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Grave Robbing, A Strange Murder Method, And An Eccentric Old Man
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Deliveries in the Rear" involves a doctor teaching students about surgery that has a rather morbid method of obtaining his corpses. He uses grave-robbers to help get these bodies and he justifies this by saying that the corpses are "scum" and are made "immortal" through his teaching. Unfortunately, this assumption is proven wrong when the doctor decides to ask for a female corpse. This story was really good and the twist really comes as a shock. Overall, it did really good with its premise and has a nice build-up to the ending.

"Stop Killing Me" is an odd one but it is pretty well-executed in my opinion. Geraldine Page plays a woman who goes to a police officer and claims that her husband "keeps killing her". She states that he does this by worrying her too much. I won't say if the husband succeeds or not but this story is quite an intriguing one and the camera-work when Page is talking is quite clever in my opinion.

"Dead Weight" is a skit that involves a gangster wanting to flee the country. The person offering him an escape is an old man who has a rather unique way of dealing with helping out criminals.... the ending is clever on first watch but there's not much to this. It's very passable.
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An Eerie Saloon and A Peculiar Statue
5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"The Waiting Room" is a great segment. It has quite an eerie atmosphere with its enclosed setting and the realization of the protagonist's predicament is very chilling once it sets in. I do like how unique this is compared to other "Night Gallery" stories. Overall, this is a very well-done story with a chilling twist, an eerie mood all throughout, and stands out from other stories in the "Night Gallery". I have given this episode a ten solely for this segment.

"Last Rites for a Dead Druid" is pretty good despite some strange loose ends here and there. A woman wants to buy an ancient statue that supposedly "resembles" her husband but naturally, her husband objects to it. Once the statue seems to start possessing our main character, however, things start getting stranger. This is quite a well-done story and the scenes where Bruce is getting possessed are quite eerie. However, not much is said about Mildred, the lady that recommended the statue to Bruce's wife. Other than that, this was a pretty good horror story.
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Growth Serums, A Mark That Makes You An Outcast, And A Bizarre Tooth Fairy
5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"The Elevator" is a pretty decent segment. It involves two young men who are apparently sneaking into their father's laboratory. One of them says their dad is trying to create a special type of food that could solve world hunger. Of course, things take a strange turn when they find giant animals within the lab. Overall, this one was pretty good albeit the ending was a bit silly in my opinion.

"To See the Invisible Man" is easily the best segment of this episode. Its story involves our main character being tried for "coldness" with his punishment being a mark that makes him invisible. At first, he does seem to have fun with this but then he slowly realizes the consequence of his status. The ending to this one is quite powerful and very poignant. For me, this is one of my favorite episodes of the revival so far.

"Tooth and Consequences" is a weird one. It involves our dentist apparently being so depressed because his career is considered a "joke". Once he decides to end it, a random man pops up who is apparently the Tooth Fairy! He grants the man good luck but naturally, this doesn't come to a good conclusion. This story was very bizarre and felt really exaggerated at some points.
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Cursed Photos, An Odd Story, and A Karmic Fortune Cookie
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Still Life" was quite an okay episode. It involves a couple finding a couple of photographs and once they develop them, they realize that certain people in the pictures can come to life. Overall, it was quite an above-average episode but with an interesting premise.

"The Little People of Killany Woods" is a charming story with an Irish setting. The plot involves a man claiming he's seen little people in the woods at a bar and naturally, they don't believe him. One skeptic, however, is quite curious about the man's intentions and decides to follow him after he leaves the bar. This story is pretty well-done and it has a cute ending.

"The Misfortune Cookie" is the best story in this episode. It involves an easily-disappointed food critic visiting a Chinese restaurant and getting fortune cookies that seem to mysteriously come true. This one has a witty ending and in a way, is quite ironic for the protagonist. Overall, it's a great story with a clever twist.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: My Good Name (2005)
Season 4, Episode 22
A Powerful, yet Conflicted Man
9 May 2022
This episode was AMAZING with its execution of what seems like an ordinary concept. The plot intrigues with its twists and turns and the characterization is amazing as the plot progresses and we start getting to know more about what Frank Adair is really up to. Michael Rispoli and Jenna Stern are really good at acting their roles and their characters are pretty believable. The theme of manipulation in this episode is conveyed greatly as well, in my opinion. Can relate to feeling conflicted because someone is telling you to do something you don't want to do. The ending is also perhaps one of the most memorable in the series which is another factor as to why this episode has really grown on me. Vincent D'Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe are pretty good in their roles as usual.

Otherwise, this is a terrific episode with what seemed to be an ordinary plot but actually, turns out to be a lot more complex than it is.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Ex Stasis (2005)
Season 4, Episode 16
He Just Keeps On Giving
3 May 2022
I will admit the concept did seem pretty odd but reading it the first time, it fascinated me on how the story would go. Thankfully, the episode didn't go too over-the-top with this concept. This episode was pretty good, in my opinion. The plot is fascinating and once we realize the villain's motives and overall character, it is a bit of a surprise. I also liked how this time, the antagonist had a pretty unconventional motive that's not often seen in shows like this as well. Acting is pretty good and I do always like seeing Goren's personality come into play. Cinematography is pretty good overall.

"Ex Stasis" was a great episode mainly because of its unconventional plot and antagonist. It was interesting to see both of these elements portrayed and I do always like the final confession scenes with Goren and seeing how he gets a suspect to confess. Otherwise, great episode with a well-executed concept.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Death Roe (2005)
Season 4, Episode 15
A Disgusting Truth
2 May 2022
This episode was very great. The plot interests and intrigues with its turn of events and the supporting characters are well-written and not overly obvious in my opinion. I did like the theme of power and how some people can use it to their advantage that was portrayed in this episode and Chris Penn does a good job at playing one of the most easy-to-hate villains in the show. It does take a bit to get the plot wrapped up in your head but near the end, it is re-capped and clarified pretty well by the detectives.

Overall, "Death Roe" was a great episode and one of the best of season 4 IMO. The plot is great, supporting cast are well-written, and the antagonist is well-characterized as the plot goes on.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Eosphoros (2004)
Season 4, Episode 5
Hidden Gold
22 April 2022
In this episode, a prominent atheist and her daughter are kidnapped. The detectives investigate and come across multiple suspects... and red herrings.

This episode was pretty great in my opinion, although there a few gripes with it and thus, I do understand why some dislike this episode. I can see why some would disagree with how the atheists are portrayed here (didn't really mind, but it did feel one-sided at times). However, I really did like the plot and its interesting twists and turns but I did feel the antagonist was a tad annoying at times and he was pretty easy to hate in the denouement. Goren's last line is also really badly written in my personal opinion. Other than that, I felt this was a pretty great episode mainly because of its plot.

Overall, "Eosphoros" was a pretty interesting episode purely because of its plot which makes it watchable. However, I did feel the antagonist could've been more complex and that the portrayal of the characters here felt a bit biased and one-sided.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Great Barrier (2004)
Season 4, Episode 4
The Return
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, a jewelry thief is found dead from a poisonous injection and Goren realizes his nemesis has returned.

I really loved the plot of this episode. Nicole is such an interesting villain and I have liked how the writers have characterized her over the past episodes she's in. I also liked the twists and turns in the plot especially with the reveal that Nicole actually did something horrible in Australia. The main cast is pretty great as usual.

"Great Barrier" was a pretty great episode purely because of its plot and the villain's characterization.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Semi-Detached (2004)
Season 4, Episode 1
An Overly-Attached Woman
18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, a radio DJ is found dead from poisoning himself with carbon monoxide. The detectives find out his anti-depressants were replaced with placebos which then leads them to a nurse at a rehab center he used to go to.

This episode was so good. The plot was great with its twists and turns along the way. Another part of it that I really like is the antagonists' characterization. Nelda is a pretty chilling character and I especially like Goren's interactions with her. Nelda's characterization is also pretty good as we slowly start seeing how attached she can get to men (e.g. Her husband) and will do anything for them. I also liked the main cast as well. Have always Goren and Eames' chemistry and their distinct personalities.

Overall, "Semi-Detached" was an amazing episode because of its plot and the antagonists' characterization. The antagonist is what makes this episode so good in my opinion and it's chilling when you start to see her traits showing.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Consumed (2004)
Season 3, Episode 21
A Tragedy
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Three Hispanic men are found shot and the detectives initially suspect a police officer of committing the crime. However, they are then led to his neighbor who is currently going through a divorce and they soon start suspecting the first victim was really the intended target.

This was a pretty great episode! The plot intrigues and I really did like that BIG red herring in the beginning. What then unfolds was pretty surprising to me and you can't help but just feel bad for and also dislike both of them. Karen Sillas gives off a chilling performance in the ending scene and the same goes for Larry Pine who is also pretty believable in his role. My only gripe is that the plot does get a touch complicated in the second half which makes it quite harder to understand but as long as you're paying attention, then you should be able to know how the plot is going.

Overall, "Consumed" is a pretty great episode, especially for a season finale. This is because of the supporting characters (also the main cast) and the plot's twists and turns. Only complaint is how it gets a little complicated near the end.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: D.A.W. (2004)
Season 3, Episode 20
God Complex
17 April 2022
A woman who overdosed is then ran over by three cars and the detectives find out she was trying to find her mother's missing ring. This, then, leads them to a doctor who could also be a possible serial killer.

This episode was amazing and it is honestly one of my most favorite episodes. The plot is great and it intrigues, and it also doesn't seem over-the-top as well. I also quite liked the twists and turns and it was fascinating seeing them delve into the doctor's motivations for the murders as well. The antagonist is also greatly characterized and is one of the most chilling in the series. Did like that final scene where Goren humiliates him in public as well.

Overall, "D. A. W." was a pretty great episode purely because of its plot and the antagonists' characterization as well.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Fico Di Capo (2004)
Season 3, Episode 19
A Smart Mobster
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, a witness is found shot to death and the detectives are soon lead to a young mobster wanting his organization to be successful.

This episode was much better than the last one in my opinion. The plot is pretty intriguing and the antagonist is characterized pretty well. It's nice seeing Goren match wits with a villain of similar intelligence to him. I also really liked the confession scene at the end which, to me, was pretty clever with how he tries to get Chops to feel betrayed. Goren and Eames are pretty good, as usual, and it's fun seeing two distinct, but close, personalities work together.

Overall, "Fico di Capo" was a pretty great episode mainly because of its plot and its characterization of the antagonist (especially towards the end).
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Ill-Bred (2004)
Season 3, Episode 18
A juicy horse farm
14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, a vet is found killed in a horse pen and the detectives suspect a drug-smuggling operation on the farm.

This episode was pretty good but I will admit, it does get a bit convoluted later on. Do agree with another reviewer that more should've been done on the "animal cruelty" angle they seemed to be going with in the beginning. There is a bit to like about this episode. I did like how the episode centered around horses and I also liked that strange "impregnating through tobacco" plot point in the second half. I also felt that some lines were unintentionally funny as well. Honestly, I think this episode needed perhaps a more clearer plot.

Overall, "Ill-Bred" is pretty good and thus, watchable, but I did feel that the plot could've been less convoluted especially in the second half (Marguerite did this, Paige did that, Dale's just standing there). Otherwise, a pretty good episode that's also a tad hilarious due to some lines in the script.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Conscience (2004)
Season 3, Episode 17
Exercised her right to die
13 April 2022
In this episode, a doctor is found dead in a pool and Goren deduces that she was poisoned.

I really liked this episode but I felt that up until the end, the pacing just seemed a bit slow...? I'm not sure what exactly it is but something just didn't seem right. Other than that, I really liked the plot and how it sorta started building up towards the resolution involving the vegetative woman. I also liked the twists and turns that are pretty typical in Criminal Intent's plots. Other than that, not much else to say about this episode.

Overall, "Conscience" was pretty good in terms of plot and characters but I felt that perhaps the pacing could've been better.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: The Saint (2004)
Season 3, Episode 16
Too Much Generosity
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A woman is killed with a lye bomb and the detectives trace the murder back to a series of documents that they suspect have been forged.

This was a really great episode in my opinion. I do like how more of the antagonists' crimes and backstory gets revealed as the story progresses. I also liked how the antagonist was characterized especially near the end and I can't help but also feel a little bad for him due to their mom. Have always liked Goren and Eames' chemistry, and here, there is no exception. Stephen Colbert is pretty good at playing his role.

Overall, "The Saint" is an amazing episode of this show in my opinion! I like it purely because of its plot and the antagonists' characterization.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Shrink-Wrapped (2004)
Season 3, Episode 15
Therapists That Need Therapy
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A musician is found stabbed with acid on his face and Goren and Eames start looking into a family with two shrinks and their daughter.

This episode was really good, in my opinion. The plot is intriguing and the characterization of the family is fantastic, in my opinion (especially with the parents and then the daughter later on). It's also one where the perp is one that I can somewhat sympathize with. Overall, the supporting characters are very unsettling and played well by their actors. As for the main cast, Goren is always fun to watch and Eames is pretty funny with her one-liners. Deakins and especially Carver are also pretty good as well in my opinion.

Overall, "Shrink-Wrapped" is a pretty great episode because of its plot and especially interesting supporting characters in it. It's one where I hate two minor characters more than the antagonist that actually did it.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Mis-Labeled (2004)
Season 3, Episode 14
Identity Theft, Corruption, And... Sailing?!
10 April 2022
They just keep coming, don't they?

Anyways, in this episode, Goren and Eames investigate the dismemberment of a pharmaceutical sales manager. They soon uncover a web of lies and corruption within the company the victim works for.

This episode was, once again, pretty amazing in my opinion. The plot and story intrigue and has its pretty surprising twists and turns. The antagonist is greatly characterized and it's pretty fun seeing Goren and Eames' chemistry while they solve the case. I also liked the multiple leads and red herrings throughout which, in my opinion, kept you guessing as to who did what. The final interrogation scene is pretty memorable and I liked Goren confronting the perp with their past and then the "gotcha" moment.

Overall, "Mis-Labeled" is another amazing episode in this season in my opinion. While I do sort of like "Pas De Deux" a bit more, I feel they are on the same level of quality.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Pas de Deux (2004)
Season 3, Episode 13
The Soccer Mom and the Marley Floor Man
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A bomb strapped to a man's chest explodes after he robs a bank. Goren and Eames soon start tracking down the man's accomplice.

This episode is one of my favorites of the whole show. As usual, I've always loved Goren's mannerisms and in this episode, he is at its best. The plot, while seeming simple on paper, has actually a lot more to it which intrigues and engages the viewer. The antagonists are also pretty interesting and I do especially like DePalma and Goren when they're in the interrogation room. The antagonists' characterization is also pretty good as well.

Overall, "Pas de Deux" is one of the best episodes in this season (the other two being "Pravda" and "Unrequited"). I really like it purely because of the plot, the characterization of the antagonists, and that final interrogation scene. I also liked Eames' little trick in the ending. Otherwise, an amazing episode.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Unrequited (2004)
Season 3, Episode 12
A Need For A Dream
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An anonymous letter claims that an actor's husband was poisoned which causes his body to be exhumed.

This is, honestly, a GREAT episode. I remember having fond memories of it on first watch and on re-watch, it got even better for me. I really like how the antagonists are characterized what with one needing to be pleased and another wanting to be famous. I do like their scenes as well, there is a lot of tension in the plot as well which I liked. I also liked how unique the plot is since it doesn't involve a dead body being found as well.

I also liked the final confession scene with Goren trying to make both antagonists feel betrayed.

Overall, this is a really great episode because of its characterization, unique plot, and of course, Goren's tactics in the final scene.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Mad Hops (2004)
Season 3, Episode 11
A Player's Dream
7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, Goren and Bishop investigate the murder of a private investigator and are soon lead to a missing basketball player as well.

I really liked this episode although I feel like there should've been more to the conflict in my opinion. I'm not sure what it is but I feel like perhaps the conflict between Coach Powell and the mom should've had more "spark" to it if that makes any sense. I did like how the antagonist sorta delved into Goren's mind just like Goren did. Did like the case overall, it has its usual characteristic twists and turns and whatnot.

Overall, "Mad Hops" is a pretty good episode but I feel like there could've been more to some elements of its plot.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: F.P.S. (2004)
Season 3, Episode 10
A Gamer's Need
6 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A woman is found pushed to her death and Goren and Bishop start looking into a spyware program downloaded on her computer. However, they soon find out that someone's setting up false leads.

This episode was pretty great. I was worried about how they would portray the main subject of this episode but fortunately, they seemed to portray the "gamer" characters and the whole topic pretty well. I also liked the plot with its usual twists and turns. I also liked how the villain set up red herrings especially later on when they try to trick Goren by reading about his past cases. It does get a little complicated near the end, but I was still able to understand the plot. The villain also has great characterization in my opinion especially in the ending scene.

Overall, "F. P. S." is a pretty good episode mainly because of its plot (I especially liked one aspect about it) and its twists. I did also like how they characterized the antagonist and I'm starting to warm a little to Goren and Bishop.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Happy Family (2003)
Season 3, Episode 9
Suspicious alibis and nightmares
5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The plot of "Happy Family" involves a wealthy man getting hit to death with a hockey stick. At first, it's suspected to be a burglary gone wrong but when that's disproven, they soon start looking into the other members of the family who all have shaky alibis.

This is an amazing episode to me, in all honesty. I loved how the plot consists of them looking into each family member and how they each have their own secrets to hide which to me, made the episode very engaging. I did somewhat suspect who it was gonna be judging from one scene in the second half. However, though, what makes this episode great to me is the scene where Goren is interrogating all of the suspects in court. The resolution is pretty sad and I can't help but feel a little bad for the antagonist.

Overall, "Happy Family" is an amazing episode mainly because of its plot and its twists along the way. I still feel Bishop is okay but other than that, this is honestly one of my favorite episodes of "L&O: Criminal Intent".
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Sound Bodies (2003)
Season 3, Episode 8
A Troubled Community
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Six church parishioners are poisoned and Goren and Bishop start looking into a mentor that three teenage girls have put their trust into. This episode is really great just because of the plot and its characters. The plot is intriguing and has its fascinating twists and turns. I also liked how the antagonists were characterized, especially Connie and how he controls others. I especially liked the final scene where Goren is interrogating him. Bishop is still somewhat bland but she did seem to stand out in this episode.

Overall, "Sound Bodies" is a great episode because of its plot and the antagonist's characterization.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Stray (2003)
Season 3, Episode 6
A killer couple
3 April 2022
Four people are shot and two of them were undercover cops on a sting. Goren deduces that the killer thinks in three-dimensions. This episode is a pretty great one and it's interesting how Goren speculates about the antagonist's mind. I do feel that perhaps, the antagonists' backstories could've had more to it but other than that, I think this is a good episode. Don't hate Goren and Bishop, but I just think they're kind of "there" if you get what I mean.

Overall, Stray is a pretty good episode primarily because of the story and Goren's inferences on the antagonists as well which to me are always fascinating.
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