
4 Reviews
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Oh it's bad!
19 December 2019
When you think of a chase scene, you think exhilarating, fast paced and exciting. Think again because the whole of the last Jedi is one slow boring goose chase accompanied with some horrible comic relief.

It's real sad how Disney has ruined a great saga! After watching the rise of skywalker it's come to my realisation that there is no hope for the sequel trilogy as it goes against everything Star Wars stands for! Bringing old characters back for nostalgia isn't a way to make a good movie! The sequels truly have undermined what an amazing finale return of the Jedi was to 6 movies that built to it!

This is Disney's legends fan fiction! Let's hope we get a good Star Wars movie in the future! I beg Disney not to ruin the obi wan series because that could be our saving grace!
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Dew it
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the rise of skywalker and the sequels as a whole, I thought It would be fitting to come back here and show the love it truly deserves!

Revenge of the sith is my favourite Star Wars movie, empire being the best. Obi-wan, anakin and palpatine all steal the show as George Lucas shows how to close but also open a trilogy with the perfect bridge of prequel to original trilogy! From jaw dropping lightsaber duels to great story telling it has it all! I really believe so many more will appreciate not only this movie but the prequels as a whole showing that the best way to make a Star Wars movie is originality!

Though at times the script can be clunky, it sure doesn't take away the drama that continues to build throughout the movie as anakin starts to sway deeper into the dark side! Palpatines mischievous yet cunning way of turning anakin to the dark side of the force (did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise?). It really is the perfect bridge as we see dark aspects of the Star Wars universe (order 66) and also the fan pleasing moments and references imply what is to come!

This is Star Wars!
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
I have spoken.
19 December 2019
Finally! Star Wars feels as though it's back! All the characters we meet have meaning, purpose and we care for them. Filoni is truly the future of Star Wars! With the let down of the sequels surely Kennedy must realise she has a creative genius under her rank!

The Mandalorian stands out from all other Disney Star Wars projects! If you're looking for a gripping, action packed spaghetti western style Star Wars series, then this is for you! This series brings perspective to the galaxy far far away and shows the gritty reality of life within it!
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The positives and the negatives
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Things I liked - positives:

  • I think the movie itself is good. There isn't any point in the film where I'm bored.
  • Luke has finally been given the respect he deserves after the last Jedi.
  • Although there was a lot of fan service, it's undeniably enjoyable seeing your favourite characters, especially Chewbacca finally getting his medal!
  • the Rey vs Kylo duel was great on the Death Star ruins.
  • palpatine is as cunning and powerful as ever!

Things I didn't like - negatives

  • there is no Anakin Skywalker... the entire saga is about his story and yet not a single mention or scene with him in just his voice. Also no call back to prequels
  • Rey calling herself a skywalker didn't feel appropriate and has not sat well with me
  • how easy palpatine died!
  • The pacing was very fast giving the feeling that they're just trying to make up for 3 films in one!
  • unlike the prequels and original trilogy this film and the sequels doesn't give you a sense of universe! It feels as though everything revolves around these characters in an entire universe where as in prequels and ot there's a sense of life and the planet creativity is so much better it actually feels like Star Wars
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