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Invincible (2021– )
Season 1 is a masterpiece. Season 2 lacked urgency.
12 April 2024
I imagine season 2 as a transitional bridge to more important stuff that we will get to see in next seasons. Altought i could watch it with pleasure i felt like it didnt have a main purpose, a climax or urgrency

Omniman was the best part of season 1. His presence on earth gave a sence of threat to every scene because we knew something was wrong and he could snap at any moment. Unfortunately without much of him now, there was a huge gap that no one could fill.

Also, strangely, i felt we saw more Mark than Invincible, even more than in first season. He doesnt train, and frankly, he does almost nothing. He has no purpose as a superhero and it almost seems that he is bothered when wearing the suit. I get it that he is a 18 y old kid that wants to live like a human but I really couldnt care less about his relationship and life at college. Rest of superheros dont do much either.

Sidenotes : I also thought the ending was forced for the sake of comparing Mark to his father.

Final note : The best thing about season 2 is Allen.

I rate this very high althought the complaints because i think season 3 will be fire.

Season 1 10/10 + season 2 7/10 = 8.5/10.
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Foundation (2021– )
Emperors arc is top class, rest is superficial (Season 1)
12 April 2024
With great effort I finished season one. And that is because after a first masterful episode the series focuses around two female protagonists that are at best irritating. The Emperors arc is great. Their act is top notch. Throught them we get to explore human nature, morality and religion. Brother Day and Dusk are commanding presenses that elevate every scene they are in. They are the reason i give 5/10 rating and not 1/10. Also the story around their perfect acting is unexpectedly very good.

Everything else is hollow and unisteresting. I resisted greatly the urge to skip many scenes as i was wondering why in a universe so rich we get to focus about the childish emotions of 3 womans of colour (im not racist). For example, instead of exploring the genious nature of Gaal, perhaps the smartest young person on the galaxy, the screenwriters decide that she will have the personality of a 13 year old. With Salvor on the other hand, we are told every minute how SPECIAL she is without her actually doing anything to gain our sympathy and Phara is the typical one dimensional villain. Needless to say the 3 womans are surrounded by obedient stupid and soulless men that are even more unisteresting.

Maybe I ll watch season 2 skipping every scene with Gaal and Salvor.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 20: The Foundling (2023)
Season 3, Episode 4
Perfect sidequesting
23 March 2023
As a man who comes tired from work and want to relax eating my lunch this episode gives me what i need. A perfect orchestrated action with a bit of character development. Even if the material is not something mindblowing i get the feel that its been made with love and care. Watching this show makes me feel warm and cozy.

I dont have something to add so i ll waste my time saying that i have no idea of the star wars i just watch it like any other movie and so far the Mandalorian seems to be the type of show that evolves around small missions and sidequests, showing the star wars universe. Small moments like those rock crabs or the paintings at the end make me feel immersed in the series, following every step of the protagonist because i know he lives at an intersting world.
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Silent movie with good storytelling
24 January 2023
Christian Bale plays a detective that tries to solve a murder in a military academy. The overall atmosphere is representing the era decently. The story flows well and the plot is really interesting with some horror elements aswell. I cant say i ve experienced strong emotions about the characters or that it was intense. It was a silent and simple movie. They didnt try to hide the core message with weird scenes or shoking visuals. My main complaint is that it seemed a little empty of people and cinematography lacked some personality. Most of the scenes take place in closed spaces. The reason its not boring is because of Christian Bale and the old fashion set up. I also respect films that dont follow the new hype trend of exaggerating everything and are intended for adults without being R.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
A surreal ride with some hauntingly dark vibes
20 January 2023
It is certain that is the type of movie you love or you hate with passion so i will give a few clues to help maybe a few Gentlemen at picking their side and maybe not waste their time

Babylon is a movie about the filmaking industry of the early 30s era. It shows the struggles of different people that work in the business in their road to sucess. On a deeper level it uses the setting to expose the sins of the human nature, the pleasures of the flesh and shows how the grinding machine exploits those actors or directors the moment their shares start dropping. It is packed with many crazy and intense visuals.

Plot is really thin, simple and common for a 3 hour movie. Except maybe from Brad Pitts character the rest are undeveloped, serving the bigger picture as caricatures (only the great acting saves it for me). What makes up for the missing deep and narrative storytelling is the non stop intensity and momentum there is. Some may get dizzy but i got along. It starts with good vibes, partying, showing the lifestyle. As it progresses you eventually see the bad side. What i liked is that it got me threw all the spectre of emotions. From extreme laugh to depression and horror. Trust me there are some horror and disturbing stuff ( its not R only cause of nudity). Finally i wanna highlight a few scenes that i thought were pure diamond. 1st there is a comedy scene that is the most funny sht i have ever witnessed and second theres an impactful discussion towards the end. Small observation -the sound is very carefully placed. Again we switch from silence to extremely loud noise in an instant.

On a closing note - if you enjoyed The Wolf of Wall Street you will propably like this one too.
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M3GAN (2022)
Intense and likeable!
12 January 2023
I think the movie is aware of itself and does perfectly the things that is supposed to do. I specially like that in many scenes you dont know how to feel. You feel bad when someone is getting hurt when the same time you enjoy M3gan kicking ass with some fancy moves while shes creepy as hell. Also the "AI becoming evil scenario" may seem boring but i promise that they explore a different part that has to do with human nature. I wish they could emphasise on that a bit extra. Also i was expecting more of those disturbing moments and finally the last 10 mins felt really rushed. But honestly they try to go somewhere deeper and combined with the good acting and fine production i want to rate this movie higher than i maybe should. Its maybe the best i ve ever seen at the "AI creepy doll goes bad" category.
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The Menu (2022)
You wont eat, you will taste!
7 January 2023
I see many comments from people that say the movie didnt deliver in the end but i believe that was the whole point. The film is a satire of the modern art. Its mocking itself and its viewers. Its even called THE MENU, a piece of paper with zero value that the protaginist wipes her mouth with it. It was supposed to leave us hungry like a dish thats missing basic ingredients (like bread) and mostly love. Its like you are at a restaurant and they keep delivering food but the main dish never comes and everyone says to you that its about the experience. (Style over substance). The point is how long till we say enough!

Also raises the question about what is art. Something to consume? Or to taste and feel it?

Needless to say that the acting and cinematography were exceptional. Especially Ralph Fiennes!

Im definitely going to see that again.
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Almost a masterpiece
25 December 2022
If you are a person who doesnt go to the theater very ofter like me, this time you should go out and enjoy this marvellous movie. Trust me there is nothing boring about Pandora. All the scenes are crafted to perfetion. And if there is not so much action like the first its only because Cameron keeps it for the next movies. I believe they will make sense in the end. This time the plot moves to the sea and its beauty and emphasises the dangers we humans create. Only reason i dont give a 10 is because none of the characters felt important. Actually in the end i ve come to like the bad guy!

Apart from that i ve had a blast. Every few minutes there are moments of unmatched artistry. This film is way ahead of its similar budget marvel movies so im kinda dissapointed that it seems it wont cross them in the box office.
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Missing 3rd act.
11 November 2022
Setting was fine. Acting was really good by Hawk and kids and it had preety nice camera work. Now im ok with not knowing everything at the end or having some questions so i can use my imagination to fill the missing plot. But here it doesnt give us anything at all. Nothing is revealed, there is no climax, no story at all. A person who sees only the trailer will have the same questions with me that i watched the whole movie. And its a pity because it flows really smoothly and its directed with care. In the end i was just wondering why they couldnt add 10 more mins to give us at least some foundation.
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10 June 2022
U see it, u feel it, u believe it. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Also watch this on the big screen! Its truly a spectacle. Once again Tom Cruise delivers and im thankful to him and everyone involved in this movie. They set the bar higher for future blockbusters.
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The Outfit (2022)
Perfectly "Crafted"
23 May 2022
It had a certain charm that captured my attention after the 10 min mark. Every scene is taken care off and apart from the attention to detail and editing style the plot advanced in every scene which made me forget that this movie was filmed in 2 rooms. Althought it doesnt get very emotional i wouldnt consider it a con in this type of set up.
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The Northman (2022)
Weirdly Attractive
20 May 2022
Either you catch the vibe or you dont. The point is that the director doesnt give a damm and just puts his imagination on screen, his raw unfiltered vision without trying to bait the mainstream audience or copy formulas.

My only complaint as a peasant who likes adrenaline rush is that the truly popcorn part of the movie capped at 20 mins. From there they went a different direction and the pace toned down a little. But apart from that i was absorbing every frame with enjoyment.
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Free Guy (2021)
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A simple and interesting idea for a plot. It wasnt annoying or cringe at any point. The graphics didnt overshadow the characters. And the most important is that they tried to convey a higher meaning and purpose. And the best way to share a message is to combine it with a fun easy going story so everyone can digest it.

Most 'real' people are similar to those NPCs, watching life happen without having control over it. But theres always the choice to break the loop and you can make it at any time. Only the mind is stopping someone from being free.
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Red Notice (2021)
I hated that i liked it
2 December 2021
I was certain that i was going to hate this movie, in fact i wanted to. Just an one more pointless action more of the same, told myself. But somewhere in the process i started feeling guilty cause i thought ''how can i possibly enjoy this?''.

Its way better than Dwaynes other recent films and similar movies of this kind in general. I think it had to do with the pacing and the simple plot. I mean they could so easily put in there a ''save the world scenario'' but im glad they choose not.
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Arcane (2021– )
25 November 2021
Great show but its one of these universes where i think you need many episodes to explore the world and combine many different stories. Its so good that waiting for each season will be painful but hope they take their time to craft it properly.

Also i would like to see that mage who destroyed civilizations come alive.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Give me more
8 October 2021
U got to give it to the Koreans. They know what art is and how to present it. I was hooked from beginning to end. A quite original production with lots of memorable scenes that we will remember for years to come. I cant give 10 stars because i disagree with the ending, but that doesnt change the fact that i stepped on a diamond.
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Old (2021)
Missed potential
20 September 2021
It had some moments and i got the deeper meaning. I just wish it could deliver this claustrophobic horror setting where the characters try every possible and smart solution but with each failure they become more desperate and descend into madness. Sadly this film failed to deliver any of this or even the slightest emotion. Honestly some scenes were painful to watch. And thinking that this legendary idea for a horror movie was wasted like this makes me even more upset.
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Candyman (2021)
watchable but uninteresting
19 September 2021
First 30 mins were gorgeous! But the rest felt rushed, like a chapter was missing. The kills were random and the main characters including Candyman himself lacked personality. The only interesting touch was the puppet show scenes. Actually the story that the gay black person tells at the beggining is more engaging and scary than the entire rest of the movie.

6 for the effort.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
A memorable journey
15 September 2021
Just finished season 6 and i want to leave my print even for the few people who may read it. Lucifer is not a perfect series. It has ups and downs and definitely the more you scan in with critical mood the more flaws you can discover. Specially after season 3 you slowly start realising that nothing makes sense and propably wont in the future apart from Tom Ellis 's spectacular acting and of course the decent follow up from the other actors.

Also i respect that they decided to finally end the show as i believe it wouldnt be able to handle an other season without falling apart.

Season 6 wraps it up and ends on a good note. I felt relief in the last episode knewing that after 6 seasons my time was well spent.

Lucifer is one of those shows i just felt comfortable watching and no matter how many complaits i had, in the end of each episode it always managed to make me smile.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Little something for everyone!
4 September 2021
At first i thought i was going to be bored as i dont usually find joy in such movies anymore (im 24). Jungle Cruise proved me wrong. This movie starts just fine but it gets better as it progresses. When you think thats just it theres a surprise that grabs your attention and advances the plot. Also Dwayne can act!

In the end i got nothing crazy to complain about as i left with a smile on my face.
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This is cinema...and let me explain!
26 August 2021
Historically we can say that cinema is the tip if the iceberg at arts. It all started from the greek tragedy and in the recent 200 years it developped to opera and theater before cinema starts to pop out 50 years ago as an extension of those arts. In fact opera was considered by many the greatest form of art because u could combine each of the 6 arts in 1 big creation that Wagner called drama. Each one holds an equal amount of significance and was taken equally into account in order to evaluate the drama-opera. For example music was as important or more as the plot.

In the big screen some rules may have changed like actors dont have to speak loud or sing but there are general criteria that have formed over the 200 years of what is acceptable and what is not, and most of them applying to the cinema. Basically im saying that 90% of the people who gived low rating to this movie dont have the capacity to evaluate this kind of filmmaking since it has elements of older crafts, like Wagners drama

Other issue is that the dominance of series in our days did massive damage to films because people compare those 2 applying the same principles. In a series the most important factor is the plot because it follows a story. In the movie thats not the case. Movie is art and art is expression, its a feeling , its nature, a subconsious message that may trigger some buttons at our brain that we cant explain, and thats ok.

Today we want everything oversimplified, the food in our plate, comfort, entertainment. We reject something that makes us feel discomfort, the unpleasant, weird. In the world that made the most of progress at explaining everything we hate when we cant understand something, when its out of our comfort zone. However this is when magic happens. These kind of movies you have to feel them, not watching with pythagorian logic, not trying to force reason inside them.

I m not saying this movie is good or bad yet im sure that the music is legendary and every frame could be set as wallpaper. Its different from everything i ve ever seen and deserves a proper audience, not some people who were bragging in the reviews about how they left the cinema in the middle of the movie (propably to continue scrolling on instagram), saying that they wasted their PRECIOUS time that they waste in rubbish anyway.

Those should go home and get hyped about the next spiderman. Doc Ock is returning after 17 years to steal your money. Sheeps... make lines!
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Beckett (2021)
not your saturday night movie
15 August 2021
What i liked was the old fashioned way its filmed. Reminds me of classic greek cinema. Also as a Greek watching many beautiful locations or streets that i walked thousand times cetrainly keep my interest. Greek actors were fine, their acting felt natural. Im not a camera expert but the way its filmed feels like you re not watching a movie but events unfolding in front of you, like a documentary.

And here is where my biggest complain is. In order to make up for that normal like 'anti-cinematic' way of filming you need to balance it with something very captivating in order to keep audience involved, in other words some spicy flavour. Its like filming myself running from Metsovo to Athens. It may be a movie, but not an art, not something more than a few people would care to watch. And if someone makes a movie without some sort of a greater philosophical meaning at least he owns the viewer some kind of entertainment.

Do you remember some american shows where you have the real person tell a life surviving story and in the meantime they make a short cheap movie to alternate so you dont watch a person talking on a chair for 50 mins? Make those 50 mins 105 and you have Beckett, only the story is about politics, a subject few can relate to.

I wont even discuss about Johns performance as he wasnt given a fair chance.

Summary: it captured some greek elements and it felt real and natural but it was missing taste and artistic touch to make it appealing for a larger audience. Dont feel like trashing this movie since im from Greece so i cannont give it any less than 6/10, propably more of what is worth for.
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
28 July 2021
Its almost 2 hours of non stop intensity! It also gives some backstory to the protagonist. What i think was missing is some kind of climax towards the end. Overall an original idea, fine executed!
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Great movie!
25 June 2021
Its a fine continuation to the story. What i mean is that the producers dont try to exaggerate the action, stretch the story or cancel the rules that were set in the previous movie. The main goal is to survive and not 'entertain' the audience and thats why it feels real. Its a drama with great intense sequenses. Needless to say that the cinematography is exceptional.

The producers have something to say and they deliver it in those 87 mins making each of them count! To me it seemed more like a long episode to a series so i definetly would enjoy to see more!
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Straight up epic action with no human drama!
12 June 2021
I couldnt care less about character development, it usually gets in my way in movies like this. This movie knows it and just goes for the entertainment. We get to see a lot of the titans and the cgi is excellent. Also the story turns out to be really interesting towards the middle and maybe the film could dedicate more time in that part (but i guess cgi was really expensive and i get it). The only thing that i thought was an annoying attempt of comic relief was the kids with the conspiracy theorist group as their progress in the movie felt unnatural and their presense forced just to attract the young audience. Their screen time could be given to the adult characters.

But is a great movie and you should definetly watch it if you liked the previous ones!
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