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26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very silly but boy is it funny! The 2 leads are so in sync. Lots of funny moments. Riiger Ebert disn't give a food rating but he thought it was funny and Jim Carrey was growing on him. He said that a couple gags weren't taken far enought: the Turbo Lax and Cop drinking the urine gags! That is ridiculous. They both had hilarious conclusions. Lauren Holly was wonderful! She had fantastic facial Expressions for every situation! The casting on this movie was great! Ebert also said he died laughing and could not stop when little boy discovered his bird had no head. I personally thought it was funny but not that funny. Lauren Holly had the best reaction to a tv clip of the boy with the bird getting duped. After seeing it she said, "Who are these sick people!" Her facial expression was great! Anyway, I was laughing throughout this comedy movie. I highly recommend watching this fare.
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To Brave Alaska (1996 TV Movie)
Too bad about the dog in real life!
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty good for a television movie. Milano was a whinning creep in this movie. I love her but this movie was beneath her. In real life she (the real life character) skinned the dog and cut him into pieces so they could eat. However, before they could take a bite, they were rescued. Poor pup! Milano mentions killing the dog to eat in the movie but they never did. It is a miracle they both made it. I liked his attitude that he refused to kill Newman to eat. The acting wasn't bad at all. Milano sacrificed her looks in this movie, not looking like herself. This movie is worth a look. Was a real harrowing experience they went through.
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The Client List (2011–2013)
Phoney Bologna
8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I would have rated this 7.5 stars but changed my mind when it was revealed Mid-2nd season that Riley never slept with anyone in her life except her husband Kyle! A Bunch of Bull! You mean to tell us that all the men who paid her big tips at The Rub played Patty Cake with her???? She never slept with her brother- in - law either??? Give us a big break! A man offers her $50,000.00 to sleep with her and she has to think about it, with all her money problems? She was afraid to kiss him and cried afterwards??? This is a big fairy tail and Ludicrous! This whole thing is just plain stupid! Hewlett was great in it and is a helluva singer! 5 stars because of the BS! This should be called THE PATTY CAKE HOUSE: NO SEX ALLOWED!
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8 1/2*. Great Show!
25 March 2023
This show is excellent. Too bad it didn't last for more seasons. Frames was a really good Host. James Brolin was ok, but not nearly as good as Frakes. The acting was very good and the stories are terrific! Some of the stories that are deemed true are pretty hard to believe but from what I have read, they are factually true. Another series that was off the air much too soon. I never get bored watching this show. It is one of the few shows that I have no complaints about whatsoever! If anything could be a complaint, it would be James Brolin ; he doesn't have a really good presence being the host. I just guess I am comparing him to Jonathan Frames, who is great. Thank you for reading this! Enjoy the series.
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I have proof!
16 March 2023
There are too many respected people that saw the debris and the aliens. That material was not from a weather balloon; that is absurd. My uncle was one of the students that saw the aliens and he would not lie to me. They were told not to tell anyone what they saw and there would be dire consequences if they did. He never told anyone for 40 years and only told my father and me. Believe me, it happened! Watch the original Robert Stack Unsolved Mysteries episode on Roswell; he told me that was accurate. So, I know for sure it did happen and like I said, too many witnesses saw the proof. The material was a weather balloon is ridiculous! Anyway, thanks for reading this. It is all true!
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The Twilight Zone (2002–2003)
3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series was very good. It had good stories, acting and casts. It should have run more than 1 season! The week link was the host; he was just too mild and didn't have it. It was good to see Billy Mumy again and Cloris as well. Also good to see American Pie's Shannon Elizabeth as well as others! The episodes had plenty of good looking actors and generally good casts. The stories were pretty good as well. The rebooted episodes were pretty good too. The theme music was a little different too, not for my taste! Overall, I give it 7.5 stars. With a different host, this would be higher in my rating! Thank You! PS, the original series was better but let's face it, there were plenty of certified STINKERS as well! Thanks again! I want to add that the episode, HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE YOUR KID was the stupidest thing ever seen on TV or any Movie...Absolutely RIDICULOUS! Complete GARBAGE!
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20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason this requires 600 characters when nobody else has to review with a 600 character review! Why? Anyway, this episode is stupid! Why not just leave the body at her house? The Sheriff already cleared him! Why would she throw over the wall a shovel when he already had one? Why not put the body in his yard in the early morning when the sheriff wouldn't be by. This way the sheriff already would have been there to get the dog. And, none Of this nonsense would have been necessary to begin with! Just leave the body in her yard and NEVER CALL THE SHERIFF...END OF STORY! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!
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Dying to be a Cheerleader (2020 TV Movie)
18 August 2022
I had a serious belly laugh on this movie: one girl says to the other, "I have a boyfriend!" The other girl tells her, "with that face!" It struck me funny and worth watching this rubbish just for that! Classic line!
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Fatal Vision (1984)
17 August 2022
I have a theory about what happened: That early morning Colette confronted Jeff about his constant cheating on her. They began arguing. She told him she was taking the kids to her parent's house and staying there awhile. He shouted back that she wasn't going anywhere. He then flew into a rage (which he was known to do) and killed her. He killed the children to eliminate witnesses. As for those hippies, he met them or saw them sometime in his life! All the new evidence was proven to be bunk; there is an answer for all of it! He made up a story too close to the Manson Murders. Pig in Blood; COME ON NOW! He constantly lied throughout the case and has lied since the case! He needs to rot in jail then go straight to hell upon his death! I base my theory on the fact that the day before the murders, Colette told friends she was leaving Jeff! His story is ridiculous! Everything the defense came up with has been disproved including bogus new evidence. All you people who think he is not guilty are wrong! Why was he left alive? End of story! Just wanna add that Colette might have been packing a suitcase when Jeff flew off the handle. There was clothes all over the floor in the hallway. She definitely was leaving him.
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Secrets in the Woods (2020 TV Movie)
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ridiculous! I stopped watching when his father looked close to his age! Was the casting agent on crack when he was chosen to play the father! Typical LIFETIME movie..TRIPE!
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27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
He says he loves her, she says she loves him. So, why would she want to put up their child for adoption? And....since when doesn't the father have a say in this?????

Ridiculous and terrible acting too...UGH!
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Rocky IV (1985)
Good Flick!
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rocky is solely responsible for Creed's death. He was asked to throw in the towel by several people and let it go on and on and on! Who lets their fighter get their brains beat out and let's them continue to fight? The trainer who asked Rocky to throw in the towel could have thrown it in himself! Rocky had no chance to beat Drago; LUDICROUS! Plus, fighters can't push fighters across the ring into the ropes the way Lang did in Rocky 3 as well as Drago doing the same thing in this movie! Picking fighters up and tossing them across the ring, going down and no count, pushing the referee, etc, etc. Ridiculous, all the fighting scenes!
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Rocky III (1982)
OK Flick!
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The fight with Clubber should have ended in round 2 with Clubber Lang the winner by TKO. Rocky was stumbling around the ring and didn't answer any of Lang's dozens of punches, plus he went down twice! Be a little realistic Stallone!
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The Perfect Nanny (2001 TV Movie)
18 July 2022
Tracy Nelson is so unappealing; she is so ugly it is hard to look at her! She ruins the movie! YUK! How is a doctor gonna go for her? Ludicrous! Don't waste your time!
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The Fix (2019)
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why did that idiot change his mind and plead guilty? Had he accepted his being free after the case was dropped, he would have been free and his son (who was the killer) would have been free as well. No sense him being in jail for life! And the prosecutor would have never have done what she did, allow him to be in prison when his son confessed to her that he was the killer! A bunch of HOGWASH!
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Ok Sequal!
4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When the old Buff put the radio on and the game won 19-17. It was a dumb example. There was time on the clock and a field goal was being kicked. It didn't take a book to predict that score. That was the likely score for that scenario! A better game should have been used! Or, he could have got a newspaper with previous scores and shown him how it all matched!
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My Favorite Movie!
4 July 2022
I love this Movie; a classic! But, why was Marty trying to start the car multiple times with the lights on. Nobody would try to start a dead car with the lights on!
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Fatal Honeymoon (2012 TV Movie)
Average Lifetime Fare!
30 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What on earth was Harvey Keitel thinking when he signed on to do this movie! It is so beneath him! It was a shame the killer got almost no time in prison!
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Horrible Movie!
30 June 2022
My review is a combination of all the other reviews (horrible noise and horrible background d music). Unbearable to watch and listen to this garbage! Pass this up!
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5% factual!
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How is it her ticket? HER TICKET as it was referred to by the attorneys and in court too? He bought the ticket! As his wife, she gets half. He can give away any of his half. It was his ticket! The story is 5% true. Even the 4 million was wrong; it was 6 million dollars! How can she sue for the entire amount? Flawed story!
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27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to his whistling of Camptown Races? I missed that in this remake of the '87 classic! Dylan is a terrible Stepfather! As usual, a bad sexual! And...would David leave his stepson's father's phone on so it could be heard in the basement? LUDICROUS! He would at least silence the device!
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The Candidate (1964)
June, June, June.
22 June 2022
Not a very good movie. However, the 2 sex symbols make it a worthwhile fare if that is your cup o' tea! June Wilkinson was good in this (Va-Va-Voom)! Mamie Van Doren is a sight for sore eyes!
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Wonderful Movie!
17 June 2022
Great movie! Very surprised Bruce Willis wasn't nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor! I thought he stole the show! He was fantastic! I am not a Bruce Willis fan but I have to say he was great!
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15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hugh says she is his mistress. He isn't married; she is not his mistress! Ok episode. Dabney Coleman is always good! Good acting throughout! Little Richard is always a scene stealer! He is a hoot! And, columbo asks a kid what he paid for his boom box. The kid answers 299 list. Columbo asks someone what list meant and they didn"t know what it meant either. Are these people morons? Who doesn't know what LIST means???? The writers are complete idiots! Also, at the end of the movie, the female officer has a mask of Columbo on. It is at night. The suspect is outside with Columbo. Columbo shines a flashlight on the mask showing no shadow under the nose. Wouldn't the suspect want to also see a shadow Under the nose when the mask IS NOT WORN????????? DUH! Added, BTW, Columbo asks the kid how much is his boom box; why why would he even say LIST? Columbo didn't ask for anything else other than the cost of the boom box! Why the LIST? And, why would someone pay list when he knows of a discount place with much lower prices? Stupid script!
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Columbo: Swan Song (1974)
Season 3, Episode 7
Very Good Fare!
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why would Tommy be worried about Columbo having everyone look for the thermos bottle? The place he had the parachute was heavy and huge; a thermos bottle couldn't be in there where the chute was! The whole thing is ridiculous! And, when his brother-in-law knocked him to the ground, wouldn't Columbo have asked him if he wanted to press charges for assault and battery? Columbo just stands there like an idiot and says nothing!
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