
14 Reviews
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Son of Zorn (2016–2017)
A Star Could Have Been Zorn
20 September 2021
Son of Zorn is a situational comedy about a He-Man-esque warrior moving into Orange County to reunite with his son, his estrange wife and her new husband. This situational comedy is almost as trope-y as you would expect divorce dad, estrange wife, awkward teenaged son, etc. The show mixed animation with live action in a decent blending of the two genres. Most of the jokes are fish out of water jokes stemming from Zorn's being from Zephyria, despite this there are some concepts that are showcased well which come up in the later half of the season. It played with my expectations and although it's ending is a cliff hanger it leaves the potential for a revival (because this show definitely wasn't for primetime) for Zorn to once again try to be Master of the Universe!
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The IT Crowd (2006–2013)
Why Haven't You Tried Turning It On Again?
17 August 2021
The IT Crowd perfectly showcases a situational comedy at it's finest every episode hits its marks with a tee without the buggy first season, the characters are well written, the situational comedy plots are invented and fresh and it showcases a respect on geek culture unlike that shown on "The Big Bang Theory." The show has moments of surreal humor which is perfectly blended into a believable state without messing with the flow. The ending although traditional in the sense allows for a perfect conclusion to the series. If the Douglas Reynholm spin-off ever becomes a thing, I would happily enjoy more from this series.
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A Tough Nut to Crack
17 August 2021
The Nutt House had powerful talent both on screen and off the screen however despite the talent in both the writing and direction for the series it failed for me personally as the non sequitur (despite their quality) allow for a really lackluster storytelling. In my opinion this needed some retooling to either focus on being a traditional sitcom with zany wacky plots or completely go absurd with the humor and let that carry the series. It pains me to give this show such a bad review but that's how opinions go still recommend you go watch "The Nutt House."
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Arrested Development (2003–2019)
I'm Afraid It Just Blew Itself
16 August 2021
Arrested Development Fox's Season were some of the cleverest written comedy on television it brought a number of memorable characters with jokes that showcase a masterclass of running gags. This would have been the easiest 10 in the history of television, then Netflix came along....

Now Season 4 deconstructs the Bluths by making them go away from each other and this is were the comedy while not loss showcases the ensamble cast is really what made the show shine. Characters become shells of their former selves with George Michael gaining a distaste for his father, Maeby gaining no purpose in the story, George Sr being no longer the reason their back together shows how weak his character was, and Tobias uncharacteristically becomes unfaithful to his wife. The only Bluths who are still themselves are Gob, Lindsay (who isn't on much to get ruined), and Buster. Michael gains the worst of these by becoming for lack of a better word...a member of the Bluth family. Season 5 continues the storyline by becoming more serialized and leaves the show in an unfinished state by continuing storylines that didn't need to be seasonal filler. Regardless Arrested Development is still a show worth watching for its first 3 seasons alone. Sadly the writers placed the series into the ironic place of literally being in Arrested Development.
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Modern Men (2006)
Not All Modern Men
24 May 2021
Modern Men is a situational comedy that had the potential to become a fairly successful sitcom. Tim, Kyle and Doug are childhood friends who are at different stages in their lives when it comes to women, but they have one trait in common: They are clueless about the opposite sex. Desperation drives them to seek the help of Dr. Stangel, a renowned life coach.

One is a good guy, one is sleazy, one is recently divorced together they learn the ups and downs of having to be a modern man.

On the surface everything comes up mediocre as this show is plagued with typical sitcom plots that aren't exploring the concept of being a modern man. The life coach is also played as a plot point to get the boys to do things out of there comfort zone instead of being an actual character, although hints are shown at a stronger character which could have been later developed. If it weren't for the guys comedic chemistry, or the use of George Wendt as a comparison for out of date ideals this show wouldn't have been half as enjoyable.

If Modern Men were to have continued, I hope we would get to see the men evolve into functioning members of society, possibly even ironically marring women that showcase who they used to be. My vision for a finale would have had Kyle, Tim, and Doug all get married, visit the life coach for the final time and pass by 3 women acting similarly to them, and wishing them luck in their journey to be modern women.

All in all, Modern Men was a decent enough viewing experience which was able to make do the typical sitcom tropes with it's incredibly likable cast. It was a shame a channel merger had to cancel this show but man o man was this show fun.
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United States of Al (2021–2022)
United States of Eh Not That Bad
8 May 2021
I normally don't review a show until it is done, however if I want this show to get a second season, it might need a couple reviews. An honest take on United States of Al. Al himself is one of the main controversial parts of the show, I cannot speak for if it offensive personally, my friend found him relatable, however the character is the only one that's fleshed out. Everyone works when there playing off Al, but stray so far when there apart. Riley, Art, Vanessa, Lizzie and the stereotypical kid trope, all aren't given time to flesh out yet, similar to the problems plaguing B Positive which time hopefully will solve.

If you find offensive to this show, that's your right, however I cannot say this show is trash, awful, or even racist. It tries to diversify television, it has decent enough characters that need a little fleshing out, it can tell heartwarming stories but rarely blends the comedy with them. It has it's heart in the right places, and I hope it doesn't become the last we see of Al. Chuck Lorre, you did alright this time.
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B Positive (2020–2022)
A Medical Mystery
8 May 2021
I cannot speak for it being offensive about the situation, as there is nothing funny about renal failure however to the show's credit if one can't smile at even the unfunniest of situations then there isn't any point. It is taken as seriously enough as it can be on a primetime sitcom. For the people complaining about the laugh track, it's a sitcom, get over it. The show has a problem with fleshing out characters except for the two main leads, Drew and Gina. Drew is portrayed very well by Thomas Middleditch, and Gina was a bit hard to get used to for the first couple of episodes. Most of the secondary characters never add anything to the main story, or are characters that I am rooting for. It makes the romance that sparks between two of them personally unroot able. Currently the only secondary character I enjoy is Drew's Girlfriend, however it most likely won't last because there slowly trying to hint something between donor and recipient.

In my personal opinion, it's not that funny, but it's definitely not unwatchable, trash, or anything most reviewers are saying. Before you say something, please note this coming from someone who dislikes Chuck Lorre productions. I hope a season 2 saves some of the flaws of the sitcom, and to all who is reading this, please B Positive.
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Thanks (1999)
April Showers, Brings Mayflowers because Plymouth Rocks !
24 April 2021
This show is an unexpected hidden gem, about a family of puritans colonizing the land of America. The comedy in this show is very well paced, with clever jokes and a great cast of actors. The show is witty, and places creative touches with the storytelling while not be restricted with the time period. My only gripe is about the supporting cast not being as prolific, or used often in the show. We had a radical missionary, an almost flamboyant doctor, and an out of it married couple with countless children. It was a shame that a gem like this was canned to soon, this should have been a show they place in reruns every Thanksgiving. However I am thankful that I got to see this situational comedy during my lifetime, so "Thanks."
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WandaVision (2021)
But what is grief, if not love persevering?
10 April 2021
WandaVision is a love letter to situational comedies, while also passing of as a mystery series. The show personally shines when it blends the sitcom angle with the mystery, and personally doesn't work with the consent changing out of the sitcom setting with a motley crew of agents. It is a greatly crafted series when it chooses to be a sitcom, not a mystery. It was nice seeing recreations of situational comedies formats and being able to see them evolve. I was hoping this would be a return to form for sitcoms, however I was left with a cute charming series about Wanda and Vision's relationship. Elizbeth Olsen and Paul Bettany performances truly capture the magic of the era, and is worth watching for that alone. Regardless of what I say. Go have a watch. It's an experience best without spoilers.
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CBS Summer Playhouse: Coming to America (1989)
Season 3, Episode 3
Damn shame what they did to that dog...
10 April 2021
This is a pilot for a situational comedy based on the hit Eddie Murphy movie Coming to America, it centers around the Irresponsible Prince Tariq of Zamunda has been exiled to attend college in America by the king, his brother Akeem. It however, takes only nine days living in Queens, New York for Tariq to blow his allowance. So in order to make ends meet, Tariq and his assistant Oha, find jobs in the diner owned by their landlord, Carl Mackey. Its very hard to review from a critical stand point however the best I can describe it is Perfect Strangers meets Family Matters, meets Three's Company. Although Tariq and Oha are decent in there roles (even though Davidson wasn't given enough room to try to make the role his own), and the addition of the "landlords family" messes with there potential dynamic it was decent. The jokes relied to heavily on pop culture references, and Davidson's impressions shoehorned into his character. However this could have worked if they just allowed for Tommy Davidson to make this role his own, and didn't shoehorn the family aspect. This could have been an African American Odd Couple instead it stays a pilot. For potential episodes "The King of Queens"- Prince Tariq believes they are next in line to take the thrown after using this to get fresh with the ladies, he latter learns his brother Akeem (guest star in potential episodes) has died and he has truly become the King. "Goodnight New York"- Prince Tariq, and Oha are forced to leave New York for there royal duties Tariq asks Carl Mackey's daughter to head out to live like the princess she deserves to. Although originally choosing not when the Mackey's say goodbye to there tenants, she reveals she has a ticket and joins them together to the plane as the credits role. It's not the greatest pilot in the world, however it is an interesting case study in the struggles to adapt films, into sitcoms. Sadly this sitcom, couldn't come to America.
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He knows every trick, He's pretty slick, Michael Richards is a private... Investigator !
13 March 2021
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander and Michael Richards have each attempted to launch new sitcoms as title-role characters. Despite decent acclaim and even some respectable ratings, almost every show was canceled quickly, usually within the first season. This gave rise to the term Seinfeld curse: the failure of a sitcom starring one of the three, despite the conventional wisdom that each person's Seinfeld popularity should almost guarantee a strong, built-in audience for the actor's new show.

The Michael Richards Show is one of these shows. The show revolved around Vic Nardozza (Michael Richards), an inept and clumsy private investigator working for McKay Investigative Services. Throughout the show, misunderstandings and poor decisions get in the way of the cases, but Nardozza always ends up getting the job done.

This shows flaws are clear from a viewing, missed potential. Cases aren't used to make character driven comedy, they are only excuses to use Richards incredible psychical talent. Although entertaining, the cases are rarely the focus of the episodes. In a mystery-comedy show, you would expect there would be more mystery. Meanwhile everyone in the acting department is a great actor, but there underutilized, there is great chemistry among Bill Cobbs and Tim Meadows characters but most of the time it's usually just Tim Meadows for the subplots. Amy Farrington as Stacy is used somewhat for a couple capers, and storylines but nothing as major as Tim Meadow's Kevin. Lastly William Devane, he is the least used, and when he was used it was already at sharp decline. Episodes start to give up half way through Episode 5 (including the pilot).

This show could have worked, its not as awful as people say it is. If it was able to be nominated for a People's Choice Award for Outstanding Male in a New Comedy series, there was potential. It's definitely a cut above the rest for obscure sitcom. Its a good start for more Kramer action, I really recommend it.

I would have loved to have seen Kevin and Jacks work relationship evolve, into mutual respect for each other. Some episodes I would have loved to seen would be Richards facing his altered persona in this series Roland in real life. Perhaps this series could have saved Michael Richards. Maybe he wasn't suited for heading a sitcom, but then again nor was he suited to do stand up comedy...
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The Nerd (1989 TV Movie)
"Nice fella, probably."
8 March 2021
Oh boy. "The Nerd" is an unsold pilot show made back in 1989. And they ultimately let it air in 1996. This show's premise would have been based on the play of the titular name. In this Rick Steadman, saved the main character of this pilot in and in an attempt to "pay it forward" allows for Rick to stay at his house. Typical boss comes dinner sitcom premise. It attempts to be another odd couple, however it ends up falling short as Rick just isn't funny. He's Obnoxious. It would be very interesting to see how they would have incorporate the plays biggest reveal that Rick Steadman was a hired actor to teach the protagonist who there real priorities are . However I doubt this failed pilot as a show would have been able to do this. Perhaps an episode mocking the idea of the play called "Rick, Deadman"- In which our protagonist find out that there invited to the real Rick Steadman funeral. I honestly believe this play could have worked as a sitcom premise, however this pilot lacks the comedic aspect of a sitcom. Definitely should have re-wrote the titular nerd. Maybe make him liked by the boss, but hated by the couple. Instead of having us forced to watch 4 people constantly complain about his antics. It's very much deserved not to be made. But, "Maybe it just needed to have his life interfered with a little, that's all."
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Seinfeld (1989–1998)
There's Pretty Much Nothing Wrong With That
6 March 2021
Where do I begin with Seinfeld, it stars Jerry Seinfeld playing a fictionalized version of himself, as he deals with his life, loves, and everyday mundane life. He is joined by his friends, the always bumbling George Costanza (Jason Alexander), working girl Elaine Benes (Julia Lewis-Dreyfus), and Kramer (Michael Richards). A simplistic masterpiece of a sitcom that might be as close to perfect as we can. Seinfeld allows us to find humor in the most mundane of circumstances. Whether it's dealing with countless different "talkers", complaining about shrinkage, or finishing sentences with yada, yada, yada. This show got a little something for everybody. Every single character mentioned is more or less, a major player in life seen in countless episodes allowing for countless actors to be able to star in this show. Personal favorites are Frank Costanza (Jerry Stiller, who later plays a father once again on "The King of Queens") and Wayne Knight's Newman. Even the controversial ending of this show, is a personal fitting conclusion to a show about nothing. I couldn't recommend Seinfeld more then everybody else has. If you can deal with the rough early seasons, you'll be able to enjoy it. And if not, it's not like there's anything wrong with that.
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...Where's Rodney? (1990 TV Movie)
It Don't Get No Respect
6 March 2021
When you review this failed pilot in my opinion, you cannot base it on premise, actors, or jokes. You base it on potential and if it has enough potential for a series. The pilot is about a boy named Rodney Barnes who gains the ability to contact his idol comic Rodney Dangerfield to ask him for advice. An odd premise, when you realize that Rodney Barnes is asking Rodney Dangerfield about woman. However the titular advice spoken by Rodney isn't help but more so a way to shoe horn his comedy act. This pilot is also plagued by constant inconsistences in how they want to portray Rodney Dangerfield's teleportation power. I actually wished this made it to a series, even for a season. The supporting cast, especially the parents actually aren't half decent. At least we got Punky Brewster. I like to leave my reviews to fix a titular show, in this case however go back to the writing board. Make Rodney actually give advice, make his teleportation powers more refined. Some episode ideas could have included "Where'd Rodney Barnes" where Rodney Barnes gets called over to solve one of Rodney's problems, "Why Rodney?" Where Rodney has angered Rodney after giving him bad advice, and refuses to call him only to learn he needs him after all. Ultimately for a possible series finale "Goodbye, Rodney" Rodney Barnes has started calling Dangerfield less and less, leaving for them to share one final goodbye seen before ultimately parting ways. If we wanted a complete series shift then call it "The Rodney Dangerfield Show" starring Rodney as a bumbling motivational speaker who has to learn he himself has a long way to go, if you really wanted the fantastical element keep giving him the ability to constantly try to help people with the call of a name or write him off as an angel of sorts. It's not the worst sitcom ever to be produced, its merely a pilot that tried to answer a simple question...Where's Rodney? However for better or for worse Rodney wasn't able to go "Back To School" for this sitcom. I guess just like the titular comedian, this show didn't get no respect.
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