
7 Reviews
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Rapid Fire (1992)
Brandon's star rises
22 May 2000
This was Brandon Lee's second american made movie (Showdown In Little Tokyo was the first) and the film where you could see Brandon was starting his ascent up the action hero ladder. With each film Brandon's martial arts skills improved and in this movie he really shines. Not to mention his acting ability as well. He proved in this movie that he had what it takes to be a star. He incorporated some Hong Kong style action similar to Jackie Chan's films into this movie. An example is a terrific sequence in a small apartment where Lee takes on several bad guys armed with guns and he takes them out with his hands, feet, kitchen utensils, refrigerator doors, etc. Powers Boothe also does a great job as tired cop and Nick Mancuso plays the main villain very superb. The Crow was Brandon Lee's best movie but Rapid Fire displays his fighting skills the best. Definitely a must for action fans!
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I feel sorry for Brandon Lee
22 May 2000
I feel sorry for Brandon Lee because he had to start his career in american films with this lame movie. Brandon did the best he could with his part, but this movie is just too dumb for him to survive. I guess the makers of this film figured they needed an action movie for Lee to star in, but since he wasn't "a name" yet 'let's pair him with Dolph Lundgren. that will be good.' Dolph does his usual stone-faced, I can whip anybody, you're a loser type of 'acting'. He is so bad in this movie, it's kind of funny. Come to think of it, he's bad in every movie. He can't act. He can't do martial arts. He's just big and tall. Brandon Lee fans should only see this movie because I can't really recommend it to anyone else even hardcore action freaks. Lee has a couple of good fights, but they make Lundgren the hero in the end with a sword fight in a parade. Oh and that's after the gun battles and fights that take place in a beer factory. Oh and that takes place after Lee and Lundgren escape from a car being crushed be the bad guys at a junk yard. After which Lee asks, "So, what do we do now?". Lundgren responds, "We're going to enjoy being dead for a while." I guess "a while" means a 30 second sequence in which Lundgren goes home to train doing basic karate moves slower than my grandmother and putting on a Japanese warrior outfit complete with a headband. No mention of what Lee did for his 30 seconds! Then it's back to action. I think you get my point by now. If you see this think of it more as a comedy or as a study in how not to make a movie.
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Laser Mission (1989)
Really Low Budget
22 May 2000
This might have been a decent movie if they had any money to spend on it. Brandon Lee is the only good thing about it. I think I could make about as good of a movie myself with a camcorder. In fact they may have used camcorders because the picture isn't very good and I bought it new! Brandon Lee displays a comedic side here that was interesting. Other than that, forgettable.
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Kung Fu: The Movie (1986 TV Movie)
Brandon's first role
22 May 2000
This was Brandon Lee's first role (he was 21) and is a decent movie. If you like the show then you will like this. I personally think David Carridine is a disgrace to martial arts because well, he sucks. He also once claimed to be possessed by Bruce Lee's spirit. Ummm, yeah O.K. I only watched this to see Brandon Lee. You can tell he had really just started in the martial arts but he was still better than Carridine. Brandon did a good job acting too in kind of a villain role at first who changes his ways in the end. If you're a Brandon Lee fan, check it out grasshopper!
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The Crow (1994)
The Crow is a classic.
17 May 2000
The Crow is my favorite movie and I'll tell you why. First off this movie has everything. It has action, romance, science fiction, and even a horror aspect too. It also has an incredible performance from Brandon Lee as the murdered Eric Draven who is resurrected to avenge his and his fiance's deaths. It's the best movie adapted from a comic book ever made period. Wonderful sets and a great director helped make this movie a classic. Don't miss!!!!!
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Brandon Lee only reason to see this.
17 May 2000
This movie pilot is pretty tame when it comes to the martial arts sequences. Really the only reason to watch this is to see Brandon Lee in one of his first roles. He does a little fighting but not much. The guy playing his father is pretty dull and obviously has no ability in the martial arts whatsoever. In summary, only avid Brandon Lee fans should check this out because it's pretty lame.
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Typical Hong Kong Flick
17 May 2000
This is your typical actioner from Hong Kong with hardly any plot and lots of guns and martial arts action. This was Brandon Lee's first movie so that's of special note and also has Bolo who was in Enter the Dragon with Bruce. Brandon had yet to polish his martial arts skills like he displayed in Rapid Fire so the fight scenes kind of look robotic. If you're a Brandon Lee fan then I recommend watching at least once. If not only watch it if just about any action film will satisfy you.
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