
9 Reviews
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The Green H...olmes
7 October 2014
Carolyn's thoughts: This was pretty funny, and an interesting twist on the Sherlock Holmes franchise. Instead of Holmes being the brilliant detective, Watson is the detective and just uses Holmes as a cover. It was funny throughout, and it kept us sufficiently entertained.

Clint's thoughts: I was definitely reminded of the recent Seth Rogan version of The Green Hornet: A "hero" who is pretty much useless, with a sidekick who does all the work, all the while during which the "hero" comically takes all the glory from the "sidekick", who is ignored and never given credit.

That's basically the same formula here... But with MUCH better actors!

It was a total win. It had all the comedic feel of some of the recent Sherlock Holmes films, yet it was nothing like them at all. Funny adventures indeed... These guys could have done a series. It would have basically been the British Moonlighting. Would have been awesome.
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Robodoc (2009)
bad even for National Lampoon
5 October 2014
This could have been politically poignant and relevant, adding an extra layer of unique satire to the comedy. Instead, they totally missed the mark. On both the satire AND the comedy. Most of the jokes fell flat and it just wasn't enough to make it to a passing grade. It's like a bunch of has-beens are trying to make a movie, but they just couldn't get their groove on. Alan Thicke was kind of wooden, Corin Nemic (Parker Lewis) didn't have much going on. David Faustino (Bud Bundy) was good, but his character wasn't funny. They literally got Michael Winslow (Police Academy guy who makes funny sounds) and then only had him make one sound effect.

So the movie just ended up not living up to what it could have been. On any level. This is bad even for a National Lampoon film!
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Firefox (1983 Video Game)
Does anyone remember this?
16 October 2009
If anyone remembers the laser disc video games in the 1980s, this was one of them.

It was pretty much the first laser disc game after Dragon's Lair / Space Ace came out.

However, many forgot about this game, or never noticed it in the first place.

This used real photographs of real landscapes, which was completely groundbreaking.

They were black & white, since there was no way color photographs for all the land you went over could possibly be stored on a laser disc.

This game was awesome! You flew a jet around, and engaged in battles with other jets.

It was, obviously, based on the movie Firefox.

And has nothing to do with the browser! This was 1982!
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What is everyone's problem?
28 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but the show did not jump the shark when Lois & Clark got married. Granted, the actual wedding episode left something to be desired, but I simply cannot comprehend why everyone started hating this show when they got married or when Lois found out Clark was Superman.

Did you just want her to be a stupid bimbo who couldn't figure out the obvious for the entire show? She's an INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER... Of course she is eventually going to figure it out. If you ask me, they took TOO long to let her know... (Once Tempus told her, that should have been enough!)


My only complaint is the last 10 seconds of the series. They whine and whine and whine about not being able to have a baby and, oh joy, look, a baby magically appears at the end. Without explanation, reason, or sense. I couldn't think of an ending that could be worse than that.

But the series itself was good. Especially the comebacks with Tempus and H.G. Wells. That was a nice (albeit a bit corny) touch.

They should have had more Lex Luthor. Though, I must say, Shea's portrayal of Lex was a bit overzealous. "Nobody understands me!" Just shut up and die, already, Lex. And then they bring back his son?

Okay, there are a couple complaints, but overall this is a great series. I watched all 88 episodes in the space of about 5 weeks, and it was very entertaining.
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SG (2000–2002)
Great series. But as usual, too short-lived.
3 May 2002
MTV has a long history of canceling any good series wayyy too soon. (With the exception of Beavis & Butt-head, and Daria.)

This was a great series. I've never seen a combination comedy / spy adventure series before. The way they never took anything seriously (and always told everyone outright that they were spies) was hilarious.

I wish there had been more than 6 episodes.

If you're lucky, you can find RealVideo files of all 6 episodes. MTV should release it, but MTV never does the smart thing. And people would rather watch pulp junk like The Real World anyway...
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Dilbert (1999–2000)
Hate the comic, love the show.
22 January 2000
What can I say? I hate the comic, but love the show. What good can a 3-frame comic strip really achive? Not much content. But a 22-minute animated show? Now that's the perfect medium for setting the whole mood Dilbert originally intended to set. I love the show, and hope it keeps getting renewed. It's low-key sense of humour is consistent with the comic strip, ONLY FUNNY.
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I don't see why it got such a bad rap.
8 January 2000
I'm only reviewing this because of all the bad reviews. I gave it a 7 though I may change it to a 6 later. I really don't see why people had such a major problem with this movie. It was fun. "You call this justice?!?!?!"

Basically, don't go into the movie expecting some crazy comedy with an intricate plot line. This movie is just a light-hearted movie to have a few laughs though; no masterpiece, but certainly not a 3.4 either. (That's what it was rated when I wrote this review.)
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Cabin Boy (1994)
Great fantasy/comedy co-directed by Tim Burton
8 June 1999
It should be mentioned that Tim Burton co-directed this film. It really, really shows. Scenes from the movie vaguely remind me of a live-action version of James And The Giant Peach. Some of the cinematagraphy has that obvious Burton beautiful, almost melodramatic look to it (I love that).

I would recommend this to fantasy lovers, and to people who just want to relax, suspend their disbelief, and enjoy a fantasy-laden comedic voyage through the sea.
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Great show, a bit corny, but a good plot that never gets resolved.
27 May 1999
This was a great show!!

On first glance, it may seem a bit dorky and juvenile.

However, if one actually watches all the episodes in order, they have a good story to tell.

If you can ignore the blatant morality imposed on all American cartoons [can never kill the bad guy, even if he just tried to kill you for the 10th time], then this is a REALLY good cartoon. Serialized and everything.

The story continues from one episode to the next, yet abruptly stops without any conclusion. That is a real letdown and disappointment. Even Cartoon Network has commented on this in a humour commercial.
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