
26 Reviews
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6 November 2023
This movie somehow has the spirit and feeling of the late 80s and early 90s movies. Just reminding me of when I was a kid and watched these kind of movies in whole seriousness. You know, back when we had no WiFi and all.

Very pleasurable experience, nothing too complex but still fun with it's few twists.

I'd say - a nice holiday evening movie to watch with your family.

While there is not much witty, memorable, remarks that somehow are expected to make a "legendary" entry for a comedy - the movie flows naturally for it's own genre and is pleasurable to watch.

I wholeheartedly recommend it if you are the 90s kid.
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Just fine
17 July 2023
Yeah Tarantino can do better, but that doesn't reduce the value of this movie. It is fun to watch, has graphic violence that you'd expect, and Goggins steals the show - or I am a bit biased. I just love his antics across movies and shows. Maybe some people would like to see more in-your-face "depth" in the movie, but if you think a bit about what you're watching - if you really try to figure out these people, in this time frame, it is not so shallow story. Even with less catchphrases than one would expect. The time of breakthrough with those is over back in the Snatch days. You won't hear flashing new catchphrases in movies, this is not the end of 90's. You've heard it all already.

Movie is worth watching if you're into the genre.
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The Menu (2022)
FInally, A Movie
20 February 2023
For a long while, I haven't seen a movie that would not make want it to be over finally. Since the world changed in 2019, the production is... Fable self-plagiarism of the industry, quasi-horror movies where the only scary thing is the amount of time and money wasted, shallow "love" stories celebrating vanity, and so-called action trillers with no action or trill... Years of it. But then comes "The Menu" and while it may not be a best movie ever, it hit the right chords for me at the right time.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this piece, as it gives quite enough to see - but leaves fair amount for the viewer's imagination to fill in. And it has the best layers the movie can have - arranged so that you can miss them out completely and still enjoy the movie, or that you are immersed in the world of speculative imagination of each and every character involved.

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The Orville (2017–2022)
14 February 2023
Came for weird humor, but have found good written show that adheres to the rules of the genre - but is brave and original! You get to meet a space family, and an interesting one, on their journeys. Awesome experience, hoping the show continues into new seasons!

The humor is not over-the-edge, but it's there in a reasonable amount. For any genre-lovers, this may sit just right, and is a novelty for anyone hungry for some old-style Space Sci-Fi adventure that was long awaited for.

I recommend the show with great pleasure to everyone who's up to some space adventure and eye-candy.

Have fun if you decide to watch!
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A spark of light in the infinite cinematic universe of darkness
22 May 2022
This here is the Evangelion of the cinema. Finally, after 3 years - a movie that actually I didn't have to FFW most of the time. It's wacky, it's confusing in a proper measure when it's the right time to be confusing, it's preposterous at times (Look for a guy doing it with a table lamp) but if you are not one of those people who watch a part of a movie, or read a part of a book, and decides on a judgement with an incomplete experience - you will watch this entire epic and you might just enjoy, or have fun, or feel relieved in this time of uncertainty. I wanted to say something about prizes and Oscars, but let them slap around. Awards don't make a good movie, good writing and execution do. And this was obviously a hard movie both to write and execute - and it was done accordingly. I am happy I've taken time to watch this, and I don't remember a movie leaving such a good taste after finishing it for a long time now. This is great.
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The Northman (2022)
Feeble attempt at originality...
16 May 2022
The story here tries to sell you cheap basic emotions of man becoming beasts to defeat the beasts and yada-yada-so-on. It is actually a very expencive piece of cliche parade. Also, it is a masterpiece how you can make a movie almost 2 and a half hours long and make certain aspects of it rushed and underdeveloped.
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Black Site (I) (2022)
Just an intro
8 May 2022
That is this movie: An opening to what could be a good story if written out properly. But no, this is the movie intro stretched out to a full length of a movie. Do not waste time watching this. Characters are shallow, story is non existent, you can not develop feelings toward any character... It's abysmal. This movie deserves to be trialed in Hague for war crimes against intelligence.
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The Outfit (2022)
Bonus points due
14 April 2022
I'd realistically give it an 8, but I miss movies that tell the story - so bonus 2 stars for bravery to make this one. Writing could be a bit better, twist a bit more original, but all in all I enjoyed watching it.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
This is the Idiocracy of 2020's
18 January 2022
I am not going to go full blown analysis of the movie, but I'll just say that in these past 2 years I haven's seen almost any movie with directing that had a direction. Not even going to go into what's good or bad, but in the sea of confused and directionless money gobbling "features", this movie came as a refreshment some of us needed.

The greatest tragedy of this movie is that it will probably NOT reap dozens of Oscars and awards, instead of "comfort soup" that is being pumped out constantly to make you feel like your life has a point, and the point be measured in likes. But it stands, anyway, as the lighthouse and truly a worthy successor of the famous "Idiocracy".
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Where to start...
18 November 2021
Historically inaccurate airplanes, civilian pilots screaming military brevity... Obviously made by someone who never saw a commercial flight.

Would be half decent if you know nothing.
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Did they just copy paste another movie?
20 September 2021
Original is from 2009. You ain't getting my money, I ain't watching this and get some sense and actually start writing movies again.
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This is how you make a sequel
14 September 2021
Ignore all those who came to bash on the movie just because it's not the flick like the 1st movie. Someone did an amazing job at creating a story here, and did a sequel that completes the story in a meaningful way. These two movies stand together, and are to be watched together. If you're a shallow kind, and you can't grasp what the writers and directors did here, go watch some newer Cage movie with zero sense and story that seems like it was written on acid.
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Artistic Butchery
24 August 2021
While I applaud attempt, and an original one, to present the story artistically - I've gone and read the actual legend after watching the movie and it's just too incoherent. I am guessing that whoever made this, wanted to focus on showing metaphores he saw in the tale... Trough another set of visual metaphores. There's a reason for 3-act setup, and while it's not mandatory for every act to uphold it, it does teach you that there should be some order and resolution. This does not have order, and the resolution is far too "free handed" compared to the legend. It's as if the ending of the legend was skewed to serve the purpose of sending a message that director had set even before shooting the first frame. That feeling weighs heavily over the movie and ruins the exeprience. 5 Stars just for the effort, good directing, good visuals and photograpy, but the movie overall is kind of a mess.
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Nothing new in Denmark
14 July 2021
Although it's way better than most of stuff this year, at least by not parading to be "a new epic by the dude that did the previous epic noone cares about". But it still pains from western mediocrity and social rot that steers the movie makers to care more about how many races are represented and how many genders and yadada. If they cared more about storytelling, this could've actually be a great movie. I gave it a 6 because it's better than the previous load that includes time travel, where people made a movie "with a twist" that they didn't know how to write well, they just built screens around the idea - filled with CG. Come to CG, this movie has it right in a way, it's not too much and it's not looking completely detached from physics. But in the end, it's just mediocre. Shooting at rudimentary feelings, funny black guy, lonely strong black guy, white guy who cares for family... This is why, when I want to watch a proper movie, I watch things made east of UK (UK included). Can the NA movie industry stop recycling and revolving around USA social issues, or just cease to exist? South American soap operas are damn kings in writing a story compared to previous years of North American movies.
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Infinite (2021)
Abysmal Butchery
11 June 2021
The idea is great, don't get me wrong, but the execution makes this a butchery. If they didn't spend God knows how much money on fancy holograms and action shots (that often make no sense or effect) and invested in writing and character development - this would be great. The story has potential (had) to be even a great series. This here - it's an attempt of lunch executed as a disgusting stew. You can make a stew with ten ingredients, but only masters can make it taste good. Otherwise it's just chaos and rubbish.
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Good, lighearted comedy
4 April 2021
This might have been written better, I usually marvel at Spanish cinema for the way it's written and directed, but that's just my personal taste. Movie doesn't try to be AAA, or to give deep coherency to what's going on, or to it's characters even - it is just as crazy and unexpected as the life we live is, and I honestly feel that was the honest intention of the people who made it. Ending feels a bit rushed, when you're bombed entire life with big Hollywood catchphrases and bad guys giving it a big ceremony before kicking the bucket, but again - life turns around for better or for worse in a blink. Why wouldn't art imitate life... And honestly, and you may call me a crybaby, I applauded alone in my room when I saw the ending. It does not try to keep you in your seat for another 10 minutes, it just concludes with a very simple underlying message. And it's satisfactory, while adding an element of goofiness just to stay on it's own rails that it rode for the entire runtime.
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Spiked (I) (2021)
Half Full
30 March 2021
When I was a kid, stations in my country aired great 2-part British movies. This one is just as good as those, except there's no second half. Seriously WTF?
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7 March 2021
You can't watch this movie without patience, it is a really really slow burn. But unlike blockbuster trash that's constantly served - everything serves a purpose to the plot. Life is not a 90 minute show. And this movie isn't about runtime or show. It has a message, it has motif, and it feels like reading a classic. Great, honest job.
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At the right time, at a right place
3 November 2020
This great movie has one profound message for the people in USA, but also for the people outside of the USA - especially those who see USA as a boogieman nation: The USA had been in a constant state of stall since the 60's, and proof to that is everything that had been the pinnacle of news coming from USA in the previous two years. The people, the ordinary humans just like you and me, were so suppressed and enslaved by the domestic moguls of all kinds, be it political, economical or other, that they needed over 50 years and the explosive advancement in technology, internet and social media to get back from zero to the moment in history where people who wanted to peacefully show their numbers gathered over ideas of equality, peace and value of human life - were painted as demons of violence, sin and malice by the same ones who profited of war, death, division, racism and inequality by the tools that invest power to maim, gas, beat up and imprison anyone thinking otherwise or proposing that religion, skin color, nation, origin or beliefs are freedom of choice and not a scratch on a scale of one's value of life or level of allowed freedom to pursue happiness.

This movie was released in the right time, condensing and interpreting real-life events that are horribly similar to what people, humans, are going trough now in the USA... I stand corrected - what people in the USA, and worldwide, are going trough for more than half a century in reverse, and are just now having recuperated strength and having ways to again ask for freedom and be allowed the value of life.

I am not optimistic that we, as a human species, can move forward before couple of more cycles like these and more suffering and failing to see each other as equal human beings, but it gives hope. The idea of society of equality is far from dead, it is only dormant at times, but while it is sleeping under a boot - it never dies.
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22 October 2020
Easily the best movie in 2020, for it's originality and not being another copy paste Hollywood mess. It sounded wacky, so I watched it - but it was a warm surprise - a story that everyday human can connect to, and that makes a good story for me - something that aims for your human emotions, and not your pockets or frustrations. If anyone from the production crew reads this by a 1 in a million chance: thank you kindly. True art, not just breasts, bicepses, killing and effects. Also: Boy <3
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2067 (2020)
It's not bad, it's just done as 80s SciFi
12 October 2020
This really reminds me of the feeling from 80s scifi novels. I'd say ratings say much more about the audience, than a movie. I mean, if you're unable to eloquently phrase your impression, and need to spit on things you don't like - who cares about your opinion.
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The build-up
16 September 2020
Second episode gives us no major shakes, but I honestly feel this is just a build up and a little bit of development of relationships between characters. The most important thing, personally, is that this episode further strengthens the feeling that Tariq is starting to learn, to understand, and that he is the manifestation of what Ghost could never be. Ghost 2.0 - with a recipe to successfully lead the double life. Ghost's undoing was partly due to his attempts to go full clean. Tariq seems not to choose sides. He wants to make it work both ways. It is, somewhat, a classic proposition in literature - you hate someone, you despise him and do not agree with him, just to end up being him - but the enhanced version. Verdict: So far - I like where this is going.
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Power Book II: Ghost: The Stranger (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Bittersweet Kick Forward
15 September 2020
Audience loves a good anti-hero. With the death of Ghost in the original series, and the series not showing the funeral, a lot of bitter strings were left dangling between our teeth. While we are supposed to frown upon Ghost, TV show did what it does best at times (generally speaking): served up a villain that we loved, an anti-hero that tried to break the circle and go clean. Ghost was served to us since day one as an established, developed personality. He was who he was, and wanted more, better, cleaner. By the irony, it all led to his demise and now we see his son at the exact same point Ghost was in his youth. But Tarique has the entire Ghost's period of life, with it's challenges, from when Kanan was sent to jail to the point where he had to lead double life of a criminal and businessman - in a single episode. All the internal struggle and challenges that Ghost faced in the previous decade or two in his life, are on the Tariq's shoulders in the very first episode of the Book II. And now we're to witness Tariq having to use everything he knows about his father as a leverage against those challenges, no matter how much he despised his father. He now has to excel that very father he hated in everything he hated him for.

Verdict: Show looks promising after the first episode.
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Good binge
26 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you like this type of film, chew trough the slow burning introduction. It serves a purpose, all right, if you want to search for it. Quite good movie for an afternoon relaxation.

I'd like to underline the character of Miles, since for me it's the underdog that steals the show - if you stop for a minute to think about the character.
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Forced and too fictional
19 August 2020
If the movie industry in USA follows this path, next step is showing Hitler as an economic genius. This movie feels, also, as a project clearly made out of forced conception "there wasn't a huge money maker musical recently, let's make money by filling in that part of the market" - but they were to lazy to write an original story, so they did what they do best: twisted up a real life person to adhere to PG rating. If you care to watch a movie for its runtime to hear few arguably good songs, watch it. If not, avoid it like plague. It's horrendous in so many ways.
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