
14 Reviews
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It's not meant to be historically accurate. It's meant to be exciting and it is.
4 June 2023
Firstly, for the person who said that this movie takes place in 1442. It doesn't take place in 1442. That's how old Vlad was when he was trained to fight for the Turks. The events of Vlad becoming a vampire takes place many years later. Secondly this film is in no way meant to be historically accurate. What this movie is, is a fresh new take on the Dracula mythology. There's so much potential for a sequel if Hollywood ever decides to give us one. There are many Dracula films that clearly add new and interesting ideas to how vampires existence come about and this is definitely one of them. Enjoy.
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Fugget About It (2012–2021)
I won't Fugget About It.
26 December 2022
It may have former Capo Jimmy Falcone and his family living in witness protection trying to go straight but personally, I find it hilarious when they can't seem to stay out of trouble or get actually get into it. Cookie easily adapts to living in Regina and Petey does too while Theresa keeps looking for the next hot boy and Gina, my favorite character, keeps looking for a big score. Throw in brainless Uncle Cheech and you got one heck of a Canadian comedy. But, if they think we'll just settle for a season 3 cliffhanger instead of giving us another three or four seasons, well, Fugget About It!!
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Come Back Mrs. Noah (1977–1978)
Why so much hate for this show?
20 August 2022
This show might have only had six episodes but I found them to be hilarious. It's not often you find a comedy show set in space. Most shows in space are action adventure. What really made this a good show to watch was Mollie Sugden who portrayed Mrs. Slocombe in Are You Being Served?, as well as the constant innuendos that are played for laughs which I was able to get. This show could have lasted at least 2 or 3 seasons rather then just six episodes. Poor Mrs. Noah, how will you come back now? In the hearts and minds of those who will treasure this interstellar comedy show.
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What did I just watch?
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute trash. Too much sex and not enough of a real plot. As a matter of fact, this movie has the biggest plot hole ever. How is it that Dracula, who looks more like Quasimodo end up trapped in a crate for 200 years when he could have simply broken free? Then there's Leila. Honestly, I was kind of hoping she'd die in this movie. Leila says her friends are fake and self-serving but, let's take a good look at Leila. Nancy says that Leila's a thankless b***h and she's right. Nancy took Leila to the warehouse to bring her out of her shell and try to make friends but does Leila appreciate the gesture? No. She whines about it. Not only that but, Leila constantly complains about how miserable her life is and how her parents are. Clearly she's exhibiting signs of Munchausen Syndrome. Then, there's Leila's personality or lack thereof. One minute she's talkative and friendly, then another moment she's cheerful, then she becomes uptight and refuses to talk to anybody and sometimes she acts like a complete b***h. Honestly, I think Leila has some form of psychosis other then Munchausen by the way she behaves. Do yourselves a favor and don't watch this.
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Absolutely amazing.
24 May 2022
I have to say how very impressed I was with the graphics. Normally a character would look computer generated but not this time. During the very short gameplay, I was amazed at how much Neo and Trinity looked. They didn't look CGI at all but fully fleshed people. I honestly hope that this becomes a full game one day.
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Unlike the Crypt Keeper, this show will always live on.
16 April 2022
I got to say it was quite interesting to have a cartoon based on a TV show come to life (pun intended) with the same amount of macabre and frights that the live action Tales from the Crypt gave us. However, I really wish they never added the Old Witch or the Vault Keeper in Season 2 as I found them to be very annoying. And season three should have had the same animation from the first two seasons because the animation for season 3 looked like it was meant to be comedic and didn't really have the same frightening atmosphere.
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Another winner in the Howling series.
16 February 2022
There's only three Howling movies that deserve to be considered winners. The first one, obviously. Howling IV: The Original Nightmare and this one. What makes this movie so good is that a complete group of strangers are invited to a castle that nobody's been in for a long time and aren't even aware of why it's only them allowed in. To make things even better is when each of the visitors is being slain by a werewolf. The question is, who is the werewolf and why is it targeting everybody? It's a horror and mystery movie that is very well done.
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Phantom Love (2000)
Very misleading title.
1 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We're lead to believe that this movie takes place inside of a haunted mansion but it's not haunted at all. It's really just an ordinary mansion with a backstory about a woman who falls in love with the right guy. How many B movies like that already exist? Too many to count.
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She-Wolf of London (1990–1991)
Very good show...up until the second season.
26 November 2021
When I first saw this show, I found it to be very entertaining. It had everything I could ask for in a show dealing with the supernatural. Action, adventure, comedy, drama and romance. That was until the show left England, went to America and was renamed. After that, it all went downhill. The only good episode from Love & Curses was Bride Of The. Wolfman. I honestly wish that this show had stayed in London.
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Jack Frost (1997 Video)
A very thrilling story.
1 September 2021
You don't get to see too many B-Rated horror movies like Jack Frost. Very funny moments and even the snow puns are funny. Thrill, chills and icy kills make this a fun movie to watch. Although, this movie gets an A+ in my book.
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Perception (2017 Video Game)
A very confusing plot.
25 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I first played the game, I thought it was about a blind woman who was somehow connected to the house. That it would delve into her past and explain it but, I was wrong. I honestly don't even know what the plot is about as the game talks about the past lives of different women who have, in no way, any connection to the protagonist. Not only that but, what exactly is the creature that attempts to find Cassie every time she uses her cane too much and why does it want to hurt her? What are the demonic entity's origins? Also, who used to live in the house that Cassie explores and why did they abandon it? So many questions but, this game doesn't offer any answers.
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An amazing movie.
7 August 2021
I've seen a lot of B-Rated werewolf movies that should be given an F but not this movie. Just like An American Werewolf In London, this movie had the right amount of horror and comedy. It has an amazing and thrilling plot. If I could give this movie 100 stars, I would. Definitely worth a watch. Although, the title is misleading as it has more then one werewolf.
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Who comes up with this?
12 July 2021
Sorry but, when I watch a werewolf movie, I want to see a werewolf like the one from An American Werewolf In London or Van Helsing. Not some guy in a Halloween costume. Not only that but, Jade, who plays Saul gives off creepy vibes. Seriously, the way he talks makes him sound like a creepy obssessive stalker.
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Batman: Arkham VR (2016 Video Game)
Worst game in Arkhamverse history.
6 November 2020
Hardly anything to do. No big fights. Unlike other Arkham games, no plot or anything that drives the story. All you do is scan items and try to figure out who killed Nightwing. Worst of all gameplay is thirty minutes only. Not worth buying.
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