
119 Reviews
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Jockey (2021)
Quite a disappointment
16 April 2024
'Smiling Jockey' was in my list of films to watch, I knew nothing about it other than a couple of remarks that made it sound interesting. I sat down with a drink and put it on. I liked the low angle dusk/dawn shots that occured throughout the movie, but the soundtrack wasn't perfect and I would haved subtitles. I looked for them after watching the movie for 10 minutes but found none. I continued watching, and at many points wondered am i watching actual people talking about actual events, or are these actors, acting out a story or true-life event. I'm still not sure.

The camerawork continued to be good, but most of the visual was head to head talking, and by the halfway mark I thought I had made a mistake with this movie. I continued by fast forwarding the film, and watching a few scenes until the end where I watched the final 10 minutes at normal speed. A little action - which was welcome in a film about horse racing - but it failed to make the movie much more interesting and so I put this one to bed with a low rating. Sorry! Would have been a '1' but the camerawork make it a '2.'
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Expected a lot better.
16 April 2024
'Smiling Jockey' was in my list of films to watch; I knew nothing about it other than a couple of remarks that made it sound interesting. I sat down with a drink and put it on. I liked the low angle dusk/dawn shots that occurred throughout the movie, but the soundtrack wasn't perfect and I would have liked subtitles. I looked for them after watching the movie for 10 minutes but found none. I continued watching, and at many points wondered am I watching actual people talking about actual events, or are these actors, acting out a story or true-life event. I'm still not sure.

The camerawork continued to be good, but most of the visual was head to head talking, and by the halfway mark I finally decided I had made a mistake with this movie. I continued by fast forwarding the film, and watching a few scenes until the end where I watched the final 10 minutes at normal speed. A little action - which was welcome in a film about horse racing - but it failed to make the movie much more interesting and so I put this one to bed with a low rating. Sorry! Would have been a '1' but the camerawork make it a '2.'
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Often done before, and better
5 March 2024
These survival type movies have been done many times before and often better than this.

The two main characters were acted well, but had to put up with a predictable and unoriginal script.

The storyline went backwards and forwards between a lot of explanatory dialogue interspersed with the usual not-convincing action scenes in which the heroes got away with so many things that just wouldn't happen in real life.

I would have rated it even lower if it were not for the really excellent scenes and props in many of the episodes. These really belonged to a much better overall production, which sadly 'The Last of Us' never achieved, or looked like achieving.

I see that a second series has been slated, but I certainly won't be watching it.
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Hijack (2023)
Don't worry - I have the answer
1 December 2023
I was looking forward to 'Hijack' - maybe a decent thriller worth watching. Well, I watched episode 1 and the acting was good, also the camerawork and editing - though quite clichéd. So I carried on with episode 2, and almost immediately it struck me that the script was becoming more laboured and most of the characters acting to script.

I carried on until midway through the second episode by which time I was getting sure that I was wasting my time, so I paused the screening, and turned to the reviews on IMDB. After reading about 20 of these it became obvious that the series had been poorly written and despite some good acting it was another ultimately poor series.

I was ready to give up on it for sure, and then I had my flash of inspiration - let's just watch the seventh and final episode, as I had the full set at my disposal.

I tell it to you straight - this is the way to go! Much of the final episode was quite exciting, plus there was plenty of information given to fill in the missing five middle episodes. Just working out the plot as the final episode went along made it much more exciting, and you could enjoy the climax. Having said that, it wasn't THAT good a climax, so maybe just don't watch it anyway.
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House M.D.: Out of the Chute (2011)
Season 7, Episode 16
I had to bite the bullet to complete this episode.
16 November 2023
Well I had become addicted to the House series and rated it very highly at first (9) but like so many series, it had slipped to 7 by series 7. This episode almost made me give up completing the eight series. I mean, just how bad can House be portrayed. It had been ludicrous for many seasons, but this episode!

I'm at a loss to know why IMDB insists on so many characters these days, when one only wants to express a simple opinion, so I will repeat the first para and hope that that works. I had become addicted to the House series and rated it very highly at first (9) but like so many series, it had slipped to 7 by series 7. This episode almost made me give up completing the eight series. I mean, just how bad can House be portrayed. It had been ludicrous for many seasons, but this episode!
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Outstanding film - in the worst way possible.
7 April 2023
Yes I would say this is possibly the worst film ever made. I can't remember anything as bad as this in my 65 years of regular movie going. Yes I would say this is possibly the worst film ever made. I can't remember anything as bad as this in my 65 years of regular movie going. Yes I would say this is possibly the worst film ever made. I can't remember anything as bad as this in my 65 years of regular movie going. It is totally disrespectful to the film industry. Did I say this was possibly the worst film ever made. I can't remember anything as bad as this in my 65 years of regular movie going.
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The Cleaner (2021– )
One of the most un-funny things I've watched in a long while
20 March 2023
This series was recommended by a good friend so I was looking forward to some good humour. I found it really unfunny, and the lead actor did absolutely nothing for me. I'd never heard of him and seen none of his other work. The way the series progressed with a different star each episode did nothing to make it any better. That's as much as I want to say but now IMDB is insisting on reviews of 600 characters. I don't know why and when I look at other reviews there are many with less characters than that. I do hope they drop this demand, or I will not be posting many more reviews. Take me to the Cleaners!
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Cunk on Earth (2022)
A good idea and format when it originally started.
27 February 2023
When I saw the original programmes with Diane Morgan playing Philomena Cunk, I thought they were both very original and witty. When "Cunk on Earth" appeared, I watched it hoping for more merth, but I didn't get it.

Diane just trotted out the same expressions and humour, which were now not that funny and in fact, not so well written as much of her earlier stuff. Cringeful in fact. Each episode was extremely repetetive and seemingly stuck in a groove.

A shame, for I expected some progression but none was there. She had better step up her game in any future series. The high scores in the ratings for this series is disturbing!
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A really good attempt at a sort of sequel
5 January 2023
Who would fancy following up such an outstanding film as the original 'The Man Who Fell To Earth'!

Well they did, and for me the first two thirds of the episodes were in the 8 or 9's out of 10. Some new concepts - but staying in touch with what we saw in the original. Good cast, filming, editing and story line.

After episode 7, the story writing seemed to go a bit haywire, forcing characters to lose some of the credibility they'd previously drawn up. Very unlikely things began to happen too often - and as often seems to happen, a series just runs out of good ideas.

As this has happened, I hope there is not a second series. I will much more happily revisit the original for the umpteenth time.
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Ozark: You're the Boss (2022)
Season 4, Episode 10
It's all over the place
19 December 2022
The probability of the events in this episode actually happening are so low, certainly zero. Marty with no Spanish decides to go and tough it out with all the cartel members - really!

Just where are the writers taking this series as it comes to an end? More and more violence and killings, with new characters coming and going so quickly, one loses the plot - and there are just so many subplots, most of them so preposterous, what is the point.

Characters are now moving from one country to another without any of the problems that actually happen in real life.

A good series when it started, but really 'off the rails' as series 4 comes to an end.
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Ozark: Fire Pink (2020)
Season 3, Episode 9
Worst episode of OZARK so far.
12 December 2022
Like any series, there are ups and downs, and the past 3 episodes of Ozark have been getting boring and tedious. I will stick it out, mainly to see how they end the programme, as virtually all the characters are such bad examples of humankind, they all deserve very bad deaths.

Just to humour the joker who thinks a review must have 600 characters - Like any series, there are ups and downs, and the past 3 episodes of Ozark have been getting boring and tedious. I will stick it out, mainly to see how they end the programme, as virtually all the characters are such bad examples of humankind, they all deserve very bad deaths.
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Karen Pirie (2022– )
From good books, comes good video
28 October 2022
I've always thought that most of the best films I've viewed are based on good books. Not always, but usually true. So it's not surprising I enjoyed an adaptation of one of the best crime writers of our age, Val McDermid.

'The Distant Echo,' written nearly 20 years ago, has transferred well to a three-part TV series. It is overlong and ideally should have been a lot shorter, but the camera work, editing and sets were all good, as was the acting. The juxtaposition of similar scenes from different times worked very well. Unfortunately, the sound quality was unusually poor and after starting the series without subtitles, I was forced to watch the beginning again, after adding the subtitles.

I hope there are more (shorter) Karen Pirie videos to come; Val McDermid's original book series "The Wire in the Blood" was made into an excellent TV series.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Middle of the road TV fodder
11 July 2022
Something like this has been done so many times before, and that's that. Gary Oldman is outstanding, the other actors competent enough. The story is full of holes and loose ends. There are some ludicrous scenes that should have ended on the cutting room floor.
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Another 'classic' badly adapted for television
25 June 2022
'The Midwich Cuckoos' was an excellent novel, and very well filmed as 'Village of the Damned' in 1960. That film kept it short at 1 hour 17 minutes and maintained tension throughout.

This version must have lasted about 6 hours overall, and followed the familiar pattern of recent TV series - re-imagining a classic story and spinning it out. Finally it looked just like so many other recent series, completely losing its original charm and impact. Many scenes far too long, and many unnecessary characterizations whilst important characters were hardly developed.

I enjoyed the first episode which set the modern-day scene well, but it got long-winded in episode 2 and continued in that vein to the end. Even the climax, which had some tension in it, was no match for the 'battle of minds' portrayed in both 'Village of the Damned' feature films.

Sadly, many people praised it, showing the effect that countless similar TV productions has had on viewers.

I certainly agree with another reviewer who likened it to a Dr Who series, for these reasons.
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Better Call Saul: Bad Choice Road (2020)
Season 5, Episode 9
Things don't heal that quickly
1 June 2022
For a series that must pride itself on accuracy, and usually does, this episode fell down on such accuracy.

'silverton-3795916' pointed out in his review the unlikely task that Jimmy completed, carrying such a weight around in the desert - which is true.

I wish to point out that in 1 or 2 days, Jimmy would NEVER have lost that sunburn and skin markings he developed whilst in the desert, but he did on film.

There are other instances in BCS where characters get shot up or badly injured and their recovery is far too quick.

Other than those gripes, what a great series.
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Knowing (2009)
What a film's meant to be
9 May 2022
Entertaining. It kept me interested for over 2 hours. It wasn't perfect, but it was novel idea, the acting was good, and the special effects were excellent.

At times it went off the rails a bit, but it's a film - and it was polished and did what it was meant to - entertain!
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A total borefest
4 April 2022
The film from HELL. I was in HEAVEN when it finally finished. A boring film all the way through, about horrible people. Jessica Chastain STOLE the Oscar from Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Olivier Colman and Kristen. One of the worst films I have ever set through.
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Hawkwind: Do Not Panic (2007 TV Movie)
Part of British pop history not so well known
2 April 2022
A pretty fair accessment and interesting documentary on the history of 'Hawkwind' - an English group that kept going throughout most of my life from the 1960's to the present time (2022).

Not one of the most well known groups but one that certainly stood the test of time and influenced a number of popular music styles. Their biggest hit was 'Silver Machine' which was an outstanding single, and one that many people will remember for the rest of their lives.

It was very interested to read the one and only other review from someone who was not at all familiar with the group. A very honest and lengthy appraisal.
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
The best of a very good series
3 March 2022
Ted Lasso has just got better and better. Series 2, derided by many, I thought was better and grew well out of Series 1. The story lines were more varied and better written, though always continuing on from previous episodes.

This episode was a milestone. It deviated from the main story a lot, though that was fine by me. Reviewers either hated or loved it, and you can see what I thought of it. Very clever varying of the main football story, but TED LASSO has always been more about the characters than just the sport.

I just hope that they continue this into a third series. This is the best DIFFERENT series since 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel', and deserves more praise.
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
I viewed the whole four series in 2 weeks recently
24 February 2022
I rated series 1 - 8/10, series 2 - 9/10, series 3 - 9/10 and series 4 - 4/10; let me explain. Series 1 was getting established and was really good; the partnership of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman was one of the most highly successful pairings in TV or film history. They were made for one another, and this didn't change throughout the four series. Writing, sets and direction were spot on.

Series 2 and 3 continued in a similar vein, being top-notch most of the time, with a few digressions. Superb viewing most of the time. Series 4 more or less kept the standards of acting and technical stuff very high, but the writing and direction went steeply downhill. Whereas previous series had taken a lot from the original Conon Doyle novels, for series 4 the writers seemed to disappear up their own backsides with some ridiculous and pretentious writing that would have been more appropriate in a Doctor Who series than Sherlock Holmes. I was not surprised to hear that both writers were involved in writing Doctor Who episodes at the same time as they were doing Sherlock. Success either went to their heads or they lost their way!

So that's my take on the Sherlock series. All well made and watcheable with my caveat that series 4 lost the (Sherlock) plot.
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Green Wing (2004–2007)
A complete mash-up
22 February 2022
A complete mash-up of some exceedingly funny sequences and some long, dreary intermissions. The 'in your face' humour is often smutty

After watching both series and the very drawn-out final episode, it's hard to rate. If the rubbish was weeded out, it would be a 9 or 10. Many young actors were beginning their careers here and their talent is obvious. Seeing Olivia Colman was a surprise, but she is not used as much as she might have been. Mark Heap has some of the funniest scenes and looks like a reincarnation of John Cleese.

If only the less written pieces hadn't been there!
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Not too sure why
16 February 2022
I'll give it 4, but I'm not too sure why. As it went on, it just got worse in every way.

The first two of this franchise had quite a bit of humour, this one virtually none. Script was comic book stuff (pun intended), direction wayward, acting was OK (fight scenes were well choreographed) and choice of music pretty awful.

A lot of CGI which looked poor. Stop now please.
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Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (2016)
Season 4, Episode 0
This different approach didn't work
9 February 2022
One of the delights of the 'Sherlock' series is putting it in the modern day. Taking the characters back in the past for one story just didn't work.

Anyway, the script was poor and there were far too many just boring patches.
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Rush Hour (1998)
Hasn't aged at all
4 February 2022
Watching RUSH HOUR for the first time, it didn't seem over 20 years old. It was amusing throughout and the two leads worked so well together.

There wasn't a slack moment in the movie and it was over very fast, after many enjoyable moments. And Yes, the out-takes at the end were worth viewing.
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A surprising gem
21 January 2022
I was most surprised to really enjoy watching this 'reunion documentary.' As well as coming over very genuine to me, it gave me many insights into the making of the Harry Potter movie series.

Another factor I greatly enjoyed was the 'growing up' of so many of the characters, over an eight film sequence, which is very rarely seen.
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