
8 Reviews
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Cool and Creepy
17 December 2006
In the right hands film can be weapon. This is the case hear in John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns. It tells the story of struggling the struggling theater owner/rare film finder Kirby Sweetman, who is still affected by the suicide of his former lover. He's is need of cash to save his theater so he take on a job from the mysterious Mr. Bellinger to find the holy grail of films "La fin absolute Du monde" the absolute end of the world. As soon as he takes the job he is sucked in to a world of horrifying imagery and depraved violence. This is an overall brilliantly frightening tale of the extremes a crazed film maker will go to to shock an audience. The episode does a good job of building suspense and has some wicked cool moments of
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Masters of Horror: The Screwfly Solution (2006)
Season 2, Episode 7
Interesting Premise Ruined
14 December 2006
I wasn't terribly impressed with Dante's 1st season offering in "Homecoming", it wasn't much of a horror story, but rather a smart political statement with the undead. Screwfly situation is the story of a virus unleashed on the world that causes men's sexual drive to replaced with murderous tendencies toward women. The episode starts out all right with a short film explaining the way the screw fly was killed of by scientists. Then there is short scene where a man is arrested when females bodies are discovered in his home. I assume this is supposed to show the beginning of the outbreak, but is unclear because this is never revisited. The episode go ons for a while introducing characters blah blah blah.It seems cool and mysterious but the episode stars to get worse and worse as it lurches forward until its sad and unsatisfying end. The worst episode. Well, except for chocolate.
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Masters of Horror: Sounds Like (2006)
Season 2, Episode 4
"sounds like" a decent episode
20 November 2006
I have faith in MOH again. At first i was a a little disappointed because i thought John Carpenter's Pro-Life was on this week, but i was pleasantly surprised by this gem of an episode. The concept of this episode doesn't really seem scary, but the remarkable use of music and sound effect really brings this episode to life. Also the feeling of hopelessness and despair sets up a a dark little world for protagonist Larry, who has developed and acute sense of hearing after the untimely death of his son. The amazing thing is that nothing happens for a good part of the episode, but the build up and tone used used makes up for it. The ending is pretty satisfying and this is a good episode that uses sound brilliantly. Very nice.
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Masters of Horror: The V Word (2006)
Season 2, Episode 3
mediocre vampires
20 November 2006
Another stinker. Not that bad though. This is the V word, the story of vampires in a small town. Its not original at all very similar to fight night or Salem's lot, just put in a modern setting. It's pretty generic and doesn't seems to have the master's touch that this series usually has. The episode centers around two teens. One of them has divorced parents and the other is often teased by his brothers. What do the kids do to cope with their angst? Go check out a dead dude. So they venture of to the mortuary where they wander around in the for what seems like forever. This is where the director desperately tries to build tension for some kind of quick scare that'll make you jump and go "whoa i'm really scared right now!" This doesn't happen. long after you get sick of their aimless wander a vampire gets up really slowly and saunters around looking real spooky. When he bites the dude's neck it's pretty cool but that's about it. Micheal Ironside is pretty good vampire but its really nothing special.
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Masters of Horror: Family (2006)
Season 2, Episode 2
20 November 2006
This season of MOH had a great start with Tobe Hoopers entry. It was great. But we're not talking about that one. This is family. Its the story of this old fat dude who seems like a sweetheart but he kills people,bathes them in acid and keeps them as his "family." New neighbors move in and the old fart gets a crush on the lovely young wife. It drags on from there until the big TWIST. omg. I won't tell you the twist because then there's no reason to watch the episode. It tries to be funny but comes up short to Landis's knee-slapper of and entry last year (deer woman). It would've gotten a five but the twist beefs up the score a lil' bit. Yup. let's hope the season picks up from hear.
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1 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It seems everyone who has reviewed this thinks its a terrible Lovecraft movie or a great comedy. It's not as f_cking terrible as some say it is but 10/10 come on its not that good, even as a comedy. Its far from the worst of the worst but the sh_tty camera work and acting add to its B-movie charm. There some stuff that would be pretty disturbing if done right, and its not really done right. The story line is really cool but thats no credit to the filmmakers. Also the movie puts Tom Savini's name right on the box which gives it some cred but he's only in like 2 F_cking scenes which is gay. And the the CGI monster at the end sucks. And on the DVD there was a preview for some movie where some fat bald guy kills people which is fun. So in conclusion this movie is some what creepy but(90% of the time) in a really funny way.
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Masters of Horror: Imprint (2006)
Season 1, Episode 13
A disturbingly beautiful short film
30 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'll have to admit, I'm not familiar with Miike's work. I know about the audition and how f*cked up it is but I've never seen it. So i was somewhat excited about seeing the Imprint but worried it'd just be a bunch of gruesome torture with no real good plot or context. But this Installment of Masters of Horror doesn't fail to make your spine tingle.The story set in the early 1900's follows mysterious journalist Christopher(Billy Drago) to a mysterious island to find a whore that he made a promise to years ago. He is greeted by some creepy old bag who tells him his love was never here. He then speaks to a deformed young woman who tells him a story of betrayal and sadistic torture. Something about the way Miike shoots the torture makes it like nothing I've seen before. I've seen people die in more gory gruesome ways but the sheer anticipation Miike builds for the viewer gives the torture its extreme brutality. Kind of the opposite of the quick scares of American horror. Well the deformed ho' tells a few false stories about her origins but finally reveals the truth at the end. Here comes the spoiler: the deformed Chick had a conjoined twin with somewhat evil intent that comes out of her head from time to time. Think about a way more gruesome version of Stephen Kings the Dark Half. Oh yeah there's some sweet anti-fetus violence in this film. Always fun.
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2001 Maniacs (2005)
A fun filled gore trip through the South
14 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge horror movie fan, and rent a lot of bad horror movies. I've seen some of the worst and this one is far from it. The story revolves around some college dudes driven by their lust for some poon tang. They eventually end up in the quaint lil' Southern town of pleasant valley, where they are greeted with open arms by the town. Well the black dude not some much, because in this town everything is 100% authentic to the Civil war era. Anyway the mayor (played with humor and wit by Robert Englund) insists they stick around for their annual jubilee festival. The college dudes get acquainted with the odd inhabitants of the town, then everyone "does it"and then the gore starts. Yeah, the good old in habitants of Pleasant valley are quite unhappy that all dem Yanks that killed em back in the civil war, so every year the lure some unsuspecting yanks in to town kill 'em and eat 'em. Yeah it's not an earth shatteringly original plot, but the movie makes up for this with its gore and charm. There are a lot of dumb non-P.C. jokes in the movie, but its still somehow funny. Like the gay guy dying from a spike up his bum.Or black dude getting killed in the cotton press(get it cotton=slavery. Seriously go see this film buy it or rent it it's a pretty cool and unique film.There's some cool gore and some dude gets his penis bit off and if that's not great, then what is.
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