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Dumbo (2019)
Dumb film.
8 June 2024
I just can't get people who like this film. Have you not seen the original?

Burton butchered this film. Focusing on the humans and not Dumbo. The songs 'baby of mine' was also butchered and last about 5 seconds.

The human characters are vile and have no redeeming features. The CGI isn't great. Not sure where the budget went.

The story is awful and as I said a focus on the humans and not Dumbo. I mean the film is called dumbo!!!!

Instead of watching this travesty, go and watch the original which is magical, heartwarming and hilarious overall a million times better than this pile of trash.

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Atlas (2024)
Ignore the critics
26 May 2024
Not sure why this got such terrible reviews. Yeah there is lots of CGI in the film. Yes it does nick from other from other sci fi films.

However this is a good film. Jennifer is very good in this film and the AI Smith is great. The relationship between them both is funny and hilarious in some parts.

The story isn't too bad and the plot goes along rather well with lots happening to keep you interested. This isn't a bad film and in fact I really enjoyed it.

Would I watch it again, which is a good basis of if it's a good film or not. Yes I would. On repeat viewing you get to see things that you missed first time around.

Ignore what the critics say. When I watch the films they rave about, I'm bored in the first 10 mins and tend to switch off. If you just want to enjoy a film and be entertained then give this film a go.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
8 April 2024
There is the makings of a good show here. However the scientists are supposed to be the most intelligent people on the planet but make the most stupid decision. Furthermore they are incredibly un-likeable.

The best characters are the other characters who bring some depth and interest to the show.

It's also rather slow. It needs a bit faster pacing and some more interesting characters that are likeable. I hope that the second season is far more interesting and has some really good exciting episodes that raise the bar and has some really good cliff hangers and jaw dropping moments. Which is expected by these producers.
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Fast X (2023)
Why oh why
11 November 2023
That was the worst Fast film of them all. Absolutely dire. Some of the other films have been OTT but this one takes the biscuit. Ludicrous, ridiculous and just plain stupid.

Momoa is bloody awful. His hammy acting is embarrassing and that he seems to keep one step ahead of them is just poor and lazy script writing. The abrupt ending is woeful and no I'm not interested in what happens next.

Lost interest in the first 10 minutes. Why has it taken Momoa 10 years to do anything. It's just riddled with pot holes.

The cast don't really have much to do and Vin is now just awful.

They should have stopped at 7. That's when it still had its soul and heart and was still believable. Now it just a pale imitation of itself and it's just stupid. None of the characters can save this and the laughs were non existent.

Clearly since 7 this has been a cash cow for Universal and they should be ashamed of themselves for picking the bones of a once good franchise to pieces.

Enough is enough. Just end it now before no one cares about the characters or the franchise.

I'm now going to watch the original and enjoy.
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26 February 2023
I tried to like this but the film is just poor.

The only two things that save this film is Harley Quinn and Shark. The rest are awful and possibly the worst characters to ever grace any superhero movie.

The script is dire and hardly funny at all. It leads to possibly something that is just ridiculous and stupid. It's like the film maker is actually laughing at the audience for making such a duff film.

Not sure on what basis Peacemaker deserved his own spin off and even continue in the new DCU.

It clear Gunn has a set template for his films and this is just a bad copy of GOTG. Clearly Gunn is a one trick pony and this doesn't bode well for what he intends to do with the new DCU and god forbid Superman:Legacy.

WBD clearly has high hopes for Gunn, but if this is the best they can do (not sure on why the reviews were good) then the future doesn't look bright. Especially as this was a big bomb at the B. O.

For all it's faults, Suicide Squad is a million times better than this junk, with much better characters and storyline. Let's hope WBD releases the Ayer cut which no doubt will blow this piece of rubbish out of the water. Tho Gunn would hate that so won't ever release it.
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5 February 2023
Achingly dull film.

Definitely an hour too long and not much going on. Too much talking and a rather tedious bad guy, whose motive doesn't make any sense and his powers are ridiculous.

This is a shameless cash grab from Marvel. Why do a BP film without a BP. Shuri is no BP and they should have just left it after the first one. It's supposed to be a homage to the original actor but apart from being mentioned throughout the film it just feels disrespectful.

The CGI is awful and I'm not sure why the Navi made it to Earth from Pandora.

It's also amazing how the thought of these two civilisations only now just being part of the MU doesn't make sense at all.

It seems Feige has lost the plot in the films since Endgame. Their doesn't seem to be any linkage between the films or universe. It just feels like random films thrown together, with a lot of bad films, uninspiring stories and characters.

Dull dull dull.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
3 August 2022
Typical love story written by a woman. Main female character despite being vile is supposed to be the heroine but in fact just come across as spoilt and annoying.

Make lead is the main hero but because of love protects the girl who clearly doesn't deserve it.

It's very well filmed and good actors but the story is trash and one of the worst cliche films you can watch.

Read what happens on Wikipedia and don't watch the film.
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Candyman (2021)
29 April 2022
When I watched the original I found it so bad that it was hilarious. This one was so bad because it suffers from the mantra of BLM.

The scene in the toilets sums this film up and what's wrong with it. We don't need BLM shoved down our throats or being told white people are to blame for everything.

It's terrible racist and dull as dishwater. Furthermore the fact that it tries to be an arty film fails to engage and shock.

The director is terrible and doesn't know how to direct a horror film at all. There are no scares and shocks a part from how terrible racist this film is.
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Over rated
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about this Spider-Man movie is when Maguire comes back. He was and always will be the best Spider-Man.

Yes it great seeing the three of them together but the films is overstated, bloated and not funny at all. Marvel once again turn what could have a been a good film into a comedy and one that isn't very funny.

Holland is a good Spider-Man but he's been let down by being a support character in the marvel universe. It's very telling that it's even acknowledged in the film itself.
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Spider-Man (2002)
The best
8 January 2022
Simply the best version of any Spider-Man film. Fantastic story with great special effects at the time. The joy of seeing Spidy swing around NYC is what really is the best bit of the film. This is the problem with the latest films. He's not in NYC. Why nothing doing a Spider-Man film if he's not in NYC.

None of the recent films are as good as this or the original trilogy. They are poor versions of a poor Spider-Man film where he is a poor cameo character in the Marvel universe. Shame.

Dunst is a good MJ and much more believable then any of the other interpretations of MJ in the new films.

The set piece at the end is a fantastic nod to the resilience of NYC.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Don't watch
27 December 2021
With a cast like this, you would hope that this would be a good film. It's certainly not satire at all.

What this film is, is a bunch of celebrities thinking that once you become famous, people actually care what you think and believe. They also think that with great power comes great responsibility. However, what we have seen over the last couple of years is that actually, people don't really care or are concerned with the politics or opinions of famous people on anything.

In fact they should stick to entertaining us and not bore us with their political opinions or beliefs.

The story is terrible and pretty unbelievable. Yes it has some interesting insights but I think if we have learned anything over the past few years is that the political system and the media have lost the respect of most people and therefore it looses any credibility it is trying to satire.

Dull dull film and a waste of a good cast. If you did like this, it's probably because you think you are smarter than you actually are.
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27 December 2021
Wow what an amazing film. Smart, clever and some fantastic nods to the original trilogy.

The ending is just brilliant and really captures what this is a love story between Neo and Trinity.

The start of the film is incredibly clever and has so many nods to the first film.

Can't wait to see where they take this from here now as it really sets up for a further two films exploring more of what happens and what they do.

Would urge people to ignore the negative reviews and open your mind and don't be a sheep.
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Not what you expect
20 December 2021
From the trailer this looks like a nice Rom Com with some good George Michael tunes. However it's not the ending really ruins the film.

Clarke is outstanding as ever. She really does just shine in anything she is in.

What let's the film down is Emma Thompson acting and her script. She should realise that she should stick to acting rather than shove her politics down our throat. Clearly a deluded individual whose bourgeoisie left wing superior ego thinks she's better than anybody else.

Shame this could have been a great film.
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Loki (2021–2023)
11 August 2021
Agree with most of the negative reviews. Loki is wasted in this rubbish show that is badly written and the story is dull. Not worth the time watching and won't watch a second series. So far out of all the Marvel shows on Disney+ this is the best one which isn't saying much.
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Step Brothers (2008)
24 July 2021
This has to be one of the worst films ever. Two grow up men acting like imbeciles that is so bad it's excruciating.

Not sure why this has got high ratings by some people. Seems taste is not something most people have.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
24 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Probably the script was better than the actual film is. Lost interest when they killed the horse and wanted to switch off when they killed the dog. Continued to watch it but just so I never waste the time again.

Holland, Spider-Man aside is not a leading man. Daisy will never work again after the god damn awful Star Wars sequels.
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4 June 2021
This film is a terrible terrible remake of a classic well acted , written film The first wives club. Nothing in the this film is good. The leads are awful, the comedy is woeful and the script is terrible. On no account watch this film. Instead watch the original which is 1000x better in every single way.

I'm not surprised Cameron Diaz gave up acting after this god damn awful film.
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30 May 2021
This was a great film. The two main stars really anchor these films and provide the emotion and the gravity to the film.

Lots of scares and it made me jump which doesn't happen often.

It's good that it's different to the first two films and keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

Thumbs up from me.
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Zombies V Aliens
23 May 2021
Not a bad film, maybe a little bloated and could do with a bit of trimming.

Cast is good and the action sequences are excellent.

Not the best Zach film tbh but a great Zombie film.

Plot is a rip off of Aliens. The last 30 minutes especially. Won't spoil it but once you see the comparison you'll notice the similarities.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
19 May 2021
Quite a disturbing and intense film. Not for the faint hearted.
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Venom (2018)
3 May 2021
This is better than all the last four Spider-Man movies and no doubt the next one. The film comes to life as soon as Venom is on the screen. If only Marvel hadn't allowed Spider-Man to become a bit player in his own films just to fit into the Marvel universe.
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WandaVision (2021)
So so
25 April 2021
It got better towards the end but the beginning was excruciating awful.

The two least interesting Marvel characters, well based on the movies in an tv shows probably sums up why they got a tv show show rather than a movie as they are boring.

The best thing about this was when Quicksilver from the Xmen films turned up.

It was dragged out over far to many episodes and it was awful to see how they just brushed over Wanda going all psycho.
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14 April 2021
It's an ok film. The lead actress and character are awful and un-likeable. She's a moaner and makes a drama out of everything.

Thankfully the rest of the cast are much better.

You can see why Universal never released this in the cinema. It would have bombed. It's just about better than a TV movie but not much. It's cheaply made and executed.
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Run (I) (2020)
4 April 2021
Absolutely predictable. You see everything that's about to happen so far in advance it's becomes quite boring.

Ok cast but Sarah Paulson plays another psycho with the same predictable results.

Probably good if you want to waste some time.
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4 April 2021
It is what it is. Two massive monsters having a scrap and that's it. It's not Shakespeare and it doesn't wish to be. It's bloody entertainment and you can go wrong with that.

Would have love to have seen this on the big screen with a crowd of people just cheering when the fights happen. Damn bloody Covid.

No surprises at all and loved every minute of it.
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