
24 Reviews
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
terribly boring
8 October 2023
There are these life and death situations which are somewhat interesting / exciting. Most times, at least, but all in all it is a huge massacre of many 20 year-old beach bodies. They are either in bikinis to give it some spice or in two episodes a good-looking guy appeared full naked. And even so it is simply boring. Especially the irrelevant dialogues in-between. Not worth the time.

I haven't finished it yet but I am not particularly interested in the outcome either. I guess it is more interesting for people in their twenties.

I still have to write 46 characters for this review to be sent off, so I wish you all a great day and I reached the character limit:)
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The Glory (2022– )
nothing special
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen some Korean series before, then you will realize that this one works with the same concept. There is a beautiful but money- and friendless protagonist who is violently harrassed by her privileged classmates. While she has no one and nothing in general, the 'bad guys' have everything: the looks, prestige, money and power. I only watched the first three episodes but since I've seen the same setup countless times, I became very bored with it. I don't even understand, why it has to be 16 episodes? Maybe in 6 or 8 it could have been something interesting.

In the first three episodes not much happened, apart from the protagonist saying the same thing over and over again: 'I will have my revenge' - or something like this.

In my opinion it is not worth the time.
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Mr. Imperfect vs. Mr. Perfect
22 March 2021
It took me months to get ready to watch this series. Not because of the very 'dramatic' storyline but because I hated the appearance of the main male character so much. I hated the extravagant clothes he was wearing, his over-styled hairdo, the rings and bracelets he had, not to mention his arrogant, irritating behaviour (about this part I only had assumptions based on the poster and the description of the series). Please, don't get me wrong, I don't prefer bearded cavemen with zero personal hygiene but the main character's looks was a bit too much for my liking. It became clear though that these accessoires were only used to make him look more ridiculous. After the first couple of episodes I was sure that the 2nd leading male actor: Yoon Kye-Sang had no chance of winning the leading lady's heart because of his schoolboy appearance. In my opinion he looked even younger than in his 2004 film debut: 'Ballet gyoseubso' as opposed to the leading man who was clearly somewhat older and manlier too. I thought that if he could have looked like in these movies: Poongsan, Beomjoidosi or Good wife, he could have had a better chance to win this 'competition'. (For those who haven't watched these movies yet: in 'Poongsan' he was a good-looking silent 'saviour', in 'Beomjoidosi' he was a sexy beast and in 'Good wife' he had the look of an attractive, sophisticated business man). But then I had to realize that it is again the old cliché: the character is more important than the appearance. His character here was unrealistically good: he was decent, kind, he thought that the red-headed but sly actress was attractive but he wasn't after her - moreover he kept refusing her constant approaches. He was a bookworm, with rather boring interests like doing a puzzle. I would say that his character was a tiny bit too soft, rather feminine. On the other hand, the movie star was loud, rude, temperamental and mostly egoistic, but he was also surprisingly self-aware and he was able to admit if he made a mistake or said something wrong. So I would say that Yoon Kye-Sang's character was too perfect to be true and this is why he never had a real chance (obviously apart from the fact that the film makers didn't want to couple him up with the short-haired main actress, hahah). I enjoyed this series very much, it was really witty and had a lot of hilarious moments. The game with the phone number was every time funny. For me it was a 9 out of 10 points entertainment.
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Sweet Home (2020– )
loved it...most parts at least
27 February 2021
I found the concept brilliant. Many monsters of all sizes and shapes with different abilities. I also loved the characters or loved to hate some of them. My only problem was that around the middle the story became slower. There were some interesting background stories which made up for it, but still, I think maybe some more monsters could have appeared in order to fill the space. I didn't like that some scenes were just cut off. For example: two characters were struggling with a monster, one of them was willing to sacrifice himself (if necessary), so the other character could go and help the others. The camera goes with the 2nd guy and the other one is left alone with the monster. The 2nd guy then does, what he has to do and later on the first guy joins the group. As if nothing had happened before. I would have expected to see some details about how he managed to get away and get rid of the monster he was fighting against. I have the same problem with the end. The main character gets shot at and he is badly injured, then all of the sudden he is in a back of a car. I would have liked to see how he managed to get into the car. Despite of these it was a refreshing little tale and hope to get a second season - with a plenty more monsters.
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
simply great
27 February 2021
I really liked this series. First of all the zombies are not the usual slow-motion lame creatures, they are very quick. Secondly the story adds up like a puzzle and every episode provides some more pieces to the whole picture. The favorite thing for me was that the biggest villain was hidden and appeared only at the end. I read that it was censured and it was not allowed to have too gory scenes. Well, I don't know which scenes were left out because it had quite a lot spectacular killing moments. I hope it will be continued soon.
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One Perfect Day (2013 Video)
loved it
8 January 2021
The main character overdid everything. He smiled, laughed and talked too much. He appeared childish and mostly irritable but as the film progressed it became clear that he simply tried to hide his insecurities and loneliness. In the end he dropped the act and that transformed this somewhat awkward person to a vulnerable and sympathetic one. Especially because of the last scenes I loved this little movie and his character too.
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Beyond the Clouds (2014– )
a romantic tale
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I would like to correct the storyline's last sentence: 'The couple brings each other back to life in an ill-fated love, not knowing that Young Won's fiancé was actually the man killed by Se Ro five years earlier.' - the first part until the comma is true, but the second half, starting from 'not knowing...' doesn't make sense because Se Ro didn't kill the before mentioned fiancé and he also knew whose fiancé Gong Woo Jin was.

This was my second romantic Korean series and it was quite good. A romantic tale with a happy ending.

The actors delivered a great performance, especially the leading ones. I haven't seen a series that contained as many crying scenes as this one. It was really a 'crying marathon' or 'synchron crying' most of the time. Almost every scene between Se Ro and Young Won looked like this: Young Won started crying then Se Ro joined and cried his bit. I am not saying that it was forced, because it looked very natural to them and the topics they cried over were also sensitive ones, so their sorrow was understandable. Maybe I only had this impression because I binge-watched the series. I am not sure, but fact is, that a huge amount of tears were produced throughout this show.

I didn't like the constant background music. I found it ridiculous at times. The purpose of the background music is to support the visual content. Here at times, in my opinion, it was redundant. At the very first scene I almost laughed out loud when Se Ro walked (crying) on a snow covered field and he was about to take his life. It was obvious that he was struggling, so the melancholic music made the whole scene rather comical, so it completely failed its purpose. I felt the same when Se Ro was arrested and during the interrogation he received an sms about his passed exam. Then he started crying and I felt pity for him because of the absurdity of the situation. I think it would have been more dramatic if no music were played in the background. It was simply not necessary. The actors did their jobs very well, so further atmosphere creation with any kind music was not required.

Regardless of these I found the series entertaining but a little bit too melodramatic here and there. Sometimes less is more.
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Hyena (2020)
there should be more Yoon Hee Jaes in real life
16 December 2020
I found the main male character very attractive, the leading lady on his side not so much - but there was an undeniable chemistry between them and as the story progressed it became obvious that she was born to play this part. I didn't find the guy too smug, he had confidence which is required in his job. It must be a cultural thing that those who don't bow low enough when they meet, are considered to be arrogant, I guess. In my opinion he behaved completely normal. It is a very entertaining series and I would have wished a clear happy end, not just a half one. Maybe a second season could bring more clarity to the issue.
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a sad realistic story
9 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't remember seeing a movie where the poster of the movie was in such a huge contrast with the content of the movie. On the poster there are two good-looking guys who look a bit like the kings of the night. Two very confident guys who are aware of their good looks and also use it. Well, in the story they didn't have one glorious moment where they could have said that they achieved something. It was not clear at the beginning of the movie whether the story goes somewhere or it just shows aimlessly some days of their lives. Both or to be more exact: pretty much every character struggles with his / her everyday life. The somewhat older main character has debts and gets harassed by a local gangster who wants his money back. He is pretty much a parasite who tries to lure money out of everyone he can. The younger guy starts a relationship with a woman who does the same line of work and he is constantly jealous of her. It becomes an obsession that ends very badly for both of them. By the way (just a small additional remark) if ever a man reads this, I just would like to clarify that in case of 'woman - man' quarrels, regardless of the topic, if a woman smiles at some point, that doesn't necessarily mean that the woman laughs out her opponent. I think in many cases it is just a smile of desperate frustration that shouldn't be rewarded with punches from the guy. (This movie has a similar scene and I also ran into a lunatic some time ago. For a moment I smiled at the outrageous stupid things he said and he thought instantly that I made fun of him - but not. I was just irritated and couldn't believe that I ended up in such a stupid situation). So dear men, please don't give punches if you experience the same because in a lot of cases it is not mockery from the woman's side. Thank you in advance!
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Chocolate (I) (2019–2020)
a delicious fairy tale
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the basic idea of the series. There are the main characters: Cha-Yeoung and Lee Kang who once briefly knew each other and later on they meet again. The story evolves around a misunderstanding because of which Lee Kang pretty much hates Cha-Yeoung, the woman, who in his concept or part of the story betrayed and left his best friend. So for him she is a devious, heartless person and the story is how these negative feelings turn to admiration and love with time towards her. The following things I didn't like in the series: -I don't know why the series is called: chocolate, when almost no one ate chocolate in it. About 4 - 5 times they show some chocolate, e.g. Cha-Yeoung walks into a shop and looks amazed, bright-eyed on the chocolate creations but she eats only once during the whole series. I think Cooking & Eating would have been a better title. They didn't even try the snowball size chocolate shashimi or whatever it was called, which was made by the little Kang.
  • I also hated this 'I love you, I need you' song. It was played in the beginning very often, then thankfully the Korean version or part of the song was audible which was a huge relief, it was that sirupy.
  • Cha-Yeoung is pretty much a young Mother Teresa. She is way too selfless and kind. She is almost like an angel. An example: an upset grandmother is sure that her grandchild got ill because of Cha-Yeoung's cooking, so she starts to beat her up. And what is her reaction to that? Nothing. Nothing at all. She just stands there and takes the beating until Kang appears (when she is already lying on the floor) and stops the aggressive grandma. A similar situation: her brother quarrels with an old man who loses his temper and starts to beat him with his stick. She jumps between them and gets beaten until Kang appears again and helps her. Or another one: Kang is exhausted and lies down on the floor, without a blanket or a pillow. She enters the room, opens a cupboard that has a pile of pillows and blankets and she puts a pillow under his head and covers him with a blanket. And what does she do? She also lies down next to him, but she doesn't take any pillow or blanket. So, for me her character was too good to be true.
Anyway despite of these little things I found the series very good. It shows what is important in life. The relationships and how we treat each other. It showed that there is always a chance for new beginnings or to forget / forgive the sins / mistakes of the past. It has a life-affirming message, that no one ever should give up, even if the odds are against one.
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Forgotten (2017)
a remarkable movie
3 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It started off as a mystical horror story. What can be behind the closed door of the new house? We hear constantly noises and the main character, the little brother, even saw a sort of creature coming out of it. But this is all just a side episode in the movie, the main stream is about the refound brother who changed in a lot of ways. His leg is no longer damaged and he can normally walk. He never swore before, now he does. He never smoked and now he smokes. The younger brother explains it all to his mother who looks very empathic but then he hears a conversation where she calls him names (I was not allowed to use here) and tells to the person on the phone (the older brother) that the younger brother found out everything. So up to this point the movie looked very intriguing. But then it turns out that the very sympathetic younger brother commited a murder years ago and the people around him are only pretending to be his mom, dad and brother because they only want to find out why. So it was an unexpected turn. The murder for me was a bit fabricated. I mean, he realized that he doesn't want to hurt anyone, so why doesn't he just leave? like every other person would do? so it is something new and unique in a way but I wouldn't watch it again
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The Soul-Mate (2018)
better than expected
2 December 2020
I read a bad review about this movie therefore I didn't have high hopes for it. It has similarities with the Ghost movie but it wasn't that soppy. After the first hour or so it becomes obvious to which direction the movie goes. So for me (since I hoped for a better ending) it was too sad. Despite of this it still had some hilarious moments. 10/7
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Paranormal (2020)
nothing special really
27 November 2020
I only watched the first two episodes. It was sort of nice, the main character is likeable but the story is nothing new really. The 'frightening' scenes were predictable. What I didn't understand: why does the main woman character have to wear this ridiculous wig? I mean when I saw the red-haired woman my very first thought was that her wig looks so unnatural. I think the other leading woman's hair was also a wig. I am not a hairdresser and I am not very interested in hairdos so I think this clearly shows how exiting the series is.
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Poongsan (2011)
worth watching
15 November 2020
I didn't know what to expect from the film's summary. The first half of the movie is how he gets out and delivers the woman who is meant to be the 'big love' of an important older man (who by the way seems very sympathetic at the beginning but he becomes less and less while the story progresses). If someone yearns for 'heated conversations' between the main characters, then it will be a huge disappointment because the male character in lead doesn't say a word throughout the whole movie. I think there would too much to say therefore he rather remains silent. Anyway, after the woman is delivered, it turns out that the older lover boy is not as gentle as he seemed and she would rather return to North Korea. Unfortunately it never happens. The way the main character deals with the opposing parties is brilliant though and very comical. It is a very sad and desperate story of people who are forced into overwhelming situations and they appear to be 'chess figures' on a board without having any influence on their own lives.
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A Hard Day (2014)
what a movie
3 November 2020
I love 'domino tiles' movies when one mistake leads to a bigger one and the main character tries to get hold of the situation but he just worsens it and continues making even bigger and graver mistakes. This movie is pretty much like that. The main guy didn't want to face the consequences of his fault so everything goes downhill. There were very unexpected turns and scenes where you would have thought, I know what happens next but then something very different occurred. It's a very entertaining movie, worth watching.
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surprisingly good
3 November 2020
The first couple of minutes look like being in a hitman game, only with a female character. But after this the camera view turns to normal and the main character becomes visible too. I found the film rather interesting. About in the middle it gets clear who the main bad guy is, only not for the main female character. I expected it worse, so for me it was a surprisingly dynamic and watchable movie. 7 / 10
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30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read a review before I watched this film, so I had no high hopes and maybe it was better that way. Firstly I didn't like the hitman. He was very sad that he killed the little girl. Then he received the assignment to kill the little girl's mother. Despite of the fact that he felt with the mother, he struggled and hesitated most of the time until he made his final decision, that he won't kill her. Inbetween there were some very boring scenes that were meant to emphasize the personal tragedy of the little girl's mother. There were also some flashbacks from the hitman's childhood which didn't explain why he turned out the way he did, but surely gave a little insight into his past. The end, when they were in that huge building that was maybe the best part of the movie. But all in all it is not really worth watching in my opinion.
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The Chaser (2008)
very exciting
30 October 2020
It is a very dark journey but I haven't seen anything like this before. The actors, the atmosphere are all excellent. 10/10
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Unstoppable (2018)
a film with a happy end
30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie started rather sad. There is this big guy with an even bigger heart and he is used by everyone. He invests into the wrong business, he has a lousy job and a gangster for boss. The only good thing he has is his wife, who will be taken by the bad guys. The police don't do anything and he tries to find out where she is kept. The whole seems like a hopeless situation but he doesn't give up and he succeeds in the end. There are some comical scenes and the more the story progresses the more hopeful it gets. The very end is really a happy ending which didn't seem possible at the beginning of the movie.
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The Suspect (2013)
21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had probably too high expectations and therefore I felt a huge disappointment. There is this exceptional agent who can simply survive everything. He is the best of the best and he is invincible. He drives 2 cars to total wrecks without getting a scratch. It was too unbelievable. He is about to get executed but of course he manages to get rid of his ropes. The same happens in the end. There are no handcuffs that could hold him back. And the ending was also rather syrupy.
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The Outlaws (2017)
17 October 2020
This movie is simply fantastic. The actors look very authentic, the choreography, the scenes, everything. There are even funny moments in it. Very good, definitely a must-watch movie.
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Love Birds (2011)
old-fashioned comedy
15 September 2020
It was nice to watch an old-fashioned comedy where there were no vulgar speaking and discusting scenes. I can't say that it was very funny. maybe it was back in 2011 but for me it was just a nice movie with nice actors in it. It is worth watching though.
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a disappointment
11 September 2020
I read a very positive review about this film before I watched it, so maybe that too added to my overall disappointment. I found the character Poppy very annoying. An irritating person who giggles all the time even though she doesn't have any reason to it. I mean, I understand that she was supposed to be a very happy, optimistic person but she was just irritating. She also mocked the driving instructor and constantly ignored his requests. That man looked as if he would explode any moment during the whole movie. In the end he exploded too and that finally washed away the silly giggling from Poppy's face. The overall presentation of her being happy I found very unrealistic and artificial. It was simply too much. And not to mention her clothing. She looked like a skinny Vicky Pollard. I understand that she wanted to show that people shouldn't take themselves so serious and we all should keep our 'childish' side but the way she did it, that was way too much and tiresome.
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Extraction (2020)
very hectic movie
9 September 2020
I had no expectation at all, maybe that's why I was positively surprised. It is really very action-packed. Chris does everything, he gets shot, beaten up, even hit by a car, he bleeds and gets injuries but he just keeps going. No one can stop him. The same must be true about the camera man, who must have danced around the fist fights and run after the characters - this is how it looks at least. It seemed very realistic, I can't remember seeing anything like this before. It was like being in the same room with the actors and really standing next to them when they were fighting each other. The last couple of scenes were not necessary in my opinion, but it didn't harm the film and maybe, will there be a sequel?
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