19 Reviews
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Not a real movie
8 September 2022
It's like a few friends got together and did some bad improv. Like kids playing dress up and coming up with a stupid story as they go along.

You've got:
  • clips of friends at a roller rink skating around while having an imaginary lazer fight
  • acting out a bit of 1984
  • telling us the plot of Battlestar Galactica
  • telling us that a character is Logan's daughter from Logan's Run
  • then a bad amalgamation of all those

They didn't know where to go with it so they ended with they're all fictional characters, and the set being shut down.

Bad story, bad acting, bad narration, bad sound, bad camera work.

This has no redeeming qualities.
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Clink (2019)
Poor plot
7 September 2022
Looking at the breakdown of the ratings I thought that men were just rating it lower because it's a show about women. That was a wrong assessment.

The new governess had beed the deputy governess for two weeks, but now seems to know nothing about the prison.

The "intimidating" inmate is someone you'd have a little laugh at, and would be a minor annoyance at worst. There is also no way anyone would confuse her as part of the staff.

You've got a bungling new guard who sits on control panels and can't find his way around even with a map. It's not a big prison, walking through it once you'd remember where everything is.
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Young Once (2016– )
Gross Christian misogyny
29 August 2022
The typical Christian values are on display here.

Guy doesn't like what his girlfriend does. The comprise is for his girlfriend to not do those things because they'll upset him. That's really all you need to know about this "university" and the people who go there. Hopefully the women will learn to value themselves more, and not just give up the things they like to keep a man happy.

Most of the situations seem set up, and they're performing for the camera instead of real life. They're not particularly interesting either, and the people probably wouldn't choose to interact if it weren't for the show.
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Wexford Plaza (2016)
Redundant two points of view
21 August 2022
Would have been a 6 if 1/3 of it weren't the same thing from a different point of view. There wasn't enough difference in the two characters experience to warrant going over the same thing twice.
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The Ninth (2019– )
Weak story lines
20 August 2022
There were a couple of characters with potential - Jess, Andy, and Kashvi. Unfortunately they were brought down with the rest of the weak characters and weak story lines.
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The Housemate (2017– )
Not worth the time
20 August 2022
It's basically what should be a five minute bit on a sketch show stretched out to an hour. Production is fine, the acting is fine, there's just very little that's funny.
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Very unlikeable group of singles
8 July 2022
The concept was fine. The host was okay. The singles on the show on the other hand were garbage.

I don't imagine that most of the daters they had on could have seen these people as potential partners after seeing the singles on TV.

The most satisfying part of the show was seeing one particularly awful person get stood up and dumped on the final episode.
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The Red Pill (2016)
Obviously biased from the start
4 June 2022
You can see from her body language she was biased from the start. Casual posture and hanging on every word when talking to the MRA's. A much more formal posture and a look of almost disinterest when talking to feminists.

There was a real lack of hard hitting questions in response to the MRA talking points. Men face the same rates of abuse from partners as women - Would men leave those relationships if there were more shelters for men? Do men lack the resources to leave? Are men afraid for their lives if they try to leave? Of course the answers to those questions are no. Women on the other hand have no safe place to go in a lot of cases. They are afraid of being tracked do and sent to hospital or killed. Women obviously need more of those resources.

This will only appeal to MRA types. From the high rating we can see that that is who has been watching and reviewing it.
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Fight Day (2014 TV Movie)
Weighted average is way off
30 May 2022
There's no way anyone would legitimately give this a 10. The next highest rating is a 6. If you throw out the 10s and the 1s(even though they're more believable) the average would be 4.

Poor acting and dialogue, terrible boxing scenes.
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Made for self promotion
3 May 2022
Documentary about a background actor from b-movies, low level bodybuilder and powerlifter, who also lost a few mma fights. Talks about himself like he had a major impact and success in all of the above.

It's not a poorly done documentary, just not a subject worth learning about if you don't already know him.
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Terrible acting and lacking any nuance
21 April 2022
I had only read a short description so I was going into the movie thinking it was an actual documentary. Then I was hit by the bad acting. Was it just reenacting real life events? Unfortunately no. I suspect the politicians knew she was acting, but they're politicians trying to get elected and have to put on a concerned appearance.

The only purpose of this movie is to try to ridicule republicans. If that your thing, maybe you'll like it, but I'm sure you can find better examples of that.
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The Afterparty (2022–2023)
Boring and redundant
18 February 2022
6 episodes of the same thing is too many. None of their stories are very different, so it's basically like watching the same episode again and again. There's nothing really funny about it to call it a comedy either.

I'll watch the last two episodes just because I don't like to leave things unfinished, but if I could do it again, I'd skip this show all together.
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Juice (1992)
Sesame Street version of the ghetto
26 December 2021
The filming style, locations, and toned down version of thug life gives this a real Sesame Street vibe.

Not terrible overall, but not a powerful or moving piece.
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Plot that doesn't go anywhere
13 November 2021
The only thing this had going for it was a trans person in a lead role. So I guess it's a love story with a really crappy plot, which is also depressing because she has to settle for a dull, unadjusted man.

The plot itself could have been good if it had actually gone somewhere and had a purpose. I was interested in seeing where it was going at first. It was a convoluted mix of reality and make believe, and got worse as time went on.

If you did like the plot, don't watch the final episode. It was self indulgent and preachy. It took the series from watchable down to a waste of time 4.

Solid acting from Andre 3000.
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The Runaways (2010)
Weak performance from Fanning
26 September 2021
Decent overall but Dakota Fanning was weak. They weren't a super hard band, but she made Cherie Currie look soft. Alia Shawkat's character wasn't an actual member of the band. I guess they didn't want to spend time on the minor members coming and going so they invented a permanent member. It was a major miss that they didn't give an update on Lita Ford at the end. Joan Jett was a producer and they hadn't talked after the band broke up until a few years after the movie came out.
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Small sample size didn't give a real picture
14 June 2021
Covering only a few of the 218 children born from the project didn't give an accurate picture of its success or failure.

There were also unsubstantiated claims of racism based on the donors being white. Were non white Nobel winners or mensa members declined? What about the races of the mothers? There were children born in Egypt and Lebanon so I doubt it was limited to whites only as the filmmakers would have you believe.
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A Gypsy Life for Me (2010– )
Not much about gypsy life
1 June 2021
Unfortunately it's not much about gypsy life. It's just following a travelers talent show, and there's not much talent.

Two judges - Roisin and Jentina have some decent bits alone and together, but not enough to make up for the rest of the uninteresting judges and organisers.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Wannabe (2010)
Season 11, Episode 23
Didn't live up to their legally believable standard.
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Evidence was thrown out because of someone impersonating a cop, then that same person breaks into a home and they get a warrant based on what he saw?

They wouldn't get a warrant based on illegally obtained evidence.
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Good thing it was short
18 April 2021
If it were a full length movie with that story line, I'd be very disappointed. At 10 minutes I didn't feel like my time was wasted watching. I'd call it decent if it weren't for the things that made no sense.
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