
46 Reviews
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Sonic and the Fallen Star (2021 Video Game)
19 August 2022
Sonic and the Fallen Star is a fan game I have been following for quite a while now, I even remember playing a demo of it, a couple of months ago and enjoying it a lot, I remember thinking it was a really cool and refreshing take on a classic formula!

And now after going through the entire game twice.. Let's just say that I didn't expect this game to be.. one of the most fun 2D side-scrolling experiences I've ever had in a long time!

First of all, Let's start with the visuals.. Yeah, this game looks amazing, everything in this game from the character sprites to the artstyle to the backgrounds to the popin' color choices looks absolutely gorgeous, You can tell just by starting the game up and watching the intro cinematic, That this game, when it comes to visuals, means business, Classic Sonic games never looked this beautiful!

Other thing I really like about this game's artstyle in particular is how it feels like a natural successor to the artstyle of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, I know Sonic Mania is considered by many fans to be the "real sequel" to the classic Genesis Sonic games but Idk man, Something about this game's artstyle hits different!

Sonic and the Fallen Star feels like the Sega Saturn 2D Sonic game we unfortunately never got, You know, taking full advantage of this next-gen generation of consoles, pushing the graphics to its limits, That's what this game feels like and absolutely adore it for that!

Now to the gameplay.. It's great!

Sonic feels really nice to control, They got the physics right, This ain't no "Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episode 1" dollar store Sonic physics, The physics and how Sonic feels in this game is how every modern Sonic game should feel like!

Fantastic controls and physics paired with really solid level design and gimmicks makes this game, no joke, some of the best 2D side-scrollers I've ever played in like.. FOREVER!

The elemental shields makes a return also, with some different gameplay designs, like the fire shield giving you the ability to triple jump which can take you places if you know how to use it, and the electric shield working as a coin magnet and also gives you a boost of speed and the bubble shield being.. the bubble shield, Yeah I guess my guy, Stardrop, ran outta ideas with last one lol

The special stages make a return also and they're.. pretty great, They're really fun, They're probably my second favorite special stages after Sonic Mania's, They're like a hybrid between the half-Pipe special stages from Sonic 2 and the chase-the-UFO special stages from Sonic Mania, They are pretty challenging but fair, and the seven chaos emeralds are necessary for the real ending where Sonic transforms into his "HYPER STAR FORM", It's really cool.

The music is pretty fantastic too, My girl, Hollie Taylor, did not to go this hard on the soundtrack, It's honestly amazing, I guess we gotta continue the trend of Sonic games always having amazing soundtracks, even if the game itself isn't practically very good, my personal favorite tracks are One Way Lane, Sonic's Last Night in Town, and Amy, It's Cold Outside. They're all uploaded to Hollie's channel on YouTube if you wanna check them out, They're really awesome.

But just like every other thing that has ever existed, This game is not perfect, sometimes Sonic's Collision can be a funky, running on surfaces, I don't think Sonic should be able to walk on and running on ceilings.. yeah, I don't think Sonic should do that, and another thing I don't personally like about this game is how they nerfed the lives system, like come on, I know there's this whole thing/discussion about if Lives is an outdated system or not, but I don't care, You can't have a classic-styled genesis Sonic game without the lives, you just can't!

I even stopped collecting coins after a while because they just felt like they didn't matter, I wish with the next update Stardrop could add a toggle option like that in Crash Bandicoot 4 (a retro or modern mode), I think that'll be the best choice, not that'll need them anyway, This game is incredibly easy, I seriously don't think that there's a single pithole in this game, You can't even get crushed, Yes, It is that forgiving, but I didn't mind the game design was still fantastic, even if the game is super easy, The boss fights are a bit harder but nothing too crazy when you know what are you supposed to do.

So.. to sum all this up, Sonic and the Fallen Star is fantastic, amazingly polished, superbly made, It is what every fan project should be like, A labor of love that can enjoyed by everybody including Sonic and Non-Sonic fans, and not gonna lie, Even if this game wasn't as good as it is, I would've still probably loved it because, I will not gonna lie, I'm just happy there's still Sonic fan games being made to this day, but thankfully I don't have to do that, because this is absolutely fantastic, and something you seriously shouldn't miss, especially if you're a Sonic fan!

Thanks for reading :)
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Arrival is a very interesting movie..
11 July 2022
It's a solid movie with a lot of interesting ideas, concepts and messages and.. that's it, This is where the movie just kind of stops with me, Like don't get me wrong, It is a really thought out and well made sci-fi thriller about people trying to communicate with aliens and.. that's just kind of it.

And that wouldn't be such a big problem if people just stopped pretending that this movie is the greatest thing that has ever graced cinema since 2001: A Space Odyssey, Like seriously, dear and give this movie a rating lower than 7, Everybody in your comments will be like "Uhh sorry dude, wrong rating" "Your rating is too low" "It's okay dude, You don't know how to watch movies, Just say it" (talking about Letterboxd btw) and It's so darn frustrating everytime, but hey, how cares, Let's start with the good:

This movie being directed by Denis Villeneuve, One of the most beloved and well praised living directors rn, I wouldn't expect less than at least 9/10 directing skills and wow, did he delivere in this aspect, The way this movie looks and the way its shoot is basically the best thing about this movie, This movie literally only has like, three locations (Amy Adams' house, The felicity she works in and inside of the aliens' ship) and Denis Villeneuve somehow made every shot feels distinct and unique from each other, and that's something I really appreciate in this type of movies!

Other thing, I really love about this movie is how.. weirdly realistic it is, and I'm saying "weirdly" because when you think about a very big budget Hollywoody sci-fi blockbuster movie, You immediately think of big muscular dudes with big guns or a cool very charismatic space soldier Will Smith™ type character that is ready to DESTROY and KILL the aliens so he can save the whole universe and make their spaceship go BOOM!.. This movie has none of that.

This whole movie is just people trying to communicate with aliens, and I respect that, Even the around-the-world-news-footage™ cliché where they show us how every country reacted (which is probably one of the most annoying, overused sci-fi clichés btw) wasn't very bad in this movie, and was actually re-incorporated later in the movie in a smart way, It wasn't just "Oh look, everybody is scared of the aliens and nobody knows what do, This is very serious rn".

Now to the "controversial" part of the review, The acting was just.. fine, and IN MY OPINION, the worst thing about this movie, Especially Amy Adams, Like, she was okay, I guess, But her character and her performance in general really did nothing for me, and that's makes me incredibly sad because wow, People really love her performance, Like seriously some people over here seriously having mental breakdowns because she didn't get nominated for an Oscar because her acting was "just that good and emotional and impactful", and I'm just standing in the corner of the room like "No.. not really 😐"

I think I just felt like there was no actual reason for us to like her character, Expect for the fact that she's being played by Amy Adams. Everybody loves Amy Adams right, RIGHT?! And she's a language teacher and she has a daughter that she likes very much and she's smart and stuff... OKAY, AND??!?!

The movie literally tells us to care about her, just because she's the main character, Lory or whatever her name was really remind me of Brad Pitt's character in World War Z (Anyone remembers that mess lol), A main character that you should care about just because they love their family very much.. Like okay, you're not especially I like my family too, Can I be the next hero of a big Hollywood blockbuster movie, No, I'm not a famous and hot actor, Oh well, too bad I guess.

The music was really good, The editing was pretty great also, It's all good above average stuff, Even though, There is one really random and weird lil tidbit I noticed while watching the movie, There's like 300 scenes that just cut to a clip of Amy Adams sleeping/trying to sleep/waking up from a nap/taking a nap and I will not gonna lie, it is the funniest weirdest little thing, You're gonna think that the director has a sleeping fetish or something, It's honestly surreal.

The pacing was pretty alright, The movie is really slow paced but I didn't really mind that, I mean we're trying to communicate with aliens after all, It will not be an easy task so I appreciate the movie making us feel the time our characters is spending trying to get this miserable task over with, I think the pacing become a problem with the beginning of the third act, Things literally just happens, For most of the time, All I was saying in my head was like "Oh, I guess she can do that now.." "Oh, Is this what we're doing right now.. Okay" "Oh, The aliens are doing this now" So yeah, It was alright but it could have been a lot better and more natural I'm my opinion.

So to end this pretty messy and kind of all over the place review, Arrival is a really well made, though out sci-fi thriller that has a lot of interesting ideas, interesting concepts and.. that's it,

This movie didn't change my life, It didn't make me change the way I look at life, I don't think I will watch this again unfortunately, Amy Adams absolutely do not deserve all the praise she's getting for this movie (I sound like such an asshole, Sorry), It is (in my opinion) just a good movie and that's it.

Thanks for reading.
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The ACTUAL best way to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles!
22 April 2022
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles gotta be some of the best most iconic video games of all time so the fact that there isn't an official remastered widescreen re-release of these games just hurts some much, man..

Like Sega.. I know you had problems re-releasing the games because of Michael Jackson's music involvement or whatever but guys, You are literally one of the biggest and most profitable video game companies of all time, Money and licensed music should be the last you guys should care about..

And this is where fans does what Sega don't! (that sounded way better in my head..)

Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Angel Island Revisited is a PC fan remake/remaster of the original Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles, providing many fantastic enhancements over the original game, such as widescreen support, 60FPS at all-times, mod support, and other additions..

And let me tell you, This remaster is a got sent, The widescreen support alone should make you at least wanna try this game, and I know that widescreen might not be much but believe me, That little extra screen real estate is seriously a game changer, making an already super fun game, Even more fun!

Not to mention the mod support and how customizable the game is, You can customize the music, the gameplay, the visuals, It's great, You can even add the Drop Dash from Sonic Mania before, and if you have played Sonic Mania, You will know how and fun and useful this ability is!

So yeah, Until Sonic Origins finally drops, This game is the second best choice to play the absolute classic that is Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and even if Sonic Origins won't be as customizable or big as this fan remake, It will at least nice to have an official way to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles with widescreen!

Thanks for reading!
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Angry Birds Journey (2022 Video Game)
Yet another very repetitive and mediocre Angry Birds game :/
8 February 2022
Angry Birds Journey is the latest video game in the Angry Birds franchise and it is the first slingshot Angry Birds game since Angry Birds 2 (released 7 years ago.. wow, I feel old) and even though this game is a step in the right direction for Rovio and the AB franchise in general, this game still feels like a massive downgrade compared to the other games in the series..

Don't get wrong this game is not bad at all it's just.. okay..

Let's start with the positives, The artstyle is pretty cool and eye to look at, I don't really mind the new character designs, The Angry Birds characters gets redesigned every 3 months at this point, So there's kind of no point of complaining about the designs, They gonna change the next game, and the game is pretty addicting at first and that's pretty much where my complements end..

The game gets really repetitive and boring after a while, unlike the older AB games where they always tried to do something new with the franchise, This game just feels like a downgraded version of Angry Birds 2 which was (to be honest) not a very good game..

First of all, Only 5 birds.. What's up with that?!

Only Red, Chuck, Bomb, Stella, and Silver, No Bules, No Matilda, No Terence, Like come on man, How are you gonna make an Angry Birds without Terence!

You can't replay the levels you beat anymore, when you beat a level that's it, You beat it, You can't replay the level anymore, They basically got rid of the 3-stars system and just ruined the satisfying feel of accomplishment, Yes, You can't go back to a level and get 3-stars because there's no 3-stars anymore, and that was like my favorite thing to do in the old Angry Birds games!

All the levels feel the same, They ruined the bird's powers, making them go through everything, Yeah, remember when Chuck used to be the best bird to use with wood, Now he goes through everything, Silver who used to be good with stone, Now she goes through everything too, thus ruining all the strategic methods we used to do to get the three stars (THAT ARE ALSO NOT IN THE GAME ANYMORE)..

They also brought back the card system from Angry Birds 2.. Do I need to elaborate on that?.. and let's not forget the 5 lives system, Yeah If you lose the lives, You have to wait like 6 hours before you can play again or you could just pay!

Again, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed, I remember when I was like 5 year old, playing the old Angry Birds games all the time, The original Angry Birds, Angry Birds Rio, Angry Birds Seasons, Epic, Friends, Star Wars, Star Wars 2, and now seeing Rovio release these unfinished, boring, mediocre games after releasing all these classic absolute bangers, It just breaks my heart, man..

I just hope Rovio listens to their fans and go back to the formula that made the Angry Birds games so fun to play because if I'm being honest chief, This game is just not it..
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A really fun, well made Catwoman action film!
8 February 2022
Not gonna lie, I didn't really know how to feel about this movie when it first got announced, I was just kind of happy that Catwoman will finally get a new solo movie, Like seriously, when was the last we got a GOOD solo Catwoman movie for crying out loud, Firstly, we got the hilariously awful 2004 live-action Catwoman movie and then we got a 2D animated Catwoman showcase a couple of years ago, and that was kind of it..

So I was pretty excited for the movie and thankfully it didn't disappoint, This movie was so much fun, Even though the was basically 80% action and 20% Catwoman messing with Batwoman, I still had a lot of fun with it!

Catwoman attends a Masquerade party with Black Mask, Of course, Catwoman being Catwoman, she wandered on her own to go and steal the green priceless diamond that is locked behind a giant bank safe, As I said, this movie doesn't really have that much of a story, It's more an action movie more than anything and thankfully, the action is great!

The animation is pretty great too, except some animation looking a bit goofy here and there and CGI cars looking a bit outdated, I think this art style really fits Catwoman's character, The producers said that the biggest inspiration for this movie was "Lupin III" and I could totally see that!

The jazzy smooth score is really good too, The voice cast is really good too, and the fact that Batwoman is voiced by the same chick who voiced Mirabel in Disney's Encanto is just incredible!

Of course I have some complaints like how the movie introduces like 8 characters and doesn't really do that much with them, I guess I shouldn't blame the movie is only 1 hour and 18 minutes, so I guess they didn't really had that much to work with, but still even with that, I still think that Catwoman: Hunted is really fun, charming colorful action flick!

And I already know a lot of Batman fans won't like this movie because it's not dark and gritty and suspenseful like other animated DC movies, but hey, having a little bit of fun won't kill anyone right, Not every Batwoman related thing has to be The Dark Knight trilogy, Live a little :)
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Smiling Friends (2020– )
Now this is how you do adult animation right!
17 January 2022
Not gonna lie, when it comes to adult animation, I just kinda lost all hope in these types of shows, Don't get me wrong we still get that one great adult animation series ever now and then, but overall, It all just kinda blend in with each other, with the same boring character design and art style, the same boring overdone sitcom feel, the same old Family Guy-esque type of humor, It all felt very samey to me, you know..

So when The Smiling Friends pilot dropped a couple of years ago (in early 2020 If I remember correctly), I really enjoyed it a lot, It was something new, It was something fresh, and most importantly it was absolutely hilarious, and that comes from someone who wasn't familiar with Zach and Michael's works.

So after waiting and waiting and waiting for the show to finally release and after binge watching the whole thing in one sitting, Let's just say that I didn't expect Smiling Friends to be one of the funniest pieces of Adult animation I've ever seen in a long time!

Like seriously, this show is so great, I don't know where to start, First of all, The premise, the premise is so dang good, The Smiling Friends is company who's main objective is to make people smile wherever they are, whoever they are, and that alone is such a great idea, It's kind of bizarre it hasn't been done before, the reason I believe this idea is so good is because the creator's imagination is the only limit to what could happen in this show, if you catch my drift, There's not one client in this show that is like the other, One episode they try to help a princess smile for her portrait in a fantasy setting, In another episode, they try to help a gaming obsessed shrimp dude get his girlfriend back, Again the creators' imagination is the only limit of what could happen in this show, and let me tell you, everything that comes from Zach and Michael's delightfully twisted minds is just absolutely hilarious.

Even the episodes that doesn't have to do anything with the company are still hilarious, just because how great the characters are and while we are talking about the characters..

At the Smiling Friends we meet our colorful cast of characters, The very short and small but with a heart of gold, The brutally honest, kind of cynical straight man of the group, and finally we have Alan and Glip.. Alan and Glip doesn't do much to be honest but I still like them, What can I say about these characters, they are great, When I write reviews I always try to not be biased when talking about things I really like but there's no other way I could talk about this show, It's SO GOOD!

The first season generally focused on the duo of Pim and Charlie, and kinda pushs everyone else to the side, which is kind of a shame because Glip and Alan barely gets any screen time, Especially Alan, the red tall guy, The only got a b story in the pilot in that was kind of it, but still, Pim and Charlie are an absolute blast to watch, Pim being the overly optimistic, very cheery and likable and Charlie being kind of the opposite, He's not a very good person but he means well, and this formula works so well for the show, Even though I would really appreciate them doing more stuff with the other characters in the hopefully upcoming seasons.

Even the small details are fantastic like the blink-and-you-will-miss-it background jokes, the surprisingly beautiful background art like Mr. Frog's pool rooftop, the enchanted forest, and Pim's room in episode 3, they all look so good for some reason.

Even the side characters in this show are memorable like the rotoscoped guy in the first episode or the SoundCloud rapper guy in the seventh episode, Most of them appear for like a minute or so and they are as quotable are the main characters, It's so great!

And can we just appreciate how many animation mediums this show uses and how consistent good they all look, Like as I mentioned, we got a rotoscoped guy in the first episode, We got stop-motion, 3D animation sprinkled here and there, It looks amazing!

This show was just an absolute blast to watch from start to finish, with the absurd over the top humor, the expressive surprising smooth animation, Eye pleasing art style, Smiling Friends is just one of these shows that you absolutely shouldn't miss and I absolutely can't wait for the next seasons if there's any hopefully.

Smiling Friends gets a 10/10, Thank you for reading :)
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Pac-Attack (1993 Video Game)
Pretty fun Pac-Man/Tetris variant!
13 January 2022
Pac-Attack to put simply is a really fun and creative Tetris variant, Not gonna lie, I was presently surprised by this game, At first I thought this was just gonna be another Tetris game with Pac-Man code of paint (Like the different colored ghosts being the blocks and Pac-Man being the thing that comes in and eats the ghosts when you clear a line) but no, This game takes the Pac-Man formula we all know and love and tries to mix it in with Tetris, It takes a bit to gets used to but when you understand what is happening here, the game gets a lot more fun, and there's a puzzle mode too so the game has a bit of variety, Pretty cool little game!
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Pac-Mania (1987 Video Game)
Pretty interesting piece in Pac-Man's history..
13 January 2022
Pac-Mania is a.. pretty interesting game to say the least, Don't get me wrong, The game is not bad at all, infact it is actually very impressive for the time but playing it now in 2022.. Let's just say that it is one of these games that you have to start with "At the time.." everytime you wanna talk about it..

So at the time, Pac-Mania was a very ambitious game, I really appreciate what they tried to do with this whole isometric pov direction and new power-ups and stuff, The art style is really cute and pleasant to look at, Everything looks so alive and vibrant, It is really cool, I think the gameplay is what takes the whole game down for me, while it is pretty fun in the beginning, It gets repetitive quickly, The camera is too close to Pac-Man, You don't really have enough time to react, Even though you can jump in the game, which is like.. the greatest thing ever to be implemented in a Pac-Man game, but still I just don't really feel like playing after like 10 minutes and that's pretty bad, Even for a Pac-Man game in my opinion, I don't know, I heard that the arcade version is a lot better, but as far as this version goes.. I just think that there's a lot more better Pac-Man games out there to play in 2022.
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Canabalt (2009 Video Game)
Pretty okay fun-for-a-while endless runner.
13 January 2022
I just kinda remembered this game for no reason the other day and was like "What was the name of that game where you play as dude jumping on buildings?" and not gonna lie, after playing the game after all these years.. Let's just say that there's a reason not a lot of people remember this game..

First of all, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the game, I will even go as far to say that it is actually pretty addicting in the beginning, My biggest grip with this game is that the amount of actual content in the game (like gameplay and stuff) is very limited, There's no power-ups, There's no different worlds or cities you can unlock, There's basically no customization to anything in this game, It's really bare bones, and while yeah, it is fun for a while, it gets very boring very quickly, and that's really unfortunate, Because this game got a lot of things going for it, It has a really cool distinctive feel to it, With the world breaking down behind you in the background, The weird alien space-ships flying around destroying the level as you play, The fantastic soundtrack, Composed by Danny Baranowsky which he claims that he wrote the whole thing in one night, which I just downright don't believe him, It is so, so good, it is basically the best thing about this game!

So yeah to put it simply, This game has a really cool atmosphere and artstyle, fantastic immersion soundtrack, but unforgettable let down by the very simple and repetitive gameplay..

So I'm gonna give this game a 5/10.

Thanks for reading, everyone :)
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Pac-Man Collection (2001 Video Game)
Pretty good Pac-Man collection for the GBA!
12 January 2022
I think Pac-Man is just one of these video game franchises that has to get a compilation / collection game every couple of years, Like.. you got this Pac-Man Collection for the GBA, you got the Pac-Man Museum collection that was released in 2014 for PS3 and Xbox 360 and then we got the new upcoming Pac-Man Museum+ collection coming soon for the PS5 and Xbox Series X & S, and you what, as far as video game compilation games goes, This one is pretty frickin' good!

This collection contains 4 games released throughout the Pac-Man series, which is actually impressive for a GBA game, The fact that they actually managed to cramp 4 different video games into one game cartridge is actually pretty impressive for the time, Yeah they're Pac-Man games but still.

I will go through each game, Saying what I liked, what I didn't like about it, than I'm gotta rate it depending on how much I enjoyed playing the game, Let's Go!

The original Pac-Man:

It's a classic, The original Pac-Man is a game that needs no introduction, It is one of the most iconic video games of all time, It is one of most played video games of all time, It has been ported to like every gaming console in existence, Everybody and their grandma know what Pac-Man is!

So the 7/10 rating I am gonna give this game might seem a little low for such an iconic classic title, but believe me, the only I'm giving this game a 7/10 is just because I think that there has better Pac-Man games released throughout the years.. like Ms. Pac-Man, I'm gonna talk about that more later in the review, So yeah The OG Pac-Man is a classic, and It is still a blast to play today, Even though it feels kinda limited, especially after playing newer titles in the series that have developed and took the Pac-Man formula to it's full Potential, But if we're talking about this game for what it is, It is pretty great!

The original Pac-Man gets a 7/10!


Pac-Mania is a.. pretty interesting game to say the least, Don't get me wrong, The game is not bad at all, infact it is actually very impressive for the time but playing it now in 2022.. Let's just say that it is one of these games that you have to start with "At the time.." everytime you wanna talk about it, So at the time, Pac-Mania was a very ambitious game, I really appreciate what they tried to do with this whole isometric pov direction and new power-ups and stuff, The art style is really cute and pleasant to look at, Everything looks so alive and vibrant, It is really cool, I think the gameplay is what takes the whole game down for me, while it is pretty fun in the beginning, It gets repetitive quickly, The camera is too close to Pac-Man, You don't really have enough time to react, Even though you can jump in the game, which is like.. the greatest thing ever to be implemented in a Pac-Man game, but still I just don't really feel like playing after like 10 minutes and that's pretty bad, Even for a Pac-Man game in my opinion, I don't know, I heard that the arcade version is a lot better, but as far as this version goes.. I just think that there's a lot more better Pac-Man games to play in 2022.



Pac-Attack to put simply is a really fun and creative Tetris variant, Not gonna lie, I was presently surprised by this game, At first I thought this was just gonna be another Tetris game with Pac-Man code of paint (Like the different colored ghosts being the blocks and Pac-Man being the thing that comes in and eats the ghosts when you clear a line) but no, This game takes the Pac-Man formula we all know and love and tries to mix it in with Tetris, It takes a bit to gets used to but when you understand what is happening here, the game gets a lot more fun, and there's a puzzle mode too so the game has a bit of variety, Pretty cool little game!


Pac-Man Arrangements:

And finally Pac-Man Arrangements which is probably the most impressive and interesting outta of the bunch, Unlike the other games in this collection, Pac-Man Arrangements is the only Pac-Man game that wasn't ported to any home console or any gaming system at all, It was exsevlusvly released for the arcades, and let me tell that is a damn Shame because this game is easily the best one outta the bunch, This game is so much, Firstly, The graphics looks amazing, Everything looks so cool and colorful and alive, There's a lot of new power ups and things you can do in the levels, The sprites are pretty big but that doesn't ruin the game for me like Pac-mania did, The game took Everything we loved about Pac-Man and expanded on it without changing too much stuff, It's so fun, and what I consider a perfect sequel, so it's kind of shame that this didn't get released anywhere else except this collection, Definitely one of the main reasons that made this collection as interesting as it is.


So yeah, to summarize it up quickly, Pac-Man collection is a good collection, One of main reasons this game didn't get a higher rating from me is because.. How can make a Pac-Man collection without including, what many fans consider to be the best Pac-Man game out there, Ms. Pac-Man! Like come on, Ms. Pac-Man is so great and it is along with Super Pac-Man on the SNES are what many consider the two true sequels to the original arcade Pac-Man game, Even though Pac-Man Arrangements Definitely makes it up for the lack of Ms. Pac-Man, I still would've appreciated more if this collection had Ms. Pac-Man or at least Super Pac-Man but oh well, You can't have everything I guess.

I played this game on my PC with a GBA emulator and again, as far as game collections go, Pac-Man collection is a pretty game one!

Final rating 7/10!

Thanks for reading :)
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Pac-Man (1980 Video Game)
An undeniable classic!
7 January 2022
The original Pac-Man is one of these games that needs no introduction, It is one of the most iconic video games of all time, It is one of most played video games of all time, It has been ported to like every gaming console in existence, Everybody and their grandma know what Pac-Man is!

So the 7/10 rating I am gonna give this game might seem a little low for such an iconic classic title, but believe me, the only I'm giving this game a 7/10 is just because I think that there has better Pac-Man games released throughout the years.. like Ms. Pac-Man and Pac-Man Arrangement, Games that took the Pac-Man formula and took it to its full potential that I think are better than the original but still, The OG Pac-Man is a classic, and It is still a blast to play today, Even though it feels kinda limited, especially after playing newer titles in the series that have developed and again, took the Pac-Man formula to its full Potential, But if we're talking about this game for what it is, It is still pretty great!


Edit: Uh, Do you know something?! I don't even know what am I talking about, It's the original Pac-Man, come on! 8/10.
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Duet (2013 Video Game)
Very fun, surprisingly beautiful mobile puzzle game!
26 November 2021
Even though the visuals and art style are very simple and kinda dull, The gameplay here is very satisfying, The narration, even though sometimes feels kinda tacky, is very delightful and relaxing, and the music.. oh my god, Don't get me started on the music, It's SO GOOD, No wonder they credit the composer every time you start up the game, Tim Shiel did a fantastic job with the score here, Definitely my favorite thing about this game, If you want a very fun, relaxing, short mobile game, DUET is the perfect choice for you!
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"Where's y'all sense of humor?"
16 November 2021
I can't believe this music video got this much controversy and still gets criticized to this day, Like.. yeah, the guy is gay, Let him express his sexuality, Who cares lol

And that's really unfortunate because Lil Nas X gotta to be one of the most creative celebrities we've ever got in the past couple of years, Like, Even if you don't like the guy, At least appreciate how much effort and work he puts into his music videos, because wow.. This video is fantastic, Everything from the great cinematography, to the amazing set and costume design, The very fun and crazy storyline (Evan tho It's basically just a recreation of The Shawshank Redemption's story but hey).

My favorite bits from this video are Nas dancing and rapping while holding the weights in the playground, Jack Harlow rapping while getting executed in the electric chair, and of course, how can we forget, the now infamous shower room dancing scene, It's all so cool and funny and well done, I just love everything about this music video.. and thankfully we got a great track to accompany it!

Industry Baby is such a great badass catchy song, I think everyone have heard it already so I won't talk a lot about it, Nas's vocals here are amazing, His deep loud energetic singing voice with the horns and music in the background is seriously a work of art, The lyrics are pretty good too, Even tho I wish there was a little bit more to it, The lyrics are all about how he's Lil Nas is still in the game, making successful and not just another one hit wonder with Old Town Roads as everyone thought he would be and how everyone is trying to get rid of him, and don't get me wrong, that's great and all, but I just wished the lyrics were more, You know, Unique.. like the music video, but still, that didn't ruin the song for me, Jack Harlow's verse is pretty good too, I think it kinda slows down the song a bit, but still, You don't want the whole song to be loud and in-your-facd all the way you know, I just think that his verse could have literally worked in anything and didn't really feel like it was connected with the rest of the song, I don't know man, I'm just nitpicking at this point, He was pretty good overall.

So yeah, this song and music video over all were pretty great, I can somewhat understand why people got so worked up because of this music video, You know, for being kinda explicit, but still that's not a reason to write the whole song off just because it has some "inappropriate" scenes, and if you don't like the music video this much, Just listen to the audio only version, because believe me, Industry Baby is not a song you want to skip!

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Zuma's Revenge! (2009 Video Game)
Maybe I'm a little biased but..
7 November 2021
I simply adore this game, Even though giving this old casual match-3 puzzle video game developed by Popcap Games in 2009 a 10 outta 10 might seen like a joke, but I seriously think that Zuma's Revenge is one of the best casual puzzle games ever made, Let me explain why!

One of my biggest gripes with the original Zuma was how much the levels repeat, Like.. okay, you beat the first three levels in the first Stage/Temple and when get to play the second stage, The same three levels repeat!

I mean It's not actually the same levels again, The balls become faster and they add a new colored ball to the mix but still it got really repetitive after a while.. and here where we see Zuma's Revenge shines with more than 60 NEW LEVELS, and Zuma's Revenge's level design is SO GOOOOD, Even though a lot of levels maybe structured the same but you won't even notice because of how good the art is here, Like seriously the art here is fantastic, Every level literally looks like a painting!

The gameplay is so smooth and fast-paced, Getting big combos in this games is really satisfying, and the music.. OMG THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD, The soundtrack got that chill laid-back tropical island music feel to it that I can't get enough of, Really fits this type of game, and let me get started on these boss fights..

Yeah, You heard me right, This match-3 puzzle game has boss battles, As much as stupid this idea may sound, The boss fights is this game are actually pretty good and adds so much character to the game, The first boss fight is kind of disappointing because of how easy it is, but trust me, the rest of the boss fights in this game are absolutely fantastic, Especially the sequence near the end (which is basically a boss gauntlet) with the evil ghost guy and the cook, OMG It's so good!

The Zuma games have a very special place in my heart, I remember playing them all the time when I was a kid wwith the other classic Popcap Games in our family computer, and after replaying the game in 2021, The game thankfully still hold up, I'm really happy I wasn't blinded by nostalgia, Because this game is actually really good and really deserve more recognition, This game is miles better than the original, Improving on every aspect of the original while keeping the core gameplay and game mechanics the same, It's seriously one of the best video game sequels I have ever played and unfortunately.. Nobody seems to remember it, The game is currently on Steam, If you're interested, It costs 5 dollars I think (which is a great deal in my book) so if you're interested in some old fashioned fun time-wasting match-3 puzzle video game, Look no further because Zuma's Revenge may be one of the best of its genre! I can't recommendthis enough!

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Poppy Playtime (2021 Video Game)
For a small indie game made by a small team, This was actually impressive!
4 November 2021
This game has A LOT of potential, Even though the first chapter felt more like a demo more than anything and was only like 20 minutes long, This game is really promising!

First of all, The environment looks fantastic, The old abandoned factory setting (while yes, it has been done before a lot) is really cool, The puzzles with the packbag hands thingy were really unique cool too, Really wish more horror games had more of these type of gimmicks, and the animations were fantastic, Especially the chase sequence near the end, Oh my god, My heart was racing like crazy, It was SO GOOD, Huggy Wuggy's movements and animations combined with the sound design were absolutely terrifying!

And you could tell that the people behind this game REALLY knew what they were doing, with all the lore, history and tapes they wrote for this game and the amazing cutscene in the beginning, You could Clearly tell that a lot of care and love went into the making of this game.

I just hope this game doesn't go the FNaF route.. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with having some inspiration from another big indie horror title, But I just hope this game will be It's own thing, and not just another game made for YouTubers so they can make like 300 videos theorizing about the characters and lore so kids could watch them and give them millions of views, You know what am I talking if you have been on YouTube long enough..

So yeah to summarize it for you, This game was a pleasant experience, Not gonna lie, It's kinda hard to judge the game right now with only one chapter out, and I'm kinda curious to see what will they do in the future, Will Huggy be the main antagonist of the game? Will the backpack still be the main game mechanic or will we get a new tool every chapter to solve puzzles with?.. I don't know really, But either way I will be checking out what else this game has to offer in the next chapters, but until then I'm pretty satisfied with my rating.

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Residentvania (2021 Video Game)
Fun little mashup between two great games!
2 November 2021
Even though, This game was like 90% Castlevania and 10% Resident Evil Village, I still had a blast playing it.

The visuals are what really stole the whole show for me, It looks spectacular seriously, The snow effects outside the castle, The background art, Character design and movements, It looks phenomenal, Like it was actually made by Konami or something.

The gameplay is your average Castlevania action, Go to the right, Use your gun to kill enemies, which feels really satisfying to use, Go up the stairs, Destroy lambs, It's really cool, The boss fight at the end is pretty cool too, It took me like three tries to beat it but it was worth it for that amazing ending.

Not gonna lie, I was kinda disappointed by how short it was, Even though I (again) took like.. 3 tries to beat it, It took me like 15 minutes to finish, I know this was made by one person, but still if you play this knowing what you're getting yourself into, You could finish it in like.. 6 minutes, But still, for a little fan made Castlevania/Resident Evil Village mashup, This was absolutely delightful. Totally recommended.

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Puyo Pop (2001 Video Game)
A pretty great entry in the Puyo Puyo series for the Game Boy Advance!
23 October 2021
Not gonna lie, I'm gonna be straight with y'all, I haven't played any Puyo Puyo games before starting this one, Believe it or not, I just remember playing Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine a bit as a kid and.. not liking it because there was no Sonic lol.. So basically, I went into this game completely blind and.. I gotta say.. This game was absolutely great!

Not gonna lie, I feel bad now for not playing any of these games as a kid, because wow, I was missing out, This game is a lot of fun, The fast-paced and satisfying Puyo Puyo gameplay, The balanced difficulty, The very relaxing and cool soundtrack makes this game as a whole a very pleasant playthrough!

And even though, the game is pretty short (took me only one hour to complete the story mode), I still think Puyo Pop is a very good entry in the Puyo Puyo series and not a bad one to start off the series with.

With the very fun and wacky dialog, the great balanced difficulty, super fun gameplay, and the very cute and relaxing music, You can never go wrong with a little bit of Puyo Pop for the GBA!

And apparently this game was also released on the N-Gage.. Does anyone remember when the N-Gage was a thing?
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Hot Potato! (2001 Video Game)
Hot Potato.. Such a bizarre little forgotten GBA title..
22 October 2021
Story time: When I was a kid, 6 or 7 I don't really remember, I remembered seeing the PSP and thinking it was the coolest thing ever, A little PlayStation between my hands I can take everywhere I want.. That's like a dream come true to my 6 year old self so I begged and begged and begged my fatherbto buy me one and after like.. 2 weeks of whining, HE FINALLY BOUGHT ME.. a cheap knock-off Chinese handheld console..

And it had like three games only, The original Road Rash which I will not gonna lie, was actually pretty fun, The Sega Genesis version of Disney's Aladdin, a classic, aaaaand Hot Potato!.. where do we even start with this game..

That's the only reason I know this exist by the way, I bet you that I'm literally the only person in the world that still remember this game, I remember playing and thinking it was.. fine and that's it, So playing now in 2021.. Yeah, There's a reason nobody remembers this game..

Apparently the story is about a weird-looking potato alien race/beings/thinges that invaded earth.. Okay, So you mission is to control a moving bus that has 6 of those blue and red colored beings and shoot the aliens that has the same colors so they can disappear and make a clearer road for you so you can cross safely without exploding.. I'm sorry, but this game has to have one of the most confusing, bizarre and weird stories I've ever seen, Why the aliens, Why does the bus have eyes, Why they're colored red and blue only, Why do I exist, This is a puzzle game, It doesn't need to be this confusing, Okay..

But hey who cares about the story, It's a video game, What about the game play.. It's fine, The mechanics are actually not that bad, You have six aliens on the bus, you can switch between them by pressing the A and B buttons (Using the Right and Left shoulders are a lot better though) and you have a fair amount of time to shoot, The gameplay is fine, okay..

What ruins this game is the difficulty balancing, That is seriously the only thing keeping this game away from being a decent puzzle game, The game start off very easy and become difficult really fast, The first couple of levels are a real breeze, Nothing seriously and actually pretty fun, You get to the "Worker" level and It's GAME OVER, The game becomes very difficult, I would even go as far to say that it becomes impossible, Even if you pass the Worker level, The level after it is even worse and you probably lost all your lives already from because of how difficult the Worker level was, So you just have to lose and start all over again.. This is not fun, This is not fun at all..

And even if the game wasn't awfully balanced, It's gets pretty repetitive and tedious quickly, They introduce new enemies every couple of levels but they don't really change the gameplay much so having them is almost the same as.. not having them..

One thing I gotta admit though, The sprite work is amazing, The animation of these little potatoe alien dudes are actually pretty amusing and well animated but it doesn't really save this game from the repetitive and kinda tedious gameplay, The very dull and boring music, The annoying repetitive sound effects those little guys make, The awfully balanced difficult..

So you're probably saying right now: Wow, This game looks pretty awful, The 5-star rating seems pretty high, and my excess is.. I'm biased, Not gonna lie, Even though this game is pretty bad.. and boring, and kinda broken in many different ways, It'll always have a special place in my heart for being that one weird game I played as a kid..

So yeah, I don't even think anybody will read this review anyways, because of how obscure this game is, and I just kinda wasted 35 minutes of my life typing this, I will never get back again... Not gonna lie, It feels good, So yeah, I don't really recommend this game to anyone, There's a lot of better puzzle games you can play on the GBA, Just play Puyo Pop or something.. Believe me you'll gonna have a better time playing that instead of whatever this game was.
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Becky Prim (2016)
Becky Prim not getting a full series to this day should be considered a crime against humanity!
13 October 2021
When I first saw this pilot on YouTube, I didn't really think much about it, I just thought It was another by the numbers pilot episode for a cartoon that has a lot of cool ideas and concepts and some cute character design and nothing else, but oh boy.. Was I wrong...

Even though this short was more of a glorified storyboard than anything, I still think Becky Prim is one of the best cartoon pilots I've ever seen in a long time, So full of charm and character, I can't actually believe this pilot didn't get green lit.

My guy, Karl Hadrika (Who have worked on SpongeBob SquarePants and the new Animaniacs) is a master of his craft, and he really knows what he's doing, He's very promising, Especially as a writer, His art style has that very cool, nostalgic, laid back, early 2000s feel cartoons used to have that I can't get enough of, While still managing to look new and fresh, It's really cool to see.

And even though the characters are basically just your standard everyday highschool stereotypes, I still liked them a lot, Becky (Voiced by Karl Hadrika) being your everyday angsty teenager, Her shy friend Ello, Popular girl Jessica, Norville the dorky nerd, Yeah, they're basically stereotypes that needs to be fleshed out more and a full series is exactly what's gonna fix this issue.. Did I mention that I think this pilot needs to get a full series?

So yeah, this was absolutely amazing, From the amazing and stylish art style to the grim and edgy but still hilarious writing, The stereotypical, but still very fun characters and interactions, Becky Prim is one pilot episode you shouldn't miss!

And I'm sorry.. Becky's friend buying a Ouija board so she could talk to her in the afterlife is one of the most adorable things I've ever seen.
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Chao in Space (2019 Video)
What's up with all the hate here on IMDB, This was absolutely adorable!
6 October 2021
Sonic is relaxing with his chao while he is having a bad dream about him fighting an evil chao is outer space after watching the movie 'Chao in Space' and Sonic tries to protect him while he sleepwalks into danger.

This short was absolutely adorable, The animation is brilliant, The art direction was great, and while there was almost no dialog, You can still understand everything the characters feel because of how expressive the animation is!

I still don't really get what's up with all the hate this little short is receiving here on IMDB, This was just so cute and wholesome, You can't even really hate it, Especially if you're a Sonic fan, Reminded me of the good old times when I was spending hours taking care of my chaos in the Chao Garden in Sonic Adventure 1, Pretty cool stuff.

Really hope SEGA would let Tyson Hesse direct a Sonic game one day because all of the stuff he has contributed to the Sonic franchise has been absolutely amazing, So it would be pretty cool to see him work on something much bigger than these cool little animated shorts.
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Squid Game: Ji-ok (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
6 October 2021
Very strong second episode, Even though It's more slow paced and character driven than the first one, It is still very good and not something you wanna skip, It shows us more of the real lives of our main characters, their motives, and how desperate they're for the money and it reminds us that sometimes our real lives are harsher than a kids game where you literally die if you lose or make a wrong move, I especially like the last 20 minutes, Really great stuff, Let's hope episode 3 is as strong as this one!
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I laughed through this 7 minute long short more than the entire 98 minute runtime of Little Man.
2 October 2021
This was a pretty hilarious Bugs Bunny short, The premise is very creative and unique and there's a lot of funny gags and jokes here, and the baby criminal character is very funny, I'm kinda sad there isn't more Looney Tunes shorts with him, and when Bugs realize that the "baby" isn't actually a baby, It gets funnier, Love this one a lot.
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CoryxKenshin (2009– )
30 September 2021
I know you may say that I'm kind of biased because I've been watching this dude for like 4 years, but I'm just gonna say, Coryxkenshin is one of greatest, funniest, most honest Youtubers, I've ever seen, From the hilarious and great editing to the chill vibe his videos give you to his fun and cool personality, There's just so much to like about him and his channel.

He's not problematic like unfortunately many Youtubers now a days, He's family friendly, He does not swear at all which is great for everyone to watch.

And he is just one of those Youtubers that you don't just watch because of the game he's playing or the title of the video, You watch him because of his personality, You want gaming videos videos, Boom He has like 400 videos playing different video games, You want cooking videos, Go watch Cooking with Kenshin, You want unboxing videos, Volgs, Reactions, He basically has everything on his channel and it's all great fun, I never got bored watching a Coryxkenshin video and I guarantee you will never too.

Not to mention how hardworking and inspirational he is, I know this may sound kinda corny but always when I get sad or depressed I go watch his channel, His videos are like my comfort zone, It's really cool how someone on the internet, You don't even know, Can cheer you up this much and distract you from whatever is going in your life, Coryxkenshin is a the perfect example of that, Especially his video "Inside of my MIND" straight up one of the most inspirational charming videos I've ever seen.

Just go watch him already, and believe me, You won't regret it.. SAMURAI STAND UP.
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Pretty cool little tie-in animation with the release of Sonic Colors: Ultimate!
28 September 2021
Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps is a pretty fun two-episode (mini series you could say) that follows Sonic and Tails as they try to help their wisp friend Jade free all the captured Wisps from the evil Dr. Eggman and his henchrobots.

This was a pretty cute enjoyable watch, I really love and appreciate the 2D animation here, Seriously the team did a great job with the visuals and art style, It's all very lovely and colorful, It's really hard to hate, The storyline was pretty generic though, I mean it's a 12 minutes cartoon, There's not much stuff you could do with such a short running time, But I still appreciate the efforts.

The voice acting was pretty great as always, Roger Craig Smith being the usual sassy, snarky hedgehog is what I live for, The rest of the cast did a pretty great job too, Even though I was kinda sad because of the lack of Mike Pollock's excellent Eggman voice but oh well..

So yeah, If you're a Sonic fan you'll have a pretty good time with this, I did, and the whole thing is on Sonic The Hedgehog's official YouTube channel so you don't really have an excuse to not watch this right now, and as far as ads go, This was a pretty fun well made ad for Sonic Colors: Ultimate.
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Tarzan & Jane (2002 Video)
This was pretty bad..
28 September 2021
Wow where do we even start with this one, I don't even know how to rate this movie because this "movie" barely classifies as a movie!

Apparently this movie is three episodes from already existing TV series 'The Legend of Tarzan' stitched together with new animation to make the narrative seem more.. seamless, and I gotta say this right off the bat, This movie has some of the worst looking animation Disney has ever produced.. EVER, I'm not even kidding, I'm talking about the new animation that was made specifically for this straight-to-DVD Tarzan sequel and yeah, It looks hideous, Like some cheap Brazilian knock off movie trying to imitate Disney's Tarzan so some poor Grandma buys it instead of Disney's original for her grandchildren (No disrespect to Brazil, I'm just saying that the animation literally looks like something outta Vídeo Brinquedo) Thankfully the three episodes/segments has pretty decent animation, Not something mind blowing, Just good enough for a Saturday morning cartoon.

The storyline is just ok, It follows Jane, Trying to think of something special to do with her 1 year anniversary with Tarzan, So Trek and Tantor try to help her with some ideas, The three stories are fine too, My favorite being the second one with Jane and her friends visiting her from London, It has a lot of funny bits and cute interactions but other than that it was pretty forgettable, Especially the other two stories.

The new song by Phil Collins and Mandy Moore were pretty cute, but nothing really special to write home about..

None of the voice cast of the original movie reprised their roles in this movie nor the TV series and It is pretty noticeable, I'm not talking about the side characters (Jim Cummings, April Winchell and Jeff Bennett did a phenomenal job with how little screen time their characters were given) I'm talking about our main characters, Jane and her super exaggerated British accent and Tarzan with his boring monotone voice, I'm not saying they did a bad job, It just lacks the heart and charisma the original cast had..

So yeah, This was pretty lame, If you're interested in more Tarzan adventures, Just go watch the TV series and don't watch whatever this is.. This is not the worst straight-to-DVD Disney sequel (I mean The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 still exists) but still I can't give this movie more than three stars, Just a very lazy lame movie.
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