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The Handmaid's Tale: Holly (2018)
Season 2, Episode 11
Massive yawn fest
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh Lord. I had to fast forward through loads of this. Irrelevant flashbacks (lazy story writing) and minutes & minutes of screaming & panting.

There is no need for this episode.

June had her kid.

Full stop.
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Hinterland (2013–2016)
Clever, keeps you guessing.
23 March 2021
This is a unique crime drama, in my eyes, in that it comes full circle in the plots. Very cleverly written; a tad confusing at times, but that might be me being thick! It really keeps you guessing, and is not a drama you can take your eye off - so much happens without dialogue. Cinematography is superb. And the views of North Wales are spectacular, and remind me of my childhood holidays there - but with less bloodshed! A few negatives - there are an awful lot of long "angst" scenes, where nothing's happening; just pained expressions and dramatic music. It must take Mathias about 45 seconds to get snogging a woman 🤣 No humour whatsoever. It's very, very bleak - I think I counted 5 smiles from main cast in the whole series! And it's never really explained why the team is so dysfunctional. There's no cohesion between the police officers; it's all very formal and DI Rhys is sooo cold and uppity. Don't let that distract you, though. It's one of the best dramas I've stumbled on. I'm watching it a 2nd time now, to catch the bits I missed when I got distracted!
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G.B.H. (1991)
Excellent, darkly comic drama
6 March 2021
It seemed fairly obvious to me, coming from Merseyside, that Michael Murray was loosely based on Derek Hatton. I was just a daft teen during his régime, but this enlightened me. The acting is excellent, although Lindsay Duncan is a wee bit wooden. The two main actors, Michael Palin and Robert Lindsay couldn't have been better cast. A grim and gritty portrayal of the dirty extremist side of zealots in politics. Not a faction to be applauded. Lots of wonderful dark comedy - nothing slapstick; intelligent writing instead. Alan Bleasdale is the Master of Grim Northern humour. Nobody can best him. A show I only turned on because I love Palin, but so glad I watched it right through. A word of warning: concentrate. There are unexpected twists & turns, and I had to rewind to let it sink in. Superb!
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Peaky Blinders (2013– )
Scrapping, Sex & Excrutiatingly Bad Accents
28 February 2021
I truly could not get into this series and I really persevered. The fighting was non-stop, gratuitous brutality; sex scenes in between; and the accents alternated between Scouse, Irish and Yorkshire. I couldn't follow the plot as it seemed to go nowhere. Every tentacle just seemed to end up in murders or sex. Helen McCrory was a very bad choice for Poll. She just sounded like a Scouse fishwife. I felt it showed the Gypsy community in Birmingham very badly. I know gypsy families there, who've made their way honestly for generations. And there wasn't a single likeable character. Yes, Cillian Murphy is easy on the eye - but Thomas Shelby is a hateful man. The few decent actors who managed their accents came from Sam Neill (born in N Ireland!), Charlotte Riley (from Co Durham!!) - and the actual Birmingham residents who auditioned for small roles when there were so many negative comments about the protagonists! Horrible show. And the soundtrack was bloody miserable.
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Peaky Blinders: Episode #1.4 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 4
The Scouse accents get better
27 February 2021
Considering this is supposed to be a Brum drama, most of the actors do a cross between Scouse & Belfast 😂 Helen McCrory's accent is pure "Julie-Walters-in-Educating-Rita" 🤣 Hilarious. I only watch this for the side-splitting cr*p accents!
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
Big budget Upstairs Downstairs
8 February 2021
As Julian Fellowes admitted, this is a blatant rip off of the old classic, Upstairs Downstairs, but with a massive budget thrown at it. Maggie Smith excels at the Lady Bracknell-esque Dowager, and has the most acerbic and humorous lines in the show. Her liberal counterpart, Mrs Crawley, is played equally as well by Penelope Wilton. But WHO? cast the part of Lady Mary? Oh Lord. Michelle Dockery has as much acting ability as a cabbage. I can't forget her line, "Heavens, you startled me", delivered with as much feeling as a plank of wood 😑. An obnoxious character who could have really been acted with great aplomb by someone more talented. Indeed, all the Grantham women (except Dame Maggie) were dead as doornails. I've never seen a person "simper", but Elizabeth McGovern managed it in every scene. Downstairs, the actors cannot be faulted. Each one was perfectly cast and all played their parts superbly - notably, Joanne Froggatt, Rob James-Collier, Phillis Logan, Brendan Coyle, Kevin Doyle and Jim Carter. Utter brilliance from all of the servants. Storylines: why was Lord Grantham's dalliance with Jane cut so short? And Lady G with Richard E. Grant? More could have been made of these and the interactions seemed inconsequential and gratuitous after they were ended so anticlimactically. Downstairs storylines very good -although more could have been made of Thomas's attempt "to be like normal men" rather than him just having a sore on his bum and a pallid complexion. The trials faced by the Bates were well plotted and spun out. Overall, this show could have been improved by better "Upstairs" cast and less dangling plots, but it has been a pleasant distraction. I certainly would never have subscribed to the "Downton Fever" which gripped the UK when it was first shown.
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Manhunt (2019–2021)
Excellent. Explained so much.
22 December 2020
I recall the news about Milly Dowler, but Amelie and the other poor girl (whose name temporarily escapes me) were so quickly glossed over. Were it not for the sheer doggedness of DCI Colin Sutton, and his demand for thoroughness and respect from his team, that evil man would never have been caught. The travesty of the force who let evidence go ignored makes one wonder just how much the force really can be bothered once the budget masters start poking about. I've been watching a lot of true crime dramas from itv, and one thing's for certain - the committed detective gets little support from his superior these days. You've only got to watch Des and compare it to year 2000+ murders to see how much the government has cut police funding. Acting superb from all concerned - especially Martin Clunes - who I usually avoid! Brilliant explanation of the whole investigation and the roadblocks that poor detective faced at almost every step of the way. That man deserves a medal. And the drama wins my vote every time. Brilliant stuff. Well done all concerned.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Very gripping up to a point...
4 December 2020
So I watched the first 5 seasons back-to-back, and was hooked. Great tension, good (ish) acting, interesting plot-lines, and more than a few twists & turns. Come S6 and it's downhill for me so I went back to the beginning to watch again as I knew I'd fallen asleep through a few episodes (due to medication; not boredom 😂) Second viewing, I began to feel uncomfortable with the Islam-bashing. Not all terrorists are Muslims. They come from all nations and many religions. Having lived and worked in the Middle East when the twin towers were hit, what I remember vividly is my Arabian friends and work colleagues apologising to me, saying, "This is not Islam. We are so sorry that this has been done to the US" - and I'm not even American! There are a couple of very wooden performances in this serial: Jessica Brody (gorgeous but 2D), Dana Brody - needed a good slap and lessons in E-Nun-See-A-Shun of words. But on the whole, the acting is excellent - even though poor Claire Danes has to be Hollywood's ugliest crier (and she cries A LOT for a tough-as-nails CIA operative!)! Damian Lewis is very strong, as is Rupert Guest. And the actor playing Saul (sorry, can't recall Mandy's surname!). I think after S3 ended, terrorists from other religions/nations should have been used. Too much Muslim-bashing for me, and I'm struggling to enjoy the series second time around. Carrie's self-absorption got on my nerves after 9 episodes 2nd time; previously, it had been the 4th season before her egotism got on my wick. However, I would recommend viewing. It is a gripping drama - to a point. And mostly very well acted, plotted and filmed. I'm still surprised it's a 15 cert. I've seen far less gore, sex and violence in 18 certs - Homeland has buckets of blood and plenty of nookie to keep any 15 year old riveted!
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The Amateurs (2005)
A gentle comedy with many chuckles!
4 December 2020
I love this little film. Jeff Bridges is his usual wonderful, laid-back good-guy (and as gorgeous as ever!), surrounded by his friends from town. Ted Danson is just the right side of "camp" not to be hamming up his character, and "Andy's" assortment of other pals: Some Idiot, Mo-Ron et al are all integral and all unique. Each one brings a humorous facet to the movie. Although it's dealing with adult films, I do think it's something you could easily watch with young teens without them screeching "Eeewwww! Mum! Get it OFFF!!" Just a sweet, inoffensive comedy, with a happy ending - exactly what a wet, cold, winter's afternoon prescribes 👍🏼
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Fargo (2014–2024)
A review for four seasons...
1 December 2020
I first saw the film Fargo about 13 years ago and adored it. When my husband got the series of S1 to watch, my snobbery wouldn't allow it - for 10 years! Having suffered a major health setback this year, I returned to a bit of telly, and decided to try the Fargo series. Wow! I was hooked within 10 minutes! A more menacing, yet very drily funny baddie than BB Thornton is unimaginable. He makes this role his own. There isn't a soul who could top his performance. I hope he, one day, returns to the series. Martin Freeman - I never thought he had it in him. Loved him in The Office and Hitchiker's and thought he'd found his Estuary English accent and was happy to stay put - but he nailed the Minnesotan accent as well as any Minnesotan. Molly - we see her grow and develop as the plot thickens. She becomes an empowered capable police officer, with a big heart. And Bill Odenkirk always provides a bit of light relief with his gippy guts! I can't fault S1. Now on my 12th viewing this year. 10/10. Faultless, from plot to dialogue to casting to acting. I've still not found a serial which is as superb as S1. S2 - back to 1979. The scatty, delusional Peggy Blumquist, and her gentle, adoring husband, Ed, get themselves into pickle after pickle. Patrick Wilson, playing the young Lou Salverson, is not only VERY easy on the eye, but so believable as a State Police Officer tracking down the killers. Jeffrey Donovan is a baddie who is up there with Billy Bob. A misogynist who treats women as worthless...oh how the chickens come home to roost - in the funniest scenes from the whole 4 series. I cry with laughter in Loplop, even at my 11th viewing, it's so well scripted, directed and acted. Good to see Nick Offerson playing "Ron Swanson" up in Minnesota! I can easily forgive the lack of accent as he provides much appreciated comedic interludes. Straightforward plot, brilliantly acted by all (including a veteran Ted Danson!), and if I had two tiny niggles, it'd be Betsy's poor accent and the UFOs. Yes, I know there were sighting up there in the 70s, but it was a wee bit contrived. Stellar performances from everyone, though. Overall 9.5/10 S3. Superb acting from Ewan Mc and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (although I wouldn't have pegged her as having a Chicago accent?!) I despised VM Varga. It began to get a bit dark for me. Somewhat salacious and sickening. But that's just me. Carrie Coon and sidekick Donny were a great pair of small town officers, with Gloria (Coon) playing her role with integrity and sincerity. A character to warm to. I struggle to get through this series every time I attempt it due to Varga's gross indecency to his fellow man. He sickens me, and trying to watch him on screen turns my stomach (although I think David Thewliss is a brilliant actor - maybe *too* good for this role!). Probably 7.5/10 S4. This is the series which ruins the "brand" for me. Awful acting by some integral players (Chris Rock especially!). Jessie Buckley owned Oreaetta Mayflower - she got inside that character's head and *became* her. Other great performances...but the plot limped along like a lame duck! Every episode, I was desperate for things to really get stomping. I was constantly disappointed. I just couldn't work out how the screenwriters could have got it so horribly wrong. I hope this isn't the thin end of the wedge, and S5 (if one is in the pipeline) takes us down into the abyss further. I want my beloved Fargo restored to its former glory - PLEASE! Overall score for S4 - 2/10, and that covers four actors only.
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Fargo: Storia Americana (2020)
Season 4, Episode 11
One long yawn fest...
30 November 2020
Best actor in this show, hands down, was Jessie Buckley. This star is for her. You were the only redeeming feature of this series (along with the two British males). I couldn't follow this series at all. It never went anywhere. And, I confess, I switched off 5 minutes before the end. What a bloody shambles. Poor story, bad acting, little continuity, boring. Oh, I'm utterly gutted that my beloved Fargo has been mangled so viciously 😢
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Fargo: Loplop (2015)
Season 2, Episode 8
Perfect blend of comedy & drama
24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the funniest, yet tense episodes of all the Fargo episodes. Jeffrey Donovan and Kirsten Dunst are utterly brilliant in the cabin. The way the "foot's on the other shoe" 😂🤣🤣, with the misogynistic Dodd all tied up by the totally deluded Peggy calling the shots, is hilarious. I can't remember how many times I've noted the time on this scene to rewatch, but it never ceases to make me laugh out loud. It's superbly scripted, acted and is an intelligent and thoughtful plot twist. So good to see Dodd taken down by a "girl"! I don't know who taught these actors the Minnesotan dialect, but these two have been A* students. The tension is building in other areas...Ed is using his bargaining chip to his advantage. And Patrick Wilson & Ted Danson are a prize-winning duo - perfect foils for each other. I do love this Season. I still cannot decide whether I prefer Billy Bob's laconic baddie to the more garrulous Jeffrey Donovan's baddie. Perhaps they're just both 10/10 but completely different personalities?! Excellent.
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Fargo: Happy (2020)
Season 4, Episode 10
Rock by name, Rock by acting...
23 November 2020
...and the actress playing Ethelreda went to the same acting school. Who chose these two "actors" to play such integral characters? A deaf & blind casting agent on the take? Their exchange of bargaining, at the end of E10 should have been tense and sharp. Instead, it was simply 😐 and 😑. And I was 😴. The only good acting came from Jason Schwartzman, Jessie Buckley and Jack Huston. I honestly thought things would pick up after the drama of E8 & 9, following a moribund E1-7, but they're just killing off the good actors one by one to leave us with Rocks and planks. This has been *such* a disappointing season; I couldn't wait for its release. Move it back to Minnesota for S5, and bring back the comedy and drop the politics. Fargo die-hards watch it for its black humour; not its politics - which is about as funny as Donald Trump winning another presidential election 😱. Noah Hawley - if you read these reviews, take heed from them - there's one heck of a theme going on with S4.
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Homeland: About a Boy (2014)
Season 4, Episode 5
Urgh. Has Carrie no scruples?
21 November 2020
I'm agreeing with many who've written before me. Who's writing these subplots? Why does Carrie have to sh*g every terrorist who she interviews? Has she forgotten that she was supposedly "in love" with Brody, and then had his child who she cannot go near? This has been an addictive drama, and the acting by all is still faultless - but the writers really ought to hang their heads in shame for making Carrie so despicable and selfish. Not every spy needs to get into someone's pants to get them to "turn". Watching the sex scenes are knotting my stomach, they're so contrived and revolting. I think I'd rather see the CIA torturing - which I'm damned sure is the more likely scenario! - and I dislike that in my fellow humans, too. If this doesn't stop, I'm skipping to S6 on Netflix.
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Bowfinger (1999)
How can anyone ignore this humour?
14 November 2020
This is a hilarious, well-scripted movie which plays to all the main protagonists' strengths. Anyone who can watch Eddie Murphy run across that busy highway and not cry with laughter is clinically dead. Or had a sense of humour bypass. It's meant to be tongue-in-cheek. It's IRONY! It's funny from start to finish. Gotcha! Suckers!
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Does S4 ever get going?
26 October 2020
What's happened to Noah Hawley? He's written a disjointed, slow-moving, series which is not a patch on previous seasons. There is no tension, no flowing storyline and very little of the dark humour which made previous seasons so eminently watchable. The only saving grace is the superb acting. It's a shame they've not been given a quality script. Mr H, if you get hired for S5, PLEASE return to your previous standards. I'm guessing the only connection to other seasons will be discovering that Rabbi Milligan is Mike Milligan's (S2) father. But that's a surmisation on my part.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
It'd be 10/10 were it not for S4...
22 October 2020
I can honestly say that I watch seasons 1-3 every month, back to back, each time finding something new to either laugh at or which has me making a new connection. Billy Bob Thornton has to be the most likeable baddie I've ever seen, and I was gutted that he didn't feature in subsequent seasons. I hope he's brought back for S5, Mr Hawley! I cannot fault the acting in any of the seasons, and the way the Brit actors have conquered the Minnesotan accent makes me proud of my countrymen! Each plot is intricately woven, and I do find that each subsequent viewing helps understand the story better. I've become a total Fargo geek, picking up on continuity errors and boring my husband with my observations. They don't detract from the programmes in any way, though. Comedic genius comes from both Billy Bob and Jeffrey Donovan, the latter being a hateful mysoginist whose downfall at the hands of a woman has me laughing out loud - something I very rarely do at any type of film bar Dumb & Dumber! Utterly brilliant. I just hope that S4 shapes up soon, as it's terribly slow - and I really do miss the Minnesotan ambience.
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