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Game of Thrones: Battle of the Bastards (2016)
Season 6, Episode 9
Visually stunning but poor writing
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While BoTB is arguably the series's best directed episode, it still contains a lot of the issues S6 had when it comes to the writing, albeit to a lesser degree but are still incredibly hard to ignore. To get the good out of the way though, BoTB from a technical standpoint is the best battle in tv or film since Lord of the Freaking Rings. Not only is it simply gorgeous to look at but it perfectly portrays the chaos and brutality of war with that one minute long take of Jon in the battle perfectly portraying the death and luck that soldiers in war face and it's incredibly violent, visceral and exciting. The death of Ramsay at the hands of Sansa and his hounds is all incredibly satisfying; seeing this psychopathic villain get the gory death he deserves was brilliant and Iwan did a fantastic job as usual in his final episode and Kit Harrington did a great job here as well, bringing the idea of being in a battle to life effectively.

Ok, enough of the good. This battle is incredibly idiotic when it comes to parts of the writing: 1. Jon's plot armour throughout the battle was ridiculous. In S3, Ygritte shoots him 3 times, causing him to struggle getting on his horse and collapsing when he reaches Castle Black but here, he is charged at by an oncoming calvary, is hit by a storm of arrows, is trampled on by hundreds of wildlings and northerners and somehow survives all of that with no injury, completely ruining the tension and misunderstands what made GoT so special in the first place. Actions used to have consequences but Jon makes idiotic decisions and doesn't suffer for it.

2. Sansa for some reason doesn't tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale, leading to hundreds of northerners and wildlings unnecessarily dying and leads to a deus-es-machina ending where they arrive and save the day. Also, how the hell did no one notice them arriving considering they were battling on flat land so they should've been spotted from miles away

3. Sansa has no emotional reactions to Rickon's death and there's no ceremony honouring all those who died to save the home of the Starks.

4. It's just a cliché good vs evil battle, which is fine in something like Lord of the Rings but in a series that constantly tells us that there are no pure good people or pure evil people, this cliché good vs evil battle with a lack of nuance is such a disappointment and misunderstands why this show was so special.

This episode as well isn't just this battle but is also the siege of Meereen and that entire section is awful. After 2.5 seasons of developing the Meereen conflict, Daenerys resolves this complex slavery issue by unleashing her dragons and burning down slave ships. Wow, so exciting! There was nothing clever or intriguing to show how far Daenerys has grown as a character but instead shows dragons are always the resolution and what the heck were Rhaegal and Viserion doing the last 7 episodes? Did they literally just leave their lair now cause that's very convenient. It's such a rushed, unsatisfying conflict that makes this whole Meereen shenanigan seem pointless. Good job writers! Overall, BoTB is a phenomenally well-directed and visually stunning episode with great acting but the writing really holds it back.
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Everything I wanted!
22 August 2022
House of the Dragon was a show I was really looking forward to for a number of reasons and I'm so happy to admit it didn't disappoint! After the disappointments of Season 6-8 of Game of Thrones, the pilot of House of the Dragon reminded me why I fell in love with this world in the first place. The acting is fantastic. Paddy Considine especially was the standout this episode, bringing Viserys to life better than I expected. Milly Alcock and Matt Smith were fantastic as well. Every aspect of the production design is beautiful. The Iron Throne especially got a massive upgrade compared to Game of Thrones's version and the costumes are so detailed and actually filled with color again. The small council meetinfs reminded me of the amazing first 4 seasons and parts of the 5th with all this talk of politics and struggle for power. It's great to see the show taking its time with this slow but incredibly compelling start and unsurprisingly, Miguel Sapochnik has some excellent cinematography shown on here. Overall, this was just everything I wanted and I cannot wait to see the 2nd episode!
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
You've got to be kidding me!
15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For a bit of history, a dragon's skin is incredibly difficult to penetrate. Arrows that hit a dragon will often just bounce out of the skin harmlessly. The only time a dragon has ever been killed by a scoprion was in 10AC during the First Dornish War where Rhaeny's dragon Meraxes was hit in the eye and that was almost 300 years ago! Never since has a dragon been killed like that!

In this episode however Rhaegal gets hit by scorpions 3 freaking times in a row and not one of them hits him in the eye! HOW?! Are scorpions madd out of metal now since the only way I can imagine this happening is Magneto taking a portal that travels dimensions and manipulates the scorpions to hitting Rhaegal and let's not forget that Rhaegal was somehow intercepted i a surprise attack when he was flying 500 feet in the air and Daenerys knew that Euron Greyjoy's fleet would be there. I didn't think things would get stupider than Arya killing the night king and while it didn't, this was a close second. There's a lot more (and I mean a lot) wrong with this episode than this but that scene alone symbolises how truly far the writing has come. A 2 year old could have written a more logical scene.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
The definiton of anticlimatic
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Worst part of the iron throne is just how boring it is! This is the final episode to probably the most popular and epic tv show of all time that's been going around for 8 years, a show filled with subversions of fantasy tropes, unexpected deaths, gore, powerful emotion and as reward for this investment, we get such a bland episode where little of interest happens. Half the episode is characters walking around and staring with no dialogue, Jon for some reason needs convincing to kill Daenerys even though she literally killed a million people but Jon still defends her, Daenerys's death absolutely left no emotional impact and there's little to no reaction to her death, Arya randomly decides to to go sailing west of westeros when the only mention of her wanting to do that is during S6 E8, Sansa becomes queen of the north even though she did nothing, Bron somehow becomes master of coin, Tyrion, after all his mistakes, is awarded hand of the king, Sam becomes archmaester after spending only a couple of weeks at the citadel, Bran becoming king is the most random choice considering 4 episodes ago he said he can never be lord of anything and the amount of unresolved loose ends is infinite.

What a massive disappointment all around! It doesn't even have the beautiful cinematography and visuals of the long night and the bells, it's just a bland, boring, unsatisfying, illogical conclusion to what was once a masterpiece of television.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Imagine if other finales ended like The Long Night
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine if in Avengers Endgame Captain Marvel kills Thanos halfway through the movie with just one strong punch

Imagine if in the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Ginny kills Voldemort with Stupefy

Imaginr if halfway through Return of the King Éowyn just suddenly appeared in Mount Doom and dropped the king, killing Sauron

Imagine if in Avatar The Last Airbender Toph kills Ozai halfway through season 3 cause she slammed him with metal

Imagine if in Return of the Jedi R2-D2 kills Palpatine halfway through the movie

Imagine if Effie kills Snow halfway through Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2

Imagine if Kronos gets killed by Annabeth at the end of The Battle of the Labyrinth

This is what The Long Night is. It completely destroys the story. For 8 seaosns The Night King and white walkers have been built up to be the biggest threat Westeros will face, the real threat, not a political squabble between the 7 kingdoms and it's ruined with awful lighting where we cannot see, plot armour, shaky cam, terrible tactics and the night king and his army drying from a stab in fhe heart due to a teenage girl who apparates out of nowhere, whose storyline has nothing to do with the night king. Congratulations D&D. You made the already awful season 7 look like season 1-4.
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Loki: For All Time. Always. (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
First 5 episodes were great and then this was disappointing
15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to popular belief, I actually enjoyed the finale of WandaVision and FATWS. They at least ended the series and closed characters's arcs in a mostly satisfying way and they delivered the action I wanted out of an MCU product. At the end of the day, one thing I do expect in my MCU property is some action at the end and they delivered. Loki's finale sadly disappointed.

Now the first 5 episodes were great especially episode 5, which is my favorite episode out of any of these shows and I was so excited to see how it would end but damn was I disappointed. To start off with the goods, the visuals and score are impressive, Tom Hiddleston and Sylvie's actress are great and have good chemistry, Renslayer and Mobius have great interactions and we do get answers and it made me excited for the future of the MCU.

But that's the problem with this episode. It's pure setup for the future of the MCU. It doesn't conclude any characters arcs or end the story. It's instead just setting up future MCU ideas and that disappoints me. What makes the MCU great is not just the idea of a shared universe but the great characters and the arcs. While it's clear Loki has developed, it doesn't pay off because this is setup. It's just filled with expositon and no offense to Jonathan Majors but he was awful. He tried too hard to be funny and charismatic but he's more annoying than Jar Jar Binks. I don't blame Sylvie for killing him honestly. He makes Brie Larson look like the best actress in the MCU. He just ruined the episode for me. I'm sorry. And his dialogue as well was cringy. Usually I like the humor of Marvel's dialogue but this is too much. Why is the guy who created the timeline a joke? It's as bad as the Mandarin Twist in the MCU.

Sorry, Marvel. It's not an awful end but it's not a very good one either. Doesn't ruin the entire show at least. It didn't contradict or ruin anything. It was just really poorly executed. And don't call me an MCU hater. I'm a proud MCU fanboy and this just didn't do it for me.
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How did we go from the worst episode in the show to the best episode in the show?
4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, some of these reviewe are genuinely sickening: 'Oh, wow, my favorite character dies and it's so sad. 2/10, worst episode over'. It reminds me of the people who hate the Mockingjay movies because Finnick died. It's like saying Deathly Hallows sucked because Lupin, Fred and Tonks died. It's like saying Fellowship of the Ring sucks because Boromir died. Writers, listen, just don't kill anyone if you want to make an emotionless piece of media that causes no controversy. I swear, do people not want emotion?

Rant aside, what a phenomneal episode. I could write a 100 page essay on why this episode rocks but let me list everything I like: everyone finally getting together, the emotional talks between Will and Jonathan, Mike and Joyce, Eleven's entrance and finale, the music, the finale, the tension, the scale, the directing, Bob getting his time to shine, his death and the violence. After episode 7, this reminded me why I love Stranger Things.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
How the hell does this only have a 7.8/10?
4 June 2021
What idiots gave this movies less than an 8? This is truly one of the best movies ever made, not because of its impact (a dumb way to say a movie is good imo) but it's genuinely a masterpiece. Everything about this movie is incredible: John Wiliiam does not disappoint with another amazing score, the special effects have aged mostly remarkably well, the characters are all incredible and have defining personalities and traits. I especially love Alan Grant's character arc about growing to be a sort of father figure to Lexi and Tim. The dialogue as well feels so natural. It doesn't feel scripted, which is something you rarely see in movies and holy cow is the dinosaur action amazing. The lack of music really helps. Just incredible sound design and acting as well as not being afraid to get brutal makes the movie so damn intense. It's simply a magical time.
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Coco (I) (2017)
Thanks Pixar. Now my whole house is flooded because of this movie
1 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Coco is without a doubt one of Pixar's best. For some inexplicable reason, I har it at 11 in my Pixar ranking but that was way too harsh. It's now in 6th place and there's a reason. It's beautiful every way. I'm not Mexican in any way but it was amazing having a Mexican setting and delving into Mexican culture and the holiday of Día de los muertos. It's so interesting and obviously the animation is gorgeous, especially the Land of the Dead, a beautiful and creative world with so much atmopshere and life and that's an amazing thing about Coco. It's so full of atmosphere and life. I honestly really just want to visit The Land of the Dead as it looks to be such a fun place. The creators clearly put so much passion. But, also, this movie is so sad with the heartbreaking backstory of Héctor and his relationship with Coco. The two sequences of Remember Me are without a doubt some of Pixars' best. They break my heart. Every other character is great as well especially Miguel, who goes through such a compelling arc about family and Mama Imedla, a character with understandable motivations and Ernesto is a pretty great twist villain. Honestly, I think he's my most hated Pixar villain. I will never forgive him for what he did to Héctor and this movie has a beautiful message about family and who says Pixar can't make songs. Every song is phenomneal from Un poco loco to Remember Me to The World Es Mi Familia and Ay De Mi Llorona.

Convratulations Pixar and thank you for this masterpiece but I'm also sueing you for indirectly flooding my house due to all this crying this movie made me do.
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Entertaining and well-directed but is overall an inferior remake
29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Force Awakens is without a doubt the Star Wars movie that has aged the worst, not from a visual standpoint but it did not stand the test of time. I loved this movie when I first watched it. It was a 9/10 for me, everything I wanted in a Star Wars sequel with great characters, action, pacing and a good sense of nostalgia. Just an excellent time. Then, as time went on, I actually paid attention to the story...

But let's start with what's good about this movie because it is a decent movie. Great acting performances from everyone, a refreshing return after the polarizing acting in the prequels. Oscar Isaac is really charimsatic and likeable as Poe, John Boyega steals the show as Finn, offering a wide range of emotions, Daisy Ridley provides a charming performance as Rey, Adam Driver offers a conflicting performance of Kylo and Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are just as entertaining in their roles as Han and Leia and the two have such a great chemistry and bond. Every scene with these two actors is amazing. Visually this movie is incredible. I don't have any complaints about CGI and I love the use of practical effects, sets and real locations, making it one of the best-looking movies of the 2010s. The pacing is also really well done. Not a single scene drags, no scene is rushed and it provides for one of the most entertaining Star Wars movie with a huge variety of action sequences like the opening scene, Finn and Poe's escape, the millenium falcon chase, the battle of takonda and the 3rd act. It's really fun stuff. JJ Abrams also provides really well directed movie with lots of great shots and cinematography, particularly the beautiful looking lightsaber duel between Kylo and Rey. John Williams delivers again with Rey's thme and March of the Resistance being standouts and Han's death will never fail to tear me up and that final scene with Luke was the perfect way to end the movie. Finn is also a really interesting and unique character, the only unique thing in this movie. He makes stormtroopers much more compelling and interesting.

Unfortunately, the story and worldbuilding of this movie is awful! Sequels are meant to do something new: expand the world, develop characters, introduce new interesting ones, expand on previous themes. It should feel different. The Force Awakens just feels like a remake of ANH and while that may work with audiences when they first watched it, since it's the first SW movie since 2005 and the first one with Luke, Leia and Han since 1983, once all the hype dies people won't feel any nostalgia from moments. Well, now we don't and we're more annoyed the story is nothing new. The worldbuilding in The Force Awakens is also bad. There are no new interesting locations of this movie and none of them are creative. They don't feel like they belong in the SW universe and that's another problem with this movie. There's no new ships or interesting planets or even many creatures. It's mostly human so it doesn't feel like Star Wars. It feels like an average sci-fi movie and even though John Williams's score is great, it's nowhere near the levels of the first 6 movies. Every character other than Finn is also a ripoff another great character. Poe is Han. Rey is Luke. Snoke is Palpatine. Kylo is Vader. It's just lame. Also, isn't Poe meant to be a main character in the trilogy. Well, why is he not around for 60% of the movie and how did he survive that crash and find the Reistance? That's lazy writing. Also, how did The First Order and Snoke rise? Where'd they get the resources for all that and Starkiller Base is the actual lamest thing ever. It's just there to remind people of the death star in ANH and ROTJ but unlike those two movies where the death stars are established as threats, here Starkiller Base is shoved in the movie halfway and destroys the Republic that no one seems to care about and it does not link with the plot of finding Luke in any way? Also, R2 waking up in the end and having the map is lazy writing? Speaking of lazy writing, why is Rey as capable with the millenium falcon as Han? How did she defeat Kylo Ren? How did she use a force mind trick? Also, while the final lightsaber duel is visually stunning and good from a character standpoint, the choreography is not the best.

So, yeah, while The Force Awakens has amazing visuals, directing, acting, action and pacing as well as likeable characters, it suffers from an uncreative, occassionally lazy and inferior story and characters to the original trilogy (and even the prequel in some ways) in every single way. Kind of a disappointment.
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This is how you start a franchise!
10 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Being 14, I did not grow up with Star Wars and have literally started watching Star Wars last year to see what all the hype was about so I sat down, turned on my ipad (yes, I watched it on an ipad) and was blown away. This truly deserves the title as one of the best movies ever made. I felt like a little kid, someone who was born in the 1970s, experiencing something that would change my life. Truly an excellent movie but let's start with the flaws first.

The pacing of the movie is not very good. It starts off with an epic action scene, then the next 50 minutes or so is just a bunch of slow walking or talking and the next 50 minutes or so is just action and that does not make for the smoothest experience and can make the movie tedious especially in a lifeless place like Tatooine. The acting as well isn't the best. It's not bad but you could tell Hamill, Ford and Fisher were trying to find their groove and while the visuals are groundbreaking and still look good to this day, they've shown their age. Also, why does Leia not care that her home planet got destroyed? That's always bothered me. Also, that lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan and Vader sucked. The choreography sucked and I felt no tension or suspense (Obi-Wan's death was pretty emotional though)

But who cares about that when Lucas offers us an exciting story and brings us to this incredibly creative world in a galaxy far far away with creative creature design and ships and characters beyond anythign I can imagine and I feel so sucked in like I'm on a journey with the characters and of course, John William's score is phenomnal. The Main Theme, Binary Sunset, the Cantina Theme, Leia"s theme and the Throne Room are some of the best pieces of music in Star Wars. Star Wars would nowhere near be as good without the music. The visuals are obviously very impressive and whilst they've shown their age a bit, they are still incredible looking and do not detract from the movie. The action sequences as well are just so thrilling: the opening sequence, the entire sequence with the Death Star are so tense, so exciting, not too long or short and are so memorable. It's exactly what I want and that final battle with the Death Star run is so satisfying and it's not too flashy but more character based and the added deaths add to the scene. The worldbuilding as well is great. Everything is established so well and easy to follow, characters like Luke, Han, Leia, R2, 3PO, Obi-Wan and Vader are just so likeable, iconic and have great dynamics and are just so interesting and diverse. I fell in love with them immediately and who can forget all the iconic quotes?

Overall, Star Wars A New Hope is a timeless clasic with great action, visuals, characrers, world and a satisfying story about good vs evil. I will never get bored rewatching it.
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Very flawed but nowhere near as bad as people say it is
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just rewatched this movie as part of a Star Wars marathon and honestly, it isn't that bad. There's a lot to hate and get frustrated by with this movie but there's a lot that's underappreciated and left me wowed. Let's start with the flaws first.

Jar Jar is the most useless character in the movie who's just there to provide comedic relief for the little kids who don't understand the politics, Obi-Wan barely interacts with Anakin despite the fact their relationship plays a big role in the trilogy, there was not enough Darth Maul, Natalie Portman was really bland and Jake Lloyd isn't great either, Anakin's relationship with Padmé is so cringey due to the age difference, the movie is filled with so many dialogue scenes making the movie drag. It really underestimates the audience's intelligence and the lack of action doesn't help either as well as some stupidity in the 3rd act.

Despite these flaws, there's a lot to like about this movie. The CGI has mostly aged really well, the score from John Williams is incredible (particularly Duel of the Fates), the action that we do have is very exciting particualrly the lightaber duels, Darth Maul steals the show every time he's on screen with an incredible book, the sets are impressive, the design for the alien creatures is really creative, the podrace is exciting and inventive, we get unique locations and planets and we get a more political story that explores the political side of the Star Wars universe whilst also setting up Anakin's turn pretty well. Qui-Gon is such a likeable character and I like his bond with Anakin. Out of the 3 prequels, this also has the least amount of crineg dialogie and the first 30 minutes is excellent with its fast pace.

The Phantom Menace could've been loads better but I feel a lot of the hate comes from disappointment and I could tell there was a lot of passion with what George Lucas is doing.
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Monster stuff: 10/10 Human Stuff: 6/10
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For the record, I enioyed the last three movies in the Monsterverse but they all had their flaws. Godzilla had amazing suspense but not enough monsters. Kong Skull Island had great monsters and some decent humans but it didn't do anything new and King of the Monsters had outstanding monsters but terrible humans so how does Godzilla vs Kong hold up?

First of all, we get some incredible monster stuff. Sure we only get 2 Godzilla vs Kong fights but they are incredible. It shows off the powers and strengths of these Titans perfectly and these fights happen in different places: whether it's the sea or in land and they use the environments perfectly. The fights are also incredibly well shot. There's no shaky cam or unnecessary close ups or cuts back to humans. It's wide shots and the action is easy to follow and it's well lit so it's easy to see everything, even at night during the Hong Kong battle. The colors are also incredibly gorgeous especially the Hollow Earth stuff and the visuals are unsurprisngly amazing. The score, whilst nowhere near as good as King of the Monsters, is still bone chilling. The stuff in Hollow Earth provide some interesting worldbuilding, gorgeous scenery, fun monsters and an over the top but fun sequence where they travel to Hollow Earth.

On to other matters, the movie is fast paced so you are never bored but it doesn't move too fast and on the human side, I enjoy the bond between Kong and the little girl. It's pretty charming and that moment when Kong speaks sign language is awesome. I also appreciate how Kong is more of a character. He's in the movie throughout and he gets some sort of arc where he finds his home and his people so that was a nice surprise. As I said, it's also nice that Kong is in the movie throughout with the humans, who are sadly necessary, so we never get bored with the human stuff.

The movie also solves the issues that King of the Monsters has with the human stuff. WB understood that we don't care about the humans so Kong is put in the spotlight and they are just on for the ride and there are less of them and even though they are bland, they are more likeable, don't make stupid decisions. The plot is also much less complicated and simple with only a small amount of human characters. I'm really happy that WB understood we don't care for deep stories and humans and created something simple.

The movie is not flawless though. While I don't go into a monster movie expecting deep humans, I would appreciate if they put care into it like what they did with Kong and the girl and the plot is really simple and generic. It's basically a simple version of Batman v Superman except that Superman is good. At the same time, there's no logic, plot holes galore or care for the laws of physics. Technology has apparently improved loads since King of Monsters and despite the fact that so many human lives should have been lost, the movie doesn't care unlike the previous monsterverse movies where there is some thought. If that's going to bother you, don't watch this movie. Also, the subplot with Madison is not very interesting but it is crucial to the plot so it's not a big deal.

Overall, Godzilla vs Kong delivers what I wanted in a movie like this and while it would be nice for possibly more monsters like King of the Monsters, I'm very happy with what we got.
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Not the worst movie ever but I don't think I've ever hated or have been more angry at a movie
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before we start, let's give some background on my view of Star Wars. I'm not one of thosr rude nostalgic-blinded disney hater SW fans. I adore the original trilogy and consider the 3 movies timeless classics, I'm a defender of the prequel trilogy (despite TPM and AOTC not being great) with ROTS being my favorite Star Wars movie, I enjoyed TFA despite its major flaws with the story and Rogue One was surprisingly great and just gets better the more I think about it. So, naturally, I was really excited to see where Disney would go from here. I could not wait to see these characters again and see them get developed but I was also hoping it'd solve the problems of TFA, trying something different instead of rehashing the same story.

But holy crap was I disappointed. This is a movie that gets worse the more I think about it. First, the characters are rubbish: Rey is already this accomplished lightsaber user and Force expert despite receiving one Force lesson from Luke (you'd think she trained for years given how skilled she is) and considering the fact she just found out her parents were nobody, all she does is cry for one minute and it's never mentioned again. Finn is just useless in this movie and does nothing noteworthy, Rose also does nothing worthy and robs Finn of an amazing emotional moment, Finn and Rose's romance is so forced and they have no chemistry (it's worse than Anakin and Padmé), Poe is unlikeable, Holdo is the most unlikeable character ever with her awful hair and poor leadership skills (tell everyone the plan Holdo! I get why you did not tell Poe but everyone else has the right to know), Snoke is wasted, DJ is irritating, The First Order is embarrassing and so unorganized and incompetent, Hux is just this comedic relief character, Phasma is once again wasted and does nothing, Leia is in a coma for 1/2 of the movie, Chewbacca and Porgs are useless, Han's death is never mentioned at all but the worst crime was Luke. I actually like the idea of a broken down Luke who thinks himself a failure but I cannot believe he even thought of killing his nephew when he thought Vader was redeemable and for 1/2 of the movie he's just walking around being a lazy unlikeable person so I don't feel anything when he dies. Honestly, even Jar Jar was a better character than most of these people. Heck, I'd rather watch a Jar Jar movie than see Rose and Holdo again (thanks JJ Abrams for reducing her role to a minute in the Rise of Skywalker)

There's some really stupid stuff as well. What was the point of Hux answering Poe's call? Yelling threats is not going to help you win Hux. It's just there to make a stupid joke. Speaking of, 90% of the jokes are a weak attempt to be like the MCU but it doesn't fit the tone of the story. Also, why does no one care that Poe got around 30 Resistance members killed because of his selfishness other than Leia? Why does no one care that Snoke died even though he is the leader of the First Order? Why does no one care that Finn and Rose got 90% of the pods destroyed? Why does no one care at the end of the movie that there are barely an Resistance members. Why does no one mourn Han's death? Where are the aliens? It doesn't even feel like we are in the Star Wars universe because 90% of the characters are human. Where is the creative action? Where is the creative planet design? Where is the creative creature design? This is the 2010s and the most creative thing Rian Johnson can come up with is a slow chase scene that dumbs all the characters! And the movie drags on and on. It's the longest SW movie by 10 minutes yet barely anything happens. It's just a bunch of talking and walking. The stakes are so low. It just feels like another day for the Resistance. Also, doesn't this movie take place right after The Force Awakens? So how in the world did The First Order find the rebel base and is reigning despite having starkiller base destroyed an hour or so before this movie begins"

This movie is not entirely awful though. The visuals are the best in the Star Wars universe, the hyperspace scene (despite being stupid) is exciting and tense with amazing editing and music, the score is unsurprisingly wonderful, I love Luke's death scene and how his heroic moment is not a flashy spectacle, the reunion between Luke and Leia is touching, Kylo Ren is an interesting character once again, Rey and Luke's character had potential and the filmmaking and cinematography are top notch but this is a garbage movie that suffers from terrible characterisation, no creativity, plot holes galore and an uninteresting story. It ruined the sequel trilogy greatly. Every bad thing people say about the sequels is in this movie. I've never been more angry at a movie before. Not even The Last Airbender or the Percy Jackson movies made me this angry and that's saying a lot. If this wasn't well made, this'd easily be a 2 or 1. If IMDb didn't have a no swearing policy, there'd be nasty things in this review. Seriously, I cannot stress how terrible this movie is. It's underhated.
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Monster stuff: 11/10 but Human Stuff: 3/10
5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I'm incredibly mixed on this movie because there's so much that I love but so much that I hate. On one hand, the monster stuff is by far the best we have seen in the Monsterverse. We get to see so many different monsters figthing it out and destroying cities. It is epic to see! Godzilla gets more of a role in the movie compared to the 2014 version. He's in the action in the beginning, middle and end of the movie and that ending shot when the monsters bow down to him is great. The visuals are also incredibly spectacular and the score is shockingly phenomensl and spine chilling. This should have gotten a Best Visuals and Best Score nomination at the Osacrs. We also dive into the history of the monsters and I enjoy the huge scale and massive stakes of the movie. It truly felt like momsters were destroying the world and overall, it was an entertaining ride. The worst emotion I've felt was annoyance but that's better than boring.

Unfortunately, the stuff with the human is by far the worst we've seen. Now I don't care about the human characters in a monster movie as I just want to see cool action but the human characters take up so much time in the movie sadly, around 50%. That's not to say all of the human stuff is bad. I do enjoy the stuff with the Russel family, how Mark wants to get back to his daughter and how Emma sacrificed herself so Godzilla could defeat Ghidorah and Madison is the only character with common sense. I also like Serizawa's sacrifice. The acting is also solid from everyone, particularly Milly Bobby Brown Unfortunately, every human is garbage. All of them have no personality and they are so dumb. They can never make a decision. It seems every 5 seconds they change plans and for some reason, the movie keeps on cutting back to them during the action scenes. It also frustrated me we did not see the Titans in other cities destroying cities. The humans in 2014 and 2017 were pretty boring but at least they did not take us away from the action and were decisive unlike this movie. Also, some of the action scenes are a bit too dark and shaky, making them hard to see. Also, Emma's plan is actually the dumbest and clichè I've ever heard.

How I see this movie is how Last Jedi defenders see this movie: the lows are really low and I will admit thay and I hate it but the highs are just so amazing and awesome that they make up for all the bad stuff;
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Embarrassingly awful in nearly every way
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to to try and not bring the Snyder Cut in here because another movie that's not a sequel/prequel shouldn't affect the quality of the movie in my opinion but let's get started.

Justice League/Jossitce League is just embarrassing for WB and DC. We get to see the Justice League members together for the first time on the big screen with the Avengers proving a movie like this is possible and what do we get? A generic villain with no villain and nauseating generic dialogue, terrible visuals/CGI (especially the final battle), a Batman that's not Batman at all (why is so weak physically? Why is he acting like a man who cannot stand up for himself?), a Flash whose purpose is to just make poorly timed unfunny jokes (and his running looks awful) and make a fool of himself, a Cyborg with bad CGI and who does nothing, an Aquaman who does nothing, a Superman that's so overpowered and it makes you wonder what was the point of assembling the team (why is everyone so weak?), terrible color grading that wants to be like the MCU but it can't because it's a sequel to a Zack Snyder movie (and those two do not mesh together), no emotional beats, a generic end of the world story with no depth, no character development, rushed pacing that's so chopply edited and never gives you time to feel and no stakes whatsoever so the win does not feel satisfying.

I'm glad this movie failed, critically and financially. WB needs to know that this studio meddling and rushing your universe without putting any effort is not going to help at all and the audiacity they have to put Zack Snyder's name on it (despite 90% of the shots not belonging to Snyder) is insulting. It's so sad this movie is on the guy CV, especially since he lost his daughter to suicide.

I guess the actors are trying their best (although Ben Affleck clearly does not want to be there), the characters have nice chemistry, it has some good action and the fast pace makes the movie entertaining and not boring but even those are just acceptable. I cannot believe what WB did here and the Snyder Cut (which is 1000000000000000000 times better) makes the movie worse. What a pile of garbage!
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Super Mario Bros. (1985 Video Game)
"B-But it's a classic so it's automaitcally perfect" - No it's not
17 March 2021
I absolutely hate it when people defend games by how influential they are. That doesn't mean the game is good. You're not going to recommend someone a game just because it's a classic or it changed gaming. It's a stupid argument because you're not defending the actual game! Anyhow, rant over

Super Mario Bros is a decent game but that's it. It's simple, short and sweet and that's what I like about it. No crazy mechanics, just simple 2D graphics with runnning, jumping, swimming, some power ups, cool enemies and controls that aren't that bad. The music is catchy and it's well-paced

But it's not great. The controls are definitely clunky and jumping feels awkward, there's little variety in the level design, backdrops, enemies and we just fight the same Bowser boss 8 times. There's only 32 levels with 4 in each world, you can't save your game so you have to play in one sitting, it's too easy but also too hard at the same time, the fact that you downgrade to small mario when getting hit with a fire flower is ridiclous as well as the fact you only upgrade to big mario if you're small with the fireflower. It's just a simple game as basic as you can get.

Yeah, yeah, it's 1985 but Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World only came around 3 and 5 years after this and they're rightfully called some of the best video games of all time, not just because of their influence but because they're qualitt games ans old games shouldn't be treated nicely because they're old.
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Definitely flawed but it does a lot right
16 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm referring to the Ultimate Edition as that's the one I've seen. To give backgrounds, I have not read a single comic book (they're just not for me) but I really enjoy superhero movies and Man of Steel was definitely another excellent movie so I was excited to see how BvS would follow and we also got to see Batman and Superman for the first time together and it mostly delivered.

It does a great job of continuing the events of Man of Steel with the actions of Superman being questioned and people wondering if Superman has good intentions and this is exactly what would happen in today's world! It's great seeing actions have consequences and seeing Clark trying to be a hero saving everyone with idiots questioning him in hearings is so compelling and it leads to a great character arc as despite what people say about Clark and the lack of motivation he's getting, he's still a hero and his sacririce in the end proves that and it's definitely one of the best scenes of the movie. And he and Lois have much better chemistry this time around. Their relationship was more believable.

Batman is also compelling. I 100% understand why people have trouble with him killing but his actions are treated badly here and he's fallen from this grace. He's turned from this bat vigilante to this killer and it has an effect on him understandably after 20 years of the job and Alfred is not happy with what he's doing and Clark as well finds his actions questionable and he goes through a character arc where he realizes what he's doing as well as his actions toward Superman were wrong (the execution had problems though)

Visually, the movie is amazing as expected from Snyder (ok, Doomsday's CGI was bit rough but the dark lighting helped it), its tone is consistent, Affleck and Cavill gave extraodinary acting performances, Adams and Cavill have great chemistry, I like the interactions between Irons and Affleck with the dialogue feeling really natural and I appreciate the darker, more political and mature tone compared to the MCU and maybe even the X-Men, helping it stand out and the action is extraodinary particularly the warehouse fight. The action is just well handled as well as the chilling Hans Zimmer's score. I also appreciate the ambition of this movie. It truly feels epic with a big cast and wide variety of locations.

Where the movie really struggles is the pacing. There's little action within the first hours other than one chase in the beginning and two segments where Batman kills a lot of people so it does feel dragged out and not much happens in those two hours, making them feel more of a setup for the last hour and this movie is quite convoluted. It's not comfusing but there's a lot going on. You have the film trying to be a sequel to MoS, a Batman origin movie, you have Lex's secret plan and it also tries to tease us the Justice League with WW being there and clips of Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman. If it took out WW and setting up the JL, it would've been loads better.

Let's talk about Batman's character arc. The execution is a mess. It does a good job showing his fall from grace mostly but I wished it showed him preparing the battle for Superman more as we don't see him developing the gadgets in the battle and let's talk about the Martha scene, the most misunderstood scene in cinema. The problem was the dialogue and length of the scene. If Martha was replaced with mother and we saw flashbacks of an innocent Batman (as innocent as he can be), it'd be loads better but it felt rushed.

I didn't hate Jesse Eissenberg's performance and at least he has a personality and he's entertaining but damn he can be annoying and it feels like a weak attempt to be Heath Ledger's Joker with the craziness. It's just distracting.

Despite its obvious flaws, BvS is a good sequel to Man of Steel that left me entertained and I appreciate its ambition despite the flawed execution in places.
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A bit rushed but it's beautifully animated, funny and has great characters
6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, finally, after 5 years, we get our first ever original computer animated movie and is it great? I'm happy to say yes. To start with the flaws, the movie did feel kind of rushed in some areas. Getting the gems was just a bit too easy at times and I wish those segments were stretched out to provide some more challenge. Same with the ending in a way. The movie told us in the beginning that Kumandra was split into 5 parts after disagreeing about the dragon gem so shouldn't it be one again, physcially and mentally? I do wish the movie showed us that.

But, anyhow, let's get on with why this movie is amazing. First, the characters. Raya is a really enjoyable protagonist with a fun personality, a bad ass warrior, funny with a great voice performance from Kelly Marie Tran but also a flawed individual who understandably doesn't have trust in people due to a consequential past experience and grows eventually to trust her friend-turned enemy Namarri and speaking of Namarri, she's another great character with understandable motivations and I love that she's the one who is trusted to put the orb together, which ties in with the messgae brillantly. The other side characters are also pretty fun and funny with also their own motivations the baby got annoying at times. Awakfina as Sisu was surprisingly funny mostly and enjoyable and is the sense of optimisn in this world and her 'death' was pretty unexpected even if it was obvious she'd come back.

There's also a huge sense of scale and consequences with this massive world of Kamundra that's creative, distinct, large and doesn't feel too similar to other works and there's actual consequences for people's action. All the fighting and lack of trust leads to consequences like the lack of dragons, characters not achieving what they want and the world crumbling apart and the story itself is a suitable adventure story. I don't get why people say it's a bad story. Disney has never ever been original with their ideas and it's an adventure movie. What did you expect? Do people forget animation is a genre? And I'm sorry but if you think Moana and movies like Indiana Jones have amazing stories but this doesn't, you're being hypocritical.

And the fight choreography and action is simply remarkable, similar to the levels of Kung Fu Panda and even though the fights are similar, they feel spaced out so it does not become tiresome and we also get some fun Indiana Jones trotting adventure and chases.

Comparable to Disney movies that came out last decade, this is definitely in the top half. Out of the 10 movies, it's probably 3rd or 4th behind Tangled and Zootopia and I'm still deciding if it's better than Wreck it Ralph. Overall, despite it being rushed in some areas, it's still a really well done Disney movie and I hope we get more original movies like this. Hopefully Encanto is as good.
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Visually stunning, creative and well-written, Spiderverse is one of the greatest animated movies
12 February 2021
I did not expect Spiderverse to be this good! I don't know how Sony made this and the Emoji Movie but it doesn't matter because this movie is amazing. I absolutely adore the art style of this movie. It's truly one of the most visually stunning movies I've ever seen with bright, vibrant colors, so much detail in every corner and ir really feels like a comic book movie coming to life, which I initially thought would be distracting but it's one of the best parts of the movie.

The writing for this movie is spectacular as well. Miles is a really well written main character that is relatable and his school issues as well as his relationship with his dad and uncle and his struggle in becoming Spider-Man is written so realistically and you really feel for him, I genuinely feel for this teen and it's so satisfying when he becomes Spider-Man. Peter B Parker and Gwen are also written incredibly well with their own struggles and I love how they did not make Gwen a love interest. They gave her actual problems and personality. Even the villain, Kingpin, gets an understandable motivation but is still a threat and you want him dead!

The action scenes are so amazing as well! They are so fast-paced, easy to follow, creative and animated so well. I don't know how they did it. They each feel different ans even though there's a lot going on, it's easy to follow. This movie is also so funny! Combined with the quick timing, the comic book vibe and great voice acting, this is a movie that made me laugh so many times. The story itself is also a great coming-of-age with genuine emotional beats that I will not spoil and has clear threats and is well-paced and structured ans the soundtrack is absolutely spectacular and I'm not even a fan of rock music.

I have some minor complaints though. I wish characters like Peni Parker and Spider Noir got more development and I think at times the movie focused too much on the characters instead of the main threats at time but this is still one amazing movie! It's creative, imaginative, well-written, funny, has amazing action and is not just one of the best Spider-Man movies, not just one of the best superhero movies but also one of the best animated movies of all time
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Why do people hate this movie? It's an amazing sequel
11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, some of these reviews pain me. I guess a movie that has a female lead and villain is immediately a femenist movie and I guess if it's not as good as the original, it's a disappointment and an awful movie and looking at the hateful reviews, it seems to be people who waited 14 years for this movie that are hating it. Gosh, people these days are so hard to please.

Going away from the annoying haters, this is one excellent Pixar sequel. It's not as perfect as the original but that movie is so perfect in every way it's hard to beat it and honestly, I think this movie beats the original in a couple of ways. Obviously, the animation is gorgeous and probably the best from a cinematic point of view. Brad Bird is a genius. Each scene has magnificent lightning and each surface and body part is polished so beauifullly. It truly is a work of art. That 14 year break really helpes the animation team to refine the animation.

I also think Violet and Jack Jack are much better characters. Jack Jack steals the movie with so many funny moments and awesome sequences and it's awesome seeing a super baby, something that was teased at the end of the first film and it's expanded on brilliantly. Violet as well is much more likeable. More confident and more able to stand up to herself and ask a boy out. She's also another character that steals the movie with so many hilarious moments and goes through a great character arc, reconciling with Tony and becoming a responsible teen hero, putting the needs of her family and the world over herself.

Bob as well is taken in the perfect direction. At the end of the first film, he apologizes to his family for being a lousy and selfish father and swores to do better and here, he takes the responsibility and I appreciate how this film takes it seriously and shows fatherhood is no easy task and as the film progresses, he tries and tries but constantly gets held back in one way or another but by the end, he becomes a suitable parent.

Onto the main plot. This film definitely takes the story in a perfect direction, commencing with the Undermine fight and reinforces an issue in the first movie with superheroes being illegal and now they need to resolve that issue. A perfect concept for a sequel and leads to pretty adult dialogue scenes about people's perception on heroes and why they're seen like that. Elastigirl provides to be an amazing protagonist who is likeable and kicks ass in so many amazing sequences. Frankly, I don't get why people complain about her being the protagonist. Bob is the reason why superheroes became illegal in the first place so logic dictates Elastigirl should take the responsibility.

The action scenes are so amazing in the movie and we get to see different heroes. Each action scene feels incredibly different and utilizes the character's powers perfectly whether you have the undermine fight, the motorcycle chase scene, the helicopter rescue scene, a battle on a cruise ship, a hosue battle and some hand-to-hand combat. They're fast-paced and beautifully animated.

In terms of the villain, I actually kind of like Screenslaver. I really like her beliefs about superhoees as well as her ideology and you really get where she's coming from and I can't lie. Screenslaver is really intimidating and has great motivations.

In terms of why this film is not a 10/10, I felt Dash got sidelined and didn't have much to do and didn't have any standout action scenes. I also felt like Evelyn's plan did not make much sense. I guess it plays out pretty coherently but it's overcomplicated. I felt like the final battle as well was a bit rushed and it just didn't feel as fresh or as mature as the first. There was something special about the Incredibles, focusing much more on the adults rather than the kids, making it feel more adult. This was more focused on the kids and a whole family, which is not an issue but a bit of a shame after the first movie. Regardless, Incredibles 2 is an incredible sequel to the first that doesn't deserve the hate.
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X-Men (2000)
Solid start To The X-Men Franchise
9 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, X-Men: the first of the X-Men films and also a really important movie in comic book history, paving the way for the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy and the MCU. Does it still hold up 21 years later despite 23 MCU movies, 12 more X-Men movies and other stand alones and trilogies? Yes.

It's not an amazing movie but it is a pretty great movie. It does an incredible job introducing us to the X-Men franchise, introducing us to the characters, the world, the themes, human and mutant relationships, the beliefs about Magneto and Xavier and mutants perfectly with good pacing and well-delivered exposition as well as hints of subtlty. It overall lays solid foundations for the entire franchise to build upon.

This movie 100% nails the casting. Hugh Jackman embodies this character so well and has continued doing that for 17 more years but Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen carry the movie. There's something about these 2 that really make them stand out. They have so much screen presence and are pretty passionate about their roles. Every actor does a great job too but those 3 especially.

This is also the only X-Men movie where Rogue is an actual character (although I haven't seen the Rogue Cut of DOFP) instead of a love interest. Seeing her struggling with the consequences her X-Men power can bring to the people around is kind of heartbreaking and you really feel for her. The action in this movie is also quite well handled especially the final battle. Every character gets their moment to shine and show off their mutant powers. I also appreciated the darker tone of this movie, letting it to stand out especially with the MCU movies beeing much lighter in tone.

There's nothing exceptional in the movie however that made think 'that was amazing acting/writing/action' other than maybe Magneto. The movie is also kind of fast-paced at times but sometimes really slowly paced. Some scenes drag longer than necessary and there are moments and bits of worldbuilding that are kind of rushed throughout and the whole storyline of Magneto turning all these politicans to mutants just is not very intriguing or interesting and the fact he did not know it'd kill everyone makes the villains dumb. I guess it was done to build up stakes and while it kind of worked, it was kind of lame.

Overall, this is a solid and good start to the X-Men franchise. It's not an amazing movie but it is a good movie indeed.
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The perfect movie does not exis....
4 February 2021
Everyone has already talked about how amazing and fun this movie is and I'm going to join in. I went in this movie with very high expectations with everyone saying how amazing it was and somehow this movie exceeded my expectations. This movie is just perfect!

Michael J Fox and all the other actors are incredible in this movie. Fox has such a natural dynamic with Christopher Lloyd. Their friendship seems too real at times. Lea Thompson really delivers this performance of a thirsty teenage girl, Thimas Wilson perfectly sells this hateful bully so it was so satisfying seeing Bill taken down but Cristin Glover sells the film and his performance is a huge reason into why George has an amazing character arc.

And now let's talk about the script because this movie truly has one of the best and most exciting scripts and stories. Everything is set up so perfectly in the beginning with the character's backgrounds, personalities as well as the locations and important informatiom all being established so well for the 1955 section. Not a single scene is wasted. Every scene plays a role in the overall story and everything is linked together and this plot of Marty trying to get his 1955 version mom and dad to fall in love is a perfect concept given everything set up leading to a very exciting climax and a great character journey for George McFly.

Speaking of the climax, it's probably the best part of the movie. Mainly because the movie does a great job by increasing tensions and leaving you wondering if Marty will even return back to 1985. I mean, the plan should have been a breeze but so many things went wrong and you're alwaus glued to the screen as you aren't sure what's going to happen and this leads to an emotionally satisfying climax where George and Lorainne finally kiss and that 80s music makes it 10 times better and a heart-racing climax where it seems as though Doc will fail to bring Marty to 1985 but he does and the ending is perfect, seeing Marty's family all so happy.

This film is just so awesome and gets better everyime I rewatch it. If you haven't seen this movie yet, stop what you're doing immediately, turn on Netflix and watch the movie. You'll not be disappointed. A must-see for everyone!
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The most underrated and most loyal of the Harry Potter movies (and better than the book)
3 February 2021
It always shocked me when people rank this movie as the weakest of the 8. For people who have not read the books, I get it because this is considered the weakest of the books but for those who have read the books, I don't get why people would rank it low. This is easily the best Harry Potter movie in terms of how well it adapted the book. Aside from a couple of deleted scenes I wish they kept, there's nothing I would change.

Chris Columbus nailed the darker tone of this movie, which suits the movie really well so while we still get some of the happiness and light tone from the 1st movie, this movie effectively is darker in tone, which makes sense given how dark the story is and it's very tonally inconsistent being dark when it needs to be but also bright and cheerful when it doesn't. Columbus truly understood the spirit of the book.

The visuals of this movie have really improved as well and aged a lot better. The Quidditch scenes look more realistic, the set for the chamber matches the book description perfectly and the use of practical effects for Aragog, the Basilisk and the Mandrakes was a great idea to save money and they still hold up 18 years later. Dobby also looks impressive for 2002. The acting is much better here as well. Radcliffe seems to have grown more confident, Emma seems more natural but Rupert shines here with the best performance of the child actors and he has so many hilarious facial expressions. The new cast including Brannagh, Jones and Issac are amazing and they bring their character into film so well.

I also love the added action scenes in the movie including when the Hogwarts Express almost crushes Harry and Ron's car, the attack of Aragog's family on Harry and Ron and the battle with the basilisk being extended. These action scenes are amazing with great CGI, clear stakes, always leaves the viewer on edge and are just frightening, which matches the genre of the film so well.

The mystery aspect was nailed as well here. They managed to include every detail from the book to the film including the mirror, spiders scurrying away, the water and all that. It really shows how much Columbus cared about pleasing the fans, including details like that and also not creating any plot holes for those who have not read the books.

Overall, this is an incredible sequel and adaptation that improves on the first film and book. It expands the world of Hogwarts beautifully, the casting was perfect and it captures the tone and vibe of the book so well. I'm sure this will please every book fam and I don't understand why this is so many people's least favorites.
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Cars (2006)
Nowhere near Pixar's best but still a solid and fun time
2 February 2021
I'm not the biggest fan of the original Cars like some people but I still think this is a good movie. It might even be great. Pixar as usual produces some stunning animation in this movie with lovely grass, polished metal surfaces and a movie filled with beautiful colors and detailed backgrounds. Well done animators.

I also quite like the characters a lot. Lightning McQueen, despite being insuferable for the first 30 minutes, goes for a believable character arc that slowly progresses through the relationships he make and gives us a great life lesson along tue way. Mater is also a really funny side character with hilarious jokes and is just really likeable and fun. I also like Sally and Doc and the relationship they developed with McQueen, especially with Doc and his history with racing.

It's also a well-told story about McQueen learning to slow down or you'll miss the little things in life and I think we can all learn from that and it's well executed with all the fun laughs and activities McQueen goes through and it leads to an exciting intense climax that concludes McQueen's arc remarkably well (although he could have just crossed the finish line and then helped the King but whatever)

What holds it back is there's really no reason for the characters to be cars. They're just kind of cars to appeal to 8 year old boys and being one of Pixar's longest films at 115 minutes, it can drag on and on and on at times and the genre and concept of the film just isn't for me and I really couldn't handle McQueen in the first 30 minutes but regardless it's a charming, funny and well-made animated movie that's fun for families but there are many other better Pixar movies like Coco, Monsters Inc and Inside Out.
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