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Madame Web (2024)
OK now I had low expectations already
26 February 2024
Well I didn't disliked it . I will better start with what I liked , all the scenes with the cassie's mother and then all scenes with Cassie alone without the spider girls , I liked cassies powers and the ending they gave her ( gives a little bit like professor x vibes) and the villain ( he wasn't the best marvel villain but not the worst) what I didn't like , the spider girls and the fact that it had more of Cassius life before everything started and then only action , I wanted more story so I can connect more with the characters and then some action , now Dakota did actually a nice job since the character has that kind of emotionless and awkward type of character but the emotional scenes where not so bad.

Again I had already low expectations.
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Hmm the movie was better I think
26 February 2024
First of all they removed many scenes from the cartoon for no reason cause both scenes (from the cartoon and the replacement scene) last almost the same time , the acting is non existent, the character development is forgoten , the cloths all brand new which seems fake , the all known grandma is not necessary , Bumi is just cringy , and I just cant even imagine those characters getting together its already very awkward , something tells me that we are going to lose more beautiful scenes and even quotes in the future . Also I liked the movie more , it might be a little different but the acting was more genuine than this , and the characters more accurate and the chemistry more alive .
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Well yes but not exactly
10 February 2024
Is it true to the books? Almost , they wanted 8 episodes but they don't understand that the series with a few episodes are 1 hour each per episode not 30 menuts ( without the intro and the names in the end) so we missed a lot , they changed many stuff and didn't bring much back except of the whole Sally and poseidon scene which I enjoyed the rest clips of the past where very much unecessary since percy shouldn't know much of Greek mythology ( cause annabeth was the smart one and was teaching him everything) also they didn't know most of the troubles they where getting into like they show showed us , they cut a lot if not all fighting scenes which is a negative also , the character development was not existing since they knew everything and they were in prety good terms from the very beginning so that felt flat , and the acting was not very much alive I expected more and even if it's hard to make it exactly as the books many scenes that they cut off where not difficult they cut them off because of the time limit , I hope the next season is better.
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Wish (II) (2023)
Didn't really enjoy it but I didn't hate it either
10 February 2024
It was a nice story , I loved the plot but the designing and the graphics where not it , the star especially was like Dora the explorer's magic star I don't know if anyone remembers that , the songs where just too many like... just talk you don't have to put songs all over the movie and it was the new style of Disney's songs not like the first ones we loved, the villains back story was not explored enough , even though it was important to the story to know why he got like this cause his reasons are very valid and right yet he got to the dark magic stuff for no reason? I am sure the was one but no one put any clue in the movie and he was also this very cartoony like of silly which I don't like for villains either.
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Matilda: The Musical (II) (2022)
22 February 2023
They changed everything and give nothing to the beautiful original plot , they maked it sort of like a high fantasy story and used Matilda's strong mind to replace it almost with escape disorder, so ok she is a child which makes it almost escape disorder cause it could leave on its own but still they put it so much into the story , also you couldn't get to know the characters the same like the original movie or book , the songs were not good and very childish to the point of not enjoyable for any age , her parents not what they should be they maked them just stupid and naive loosing the whole point of her father being a successful (Thief) businessman ( in the book and original movie he was very smart in his job , which was to steal people's money and selling broken cars)
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Could be a lot better
31 January 2023
First of all , I always knew that the spirit of the series was Stiles so now that he is not in the movie the absence is heavy , also I liked the whole Alison thing but the Derek thing was unnecessary to the point that I didn't even feel bad , I was like... Oh...ok and the way it happened was almost an insult to the character he made through much harder stuff and it could happen differently and with different outcome , the jobs and character development from the series to the movie was nice BUT the whole movie was just processing the changes and the man in black not an actual plot , I expected more.
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Uncharted (2022)
3 stars only for the nice cgi
17 November 2022
Nothing like the games , they mixed all of the games to this , where is sam? Where is Elena? They messed with the plot a lot and completely destroyed the characters relationship, like... Why Sally is like this with Nate , they supposed to have a father - son relationship and I didn't see that in the movie , also the character accuracy was not it , Nate looks 17 , Sally maximum 30 and so goes on , they should at least follow the games and make one story for each movie not one movie with a little bit of everything, it didn't make sense.

And why only one movie?? Uncharted has so much story to give .
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Just a piece of cr@p
17 September 2022
They thought they could make a series from VA books after the amazing movie that was released??? The series is trash nothing to do with the books , the characters completely changed and I don't mean only the rase which was so unnecessary , ok we get it you are not r@sist but to not be accurate is just annoying and so overused by Disney , like..... Don't make a series after a book you are not going to follow, they could make this as a series of its own and no one was going to say anything about copywriting cause it has nothing to do with the book. And the characters sooo annoying and dump too soooo nooo.
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6 stars only for doctor strange
12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get why they are so in hurry to kill all the heroes , first of all Wanda could just go to visions body and transfer whatever there is to transfer to get herself pregnant , I mean she took away someones mouth and exploded his brain and she couldn't do that ??? Since she could get pregnant from vision as we see in the other universes it would be easy but as we can see and understand since Stan Lee died nothing of the movies makes sense anymore, they don't think about things they just do them and the result is always"why didn't they do that instead" and we always get to lose another hero , the doctor strange scenes where amazing and his story was awesome if we not include wanda that as I did say could get what she wanted all this time by just thinking and her death was over dramatic like... Just explode everything without yourself if you please?? But noooo she had to kill herself for no reason.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Finally a good witch series
23 April 2022
Finally a good witch series with other fantasy creatures , not based on sex or nudity but in the amazing story of the books , I haven't read them so I dont know the similarities but I will since I loved the series so much. I loved the ending and the strong female protagonist she did what a actual strong protagonist would do and didn't just cry in every episode and have people saying to her that she is so strong like in other series so I loved that too.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Finally a good witch series
23 April 2022
Finally a good witch series with other fantasy creatures , not based on sex or nudity but in the amazing story of the books , I haven't read them so I don't know the similarities but I will since I loved the series so much.
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Little Women (2018)
Some things need to be left alone
27 December 2021
Everyone says " Great adaption from the original one" but it's not really , the first one was about four sister being different in very dark ages to be a women , that's way it's called LITTLE women , they where different , they had real dreams ( which was very bad to do in those times ) and wanted to have equality and respect as most men in those times , THAT was interesting and the fact that it was a possible true story , the 2018 movie sucked , women in those times could dream bid , have a job , almost any job and be there own people , Jo was just a jerk not a passionate girl about her beliefs , she was annoying and just a kid all the time , not to point out that her actress was not changed since Jo was a teen and so it didn't make sense to be told that she is now 28 like... When?? And her other sister looked like 30 ... ??? , It was just boring and didn't have point to be made.
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Wicked (2021)
I did not expect to like it
16 December 2021
It was exactly like the book , ok the CGI could be better but I liked the scene with Tink and Ren it was funny , the actors could be different more like the characters in the book and more experienced cause they were some scenes that the actors didn't feel it and the scenes lost the point , but it was a good low budget movie.
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Free Dance (2016)
The ending was a nice surprise
13 November 2021
I liked it !!! I didn't get the ending much cause magic or something like that wasn't referenced in the movie but I liked it , it was light and refreshing.
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Merlin (2008–2012)
A beautiful series with a terrible endind
27 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why the ending is terrible ?? Cause it was meaningless and pointless , it just shows us that the most powerful warlock fails , for what?? Because Arthur's actor asked for more money and they couldn't afford it , they couldn't just show us that the kid with the blue eyes and Morgana dies and magic comes back to Camelot but NOOO cause I guess people don't like easy success and wanted easy failure cause everyone hates the ending.
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Aquaman (2018)
Shame on you to have Amber in the movie
24 October 2021
It's really shameful to support a liar who is laughing in the court when she literally destroys someone's life for nothing!!! They should fire her as well , but the society it too sexist to understand that equality means both women and men , not women are weak so men are wrong , so no I will not see that movie ever again and probably not DC just for that.
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29 July 2021
Why they did so long to kill them?? It was just hurtfull to watch , like I felt like having a panic attack every time they were killing someone , and they make the moments last like it was something funny or even enjoyfull which was sick just sick so no I don't like it.
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The Goop Lab (2020– )
Goop Dangerous
22 June 2021
Is she ok ???? Goop is a scam we know that but this series?? Shame on Netflix to support that!!!!
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Its ok But the ending sucks!!!!
11 May 2021
I liked the plot of the series , in some points was sooo overdramatic and the ending was so plot twisted only so their be a reason to have a season 2 , I would prefer that the dark thing to have the ending that the protaginists knew and for the season 2 to have a different dark villain.
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I really liked it!!!
7 May 2021
I liked the whole idea of getting inside your favourite book and the episodes were really great too but I would like more episodes to how they get along cause it looks like they just go from hating to loving with no particular reason.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Update from 7 to 10 stars for the season 2
30 April 2021
The season 1 was amazing, they followed the book but changed a few things , with a difference that they make it even better by changing some things and not make it too Hollywood, But of course a 21 century series with no gay or lesbians is not a thing anymore which I didn't like , it was so random, they gave a lot of scenes about ather people which I also didn't like but ok the rest of it was good!!!

Season 2 was amazing!!!! I loved itttt I haven't read the other books , only book 1 cause they haven't translated it yet BUT I really liked the season 2 I have high hopes for the other one!!
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Black Beauty (2020)
Lost potential
26 April 2021
Seriously the horse can talk??!?!?! Like why??? Its so random no child would want to see a movie so dramatic so why the whole animal talk?? And of course the plot is not better like they actually even tried to copy the original Black Beauty but in 21 century , like its even possible.... soo no I didn't liked it at all!!!
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Into the Beat (2020)
16 April 2021
Seriously another movie with ungrateful parents, they think that their children should do whatever they want even if they will be sad for the rest of their lifes , and they don't even care about it, the rest of the movie was boring , she just dance , soo??
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Stranger Things (2016– )
Amazing But...
15 April 2021
Amazing plot , script everything!!!! BUT if the series will not be realised in 2021 I will bump it , its not worth 1 and a half years of my life for 8 episodes!!! Seriously its 8 episodes. I understand that its difficult but all the other series AND movies are filming normally but this one no?? I just don't understand.
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I Am Dragon (2015)
30 March 2021
Amazing russian movie with amazing plot and ending !!! I really enjoyed it!!!
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