
95 Reviews
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Bros (2024– )
Well done
19 April 2024
Apparently this is the first time that Netflix has made a series for the Israeli market. We have a history of making very well regarded TV programs that not just do extremely well locally, but also overseas as well.

The series touches on some very serious themes that our society is grappling with today.

The humor is so spot on. And if you want to know if this is how people actually behave on a daily basis. I will say absolutely represents how we relate to each other on a daily basis.

I don't want to give anything away, but just to say it's worth the watch.

I believe that many of the negative ratings are from people who haven't even watched it, which is unfortunate.
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so bored, I couldn't watch it...
23 March 2024
"A Mighty Heart" fails to harness the intensity of its true-life inspiration. Despite Angelina Jolie's committed performance as Mariane Pearl, the film struggles to engage audiences due to its slow pacing and lack of emotional depth. Dan Futterman's portrayal of Daniel Pearl feels underdeveloped, leaving the central relationship feeling flat. The film's attempt to capture the tension of the hunt for Daniel's kidnappers falls short, resulting in a tedious viewing experience. Overall, "A Mighty Heart" lacks the necessary spark to captivate its audience, ultimately leaving them feeling disconnected and uninvested.
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The book was OK, but the movie... meh
8 March 2024
Even if I hadn't read the book, this movie would have still made no sense.

The plot (there's a plot), is Swiss cheese. No story, no continuity. The acting is terrible, I assume the actors are doing the best that they can with this horrible script.

Now, after reading the book, this movie is a total disappointment.

The book at least tells a story from beginning to end.

I can only assume that major parts of the story was edited out of the movie. The scenes just don't make any sense.

And I don't get the soundtrack. It's really annoying because it doesn't match at all.

Avoid this, not worth your time. But the book is a good read.
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2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I! Used to watch a lot of war movies with my dad, as a kid.

I don't recall them focusing so much on the losses, and more on the victories.

The episodes just show the American commanders sending their crews on what basically were suicide missions.

The British kept reminding them that there's a reason that they bomb at night.

So why didn't the Americans bomb at night? I am not sure, I am not a military historian.

But I don't find this at all enjoyable to watch. If I wanted to watch something about military blunders, I would look for a documentary or something.

So it just makes it very annoying.
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Theater Camp (2023)
Wanted to love it... hated it.
4 October 2023
I love Noah Galvin, and Ben Platt, so I had HUGE expectations.

I had seen Camp, twenty years ago, and wondered if they were going to do a remake... or come p with something different.

Well, this was either a really really BAD attempt to remake it, or just bad in general.

Everything about this was wrong. The storyline was silly, and the acting was over the top, bad.

The rich camp rival thing...that was Meatballs, (1979). Crazy counselors, Wet Hot American Summer (2001).

The other thing that bothered me in a BIG way, was the age of the campers. Much younger than should have been for a movie like this. It made it creepy.

Miss this flop!
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Cute... not a piece of art... but fun
3 October 2023
Ignore the issues with the continuity, this is supposed to be just a year after the last one... but you wouldn't know it by looking at the actors.

I love the actors, I have been to Greece, and have Greek friends, so I get a lot of the not so inside inside jokes.

I really love Nia Vardalos, and wish I could see more of her on screen.

And when the paired the cast down for this movie, they chose the best characters for sure.

Again it's not a piece of great cinema, but has lots of laughs, and sweet moments.

Worth seeing if you want a bit of feel good. A fourth... another wedding... ah... good luck.
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Golda (2023)
24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, obviously the bad reviews, are based on the topic not the actual movie itself, as no movie made about Israel today is going to fair well when the unwashed masses get to give their $0.02.

Miren is excellent, truly an award-winning performance. The tone and texture of the movie is really amazing. And I really felt I was back in 1973.

I read Golda's biography, and this really does conavy the sense of panic that was going on at the time.

What a woman of strength, going through cancer treatment at the same time.

Some of the scenes really moved me emotionally, listening to the live radio transmissions from the front. I don't know if they were real, but they sure sounded real (in Hebrew). I did not see a US version of the movie, so I don't know if these were translated for the non-Hebrew speaking audiences.

But wow... I was almost in tears.

Truly a great movie!
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Worst movie I have ever seen....
16 July 2023
"Beau is Afraid" starring Joaquin Phoenix is an absolute disaster. This film fails to deliver on every level imaginable. From the dull and convoluted plot to the lackluster performances, it's a trainwreck from start to finish. Phoenix's portrayal of Beau is unconvincing and lacks depth, leaving the audience disengaged and uninterested in his character's journey. The pacing is abysmal, dragging on endlessly with no purpose or payoff. The dialogue is clichéd and uninspired, failing to evoke any emotion or meaning. The direction and cinematography are equally lackluster, with no visual flair or artistic merit. "Beau is Afraid" is a forgettable mess that should be avoided at all costs.

I am not sure what he is trying to do, become the weirdest actor in hollywood, now that Daniel Day-Lewis has retired?

NO idea... but not looking forward to Napoleon.
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Hijack (2023)
I would give this a higher rating if it was more realistic
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hijackers usually do what they do for a reason. They are making a statement. So these hijackers don't. No announcements, no demands. They appear to be quite a motley crew, which makes it even more difficult to figure out as the show progresses.

Then there are the UK government folks who are poo pooing the whole idea for the first half of the series. If anything most logical security agencies overreacting to security breaches are the norm in a post 911 world.

I will say the acting and writing is good. The camera work, editing and sound are all top notch.

It's also a bit slow. This would have made an awesome 2 hour movie.

It's still worth watching, just a bit agonizing. Maybe it will start to pick up already?
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Forced to give it at least a 1, deserves far less
26 May 2023
I don't know what to say, I don't know where to begin.

Mel, you were funny 40, 50 years ago, but your shtick does not age well.

I used to love his movies, but watching them today, it's cringy.

So then you have this program, why not a movie? Because nobody wants to be in another Mel Brooks movie?

I can't begin to explain how terrible this show is.

It is one cringy gag to another. Just bad, really, horribly terribly bad waste of time.

And now I am forced by IMBD to come up with another 106 characters to explain why you should NOT, by any stretch of the imagination watch this.

Mel, baby please... you.are 96 years old. Retire for cripes sake. It's time.
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The Point Men (2001)
What a mess...
26 May 2023
This movie was so terrible, I only watched it to the end because I wanted to see them all DIE!

Maybe because I am Israeli, and know my country, it's locations and people was this movie a 2.

Many of the shots that were allegedly in Israel (see signs in Hebrew) were obviously shot in Europe.

Some were truly a joke. Like a park with lush green lawns and low pines, something that does not exist in Israel.

Noting about this movie made sense. The plot was more than absurd, that I found myself asking myself... did I just miss something?

So many things left unexplained. Then there was the acting. Christopher Lambert was cute, like 30 or so years ago. Now he looks like he was rode hard and put away wet. And whenever him speak it's like his voice is dubbed.

Bad bad bad....

Don't waste your time.
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Butch Camp (1996)
Absolute disaster of a movie
26 May 2023
I only started to watch it, because it was free.

It is an utter letdown from start to finish. The plot is a convoluted mess. The characters are shallow and unrelatable, lacking the depth necessary to invest in their journeys. The attempts at humor fall flat, relying on tired stereotypes and tasteless jokes that only serve to reinforce negative stereotypes.

The direction is lackluster, with uninspired cinematography and a disjointed editing style that further hampers any sense of flow or cohesion. It feels like a haphazardly assembled collage of scenes rather than a cohesive cinematic experience.

The performances are equally disappointing, with actors who seem disengaged and deliver their lines with little conviction or emotional range. The lack of chemistry among the cast further exacerbates the film's inherent flaws.

Additionally, the production values leave much to be desired. The set designs and costumes are cheap and lack authenticity, failing to transport the audience into the world of the film. The soundtrack feels generic and fails to enhance the viewing experience in any meaningful way.

Overall, Butch Camp is a forgettable and poorly executed film that fails to live up to its potential. It lacks originality, compelling storytelling, and memorable performances. Save yourself the frustration and seek out better alternatives in the genre.
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Truly an emotional masterpiece, respect your elders, they have a past.
6 April 2023
I saw the Tom Hanks version, and thought it was good, if not a bit... odd. Some of the scenes just didn't work for me, and could not put a finger on it.

Then, I wanted the original Swedish version and it all made sense.

They really went all out developing Ove's character, and slowly letting the viewer in on the secrets of Ove's past, and what made him the way he was.

It really is a must watch, especially if you watched the plastic, American version.

You get to know, and truly connect with this character as you see him as a younger man.

The major takeaway from this, is when you see a "grumpy old man", you automatically judge them, without trying to understand the things they went through during their lives.
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Americanized version falls flat
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the Tom Hanks version, and thought it was good, if not a bit... odd. Some of the scenes just didn't work for me, and could not put a finger on it.

Then, I wanted the original Swedish version and it all made sense.

Many of the situations were Americanized, and got totally LOST in translation.

So much didn't make sense to me. The whole thing about the building company having information on someone, it doesn't click, until you realize in the original, it was a a healt care company, cashing in on peoples' health problems.

The original has a much better explanation for most, if not ALL of the reasons why he is in the state that he is. They also develop his childhood, and relationship with his father, which explains to much.

Who parts of the storyline were left out, and some were way way way over extended.

The original makes the main character here Otto (with no reason why an average American would have that name) too stiff. Ove, in the original version softens far earlier. And develops much better as a character.

Please go and watch the original, you will really love it.
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Could have been made by the propaganda arm of the PLO
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't about hummus, it's anti-Israel propaganda.

The "historical facts" in this movie are totally skewed, and are totally one-sided.

The joke that Hanan Ashrawi talks about it being part of the "Palestinian Culture", a people that were created in 1964.

The reality is that is doesn't matter who or where hummus was created. The Greeks make it, so do the Turks. They don't claim to own it. The Israelis also don't claim to own it, we just make it and love it.

So why do the Lebanese and Palestinians get so hung up on it?

If anything, the Egyptians probably created it, as in ancient Israel, fava beans were more likely to be eaten than chickpeas.

There is no war. It's just that the Israelis were smart enough to take it global.

But this movie is just an anti-Israel screed.

Eat hummus, and enjoy, and ignore this trash.
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You People (2023)
One of the worst movies I have ever seen
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The most cringeworthy movies I have ever seen.

The Jewish characters in the movies are incredibly insulting and disreputable, and pull out almost every possible stereotype.

Every scene is a cringe fest. It's truly painful to watch.

I am undecided if Jonah Hill's character is the worst, or Julia Louis Dreyfus?

Horrible cameos by Richard Benjamin, and Elliot Gould don't help.

The scene in the synagogue, on Yom Kippur, was particularly insulting and disreputable.

Maybe the Holocaust comments?

Or even the Malcolm X ones? So much to pick at.

In an era of increasing antisemitic violence, a movie like this just fuels the flames.

If it were on screen, there would be protests at the theatres.
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Mo (2022– )
Depressing comedy, that plays too much with the facts
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a show if you are looking for laughs.

Readying Mo's bio, it sounds almost like an autobiography, or at least based on a true story.

Some of the story sounds too far fetched to believe. If the family came on asylum, he would not be 30 years later still an asylum seeker.

Refugees that are approved for asylum (from non-bordering countries) that are approved for asylum are approved long before they land on US soil (this is a fact).

His father had a job, there is no way that he, or his immediate family members would be illegal. So that kills a big part of the story.

There are lots of swipes at Israel (he's a Palestinian, so of course, right). But he and his brother, Sameer, were born in Kuwait. They fled from Kuwait, not Palestine. And from you can glean from his case, his father was tortured in Kuwait, not Palestine. So why the subtle anti-Israel references (the nephew, Osama's baseball game)?

It makes it hard to watch when you know the story is impossible to be true.

The other characters are ok. I feel sorry for his girlfriend, and don't see what she sees in him, she could do better.

All in all, could be better if were more realistic, but then maybe there is no story?
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Two Barns (2014)
I am still shaking
31 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a story of the Holocaust you have never heard. It's a story that the current Polish government has made illegal to tell.

You need to watch this and understand that this didn't just happen in one isolated incident, but happened in many small towns throughout Eastern Poland during the war.
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Cruising (1980)
Homophobia flick that hasn't aged
23 July 2022
Horribly homophobic movie that would, thankfully would never be made today.

It's a movie that caused outrage and protests when it hit the theatres when it opened.

It certainly has not aged well.
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Highly fictionalized, low budget.
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Looks pretty low budget, and rushed.

The casting was done without any connection to the real national origins of the real actors in this drama.

Many of the facts, as we know them, are wrong.

As a bonus, many of the IMDB comments about Goofs and Trivia are completely wrong.

Dora Bloch was born in Jaffa, and traveled with her son. She held British citizenship because of her late husband.
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Unplugging (2022)
I should have read the reviews
5 July 2022
This movie is a complete and total waste of time. Don't watch it. You will be angry, frustrated, and want to break your TV.

I have to just come up with more words to say how I hate it.
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The Bear (2022– )
This is supposed to be enjoyable?
3 July 2022
If you like chaos, constant screaming, yelling and cursing, this show is for you.

Super depressing, and just not fun to watch.

The story kind of starts in the middle, so you need to figure it out as you go. Way too much effort to watch a bunch of people hate on each other for 8 episodes.
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Moonfall (2022)
Yes, it's really THAT BAD!!!
2 July 2022
I love a good sci-fi flick, this is not one of them.

The plot, script, acting, just terrible. Nothing makes any sense, to the point of being absurd.

The actors are totally mismatched. The guy with the British accent has a mum without one.

No chemistry, but that's because there is no character development, it just ambles from scene to scene with very little to connect them together.

Don't waste your time on this.
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Love & Gelato (2022)
A sweet flick
26 June 2022
I never read the book, so have nothing really to compare it to.

At first I thought it was going to be yet another Netflix bomb, of which there have been many of late.

The story is bittersweet, and the locations are truly amazing.

It's not going to win any major awards, but it was cute to watch with many tender moments.
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Is It Cake? (2022– )
It's now time to dump Netflix
21 June 2022
Remember when Netflix had great movies you could rent?

Now it produces absolutely garbage, and the price went up.

More trash like this, and I am done.
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