
6 Reviews
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A pleasant surprise!
12 December 2009
I was eager to see this movie, yet so afraid that Jim Carrey would turn it into a slapstick comedy and take away from the book. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the script of the film was taken almost directly from the book, verbatim. The characters were excellent representations of Dickens' descriptions, right down to their words and clothing. The movie really made you feel the story. For me it was like reading the book all over again, with sights and sounds perfectly complimenting it. The animation was remarkable in terms of the fact that at times I actually thought I was looking at real people; however, the characters seemed to lack emotion. With the exception of Scrooge, the Ghosts and possibly Crachit, everyone looked as if they had been cut from the same mold. The 3D effects, though perhaps not as dramatic as advertised, were a nice bonus feature, and very good during the snowing, raining, and "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come" parts.

I would give this movie 8 stars out of 10, only because some parts might be a bit dark and intense for some. But overall, this was a fantastic movie that I'd gladly watch again!
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Glenn Martin DDS (2009–2011)
Absolute CRAP!
24 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is, bar none, the worse show I've EVER seen! Absolutely horrible animation, clay and poofy and disgusting. The so-called humor is pitiful, crude and shameless. Physically disturbing feats are done by the ugly characters. Like when the father reaches his hand in the kids throat and it goes all the way through his body! Or when the dog's huge butt sticks to the window! It made me want to vomit! The ridiculous laugh track at the non-funny jokes just adds a whole new layer of stupidity to this mess. As if the show isn't bad enough without hearing 'heh-heh-ha-ha' every few seconds. I mean come on! It's so bad you need a cue to know when to laugh! The show's not even mildly humorous like The Simpsons or other shows that are on the crude side. This is just one example of why I turn to Nick @ Nite less and less: They take the good, wholesome shows and replace them with garbage and overplayed reruns.

PLEASE do not waste your time with this crappy nonsense!
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Surprisingly good for a remake
6 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well I saw the old one and loved it. So I must admit, when I heard that a remake was coming out (with an incredibly girlie looking Johnny Depp on the cover; I mean Wonka vs. Jack Sparrow? Come on!) I said to myself: 'oh brother, another lame remake of a classic'. Boy was I wrong! Now, hold on a minute, I'm not saying that it was better than the original, but it was still quite impressive. I loved Johnny's portrayal of Wonka, he was animated and funny; and the innocence of Charlie and his family was well preserved. All the characters were true to form and the added scenario of Wonka's relationship with his father was nice. Don't get me wrong, not all of this movie was on par with the original; the oompa loompa songs, for example. No, *those* were terrible compared to the original; and the ending was somewhat strange. But, all and all, this movie was funny, true to form and not a disappointment.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: The Faithful (2001)
Season 1, Episode 4
This ep. should be called: 'Goren gets it'
12 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, here's the deal. Throughout this episode Goren is acting like a spoiled child or a hard-headed rebellious teenager. Doing whatever he likes, Breaking rules, disrespecting authority. A good example of this is the hilarious scene where Deakins is talking to the priest. Much like the common scene where a mother waits till the guest is gone to punish her child, Deakins is trying to keep calm and intercept all of Goren's rude and untactful comments while at the same time giving him "shut your mouth" glares, which soon turn to "You're dead when they leave" ones. But the straw that broke the camel's back was when Goren hid an important witness from A.D.A. Carver. Carver found out near the end of the episode and the last lines where his: "Detective... if you *ever* try to run one by me like that again, I'll have your badge." This softly, yet clearly, spoken threat, was about as severe a tongue-lashing as one could get. As he said them, Goren looked at him for a moment, then quickly looked down. What could he say? He was busted, cold hard. And that my friends, is the story of how Goren got it.
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what movie are you watching, anyway?
13 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
To all you people who said that the message of this movie was 'trust in god and you wishes will be granted' what movie are you watching? certainly not this one! that was so not the message!! in case you hadn't noticed, the coach was Already a Christian when all that bad stuff was happening! He was childless, had low pay and a crappy house, and the school was talking behind his back about firing him! but he trusted God, his problems did not disappear instantly, not hardly! But he trusted God. His wife told God she loved him even before the nurse ran out and told her she was gonna have a baby! God responds to those who pray, it might not be the answer you want, and that's OK. But that doesn't mean he's not allowed to bless just 'cause it ticks some people off! Hello? God doesn't have to play by your rules! And if you don't like it then don't watch it, I assure you, God won't lose any sleep.
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30 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so heres the story: little Max has grown up and he's 18 now (where has the time gone?) so he and his friends go to college and enter this skating competition called the x-games, against Bradly Uppercrust III, a brat who has always won the X-Games. then much two Max's horror, his dad Goofy, in missing him so much, loses his job, and can't get another without a college degree, so he must go back too school. There, he meets the lovely Ms.Silvia Marpole. It was OK i guess, but the whole thing with Max dissing his dad didn't fly for me. i mean 'Leave me alone and get you're own life'? show the guy a little love! then they're was that weird café girl and brad-the-brat! all-and-all it was OK, but not as good as the first.
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