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Reba (2001–2007)
Name That Show
27 May 2024
In series I noticed there's different sayings like Reba saids Crap! I'm not sure if it's an Oklahoma thing! I've always said it & I've heard a lot of People around me say it! In the series Mom the word Meh! Good Times Dynamite & on Big Bang Theory where the Sheldon's Character saids Moonpie "OR" Nighttime Lullaby Soft Kitty! Series Alice Kiss My Grits! Even things that is in the Series that they play in The show Like Golden Girls known for Cheesecake!! It would be cool to have a Series...Called Name That Show! I think it would be fun for all the Popular Shows & all the Series Lovers out there!
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The Kid (II) (2019)
18 January 2024
I would recommend this Movie! The older I get I want to learn more of the history! I feel we can learn from the Older Generation "OR" Regretfully Make The Same Mistakes "OR" Same Bad Choices! Which may leave more Victims down the line! Rather choose to not Repeat & Learn those Mistakes in the past! I think this make us better people if we choose to make better choices in life!! The 1 that played Billy The Kid Looked Like Younger Version Of Leonardo DiCaprio!! It Was good to see Vincent D'Onofrio & his Daughter Leila George (D'Onofrio) in this Movie. Vincent short scene but it was worth while!!
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Times Of Threshold
14 January 2024
Secrets & Details can have a reflect towards that Next Generation to come! I feel that how the decisions we make can either help us "OR" hurt us! It's how we interact! When I watched this Movie about Helen Betty Osborne! It stopped me on my track towards the way we become & may start with another but Ends with Ourselves! It's how we take things in & how we proceed with that! I Can Not find this Movie anywhere!! & how 1's Culture is like that Family Tree Either we Stand together "OR" Fall together together! I truly believe it's about understanding each other & what represent.....having Love!!!!
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Heartbreak Hardship Hard Times
14 January 2024
When I first seen this Movie all I kept thinking was the Title: Hard Times...being a perfect description towards what David went through! I know he lost many years & couldn't get back! I hope his Legacy is Carried out now he's Passed. & how No 1 should go through what he Experienced! I can't find this Movie anywhere & I hope it can be aired once again! What he went through should be a Reminder of Strength & Courage & the will of facing our Challenges! Now his tough Journey is through he's @ Peace! I hope his Life Experience Encounter can educate us... how to Stand Strong with what we may face.
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5 December 2023
Oh No! I'm not like that! There are some good Karen's out there! I Promise!! I was told Once that I should find a Lawyer & get my Name Changed! I was Like I was born with this Name.😢 I'm Gonna Be A Karen for the Rest Of My Life.😂 That's My Name Don't Wear It Out lol!! There are few Parts in there that would be me there 😆😂.. I feel like everyone would Consider us Karen's as The Scrooge "OR" The Grinch! The Carrie Underwood who is from my Home State. But there was no Such Barbie Doll under her Name when I was growing up! I was told the Name is a known like a Red Flag! 🤔😢 There are some good Karen's out there.
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Jeff Dunham: Beside Himself (2019 TV Special)
Walters Woman 😂
21 November 2023
With Jeff not playing the Female Character Puppet Voice to go along with it! We always hear about Walters Wife! & How much she's admired.... lol! But We Never See Her ..... 😆 instead We Should Be Saying: Where's Walters...Wife?? Instead Of Where's Waldo! 😂... It would be something to hear that change of Voice with that added Puppet Character we've been hearing about! Jeff Dunham is extremely Talented I'm sure maybe he can come up with that Voice that can come together with the description with that Puppet Walter describes! I'm sure a lot of his audiences would get a kick out of it seeing Walter combined with his significant other lol.
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Deadly Wives (2013– )
Blanche Taylor Moore
24 June 2023
Watching the show makes me think of the true story of: Blanche Taylor Moore. She was definitely a black widow on so many different level!!!!! All she mostly thought of was money. I guess that was more important then human life itself! She had no compassion towards anyone else at all except herself. It's like no one really knew her! All her background stories that was told was differently each day that went by!! If anyone got in her way it's like that person might as well labeled themselves with a tag price! Unfortunately her husband's paid the price! No one even mattered even if it was family!
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What I Like About You (2002–2006)
Uplifting Comedy
10 July 2022
I love this show! & I purchased all the 1 to 4 seasons of the Series.... What I Like About You! ! I had wondered why they never used the titled of the song: What I Like About You. I did see over 1 of the episodes they did play this song. But I did hear there might had been a controversy over receiving the consent to using this song for the series! I'm not sure if this was the case "OR" not!! But if so which is understandable! How you have to receive that permission first! Based over Copyright issue!! Having Songs of my own!! But based over the ownership of this song!! But it would be good to see Amanda Bynes, Jennie Garth & Leslie Grossman. Unfortunate Stephen Dunham's passing knowing his character as Peter would not to be played as a come back "OR" Luke Perry as Charlie may these 2 RIP! But it would be nice to watch all the characters to do a come back sort of like a Reunion!!
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Ma & Pa
16 June 2022
I'm surprised that there hasn't been a remake of this series! When I was growing up I remember watching this show with my parents! They have passed away since! But I think seeing a remake of this would bring back happy memories of my Mom & Dad! It was a really good show about reality of having such a big family & struggling to tend to them! My parents grew up with a large family! So they could relate!! Now with all the passings it's not like that anymore 😢! But making the best of what you could do as a parent! Ma & Pa Kettle did exactly that!! My favorite part where 1 of the kids walks up & starts talking to Ma & she asked Who Are You? 😂 The kid saids I'm your child! Having such a big family trying to remember each child & their Names is so true of forgetting lol!! I think this is a great show for the Modern Day Family! Something to think of when a parents struggles to make ends meet!!
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Inside the Criminal Mind (2017–2018)
Are Criminal Minds Taught "OR" Born?
17 March 2022
I was thinking based over the criminology how 1 being jealous towards what others may have? Can this change their prospective in life?? & Feel they are the 1's entitled to those things! To the point where they steal & cause pain for others! But they also feel that rush of stealing & doing this in a dominating way! Which can lead to them as obtaining things as a reward for themselves as they call! It being a trophy to them of their violent ways! But this not being a normal behavior too! Kind of like them thinking it should be mine only!! Rather lifestyle "OR" always felt cheated in life! Or if they hate what they become after maybe being victimized. Being abused to where they become an abuser themselves!! So I wonder if they say if a person can develop this way through out life. Or even if 1 parent isn't good to the other. How everyone in the family household can all be affected by this!!
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The Week Of (2018)
Movie The Week Of: Jim Barone
15 January 2022
I read the story of Jim Barone his role in The Week Of.... Adam Sandler through the Record Journal! That is truly a remarkable story. I'm so glad Adam contacted him before Jim's passing! & how Jim got to do something that was inspirational on his part. & The thought what he did for our country & what he went through was so heartbreaking! With what he experienced he could had been so much in distressed & never did something by giving up. But he did something that became a rememberable experience to himself & to his family & to others as well! I hope & pray his family has peace in their hearts with the comfort of knowing Jim's amazing work did get recognition towards what he had sacrificed for our Country..

God bless 🙏
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The Stand: The Plague (1994)
Season 1, Episode 1
10 January 2022
It's shocking how Stephen King placed the Deadly Flu like symptoms in his Movie! & With Covid-19 hitting today it's like Stephen was shown that prodiction of what was about to become in our own future!! With what took place in this Movie unravels & of course to different events! I bought this movie! But i seen a remake was made! I'm not sure how the remake will be. I grew up watching the actors & actresses in this 1! But what I love about this Movie it gives a twist to a journey of not knowing what to come in the parts of these actors & actresses plays! To me many more events leaves you guessing how it will end!! So I'm hoping the remake will be as good not sure if it will be better. I will have to see it to say if it will be good!!
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Deadly Women (2005)
The Lasters Wife & The Blue Eyed Butcher
3 January 2022
I remember watching these 2 true stories on Lifetime. How The Pasters Wife Mary Winkler took the life of her husband Matthew Winkler & How Susan Wright took the life of her husband Jeffrey Wright. These 2 cases for some reason reminded me of the simularity of each other. Along with these other cases as well! I'm not sure maybe it was the image that they all represented! How everyone that they represented that fake upfront to the public! That perfect images being just that unreal!! & How they said they were in abusive relationships. But I do feel they were very herendish crimes. That took place! I'm not sure whatever took place to Mary Winkler & Susan Wright today! If anything it also reminds me of the Jodi Arias case towards how she ended Travis Alexander's life! I do feel these cases would be considered up there with the Lizzie Borden case by how gruesome their deadly Women act!! It's the same as the true story of A Killing In A Small Town: Candy Morrison taking her friends life Betty Gore after an affair with her husband! . And The same as The Burning Bed: Francine Hughes taking the life of Mickey her husband!
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Deadly Women (2008–2021)
Barbara Stager
21 December 2021
Has anyone ever heard of the True Story: Before he wakes?? Starring Jacqueline Smith... I think what is frightening here is a woman that is so devious that I feel when she planned out her killings, of her husbands that she showed no remorse at all!! She moved on to another victim!! Which this is when she had shown what kind of heart she had!! But only her true wickedness, that true behavior that was so scary & was so deadly!! You never know when she would strike out at her husband like a serpent. "OR" as they say.... This woman as that Black Widow! I'm sure if she ever got with anyone today, others would tell her next victim to be careful because that's exactly what that person would be her next victim!! But I believe she might be still incarcerated. I'm not sure!! But I'm sure others would say to that person she is with watch your back when you think your in love with Barbara Stager!! You'll never know how this will end! Or it hasn't end well towards her other victims in the past!! It's 1 of those things where you would say beware & proceed with caution when you walk away! She's clever devious & extremely Deadly!!!!
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Deadly Women (2008–2021)
Susie Newsom
20 December 2021
Anyone familiar with the true story movie called ( in the best of families marriage pride & madness) Bitter Blood staring Kelly McGillis? How Susie ends up having a strange relationship with her cousin Fritz Klenner! By the time it was over with how her 2 sons loosing their lives along with their mom Susie & her cousin Fritz. I always felt this was such a very heartbreaking case! It was so horrible how the 2 boys end up living in a bad mixed up situation!!
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Deadly Women (2008–2021)
Betty Broderick
20 December 2021
After watching a video once of Betty Broderick in prison fighting several security guard's. How she was arrested for killing her ex husband Dan & his new wife Linda. All I could think of was that's 1 woman that is so deadly I would never want to ever face! She took it to a whole another level of being extremely deadly!!
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Deadly Women (2008–2021)
Sylvia Likens Case
15 December 2021
I wasn't sure if Sylvia Likens Case was added to their episode. I've never seen it if they did. With Gertrude Baniszewski playing the big role towards how she was treated before her death. & How she behaved towards Sylvia's sister as well. There are some evil women out there that they can pretend to be your biggest fan! But once your back is turned they won't just hurt you. But they will destroy you all together. When there are good & bad they sure make bad show through all their Evil & Dirty Little Secret's!!
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Love on Repeat (2019 TV Movie)
Jonathan Bennett
29 September 2021
I am an Oklahoma Woman 😂!! . I was in Guthrie Oklahoma with my friend we were on a Ghost tour. It was funny as we were doing the Ghost tour the one that was our Ghost tour guide we had asked what is going on she said they are making a movie. All of a sudden I seen Jonathan Bennett who I recognized from the Movie,: Mean Girls. & The Movie: Love Wrecked me having the movies. He walked right by me & my friend & the Tour Guide I was with no 1 recognized him but me,!! He had left the restaurant with a female you could tell they were really in a serious conversation. I figured discussing the movie in the making. I said that's Jonathan Bennett. My friend was like WHO IS THAT?? I couldn't keep from laughing! All I could think was when they are in the focused they don't notice anything around them! Jonathan is a really good actor & all i thought was this proves he takes his acting career very serious. The woman with him I figured maybe a director "OR" someone preparing his next acting scene. Either way it proves when they are focused they take each act serious to really impress the fans!!
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Voice from the Grave (1996 TV Movie)
26 February 2021
I was hoping to purchase this movie Dvd form. But I'm unable to locate this movie anywhere! Even through Lifetime which is where I happened to watch it! This Movie is so hard to find!!
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Terror in the Woods (2018 TV Movie)
10 October 2020
There is a song in this movie that no one can find. I wished it can be easily located when you search for it through the title. They definitely need to make it alot easier to find for the viewers! It's a really good song. I seen where alot of people wishing to find this song! & was unsuccessful of locating it!!
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Shattered (I) (2017)
10 October 2020
When you search for the soundtrack of this movie you can't find it anywhere! I wished it can be located in a easier way of locating it. There is a really beautiful song on this movie. I thought it was called your wanted. But I'm unable to find it!!
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