
55 Reviews
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The Watchers (I) (2024)
It had a chance to be good.....
17 June 2024
I went to see this today for father's Day. I went in with very low expectations, however, about 20 min in, I turned to my wife and said, this might actually be ok. Well, then the third act began. By the time the film finally ended, I realized that not only was I wrong, but the very low expectations that I went with were too high. I can't believe that a concept with so many possibilities fell apart this completely. It went from a decent enough popcorn flick to a worse than you could imagine stinker.

I mean, it was truly that bad.

I would love for a director with talent to have a chance to make this film. Using this book as a basis, then expanded on, the story could be quite interesting.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
It is just not good
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Forget that the main character is African American. That has zero bearing on why this movie is bad.

The film is dark and hard to see

The cgi is circa 2005

It is pretty scary if you have little kids watching. I mean the OG cartoon is bright and fun. This mess has jump scares with sharks, and all kinds of stuff. Not being a cartoon, it changes how you react to what you are seeing.

I think the bigger question is why does this movie exist? Was anyone really asking themselves, "man, I wish they would remake The Little Mermaid!" Much less, "man, let's remake it and take away everything that made the OG so magical."

Sure, there are trolls who don't like it for reasons that make no sense, just like this film, but honestly, it is just a bad movie.
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Lethal Virus (2021)
Just plain bad
24 April 2023
There is nothing I can find in this film that would even remotely warrant a single positive comment.

This movie seems to have had a budget of about $8 and it would appear that they used $6 of that for a combo meal at a fast food joint.

The movie just flows from one scene to the next without adding anything to a larger story.

It seems that they attempted to combine Rona and climate change as two buzzwords that they thought would generate a cool story.

Maybe this is a good premise and it was just poorly executed, and maybe this idea just isn't a good one.

It feels like nobody really thought about what they were hoping to achieve so they ended up with a mess.
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Watched it as part of MST3K
19 March 2023
This film is perfect for the MST3K treatment.

There is barley a plot of any kind.

The acting is atrocious.

The CGI is 1990s quality.

I cannot imagine trying to sit through this disaster of film without the riffs from MST3K.

I think one of the best things is how they made fun of the various accents that were attempted.

Additionally, the snow "whites only" cast is made fun of as well.

I am not sure what the filmmakers were trying to do with this film. Maybe they lost a bet, maybe they thought they were making a good movie. In any case, if you must see this mess, I suggest you watch it with the riffs. Without them, I don't know how you would make it all the way to the end.
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Nanny (2022)
What did I just watch?
18 December 2022
I have no idea what this movie is about. There is no true plot. Just a series of scenes that were kinda go together.

Nothing is resolved but here again, I am not sure I care as none of the characters are developed enough to really care.

I think it is trying to be some pretentious high brow movie, but since it doesn't have things like a plot, a narrative, or a point of view, it is hard to tell if they failed or not.

This movie is like if Herschel Walker gave a bunch of speeches and then they made it into a screenplay.

I wish I could speak to the specifics of the film, but there doesn't seem to be anything to really comment on.

I gave it a two but I am not sure if that is too high or low to be honest. Just makes zero sense.
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Firestarter (2022)
Truly terrible
14 May 2022
I'm not sure we needed a remake, but I guess we got one. This movie is a stinker from the start, but the ending was just so bad, so dumb, and so unlike anything King wrote or probably would have wanted. I wish I had even one good thing to say, but it is not even so bad it's funny, it is just plain bad.
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All style little substance
26 November 2021
I think this was ok. Not as bad as Black Widow, or Iron Man 2, but definitely in the bottom tier of the MCU.

Marvel seems to have forgotten what made most of phases 1-3 so much fun.....the movies used to clever, funny, and while far fetched, at least consistent.

This flick is all over the map. Marvel is trying so hard to be woke enough for Twitter, that they are not focused on quality anymore. Black Panther ruled not because the cast was almost all black, it ruled because it was an awesome movie that happened to have a mostly black cast.

I feel like these characters desired more than muddled messy film so focused on spotlighting how cool Marvel is for focusing on Asian casting, instead of started from, let's tell a good story first, and cast it with the right representation.

Hopefully, phase 4 and beyond will get better, but so far...I think Marvel may be at the end of its ability to dominate cinemas.
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Black Widow (2021)
14 November 2021
I can handle a lot, but boring? No way. What a piece of garbage. The Black Widow deserved much better. I wanted to like it, I really did. The acting was wooden, the plot was nowhere to be found; even for Marvel.
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It is a mindless zombie movie
22 May 2021
This movie is exactly what you should expect. Zombies and people die. Good Lord the people on this site with their high brow critics. It is a zombie movie! It is fun, extremely violent and that's it. No more no less. Watch it, don't watch it, but at least be honest with what you should expect. I dug it.
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Just not funny
7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It appeared to me like they couldn't decide what this movie was supposed to be. It just rumbles along from scene to scene with no real point. Leslie Jones had some of the best lines, but there was not much to work with. His son was unwatchable. He cannot act. The idea of him getting baked and banging a random chick flies in the face of everything the first film presented. Akeem lost everything he was in the first film and was basically his dad from the first film. Just not a good movie at all. I was 16 when the first film dropped and my friends and I still quote it all the time, but this sequel is just plain bad.
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I do not get the hate
22 November 2020
I really liked the first one. The second one was not as good as the first, but I didn't think it was terrible. The third one, I mean, it is part 3, how much truly new ground could they cover? A bad horror sequel is Blair Witch 2, and this film is certainly better then that one. I think people get a tad judgmental, and troll just to troll. This film, imo, is a decent conclusion. It was a fun, jump scare flick that is a decent way to spend about 90 minutes. Shudder is a cool channel that gives fans of horror, thriller, and suspense a place to go and find a bit of popcorn fun.

If you dig the genre, like honestly, dig the genre, there are films that are far worse. Let the trilogy tell its story and move on. This is not life changing material, but who said it was supposed to be?
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A remake not one wanted, but the remake we deserve
1 November 2020
Since we insist on remaking remakes these days, we should at least make them decent. Nothing about this movie is enjoyable or entertaining. A better title would be Woke Christmas, and even then, knowing what you are walking into, you still would be disappointed. It is rated pg-13, so no blood and no scares. This film also has no purpose, no direction, and no reason to exist.

If I could, I would give this dumpster fire and negative number.
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Get real people.....
21 December 2019
Star Wars fan boys are the worst. They hate everything SW, yet claim to be fans. TLJ was an absolute dumpster fire; this is true. To recover, This film had a nearly impossible task. Is Ep. 5? No. Is it Rogue One? No. Is it the crap the was Ep. 1 or TLJ? Also, no. It is a solid entry into a 4 decade saga that tried to fix what Rian Johnson destroyed. Enjoy it for what it is....a solid movie that puts a cap on my childhood, and the childhood of millions. At least we didn't end on TLJ.
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13 December 2019
This film is tired, boring, just not scary. The acting is porn quality if that good, and the plot is non existent. This movie makes no sense! Nothing is explained, and with no character development, there is no reason to feel one way or another about them. Who finances these things?
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I do not get the hate
4 November 2019
While this film is not as good as the first two, it is far better than 3,4, or 5. I don't get the triggered reviews I am seeing her. It is a decent action film, and hardly the SJW cram down the throats people are pretending it is. I suspect it is a case of seek and you shall find. I did not love it to pieces, but I did not hate it either.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
D.C. Is now 0-4
7 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I went to check this out tonight. We were cautiously optimistic, but a) the DCU has produced three straight terrible films, and b) the trailers looked just bad. However, after the near universal acclaim, we decided to check it out. We knew we were in trouble when the timeline established for the creation of paradise island and Diana's birth contradicted each other. Zeus made the island with his dying breath, then some time later he creates Diana from clay? How can he do that if he is dead? Diana ages over some indeterminate time on the island, but nobody else does, then she is Gal for over 100 years without changing at all. No explanations are provided. Steve is in the Ottaman Empire, steals a fighter plane, then makes it to paradise island in the same plane? The amazons know automatically what Germany is, what the Ottoman Empire is, what guns and bullets are, yet had never seen/heard of any of these things before. They get from paradise island to London in one night in a sailboat and don't freeze in the cold ocean weather. On the sailboat, the feel the need to tell us Diana has read 12 books on sex. Why? She also decides that pleasure doesn't come from sex? Again, why share that? Diana walks around London with a sword, nobody says anything. Diana only really kicks butt after sleeping with Steve, and decides only to fight for love. Say what? Diana disappears during WW2, Korea, Vietnam, etc. She doesn't fight with humanity during any of these events, where did she go? How do we still have war if she killed the God of war? Diana loses her sword in her battle with the God of war, but has the same sword in BvS? Makes no sense! Seriously, this is just a short list of everything wrong with this movie. Why is everyone saying it is so great, when it clearly isn't? It is not even good feminist movie because of the whole need a man, and now I fight for love crap. What the heck people?
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Wow, what garbage
6 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love the MCEU. I love the Netflix Marvel shows. I hated this POS. This is just awful. Groot is reduced to a combo of Jar Jar and an Ewok, the plot made no sense, the acting was awful. I loved vol 1, and couldn't wait to see vol 2, but you couldn't pay me to watch it again. I guess, sooner or later, Marvel was bound to fail, I just didn't think they would fail so badly. This film makes the DCU films look like Iron Man. This film adds zero to the larger Marvel universe, and it a total waste of time. Save yourself! Avoid this junk for your own good.
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Blair Witch (2016)
A solid film
18 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Reading some of these reviews, I wonder if there are multiple versions being released. The film my wife and I saw last night was very good. We liked the first one, ignored the second one, and we liked several other found footage style films. Several of the reviews I have seen indicate that the reviewer doesn't like found footage films, so why the heck would you watch this one then?! This film connects well to the original, and updates the story, and the technology, to match the modern day. We got a lot more information about the in universe history, and things made as much sense as one could expect in a film series like this one. I have mentioned in other reviews, that I think a lot of folks confuse slasher and horror. This is a slow burn horror film, with some great scares, and lots of tense moments. I submit that if you go in ready to enjoy yourself, you will have a fun night at the movies.
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You see kids, this is why you pay your taxes....
12 September 2016
Wow. My wife and I just sat through this nonsense on Netflix. My lovely wife loves Mr. Cage, but, oh my what a piece of dung. More than anything, this film makes no sense! What the heck were they thinking? Nic won an Oscar for crying out loud, and he is reduced to this mess. One positive is his, what must be intentional, over acting. He really takes it over the top in this one. He has plenty of company in this train wreck however, as everyone has taken the script to 11. Movies like this always have my wonder how folks get mixed up in movies this bad. I mean, Cage is taking anything and everything for a while now to get the IRS off his back, but who read this thing as was like, oh yeah this looks awesome. I don't have to worry about spoilers because I can't give any. I have no idea what this film is about, do yourself a solid and stay away.
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Saw it as part of a double feature with part 1
23 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Our local movie house showed both tonight. Part 1 was remastered and in 4K, it was just as awesome as I remember, and we were ready to dive right into the sequel. I was 25 in 96, and loved the first film. Part 2 is a total mess. No central theme, terrible acting, and segments that don't go together. I felt no connection to anyone, and by the "middle" of the film, I was rooting for the aliens. I cannot understand why they waited so long for this film and then delivered this mess. Will Smith dodged a bullet by missing this train wreck. What were they thinking? I am dumber for having seen it. Seriously, not one part of this film made any sense at all. My head hurts now. They leave it open for sequels that I hope never come to pass. Avoid at all costs, save yourself!
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Total crap
6 April 2016
This movie is complete and total crap. There is no hidden meaning, it isn't high brow art that it is misunderstood, it just plain sucks. The film doesn't seem to know what it wants to be, and the acting is terrible. The actors are good, they just have nothing to work with here. The scenes are just cobbled together and most, if not all, the characters have no dimension, no depth, and no motivation. The actors are forced to just phone it in, and the blame is not theirs. Comcast streams it for free, so after watching Kiss the Girls, my wife (who had not seen KtG) suggested we watch another Judd film. We picked this one, and that was a major mistake. Save yourself and avoid our error, don't waste your time!
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I liked it...
27 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am seeing a lot of the hate out there on this film, and I see some of what they are saying, but man, calm down people. I was 6 when ep 4 came out, so I grow up with Star Wars. The prequels were total garbage, so anyone who includes anything positive about the prequels in their review, or mentions that this film is worse than the prequels, is just using hyperbole in my opinion.

This film for me was the perfect starting point for the next phase of adventures. Does it resemble 4-6 in some ways? Yes, but that is not a bad thing. Also, this is not a remake, or reboot. The new robocop was a remake, Casino Royale was a reboot, this was a sequel.


Han dying sucked, and Luke only having a few minutes of screen time sucked too, but episode 8 will take us forward. The net is filled with trolls and unhappy people, don't sweat it folks, enjoy yourself and relax.
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The Gallows (2015)
Why was this rated R?
11 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So, this movie sucks something awful. No blood, no gore, no on screen deaths to speak of, no nudity, no nothing. 80 mins of yawn. I mean, I wasn't expecting much, but since it was R and so few movies are anymore (Terminator and Die Hard are PG-13 now, etc), I figured OK, it is at least R, so I can pass a boring Saturday morning with some mindless horror. Not to be! I have no idea what the MPAA was thinking, Snow White was more gruesome. This movie is definitely for the everybody gets a trophy generation; since anyone can make a movie, everyone is. I got fooled so it is on me and me alone that I wasted my time and money, but seriously, what in this film was worth the R rating? If you like horror movies even a little, avoid this film at all costs.
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It Follows (2014)
A solid film
2 April 2015
While I am not sure this film is as advertised, "the best horror film in a decade," or how one would measure such a thing, my wife and I both enjoyed (I am not sure that is the right word) this film very much.

I think too often people confuse horror with slasher. Now, I am all about a nice Friday the 13th marathon, or the original Texas Chainsaw massacre, or even Halloween (1978 version), but these are not so much horror as slasher films. I think the distinction is important before one even begins to determine how they feel about a movie. Same thing with people who conflate a thriller like say, North By Northwest (a little old school, but hopefully you take my point) with a horror film. As my wife and I sat in the car trying to find the right adjective to describe this film, we landed on disturbing. The music was freaky, the concept of being pursed endlessly, any statement of sexual promiscuity the filmmaker might be trying to make, was all disturbing in our minds.

I would place this film with movies like Sinister, which my wife and I also "enjoyed;" best seen on a big screen with a massive tub of popcorn, holding the wife close.

I get that some people hate it; somebody always hates a film, song, TV show, play, book etc, while others think it is a perfect 10. For us, it was disturbing, and great way to spend about 90 minutes.
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Courageous (I) (2011)
what a piece of junk
23 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was asked to watch this film because some friends of mine liked it. My wife and I sat through the whole thing horrified that people actually like this trash. This film is racist and misogynistic. A terrible message of teaching children how to hate , brainwashing at its finest. We lost some friends over this film because we didn't want to associate with anyone who could think this movie had a positive message. This film and the people who like it are the reason why our country is so backwards. If you love your children and your family do not watch this movie! possible spoiler but key part of the racist elements of this nastiness, the Latina family only has rice and beans to eat. they are the only ones in the film who are overweight, and the only ones who can't find permanent work. This was like a modern day Klan rally with one token African American good guy with every other person of color being a criminal.
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