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17 May 2024
Horrified by anyone that doesn't give this a 10/10.

This has to be the most incredible adaptation I've seen for Anne Rice to date. No offense to Tom or Brad because they did a fabulous job... but this just absolutely NAILS it.

Oh let's see... the INCREDIBLE casting, beautiful set design, IMPECCABLE writing (having help from Anne Rice herself with the screenplay before her passing in 2021), the dark and haunting short intro, the wonderful acting... I could go on and on.

This really is a very beautiful and interesting existential story that digs deep in ways that you thought you already knew but then reminds you that you still have a lot to learn.

Bravo to everyone involved in this show. THIS... is worth the bite ;)
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I agree this was worth the wait.
22 March 2024
Born in 1988 here. This is the absolute early NICKELODEON generation, dudes. This was right before the internet REALLY took fire and this was ALL we had!!! Looked forward to each episode every week. I honestly believe we're the last generation to say something like that.

I have been waiting to hear STRAIGHT from Drake Bell's mouth for well over a decade at this point, wondering what happened, and now that we're older I see why.

There are scenes in this documentary that took me back to good memories in the first two episodes, showcasing a lot of scenes through the 90's episodes of All That and The Amanda Show. Also being a sort of slow build to the second half. And the second half had me RIVETED.

Drake's interview is nothing short of shocking, and yes he's a child actor but he's definitely not acting anymore.

If you or anyone you know is a Nickelodeon kid like me you and they (IMO) will find this nostalgic, interesting, questioning, and... very, very disturbing.

I just only wished we heard from Amanda in this.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
One of the most unique animation shows of the last 10+ years.
9 February 2024
This is absolutely one of those out-of-the-box, quick-witted, clever, hilarious, sometimes VERY weird and sometimes VERY dark sci-fi animation adult comedy shows that has graced late night screens in recent years.

I know fans of this show that range in ages from 17 to 72 that watch it religiously.

This show has SERIOUS fans, and I see why. Like other comparable shows like Family Guy or South Park, this is absolute brilliant animation comedy that is meant to not only beg your attention by being so fast-talking, but also because it has a deeper underlying message that will make sense in whatever it means to you. Brilliant.

Keep it comin'.
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Lift (I) (2024)
An absolute BAG of cliches.
14 January 2024
I (as well as other viewers) knew exactly what I was getting into with this movie. Kevin Hart basically playing George Clooney in Oceans 11: Ok, yeah... alright... we'll see how it goes. I do love Kevin Hart. I really do. I think he's funny, endearing and gives whatever project he's doing his all. But it pains me to say that however much I would have loved to see him become some James Bond or Vin Diesel-type character in this... he just didn't land it for me.

I'll just leave it at this: I had to start this movie over three times. The first time I was simply cooking breakfast on a Sunday morning, so since I missed most of it... decided to start it over. Started it over... and found myself getting up to do chores around the house. Started it over again. Literally couldn't even sit through it, AGAIN.

Many well-known actors (and some that may not be well-known but are FANTASTIC - like Ursula) are in this and obviously played their roles well, but I couldn't help thinking this was strictly for a paycheck. The plot is wholly predictable and WAY overdone. The dialogue was so bad and cringe that you can obviously tell there was a writers strike. It really is just one of those cliche heist movies that are now good for simply background noise. I will say though, that the scenery was great. That's about it.
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Hands down...
12 January 2024
Hands down the BEST Batman movie EVER made. This movie is incredible. Christopher Nolan really did THE Batman's story a solid with this entire franchise, but this one is the beef of it. Heath Ledger will forever be remembered and Christian Bale as well as the rest of the cast just NAILED IT. I could watch this movie over and over again and never get bored. The fact that Christopher Nolan brought Heath Ledger up at the Golden Globes this year was so meaningful and will also be remembered. Enough with my boring details but the cinematography is perfection, the casting is perfect, the music sets the tone wonderfully, the screenplay is justified, and the timing is brilliant. Easy 10/10.
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute A++ of a second season. The back story behind this "Doctor" has had a few documentaries recently on Netflix and "The Con" on ABC, respectively. Both documentaries are well worth the watch prior to watching this.

But to go even further, listening to the ORIGINAL Dr. Death podcast when it first came out, with the beginning story of Christopher Dunsch, made my jaw drop and text everyone I know.

Allow me to say though that the first season was just OK, and didn't grip me like the podcast did. Same unbelievable story told well... with well-known actors playing their respective roles and they did a great job. BUT... THIS second season, however... ALL of the actors played their respective roles VERY well - and the dialogue is SO well written that it just grips you from the beginning to the end of each perfectly paced episode.

Spoiler alert... but the scene when Benita was in the car in Barcelona (when she was watching Paolo out front, in his yard... with his daughter and WIFE... when he said he was in Russia... and filmed him!) took this to the stratosphere when the writers decided that Benita actually went INSIDE the house. INCREDIBLE WRITING. In the show... she actually goes INSIDE the house and sees Paolo with his daughter and wife... goodness gracious I can't even imagine either scenario. God bless Benita and her daughter... OMG.

What really got me though... were the scenes with the victims. Completely heart-wrenching. Devastating, really. You can see how evil this guy was with his sociopathic behavior and narcissism.

Just like "Dr." Dunsch... I feel for everyone involved for having even met these ultimately evil human beings.

Soundtrack is excellent too... all in all, this is a MUST watch. Take care everyone!!!
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
25 September 2023
I remember when this show first came out and I just couldn't help but gush over how good it is, even to my mom... who I knew for a fact would never watch a show about "this type of stuff." Anything like The Sopranos or anything related to a show about a drug kingpin just wasn't her cup of tea. With that being said... my mom binged all 62 episodes in under two weeks (a few summers ago). I was astounded.

We both watched "Better Call Saul" together shortly afterwards... and enjoyed it just as much.

Breaking Bad (and Better Call Saul too!) really is just one of those shows where you simply forget about the drug part(s). It's more about the human element and how far a person can go... doing what they believe is right... for their family.

Bravo to Vince Gilligan. Obviously not giving much away but, yes. It's THAT good. Relatable, well-written MUST watch TV - of all time.
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Deadly Wives (2013– )
One of the best shows in True Crime...
17 February 2023
... and there are a LOT.

So obviously I won't get into the rest except to whoever may read this: This is what true crime shows are MEANT to be like.

UNBELIEVABLE stories. It's not Unsolved Mysteries... where there is (usually) no justice in the end. It's like a bootleg 20/20... where the same profilers are interviewed and only have some true eye accounts or witnesses. It's mostly the story and the actors portraying the roles. But unlike the two? The stories get into HEAVY detail and justice is MOSTLY served.

Each episode keeps things short and swift on time, featuring three different stories, but each under the same theme. So, they'll be an episode on women who gambled too much (Gambling Lives Away), then an episode of women with green eyes (Green Eyed Monster)... you get the picture.

Believing whole-heartedly throughout how the producers got these actors to play these roles(!!!), let's just say... I'm still not over some of these episodes... but don't let that scare you. This is a GREAT show.

As they say... "There are some crazy b*tches out there."

But knowing not ALL women act that way... much alone think any word of the sort... makes it watchable as well.

Some episodes definitely require an empty stomach, just so you're warned!

Yet, worth the educational watch.

Especially for the friends and family involved in each episode and story... I wish all the best in finding out what happened. I'm with you.

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8 October 2022
I would highly recommend watching "Abducted in Plain Sight" on Netflix as a prequel to watching this. You will get a WAY better grasp of everything that happens with this story from start to finish. The fact that Jan Broberg herself introduced this show in the beginning tells me Peacock is asking for permission before telling any true life stories on screen too. BRAVO to everyone involved in this production. So far... I love Anna Paquin, Colin Hanks, Lio Tipton is outstanding and Jake Lacy as "B" is just as terrifying as I remember. I'm looking forward to McKenna Grace's performance. I know this happened in the 70's, but even today... this is a truly crazy story that I believe everyone needs to know about... to know what to look out for, and how to avoid it.
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"Please, Nick... Have some BOO-SGHETTI"
17 June 2022
Hands down one of my favorite comedies of ALL time. This comedy spans time AND generations. I have watched this with my family (mom and dad too!) and we were ALL on the floor just... rolling laughing. SO many great one-liners on top of a quirky cast and hysterical idea for a "vampire mockumentary". I find myself enjoying watching this over the years the same way I did when I first viewed it. It's BRILLIANT.
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The Deep End (2022)
Wait... does this woman really think she's better than The Pope?
19 May 2022
6 stars at least to the filmmakers for sure. It's well-paced and written... but the story? I don't know how I can make it through the rest of the season.

Like the previous reviewer stated this is another con-woman (Teal Swan?) with enough charisma to start a cult. Yes, this is definitely a cult. I didn't know this cult existed until watching this, and I feel for the followers involved.

She makes fun of all of the other "spiritual gurus" but you guys... there is LITERALLY a scene where she is talking about who her disciples should be... while sitting in a hot tub. I can't, I just can't.
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Hard Cell (2022)
I think people missed the point of this show.
12 April 2022
First of all... it's British humor. If you don't "get it" or don't like it, then you don't understand it.

This is the show I needed. As a woman, troubled times are a given... whether it be behind bars or not. I found this show to be very funny and refreshing, with a quick pace, and told in a hilarious yet delicate way. Wrapped up in an easy afternoon binge, this one (IMHO) is a winner.
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The Act (2019)
This show is almost as good as the story itself...
25 March 2022
... Almost. But seriously, this was very well done! The writing is exceptional. You're made to feel like this is a relatable story... even though this type of story should NEVER be a relatable story(!!!) It's compelling, well-thought-out, well-written, well-casted, and riveting.

I would recommend however watching the documentary on HBO first before watching this, just to get the bigger picture. Patricia Arquette plays Dee Dee extremely well and definitely did her homework (as always! I love PA!!) but at the end of the day... no one can even act or relate to how EVIL Dee Dee was. I want readers to know and understand this. She was EVIL.

In the documentary, you can see her eyes turning black in a lot of documented videos of her with Gypsy, specifically in interviews. I educated myself on Munchausen by Proxy because of this story and hopefully (and I'm sure a lot of people will agree), because of that... I'll be able to look out for anyone doing something like THAT to anyone in the future, and report it... period.

Prepare to have your mind blown.
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7 March 2022
Ryan Murphy knows what the hell he is doing. I'm a big fan of American Horror Story - that's a given. But I absolutely LOVED Ryan Murphy's transition into the genre of true crime.

Every single season so far of "American Crime Story"; "The People VS. OJ", "Gianni Versace", and now "Impeachment"... has been brilliantly written, brilliantly cast, and brilliantly produced.

When you delve out of the fantasy world a bit and cast actors and write stories about REAL EVENTS... and STILL come up with a PERFECT production?! Good, SIR!!!

Murphy is a master at his craft for visualizing what and how American culture should be portrayed (IMHO); in its correct timeline, in the deepest and most sensitive way possible... without overloading and without judgement. He delicately just... somehow knows how to tell each tale as if you're reading it in a book, just antsy to turn the page and read what's next.

Keep the stories coming Ryan Murphy!!!
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The Exorcist (1973)
Once the credits start rolling, you could hear a pin drop.
8 February 2022
Ladies and gentleman... you have the perfect horror. The Exorcist is the GOAT.

This is literally the ONLY horror movie (or any movie really) that I can think of that has a classic theme song... yet has no reliance on music or score throughout most of the movie itself. It strictly relies on its writing, direction, performances, cinematography, editing, SOUND EDITING, and lighting... which creates the tension and overall story - and it's done to perfection. Did I mention the sound editing?!?

TRUE HORROR comes from slow-burn, pure evil stuff like this classic. Not from dumb jump scares. I only wish future audiences appreciate what a masterpiece of horror this is, and understand how any other horror movies that came after it...? Got their inspiration. James Wan is of them. Bravo!!!!

Rating: EASY 10/10.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
26 January 2022
UPDATE: Season 6 has already knocked it out of the park.

Original review:

I can't find a single fault with this series.

The Crown delicately tells the story of the royal family over the years, and IMHO... it's done to perfection. I knew exactly what I was getting into with regards to the story, and I can't find a single crumb out of place.

Everything - the casting, writing, score, screenwriting, set design, cinematography, costumes, direction... etc; it's all just absolutely brilliant.

John Lithgow as Churchill? Flawless. Helena Bonham Carter as Margaret? Flawless. Claire Foy as Elizabeth II? Flawless. Olivia Colman filling in after Claire as Elizabeth II? Olivia Colman can do no wrong (she's great in everything) and was also... flawless.

Emma Corrin was so spot on as Diana... I found myself in tears, reminiscing.

No wonder it's one of Netflix's high-price-tag shows... you can tell every single CENT went in with precision, and it shows.

One last thing... the fact that the writers had an entire episode based around Mr. Fagan in season 4 pushed this series into the stratosphere. (Yes, he actually got away with breaking into the palace... TWICE.) AMAZING!!!

I can't WAIT for season 5!!!
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27 November 2021
Yes, it's a Hallmark-y type movie but it's SO much more than that. Cary and Brooke are brilliant. The Scottish scenery is spectacular (as always). The story is great and paced just fine. The supporting cast is so unbelievably sweet. There's enough comic relief to put a smile on your face multiple times as well, instead of simply rolling your eyes.

Everyone involved in this film did what they could during the pandemic, and I think they nailed it. Definitely put me in the Christmas spirit!!
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
Make no mistake... this is a hidden gem.
5 November 2021
My family and I watch this movie every Christmas. It really is one of those comedies you can watch with the whole family. We laugh every time. It's become a bit nostalgic at this point, because it debuted in 2005.

It's not too short, not too long, not too dumb, not too cliche, and the jokes NEVER get old. It's absolutely HILARIOUS and relatable to EVERYONE. Life-long memorable lines throughout. I consider this one of Ryan Reynolds's top roles... and Anna Farris as Samantha James is by FAR her best role. They're both SO FUNNY! Chris Klein is hilarious too as well as the rest of the cast!

Take my word for it... IMO this movie should be added to EVERYONE'S Christmas movie list.

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You (2018–2024)
Relationships, defined.
28 October 2021
UPDATE: 4th season is absolutely worth the watch.

This is an incredible show. Every season has kept me intrigued for what's to come. Season three got a bit trippy by the end but it was still worth the watch. I also believe Penn Badgley was MADE for this role.

I remember hearing from other reviewers saying "God help you if you use voiceover." It's true, because voiceover can be a cop out. This show however smashes that statement right in the face.

The voiceover actually helps grip you into understanding his point of view... and helps carry the show extremely well. I was engaged the whole time. And the fact that his character loves books... well, the whole story comes full circle IMO!
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Blade Runner (1982)
To those that are watching this for the first time?! Prepare to think about it for YEARS.
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most perfect movie I've ever seen.

And here are my reasons:

1) Impeccable storyline. Written to screenplay from the book flawlessly. If you REALLY pay attention to every scene (and for some it may take a few times to watch to "get it") then you'll fully grasp everything to make sure that everything makes sense and is followed up to a satisfying conclusion (and I'm referring to the "Final Cut" here). It's truly genius and WAY AHEAD OF ITS TIME.

2) The haunting and iconic score by Vangelis is some of the best work done with a movie I've heard since John Williams or Danny Elfman (who came a bit later). You wanna talk about "nailed it"?! He NAILED. IT.

3) The futuristic dystopian set design is so detailed that, even if it was supposed to be set in 2019 LA, has nothing to do with the weather. We're meant to explore a deeper world on the "inside"... whatever that means to you.

4) We see a lot of familiar faces here but this was when a lot of the actors were still putting themselves on the map... and they absolutely succeeded.

5) The dialogue is UNBELIEVABLE. And I mean that in the absolute BEST way. You are left with the perfect amount of hope and emptiness at the same time which is EXACTLY what Blade Runner was aiming for, I believe. Either way? Hats off.

"The light that burns twice as bright lasts half as long"... omg my jaw hit the floor with that one.

Netflix picked up "Blade Runner: The Final Cut" recently and I could not control my excitement. This movie came out before I was even born and as I watch it to this day it still blows everything else out of the water that I've seen so far in terms of slow-burn, sci-fi, neo-noir... it's just absolute brilliance on screen from start to finish.

Oh and btw - at about an hour and six minutes in while Deckard is looking back at Racheal, notice his eyes. He's definitely a replicant and if he's not... WOW. Way to leave imagination up in the air. I truly love it.

Any time I ever return home from a long trip as well I always yell that special line in my head: "Home again, Home again... Jiggity Jig"

Another great and if not perhaps the best line of all: "It's too bad she won't live... but then again, who does"...

Without question: 10/10.
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As chaotic as Billy Milligan's mind.
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a mess. As my boyfriend and I were watching we kept thinking (especially regarding the interviews): "What's up with these old, awful-looking buildings set up as backdrops?!", "What's up with these French psychologists that seem to have NOTHING to do with this specific case (and are speaking French no less while everyone else is speaking English?!) and lastly... "If Netflix is going to make another docu-series that could have been an hour and a half long documentary... they could have more background on the victims (and the victims families) and THEIR stories." (Perhaps the victims/families wanted no part in this documentary... which I would understand.)

I would also like to mention my boyfriend fell asleep before the end of the first episode, which says something considering he's the type that LOVES true crime stories. I do too... so I kept watching... but tbh I had a hard time staying awake as well.

While the story itself is very interesting... the HORRIBLE editing and bad direction lost me... SO MANY REPETITIVE SCENES. Like, we get it!!!

One of the worst editing with regards to a documentary on Netflix to date (IMHO).


To the family members involved in this... for giving their time and testimony... I thank you so much... because you provided a lot of insight.
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Nightbooks (2021)
You've seen this before, but not like this.
16 September 2021
This movie was actually pretty fun. Perfect to release before Halloween and decent enough for the whole family to watch. All of the actors knew their assignment and carried the movie well, and I found myself entertained and not getting bored at all. I consider it a fresh twist on a classic fairy tale.

Give it a shot!

Happy to see Krysten Ritter on-screen again too! She's great!!

Oh, and... hats off to CHVRCHES for the "Lost Boys" song remake at the end. WOW!!
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This show maybe would have worked back in 2013
7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love reno shows, but I've never seen anything like this. Was this satire? I felt like these ladies were making fun of people that actually do this for a living. I have no idea how they got to do what they did without having some type of cushion. Literally everything; the Urban Outfitters catalog finished look of the motel, the blatant disregard for the town that you're apparently supporting, and then... Omg... the vocal fry. I tried, I really did. The only thing that carried me was Rick and his team and hopefully seeing the barista come back and punch Sarah square in the face.

I wasn't even drinking watching (which I should have) but they were drinking so much Rose and commenting about it that I was about to throw up myself.

3 stars at least for giving me a good laugh.
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Never Forget.
2 September 2021
Everyone knows where they were and what they were doing when the unthinkable happened on 9/11/01. Certain scenes/clips/stories in this series that I hadn't necessarily seen before in the media brought me to tears... and right back to how WE felt THAT day.

Albeit a bit biased (IMHO) considering the politics, but I'm not biased on politics either; I just felt like it was leaning more on one side and not the other. Regardless, this series is informative and well worth the watch.
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21 August 2021
I thought this would be just another Hallmark-ish-type flick, but I was pleasantly surprised. This movie absolutely put a smile on my face more than once. Funny, sweet, endearing and with good messages throughout. Christina Milian shines! 👏
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