
29 Reviews
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Looney Tunes Cartoons (2019–2023)
8 June 2020
I'm really impressed with the work that went into this show. It's long overdo that Looney Tunes gets an actual remake akin to the original series. With that in mind, while this appeals largely to children it very much appeals to adults as well. The characters in the show are often self aware they are in a cartoon, almost like breaking the fourth wall.
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The perfect animated series
8 June 2020
When this came out no one thought of the major impact it would leave on the animation genre. Not only that, but the show has a very wide audience appeal. It's not very often for instance that an animated children's show would have such a mature narrative and great story to tell. With all this in mind I really feel like this is what an animated series should try to be like.
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New Looney Tunes (2015–2020)
Not the Looney Tunes I remember
26 May 2020
It may be true that young children will enjoy New Looney Tunes but everyone else will just ask, " why does this exist?" At first sight it looks like Looney Tunes has returned to its roots but this is not the case. The number 1 problem is that the design of the characters are just awful. The design choice just looks plain ugly. Secondly, the way the classic characters act contradicts their behavior in previous Looney Tunes Cartoons. However, it seems like we may finally get a true successor to The original series with the upcoming show, Looney Tunes Cartoons.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
It only gets better
26 May 2020
Originally, Parks and Recreation was supposed to be spin-off to The Office(US). As a result, many including myself felt the first season tried to hard to mimic the office rather than doing something original. Fortunately, the show deviated a lot from the office in the show's second and third seasons. Unfortunately, the score for parks and rec stays at 8 due to its rocky start. However, in the end everything works out and I very well believe that Parks and Recreation did not overstay it's welcome as seasons 3-7 were all top notch.
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I really wanted to like this
16 May 2020
Unfortunately, the film Captain Marvel really missed the mark. It deserves a very below average score due mostly to the narrative being convoluted and story predictable. The film also is boring and most actors have little to no on-screen chemistry. Yes, the CGI effects are impressive and the film can be entertaining at times. Even the main character of the movie, Captain Marvel was not portrayed correctly. Both hot headed and quite cocky made her very unlikable and annoying. Hopefully, the character will be better written in future films such as Captain Marvel 2.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
A child's perspective on World War II
24 April 2020
To start off, going into this movie I really did not expect it to be as good as it was. Based on the film's advertising and marketing one would think the film is a feel-good comedy movie. However, the film is less of a comedy film and more like a dark comedy dram or dramedy. The film it self is about a German boy who is apart of the nazi party and his view on the war, current way of living, and view on the Jewish race. Keep in mind the film is being told from this child's perspective so if there is any thing that appears a bit too silly or out of place of the typical World War II movie this is why. There have been some reviewers that despise the movie for it not always being too serious but I believe this is the film's greatest strength. In terms of the acting department this film would get a 10/10. The child actors Roman Griffin Davis in the lead role and actress Thomason McKenzie both give convincing and at times dramatic performances. The film also stars Scarlett Johansson( won best supporting actress) as Jojo's mother and praise goes to director Taika Waititi in portrayal of Adolf Hitler. Lastly, the film in my opinion is good just for being so clever and original. The film somehow manages to be this thoughtful and sometimes shocking World War II film and balances it out with some comic relief. Luckily, the timing of the comic relief is just right not being to much or being too cheesy. Altogether, I highly recommend everyone go see Jojo rabbit with my score of 9/10.
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The Office (2005–2013)
The Almost perfect sitcom
11 April 2020
The Office (US) is one of the most beloved sitcoms ever made and is often regarded as the most popular and successful Office show. It's got nearly everything going for it including stellar character development, great story arcs, comedy, and even at times even dramatic. However, I did feel like the show was at its best at seasons 1-7, the last two seasons and second half of 7 did show a decline in quality but still managed to wrap things up beautifully in the series finale( the last three episodes in particular)
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Very good game
2 March 2020
Zelda: the Breath of the Wild is a very good game. I commend the game from deviating from previous games and now having an open world with some RPG mechanics mixed in. Not saying that I have anything against previous installments, the open world in Breath of the wild is a nice change of pace. Despite the game being ginormous with so much to do I did not feel the same way about the story. In comparison to titles such as Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time the story being told felt average. The ending especially felt quite rushed and ended quite abruptly. I always got lost into exploration and the story was always second thought. I'm hoping the Breath of the Wild sequel improves in the story department and retains what worked so well in the original.
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Super Mario Odyssey (2017 Video Game)
Best 3D Mario since Galaxy 2
2 March 2020
I must say, Nintendo really surprised with Super Mario Odyssey. I just love how unique and how much of a departure the game play is from its predecessors. For the first time ever in a 3D Mario game players can explore vast and complex 3D worlds. A truly open world experience backed up by the amazing Cappy mechanic Mario can posses various npc's, enemies, and even inanimate objects by throwing his hat. I believe the Cappy mechanic and vast open world to explore provides much needed depth to the Super Mario series.
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The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
2 March 2020
I recall hearing all the hype for the game when it was originally released and boy did it deliver. The emotional depth the story carries for instance is the best I have ever seen in any game. Naturally, the voice acting of both Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson is A list acting quality. The two voice actors have excellent on -screen chemistry and every word spoken from the two of them evokes so much emotion. I also commend the games for its stellar gameplay and amazing graphics. I've always believed it was the best looking PS3 game and today consider it one of the best looking PS4 games. I cannot wait for May when the story continues in The Last of Us Part ll, I hope it is just a good as the original if not better.
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Horizon Zero Dawn (2017 Video Game)
Breathtaking game
2 March 2020
It is not so often when I play a game I am this engaged. Just everything about it is top tier, including the story, the world, characters and its complex story. Above all else I commend this game for its beautiful visuals, the game just feels so much alive. The ps4 pro's resolution boost on top of an already beautiful game makes the games graphics look jaw dropping. I just hope that the highly anticipated sequel lives up to its predecesser.
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Avatar (2009)
Engaging world
29 February 2020
When I think of Avatar I rarely remember it for its descent story but for its incredible world building. I remember seeing this film in Imax 3D when the film released and being captivated to this breathtaking world. The world of Pandora leaves audiences speechless with a world so filled of beautiful scenery and brand new life. In the near future I hope Disney releases a 4K version of the film and that Avatar 2 is just as immersive as the 2009 original. Hopefully the 12 year wait for a sequel will be worth it
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Dreams (2020 Video Game)
Great Potential
26 February 2020
Brought to you by Media Molecule comes their new game Dreams. Dreams is a game that pretty much lets players create anything. The list includes music, demos, Full length games, or just 3D design. Why Dreams works so well is because how approachable its is for anyone to create their own 3D world. However, even though Dreams is more approachable than 3dsmax or solid works, it will take a little while before you can master all of the tools in creator mode( Dream Sculpting). I also enjoyed Dream's "Dream Surfing" mode, allows players to publish their work and share it with the rest of the world. I look forward to see the amazing creations people publish in the future as well as the capabilities of the imminent PC and PlayStation 5 ports.
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Joker (I) (2019)
In depth character study
25 February 2020
Long story short the story of the movie shows who exactly the joker was before he even became the joker. What makes the film so special is the performance by Joaquin Phoenix. I really feel as though there was no one else that could have made the film so iconic but him. The way he acts made the audience really like to believe that they are watching someone mental and insane. It really gave this film a very eerie and dark atmosphere. Many people like to compare Joaqin Phoenix's Joker to Heath Ledger and in my opinion I do not think it is a fair comparison. Not because Ledger is bad( in fact he is one of the best) but it is because he is the joker based off of the comics. While Phoenix's Joker may strongly resemble the character's comic book counterpart, I feel as though he went out and did his very own thing. The new joker is totally realistic the way he laughs, hallucinates and even moves around. This is why the movie Joker is so good, never before has anyone done such a relatable Joker . Lastly, the film succeeds with its musical score as well. This one in particular compliments Phoenix's portrayal very well. Put together a scary good portrayal and almost haunting score make this film work on so many levels. Altogether, I feel like Joker was a lot more successful than it was expected to be which just makes more reason to watch this film if anyone has not yet.
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The Lion King (2019)
Very Mixed Feelings
25 February 2020
Going into this movie keep in mind that this a near shot for shot remake. Now, that being said I don't really think it was necessary making this movie. I also thought it was bizarre that Disney decided to not have Jeremy Irons return to voice Scar. Unfortunately the voice of scar in the remake does not sound as nearly as sinister or intense as Irons But the film I hold in high regards for its photorealistic visuals. In addition, to the visuals most of the actors do a good job but I felt Seth Rogan, John Olive, and Billy Eichner gave the best performances ( Puumbaa, Zazu, and Timon). Overall, If anything I feel as if the remake is a one time viewing experience.
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Best in the series
23 February 2020
The third Bad Boys in the bad boys series is arguably the best in the series being substantially better than the 2nd and at times even the original. This film in my opinion is not only a good time but it also has some great moments for its characters. Bad boys for life features great character development for the the two leads as well as some of the supporting characters. I also thought that the film had done a great job handling its humor, I really feel like the timing in humor was done right and was often done in a clever way. Overall, I recommend Bad Boys For Life
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Kingdom Hearts III (2019 Video Game)
Good, but could have been better
21 February 2020
While Kingdom Hearts III is in no way a bad game I do feel like the game could have been better. Despite the impressive graphics and fun combat the story falls flat compared to its predecessors. I just feel like this game was made primarily for the players who stuck around since Kingdom Hearts II because whoever is new to the series will have a hard time following its complex plot. However, the game did include a surprisingly vast open areas to explore, items to collect, and descent amount of post-game content and DLC( REMIND). If anyone is thinking of getting into the series I recommend playing HD 1.5+2.5 Remix and then 2.8 Remix before playing Kingdom Hearts III.
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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (2020 Video Game)
Very ambitious game falls short
21 February 2020
Despite being the thousandth time the dragon ball Z story has been adapted, this is the first game that lets players start at the beginning of Goku's story to the end. The game is an RPG that allows players to level up and customize Goku and friends as the game progresses. The game's highlights would have to be its engaging boss fights, cinematics, its great attempt to bridge sagas, and visual presentation. Unfortunately, the game loses a lot of points for its repetitive side quests, progressions system, often tedious combat, and lack of voice acting throughout the games semi-open world. Overall, I feel like the developers who made Kakarot can learn from what worked and what didn't and really make something truly amazing in the likely successor to Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.
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Togo (2019)
An untold story worth watching
21 February 2020
This is a true story not many people know about. It focuses on the head sled dog Togo. This story is one that is highly recommended for dog lovers and Disney fans alike. The film is captivating thanks to the amazing performance by William Dafoe the great cinematography, beautiful visuals, and story. Please do not pass this film up, you will not be disappointed.
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Aladdin (2019)
21 February 2020
The Live-Action Aladdin movie was an alright film. I felt like some of the special effects looked dated and really did not like the actor who plays Jafar. However, I did appreciate Will Smith for doing something new with genie rather than being a copy+paste of Robin Williams Genie. Aladdin and Jasmine did an alright job. I really feel like the film could have been better had it done some thing different from the animated original. That being said I hope the upcoming Aladdin 2 follows an original plot rather than having one that resembles Return of Jafar or King of Thieves.
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Devil May Cry 5 (2019 Video Game)
One of the Best in the Series
21 February 2020
Out of all of the games in the series, I commend Devil May Cry 5 for its outstanding graphics, engaging soundtrack, and great story. I also enjoy the game for returning the series to its roots after the highly controversial DMC Devil May Cry. Another thing the game does well is the boss fights, which I believe some are the best in the series. Difficulty-wise I felt the game was pretty approachable to newcomers despite a difficulty spike hear and there. So altogether I highly recommend to play this game.
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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019 Video Game)
Challenging game with interesting story+gameplay
21 February 2020
The game in my opinion is a good game. I would highly recommend the game for anyone who loves a great challenge. With a challenge in mind this means a lot of time is put into getting used to the game mechanics because it is very difficult. Lastly, I was shocked to see that the game won best game of the year. I believed that the game was not approachable due to being so hard. It would have been better if Death Stranding or The Outer Worlds won best game of the year.
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1917 (2019)
Solid Film
21 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I thought this movie was not great or amazing but i do think it is a solid good film. What I enjoyed was the way the story was told using the "all in one take" way of filming the movie. The acting was very good but some of the actors that were featured in most of the trailers such as Colin Firth and Benedict Cumberbatch had barely any screen time and only appeared in the beginning and end of the movie.Going back to the one take way of filming, it does make the movie a bit more dramatic but overall I do not think it is a game changer
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
This is the way
21 February 2020
One of the things that makes The Mandalorian work so well is how it explores uncharted territory. For the first time ever fans get to see what it is like to be a bounty hunter and the world centered around them. As a result it feels like Star Wars is once again brand new. The show not only feels fresh but it has good writing, world building, action, and high production value. Another thing to note is how close the tone is to the original trilogy in contrast to the prequels and sequels. The prequels for instance focused a lot more on the political side of Star Wars and the sequel trilogy while a big improvement over prequels felt like a rehash of the original trilogy. However, the Mandalorian a show that takes place post- Return of the Jedi and years before Force Awakens. Personally, I think placing the show during this time was a great move. The pre and post revenge of the Sith shows by now have established enough content to let make the Clone wars and post Revenge of the Sith timeline's feel more whole. This is why I feel like placing the show post Return of the Jedi is a good choice and one of the major reasons why I recommend this
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Beautiful animation, mediocre story
20 February 2020
It is surprising that instead of just leaving Toy Story be Pixar decides to make another sequel. Only this time the story feels almost like a rehash of its predecessors instead of doing something new and original. Not only is the film unoriginal but after watching the film a second time it some how got worse. That's not to say that the film is the worst movie ever it just not on the same level as the previous three films. Toy story 4 more or less feels like an epilogue to a series that has already had a satisfying ending. However, ending on a more positive note the film does take full advantage of utilizing advanced technology to create a beautiful looking film that just shows how far 3D animation has come since the original Toy Story.
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