there are If I drive along with a UK flag, will the Nutters leave me alone? I won't spoil this rather daft film.

The British bloke is so badly cast, I mean he kept the London accent very well. Surprised it's not raining or he is not in a bowler hate and has a umbrella.

This is one of these films that is just so very bad, but you have to watch till the end as you don't have a cluedo what the ending is. So I suppose in that case it's what's the word "watchable"
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Hegemony (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Two to Go, Come on Down: Bones, Sulu
30 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why not just do a Re-Boot of the Original Series, I mean this is like a jigsaw puzzle and we now have only 2 pieces left to go.

Mind you I am happy to see James T, but do we need another one :-( This season has been poor, the 1st season knocked my socks off, this series sort of drifts along. The actors are decent and they all have good singing voices unless 1 or 2 was dubbed? The James T Kirk episode and the singing episode as it was something different, but the others were a bit "Dull" I mean I can't even remember them. But thanks to IMDB here goes!

There was 2 comedy ones, Spock's DNA and the Lower Decks cross-over not a fan of Lower-Decks.

I also watched a few months back the 3rd season of the Orville, the acting, writing blows SNW away sorry to say.

Some episodes were film length and the stories were just so good, will be criminal if it don't return.
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Surge (I) (2020)
Superb Acting, but Stupid Storyline
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What is a nervous breakdown? Is it Clinical Depression, do you want to kill yourself?

I wanted to kill myself did not even know I had a issue till my work suffered.

I never went to rob banks, pretending I had a gun, never screwed a friend, nicked a motorbike, beat people up. What a boring life I lead.

But what really got me was: London has cameras everywhere some you can see and some that are hidden, So NO Cameras picked up this person ? But the most stupid bit was with the parents This bloke has robbed 2 banks, with a "gun" and the Police would not have his parents house watched? Seriously And why did the money from the 2nd robbery explode with the red paint? The bag was the cashier's own bag it had his headphones, so why would it be boobby trapped?

It started off well, then got lost up it's own Arsenal.
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The Reckoning (2023)
The Devil and the Demon
27 October 2023
I always say if only we could see behind people's eyes, what is going on. Yes was the Devil who was the Demon F Maggie Thatcher at least she died 4 months after the truth come out about him. She went to her death knowing she made that Monster a Sir. So why have the BBC made this? To cleanse their own dirt? Or maybe because they want to keep the licence fee and feel if we show ourselves now to be decent hardworking honest people then the public will be less against us keeping the licence?

This is a hard watch a very hard watch, and what's makes it worse how he used religion as a defence against his actions. And that must hurt people of faith a lot more then people who have no faith?

Why did him upstairs the Boss as Jimmy called him, let this monster survive?
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And I'm Worried about finding a Spider
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes the Bad Aliens have been done to death, but sometimes something comes along which is rather clever and you are not sure of what will happen next and this is one of these rare films.

I love a good Alien film, if they are good or better still bad naughty Aliens.

So for this one, you have a mixing bowl: throw some: Friendly Aliens from Close Encounters, some bits from Invasion of the Body Snatchers, a bit of the film Alien, A Gray which is like a Spider from the Thing maybe and mix it all up The lead star not a big actress is superb and its 95% just her acting to CGI or maybe mop heads as they sometimes do.

I did not have a clue about the ending, I made guesses and still was wrong. Also the sound people deserve some kudos, the sounds the Aliens made was horrible. And the star never speaks, and the ending was also very clever. I love this film :-) So if you like your Aliens nice and Evil this is the film for you.

Well it's 2am and hopefully I won't meet any Aliens or Spiders, I must pop to see the Aliens at Area 51 when I visit Vegas. And the end song was just perfect and when you think of the world as it is, maybe their life is not such a bad idea.
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Nefarious (2023)
It's like going to Broadway
16 October 2023
You go and see a show, it's dark and you listen to every word. Most films If i watch at home can be on the PC doing other stuff. I f I go to a cinema mind can wander, but this you have to "Listen to Every Word" the Acting is off the scale, They are not big stars I would say Sean Flanery I have seem few times, one of these actors you see and think "where have I seem him before" and Jordan Belfi never seem him. I would not have paid to see this in the cinema. But as it was on a streaming service in the UK, I put it on. Started mucking about on the PC then I stopped and was glued to the screen.

Sean and Jordan should be up for the major awards they deserve it , not often I will give out 10/10 But this deserves it, a shining bright gem hidden in the waters of the usual sex, violence, of the usual films.
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Read the End Titles
14 October 2023
I'ts based on a True Story, as for the camerawork and the lighting again read the end titles, it was shot in Covid times, so pretty understandable it won't be up to usual standards as I would think you had a skeleton crew working on it As for the cast, excellent, Dominic Purcell is one of my favourite actors and even Mel Gibson was good in his small part. Yes the story is hard to believe, but folks it says "based on a true story" The acting from all the cast was decent, don't know why such bad reviews for this film. Sometimes the wrong thing is the right thing to do, as they say and maybe in this instance they were right.
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Appendage (2023)
It's Clever Very Clever
13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For me who suffers from Depression, it makes sense. I often say it's your brain fighting against you. And feeling worthless and not trusting people, feeling they don't care. Is how i felt So I get that, and yes it's a voice in your head and if you look in the mirror it could be like your clone, and you feel drained and weak and tired.

And Yes you don't want to admit you have a issue, and are the best in the world at hiding it from other people But I don't get what was true in that film, and why cut it off so quick, explain to the viewer who maybe has never suffered from depression, or self esteem issues, what the film was about. You could have had a scene with a doctor who explains to her and the viewer what the mind can do to a depressed person. Cause it's a illness you can't see, so unless you have it you can't "Live It" This film tried to approach it in a different way, but then tripped up on it's own feet in the final few scenes.
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