
2 Reviews
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Avatar (2009)
Exceeded my expectations in every way possible.
10 January 2010
Avatar exceeded my expectations in every way possible. The movie was like a beautiful painting from beginning to end. It was an artwork and a breakthrough in movie making. Avatar is technically outstanding and I have never seen something quite like this before. Cameron clearly knows what he's doing and his world is so beautiful you just get sucked into it (especially in 3D). I have never been as interested in anything as I am in Avatar right now. When I saw the Lord of the Rings trilogy I was swept of my feet. Return of the King was for me the king of all fantasy films. But now Avatar has taken its place and I don't think any movie can top this.

I have seen Avatar three times now in 3D and it gets better and better every time. I just can't get enough. The beautiful world of Pandora and the Na'vi people are amazing to look at and you won't believe that this world is entirely created in a computer. The plot is, as some say, perhaps a little too predicted and non original but that doesn't matter. The movie is so well made and wonderful you just sit in your seat wondering how this is done. How can someone create something so beautiful.

Cameron has such an amazing imagination. To create Pandora and all the animals and flora on the planet takes an imagination with no limits. Avatar is his ace in the sleeve. He has made a movie that outshines Titanic by a mile and Avatar can even beat the box office record Titanic set (Avatar is already the second highest grossing film of all time after Titanic).

And people should not forget the actors. Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver and Giovanni Ribisi show in my opinion the best acting but of course everyone else is great too. When you see the blue Na'vi people on the screen you have to remember that they are not entirely made in computers. Everything the actors do is transferred into a computer and therefore you see every little twitch on the actors faces on the Na'vi faces in the movie. Good acting is a big part of Avatar. It's not just a few computer made blue people. They are real actors. Bare that in mind when you see the movie.

The score in Avatar is outstanding and James Horner does everything right. The music fits in perfectly and the theme song ("I see you" which Leona Lewis sings) is very beautiful (hopefully it wins Oscar for best song).

I don't really know if it is a good idea to make two more Avatar movies (Cameron has already written the script for them) because this one had a perfect ending and to top this movie is almost impossible in my opinion.

I just hope that the Academy acknowledges Avatar as a masterpiece and gives the movie the Oscars it deserves. But I don't get my hopes up because the Academy has ignored almost every fantasy film with the exception of The Return of the King.

I just have one more thing to say. If you haven't seen Avatar already go see it because you don't know what you are missing. And those who have already seen it go see it again. Movies don't get any better than this. Avatar is the top of movie making and there will be another 20-30 years before something like Avatar happens again.
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Changeling (2008)
And the Oscar goes to...
16 January 2009
Angelina Jolie, for outstanding performance in Changeling.

Wow, I think I need to calm down a bit. I was skeptic at first to see this movie but I don't regret spending 900 króna's (I'm from Iceland so that's very expensive) on a movie ticket to see the best movie I've seen in a long time. And I encourage everyone to do the same, go see Changeling.

This movie has everything; a terrific story based on true events, outstanding acting from everyone of the cast, excitement, tears, blood and it holds you tight until the end. And I won't forget the magic behind the camera provided by the genius Clint Eastwood.

Angelina's character is terrific and she fights, what seems to be at first a lost fight, for her son in a world controlled by men. You learn to hate some characters in the movie and love others. You learn to feel for Angelina's character and hope the movie ends well. Changeling will make you cry and when you walk out of the theater after this fantastic film you feel both good and satisfied.

Angelina was so good and convincing in this movie that I could not believe my own eyes and ears. And John Malkovich was very good too but Angelina is the rock of this movie. She carries it on her shoulders and Clint Eastwood directs her don't know what to write anymore, I'm still calming down. I'm going to stop now and finish the review with these two sentences: If Angelina Jolie gets an Oscar nomination for her acting she deserves to win. Just go see Changeling and Angelina's acting will blow your mind.
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