
7 Reviews
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Sugar & Spice (2001)
Laughs are Tarnished by Homophobic Remarks
30 April 2001
Sugar and Spice is actually a pretty funny movie. Sure it's stupid, mindless, and unrealistic, but it does have a few parts that are truly laugh-out-loud funny. These rare gems are tarnished, however, by the film's many homophobic remarks. A male cheerleader is called "fag" repeatedly, Kansas has a fit and when she thinks her mother has a girlfriend in prison and calls her a dyke, snide comments are made about the group of close-knit girls being lesbians, among other things. That kind of stuff just isn't funny. Sugar and Spice's cheap-shots against gays and lesbians aren't necessary and, in fact, ruin an otherwise cute film.
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Go Fish (1994)
Nice try, but...
5 February 2001
Go Fish is a great effort as far as amateur film making goes, but it falls very short of the mark. The characters are one dimentional, the dialog is stilted and lame, and the acting is terrible. I don't know how the film was cast, but it seems that Troche and Turner just gathered up all the lesbians they knew and said, "Hey, wanna be in a movie?" If someone made this film as a part of an undergraduate film study program, then I might be impressed. The scenes where Max's friends lay on the floor with their heads together commenting on the film's events are difficult to watch and feel like bad communtity theatre. There are some interesting montage sequences interspersed throughout the film, but they have nothing to do with the story itself, and in the end just seem to exist soley for the purpose of being arty and pretentious. If you're looking for a great entry into lesbian film, this is not it. Try But I'm A Cheerleader or Better Than Chocolate.
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14 January 2001
It is difficult to know what to say about this movie. It is not good, but it is strangely compelling. As horrible as it was, I could not stop watching it. Like a car wreck, viewers will find themselves confused, disgusted, and asking themselves over an hour later, "What did I just watch?" This is the kind of film that actors do because they need the money, and later wouldn't want you to see. At least I hope that's the case. Even Natasha Lyonne couldn't save this film. Necophilia, confused teenage lust, vomit, drag-gypsies, kiddie porn, and murder are the main elements of this confused waste of film.
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Flubber (1997)
Painful and Droll
14 January 2001
On a flight home from Japan the in-flight movies were Flubber, Home Alone 3, and For Richer or Poorer (starring Tim Allen and Kristie Allie). These are by far three of the worst films I have ever been subjected to. How I managed to see them all in one shot, I will never know. Luck I guess.
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A Good-Effort, Campy B-Movie
14 January 2001
Although a big hit at gay and lesbian film festivals nation-wide, It's In the Water lacks in artistic merit and quality acting. The acting is flat and the direction is muddled at best. If you just want a fun little movie then this is the flick for you. However, if you really want to see a quality film that breaks boundaries and reinvents Queer Cinema, this is not it. Try Fire, Get Real, or But I'm A Cheerleader if you're looking for something that is not only more entertaining, but is more inventive and compelling.
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A Lesbian Classic? Why?
14 January 2001
With the continual release of GOOD lesbian films, it confuses me why this film is still so highly recommended and touted as a "lesbian classic." To put it bluntly, this movie is terrible in every way. The story line is contrived, the sound is bad, the direction is flat and the characters are unrealistic and unlikeable. Not to mention the film is terribly dated. Although it was released in 1992, it feels more like a film that was made in 1985. Although I am all about lesbian movies, I can not comprehend this addiction to bad film. Try something good: Better Than Chocolate, Fire, or But I'm A Cheerleader are worlds better than Claire of the Moon could ever pretend to be.
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Perfect blend of campy and sweet
7 August 2000
Very rarely am I this impressed by a film. As a matter of fact, I have seen it three times in the theatres and will gladly go again if I have the chance. People were literally laughing out loud in the theatre in a way I haven't heard since seeing Waiting For Guffman. This movie is the perfect blend of campy satire and tender love story. It is not trying to change the world, but it will manage to change your heart. Natasha Lyonne and Clea DuVall are incredible, but it's not just the cute girls that makes this film worth seeing. On a film making level, this movie is inventive and original. The soundtrack blends seamlessly with the story line. The people who picked the music for this film could not have done a finer job.

Whether or not you are gay does not matter. But I'm A Cheerleader leads right to the heart with plenty of laughs and memorable lines in-between. Seeing this film is a very good idea, indeed.
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