
37 Reviews
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A devastating and poignant drama
6 June 2022
Six Years Gone doesn't feel like an indie film. The acting is superb especially by the talented lead Veronica Jean Trickett. As a father, I found the story to be devastating at times and painful to watch. The writing, performances, photography and direction all made me feel something which many much higher budgeted films don't achieve. All around this is a very well-made film worthy of high marks.
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Metamorphosis (III) (2022)
This slow burn horror / thriller will hook you
3 June 2022
Metamorphosis is a beautifully produced indie horror film that'll take you on a descent into madness. It is dreadfully atmospheric with a story line that hooks you and doesn't let go. The attractive cast was pitch perfect but Natasha Krishnan stands out in her emotional role as the beleaguered Alyssa. Highly recommended.
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A Tight, Well-Written Indie Thriller
20 May 2022
I highly recommend this gem of a thriller. It is beautifully written, directed, photographed and edited. The story kept me on the edge of my seat. There were genuine moments that made my pulse quicken. I'm bilingual in English and Spanish and am afraid that those who'll on the English subtitles won't get to appreciate how funny this movie really is. It captures the father / son relationship beautifully and all of the slang reminded me of my own dad. It's only about 72 minutes and is well worth taking the time to watch and enjoy. This film is one of my favorites I've seen all year and that includes studio picture.
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What else could you want?
20 May 2022
It's an interesting film, well-written, perfectly cast and all-around beautifully executed. It did drag a little for me in the last half of the second act but that's no reason at all to hate on it. I loved the transitions and twists and turns. All in all, it made a wonderful night at the movies.
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A worthwhile found footage horror documentary
19 May 2022
I'd originally heard about this film on Twitter through the horror community and the general consensus was that it was worth a watch. Like I do with all indie movies, I checked my expectations and baggage at the door and met the movie on its own terms. I was rewarded with an interesting, creepy and entertaining experience. After I discover an indie gem, I like to hop online to see what other people thought and, funny enough, a lot of people on different platforms were wondering aloud if the movie was real. The last time I saw talk like that was when Blair With Project was released. This in and of itself is an achievement. Another thing is that I'm very familiar with the Nevada wilderness. I've lived in Nevada since I was 18 months old, I enjoy camping and have traveled from one end of the State to the other. I've been in some creepy places and watching this film was subtle nightmare fuel for me. I've seen some complaints that there were too many talking head segments but that didn't bother me at all. I was happily following the story which I found to be intriguing. Typically, my least favorite part of found footage is the ultra-shaky camera work. For example, as much as I love Hell House, LLC, I had to look away a few times as the motion sickness factor is real for me. That wasn't a problem with Horror in the High Desert at all. Overall, it was a creepy viewing experience- what more could I ask for?
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This one has heart!!
18 May 2022
This is a solid, well-paced indie drama with an important story to tell. The premise of a woodworker falling in love with an elementary school teacher and the challenges they face as a couple really hit home The movie never dragged and it was the perfect length- not too long. The female lead, who plays Lauren, stole the show for me. She handles the small unwritten moments of the story beautifully. Seeing her react throughout the story broke my heart. She has a very bright future indeed. The male lead also handled his character's arc very well. I wanted to give him a talking to!! All in all, the film has heart and is truly a gem. Well done!
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Ava (2021)
A solid piece of storytelling for an underserved demographic
16 May 2022
Ava: A Twist in the Road ended up being a very interesting drama. The story is well-paced and held my interest. I cared for the lead and found the entire cast to be charming. Among the smaller roles, I found Daniela Brown to be a standout. This is a film is a rarity; it is an intimate, realistic story for older audiences.
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Maysville (2021)
A beautifully crafted period piece
15 May 2022
I have to admit, I'm a sucker for films set in 1920's and 30's USA and Maysville had me at hello. The story was interesting ant had some very interesting and unexpected plot twists. I was NOT expecting the ending. The whole cast was great but, for my money, Cheyenne Barton stole each of her scenes. The locations and settings were perfect and the emotional score was a standout. Overall, I'm amazed to see this level of production in a small indie with no big stars. I'll be watching this one again!!
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Studio 666 (2022)
A perfectly fun time at the movies
15 May 2022
When I leave a high rating (like I am here) I'm not making a comparison to movies like Citizen Kane or The Godfather. I'm just using my enjoyment-level as a guide and I really, really enjoyed Studio 666. It's silly, gory and lots of fun. I grew up reading Stephen King and watching movies like the original Nightmare on Elm Street, Evil Dead, etc. So this was right up my alley. I don't understand the low score here or all the hate I've seen for it but to each their own, I guess.
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The Cell (2000)
15 May 2022
I never understood the hate this film received over the years but, having watched it in the theaters, I knew even then a lot of viewers wouldn't get it. The premise is solid and the execution is inventive and, at times, astounding. I think Lopez and Vaughn both did great and score is pitch perfect. Plus, I'll never tire of that blanket to sand dunes transition <chef's kiss>.
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Sexy Noir Mystique
14 February 2022
The beautiful poster for this film depicting an enigmatic woman and the moody exterior of a neon-lit motel instantly gave me strong noir vibes. Independent films are usually an acquired taste and I've seen plenty so, based on the poster alone, I dove right in. I was pleased to find that the quality of the film was very high with a good looking and talented cast, beautiful cinematography, attractive production design and great locations. The film has a strong European air and also feels a bit like a well-staged play which adds to its mystique. The characters were all fleshed out and the lead actor, in particular, did a great job as I either felt dislike or empathy him. It's a sexy movie and there's plenty of skin so be sure to view it with discretion. In short this is a very sexy and stylish independent film with an interesting story. If you're into that sort of thing, I highly recommend this one.
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A Gritty Gem
23 November 2021
I know people like the ones portrayed in this film and, though I live in the USA, I am also familiar with the lifestyle. At times this film is not an easy watch (maybe because of my personal experiences) but that is very much the point. The 'A Slice of Life" portion of the title is very accurate as I found It easy to become immersed in the lives of the characters and at times I felt like I was watching a documentary. The acting here is solid for the most part and I grew to hate certain characters and love others. It's a touching story that is well-directed, shot, paced and edited. In short, it is a gritty gem.
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A wild witchy time
4 November 2021
I love genre b-movies and I think this one has the potential to find its audience and develop a cult following. It has a definite aesthetic aided by some memorable visual effects. I don't know what the budget was but it didn't hold the filmmakers back from going full tilt boogie. I appreciate ambition in an indie film and this one has lots of it. The story is interesting, the cast likable, the cinematography and editing better than other Indies I've seen and there some moments that I'm still thinking about a few days later. On top of that, the humor is very tongue-in-cheek. Overall, if you like movies like Army of Darkness, you'll probably enjoy this one.
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Greatland (2020)
Imaginative and one of a kind
26 October 2021
I've never seen a movie quite like Greatland. Its boldness, creativity and technical / artistic execution, earns it a high score in my book. It is well-acted and beautifully designed and photographed. It won't be for everyone but what film is? Objectively speaking it is an impressive achievement especially considering it is an independent film.
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A Touching and Enjoyable Indie
19 October 2021
I judge every film on its own merits instead of comparing everything to my favorite films like other reviewers. That being the case, it took me about five to ten minutes but I warmed to this little indie flick. "It Hits You When You Know It" has a great feel-good vibe. I enjoyed the high-key lighting and vibrant colors; too many films these days are too dark to even see. The writing is smart, witty and definitely on the higher end of the scale than some other indie films I've seen recently. Overall, the casting was good with Cameron McCormick and Katy Dolle being the standouts for me. The characters were interesting and had depth. Another thing I really appreciated is that the scenes were just the right length. I've seen a lot of independent films and one common flaw are scenes which run way too long. That isn't the case here and the story moves along briskly. The cast is good and so is the premise and execution. Well done.
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A 90's-style vibe to go with your twists and turns
8 October 2021
I enjoy watching indie films and have found some gems on Prime. Good Old Friends is one of them. Aesthetically-speaking, it has a cool 90's vibe due primarily to its stylish cinematography. It somehow has a video feel which is very appropriate for the story about friends reuniting after a few years in Berlin. The lighting and framing are really good overall and found it somewhat reminiscent of Soderbergh in his early days. Also, the shooting style is punctuated by the occasional striking shot such as the one framed up inside the beer cooler. I did find an occasional scene a bit too dark for my taste, such as the "magic box" scene, but this is a common complaint of mine even with big budget productions. I enjoyed the soundtrack and feel that it underscored the film perfectly and the Berlin setting gives the film a distinctly international flair. I believed the actors and feel they sold the "friends who grew mismatched due their individual courses in life" well. There's some great dialogue and the line "she's probably left me now," and also the part with the stripper berating them, made me laugh out loud. On a critical note, I found some of the scenes a bit long for my taste, at times the story momentum slowed a bit and some of the dialogue felt overly-improvised, which would have been sold better by shortening the scene, but all-in-all this made for a fun indie movie night with some unexpected story twists that kept things interesting.
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The Crumbs (2020)
An unusually effective indie thriller
27 September 2021
The Crumbs has an great premise: a bed and breakfast with a DARK secret. Chelsea Jurkiewicz is the standout amongst a good cast. It was a fun watch!
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Superhost (2021)
One of the better single location films I've seen
24 September 2021
I enjoyed the premise and the commentary on "click culture" and how it consumed the central relationship between Sara Canning and Osric Chau. Gracie Gillam was suitably creepy. The acting all around was solid. The cinematography, editing and production design were all great. The film was just the right length. Loved it.
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Makes for great Halloween viewing
23 September 2021
I enjoyed this collection of short films. They aren't overly dark or cynical. The stories aren't necessarily scary but they do range from being fun, to poignant to creepy. "The Writer" and "40 Years" were my favorites. Overall, the acting is consistent with the overall tone and "spirit" of the films. What I found impressive is that each film took place during a different time period but within the same location; the lighting, production design and costumes all tied the different time periods together nicely while grounding them all within the hotel. I definitely recommend this to viewers who enjoy a good-natured spooky film.
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Visually Poetic, Evocative and Dreamlike
20 September 2021
The dream quality and aesthetic of this film very much brought to mind one of my favorite independent films of all time, Pi by Darren Aronofsky. From a visual standpoint, you can pause Finding Ophelia at any point and it would be like having a work of art displayed on your screen. The film very much evokes and approximates the feeling of an altered, hypnotic state and yes, falling in love. I enjoyed the premise of the young man- played by the talented Jimmy Levar -being drawn to a mysterious girl he's never met and the way his visions were manifesting into reality. I was not expecting the ending! The production value is impressive and the kinetic camerawork didn't bother me the way clumsily handheld footage in other movies does at times. The storytelling may challenge less sophisticated viewers who are impatient and not accustomed to independent arthouse films but I believe it will find it's audience; it may even have cult-following potential. I highly recommend this film for those who appreciate both film and art and I will definitely watch this one again.
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Char Man (2019)
A worthy addition to the found footage genre
19 September 2021
What I like about Char Man is that it's literally about a group of filmmakers that set out with the intention of making a "manufactured documentary" but end up stumbling upon something that's very real. I also liked the dynamic between the three main characters and how they start out as buds but, once their trip takes a turn, things between them begin to fray. A nice understated touch is their interaction with the people in the town they're in and how it makes you think there is more than meets the eye. It's a misleadingly simple production with a lot of subtle touches that superficial viewers won't (and won't try to) get. I found this to be a worthy addition to the found footage genre.
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Alienated (II) (2021)
A Charming and Otherwordly Indie
17 September 2021
I'm a sucker for anything having to do with UFO's and romantic comedies so this film is right up my alley. It is charming, heartfelt and has just the right amount of otherworldliness. Speaking of which, Gracie Lacey, the lead female, is a great find. The chemistry between her Michael Carico produces some nice onscreen sparks and Paul Hayes as Ray Watts steals his scenes. I enjoyed the film's high-key aesthetic and even though the spacecraft effects look more on the affordable end, they were well-designed and executed and blended nicely with the movie which is a testament to the filmmakers' skill.
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The Stalker (III) (2020)
A cool little retro gem
15 September 2021
I enjoyed the acting, score, cinematography and pacing of The Stalker. The point-of-view perspective was really well done and ratcheted up the tension. It feels like it was produced in the 1980's. It's fun and leaves you wanting more. Solid work!
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Highly Recommended
11 September 2021
True independent films can be an acquired taste but The Shattering was a welcome surprise. This film was beautifully conceived and executed and, in my opinion, would be right at home playing alongside other thrillers such as Fatal Attraction. It is intelligently written and the director wisely chose to tell the story in a modest and subdued manner which gave the subtly unsettling aspects of the story room to creep in slowly. It is perfectly cast. I particularly enjoyed the lead actors playing the wife and husband. They had chemistry and hit the emotional beats of each scene perfectly. The production design, sound and cinematography hit their notes just right and I particularly enjoyed the contrast of high key cinematography and dark subject material. Highly recommend!
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Myth (II) (2020)
A great little indie gem
9 September 2021
Myth has an interesting (if unsettling) premise and is anchored by Nicholas Tucci's performance. Indie movies can be an acquired taste but I was pleasantly surprised this time as I was sucked in by the story. I seem to have thing for movies within a movie. Some of my favorites include Fellini's "8 1/2", Truffaut's "Day for Night," and even Tom DiCillo's "Living in Oblivion." That being said, Myth was right up my alley. I also think the overall aesthetic, including cinematography and production design, are solid. The pace is a bit slow but feels appropriate for the narrative. Overall, a great little indie.
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