"The Walking Dead" A (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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What the show should have always been.
Richtofen-7231 March 2014
This episode represents what The Walking Dead should always be. It was expertly paced (the Lost-style flashback structure worked very well!), the camera-work was outstanding from the usual episodes, and the direction? Great, as is always the case with Breaking Bad veteran Michelle MacLaren. For the first time all year, I've felt that the characters I'm attached to were in serious danger. For the first time in a long time, I felt like there was a sh**load of weighted symbolism in the framing and that I'm watching something that the creators really care about. It's strange how much the quality of a show can improve when you give people like Gimple and MacLaren the reins. Scott M. Gimple has taken the mess left behind by Glen Mazzara and turned it around completely, and I couldn't be more thankful. Rick's epic kill was not only shocking and disgusting, but weighted in symbolism. Things like more variety in camera shots was something that added so much to the experience it's unbelievable. I'm not exaggerating at all. When AMC lets The Walking Dead take chances, this is what we get.
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What is Terminus?
jagar43213 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers

I have never posted a review about a Waking Dead episode, but this episode caught my attention. First of all, the connection between the rabbit snare and the Terminus human snare was chilling to say the least. Is Terminus really a human snare? It looks like it. They could have easily killed Rick and his "family" but they are keeping them alive. Why? How many reasons can possibly make sense in such a situation given the evidence? And what is the evidence?

Here is the evidence: Moans for help in the train car. The fresh human bones in a separate room. Candles in what looks like a room for worship. conclusion: This place looks like some sort of satanic cult that traps humans, sacrifices and then eats them.

Now let me talk about the episode in a general way. This episode was very artistic visually and metaphorically speaking. Rick crossed the final line for what it takes to be a fearless leader by biting that guy's (forgot his name) throat out. A family became established in that Rick is now Daryll's brother and Michionne is Carl's mother. The blood on Rick's face and beard was very scary, but absolutely astonishing. Michionne's confession to Carl shows that she has finally accepted what she has done and can move on. Daryll being comforted by his big "brother" allows him to forgive himself for not being able to save Beth.

Essentially this episode served to build up a strong family that will give blood for one another. A family that will be the main force in the next season.

"Fix them a plate"
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Terminus Revealed!
g-bodyl4 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the sixteenth and final episode of the fourth season of the Walking Dead. This is a fantastic episode and of course the climax of the episode leaves the viewers wanting more, but of course that is a whole another season. This episode is incredibly violent and fast-paced and this is where Rick does something quite disgusting, but necessary to prevent a rape of his son. Also, we finally see the true guise of Terminus. Are they some kind of satanic cult sacrificing humans and eating their flesh? Well we shall see in Season Five.

In this episode, "A," Rick, Carl, and Michonne are nearing Terminus when they are attacked by the Claimers. Daryl tries to claim them, but is no good use. As Carl is about to be raped and Daryl getting beaten, Rick is able to overpower them and kill them all. Rick forgives Daryl and they continue to Terminus, where it may not be the sanctuary they all have been hoping for.

Overall, this is a great finale and an odd one because there are no major deaths. But I am in desperate need to find out what happens next. A very high-paced, action-packed episode. Rick's final line of the episode is very meaningful. I rate this episode 10/10.
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An Excellent Season Finale
slightlymad221 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers

Plot In A Paragraph: Rick, Carl and Michonne are getting ever closer to Terminus. In the night, they are taken prisoner by Joe and the other marauders. When Daryl realises who it is, he tries to explain that they are good people. Joe won't hear any excuses. During a violent confrontation Rick shows just how far he is prepared to be to defend his family and friends. When they finally reach Terminus everything seems to be order - until Rick sees someone using the watch Hershel gave Glenn.

They sure do know how to leave you on a cliffhanger with this show!! It looks like it will be up to Carol and Tyreese to save the gang, as everybody else is trapped in Terminus.

The morning after scene between Rick and Daryl was superbly acted by both Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus.

A top job all round by all involved.
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Simple Incredible
readjacksonporter30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy The Walking Dead. I don't think I can name one episode that I haven't liked. That being said, I enjoy the slow scenes, the character development scenes, and the romance scenes just as much as I enjoy the fighting and gore scenes. So there could be an episode dedicated entirely to character development with no zombies and I'd be okay with it. I'm just letting you know this before the review.

This season has been captivating. It lost me a bit with The Governor's episodes. I enjoyed them, they wed just kind of long. I was wondering how they'd be able to drag out the whole travel to Terminus thing for the last eight episodes, but I believe they managed it pretty well.

Rick has been my favorite. And the scene where he basically resembles a Walker is priceless. That scene was so shocking and so gut-wrenching that any hardcore Walking Dead fan couldn't help but cheer a bit inside. Rick isn't crazy, he's just willing.

They wrapped up enough of the plot to leave us satisfied, but left enough for more of us to return to the season 5 premiere. The last line of the episode also aroused a cheer amongst the fans. "They're screwing with the wrong people." It's like we've been sitting here, watching this show for 4 seasons, saying, "These people are freaking awesome!" And the whole cast of characters have never really come out and said it, and I love how Rick acknowledged it. I love how Rick finally realized that they can't be reckoned with. That if anyone is going to survive until the end, it'll be them.

The element that intrigued me the most in this episode was Terminus. It was supposed to be nothing we expected, and it kind of . . . wasn't. It's suspicious but of course it's not safe. We still have zero answers about this place, but what I'm gathering from it is that it's some sort of research facility. That's just a guess though. Other than that, my only guess is a slaughterhouse.

Let's not forget that Carol and Tyreese are still out there. Those two are basically the only group's hope for escaping trouble in season 5. And Beth. But I'm still unsure whether she was kidnapped or just drove away. It's likely she's gone though. I wasn't sure how they could top the Governor as a villain, but these Terminus guys, well they seem like they'll do the job.

I also LOVE how no major characters were killed off in this episode. So many guesses were thrown out about who'd die in the finale, and everyone thought they guessed right, but the writers once again fooled us. No one dies. And somehow that seemed perfect for the finale of season 4.

All in all, I'm pumped for season 5, and I'm 100% positive I won't be disappointed.
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"Who are we?" Warning: Spoilers
After the all out battle at the prison that was the mid season finale of The Walking Dead, they wisely opted for a genuine cliff hanger to end season four; one that sets the stage perfectly for the next installment, while decisively closing the door with a bang on much that has come before.

And if anyone closed a door in this episode, it was Rick Grimes, who truly and without apology, embraced his savage side when he bit open Joe's neck and gutted that pedophile who was menacing Carl. Gone forever was Farmer Rick, as well as the man who fought with Shane over sparing a scavenger's life. This is a now a man fully awake to the savagery of the world after the Zombie Apocalypse; one who will do whatever it takes to protect Carl and his adopted family.

In fact family, and what makes one, seemed to be a sub theme of this episode; look at the moment when Rick acknowledges Daryl as his brother and think about the latter's relationship with Merle and how he has always been an outsider from the beginning. Then there was the scene where Michonne tells Carl of the fate of her son, his father and her friend in the refugee camp, and how the real Michonne went away in the face of all that horror, only to be drawn back out again by caring people like Carl, Andrea and Rick-her new family. Contrast them to the people inside Terminus-they share a bond of "blood," but not in a way that makes them better or stronger. Who are we? Carl asked his father early in the episode and later referred to himself as just another monster, but the answer was plain to see.

We found out what was really going inside Terminus and it turns out to be more evil than the Governor on his worst day. There was the introduction of the a new character, Gareth, the leader of Terminus, who will hopefully be the Big Bad in season five.

It was great to see Herchel in the flashbacks at the prison; he is sorely missed.

I know a lot of fans were disappointed that there wasn't another bloodbath to end the season-although the massacre of Joe's group surely counts for something; same for those who wanted all the plot lines tied up: what happened to Beth? Where's Tyrese, Carole, and baby Judith? They'll just have to wait.

And who closed the railroad car door after Carl? No one was standing there.

"They're screwing with the wrong people," was Rick''s reply to Abraham at the end of the show, letting us know he is a man who has seen the worst and done the worst and is no longer afraid. Bring on season five.
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Dark extremities
TheLittleSongbird16 October 2018
Had heard nothing but great things about 'The Walking Dead' from friends and IMDb reviewers. It took a while to get round to watching, both from being busy and also not being sure whether it would be my cup of tea. Finally getting round to it a few years ago and slowly working my way through it, having had a very long to watch and review list, 'The Walking Dead' turned out to be very much my cup of tea and as good as the hype made it out to be, have found it extremely addictive.

All the previous Season 4 episodes were for me decent to outstanding, though a few episodes are divisive. Despite any reservations as to how it fares as a season finale, "A" to me was an outstanding episode on its own terms. It is easily the second best episode of Season 4's second half, after "The Grove". It is also one of Season 4's very best and one of the best of the show overall, a return to the tense and gutsy kind of episode instead of the quieter action-light kind of episode. It is yet again a strong reminder of how Seasons 1-5 of 'The Walking Dead' to me were absolutely brilliant and seeing the show in its full glory days (Season 6 was uneven, Season 7 was a huge disappointment and am still debating whether to watch Season 8). It is as emotional, complex and as tense as one would expect, at the same time it has adrenaline and guts.

It still shocks me at how an intelligent, well-made (so much so that it is easy to mistake it for a film) show about zombies could be made when so many films have tried and failed abysmally to do so.

Like all the episodes of the show, "A" is incredibly well made in the production values, with gritty and audacious production design, photography of almost cinematic quality, effects that look good, have soul and are not overused or abused and pretty frightening make-up. The music is haunting and affecting, having presence but never being too intrusive.

The writing is intelligent and thought-provoking, not as talky as some of the previous episodes, with lots of tension and emotional resonance and shows signs of character complexity and multiple layer storytelling. The more eventful parts with the Claimers are thrilling and terrifying as well as uncompromising. The ending is deeply disturbing and wrenched the gut in how shocking it is. In terms of storytelling, "A" is one of the darkest episodes, up to this point of the show and overall, as well as one of the most shocking. On a thematic level, especially with Rick, "A" to me came over as one of the show's most fascinating.

Appreciated the ever strong and still progressing story, where a lot happens and full of different strands without being confused or over-stuffed, and character building, which the episode has a bigger emphasis on, and that the pace is rarely dull or rushed, with a taut intensity in the more tense parts. The character writing and the character interactions are what is particularly great here, with some especially fine character writing for Rick and Daryl. The flashbacks feature a good deal here but for me they were compelling with some very interesting and complex symbolic themes and interwoven beautifully, while not making the mistake of reiterating what is already known, didn't think that they unbalanced the episode.

Everything is nicely paced without rushing through the more important parts, much of it being very taut. The world building is already stunningly immersive and effective. Direction is smart and atmospheric while the show throughout has been strongly acted. Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus are particularly superb and the Claimers are suitably formidable adversaries that add significantly to the episode's tension.

Summing up, an outstanding way to end a mostly very impressive and mostly brilliant even season. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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All the things we have done..
and_mikkelsen27 January 2024
What things did we have to do to get here? Did we ever go to far on some places?

This was a wild finale with some very memorable moments and how Rick developed in just one episode.. wow!

This episode went to a whole new level of brutality as Rick practicly went BEAST MODE in such a graphic way, that even Carl got scared of him! This was obviously a major turning point for him! He has been hiding this part og him since season 3, but now it has been let loose! Now Rick.. is just as scary as the other bad guys!

The flashbacks were used perfectly to show the growth of Rick's character!

The ending was tense and the Cliffhanger was cruel! Terminus is not what you think it is.. and if you know what kind of place it is.. this episode gets even more disturbing!

Brace yourself for this episode..and the episode that folliws!
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As Expected, the Series Is Interrupted in Its Climax
claudio_carvalho2 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When Rick, Carl and Michonne stop for the night close to Terminus, Joe and the marauders surprise them and Joe recalls that Rick killed one of his men. Daryl tries to explain that they are good people, but two guys beat him up. When one of the men is ready to rape Carl, Rick savagely reacts to protect his son and friends and they subdue the marauders and revert the situation. Then they reach Terminus and are welcomed by the locals. But when Rick sees one of the locals wearing Glenn's watch, the quartet learn that Terminus is not a sanctuary as they believe it would be.

"The Walking Dead – A" is a gripping episode with a great story despite the pointless flashbacks with Hershel in the prison. As expected, the series is interrupted in its climax. Now we fans will have to guess who these people from Terminus are. My guess is that they are cannibals since they have abundance of meat without having cattle. Why "A"? My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "A"

Note: On 16 April 2016, I saw this show again.
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What an awesome finale!
CM-Drunk1 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow what a dark and shocking episode! The scene with the marauders attacking Ricks group and trying to rape Carl was mad! Its the same as the comics what is brilliant but I'm surprised they went through with it! Brilliant writing and acting from all of them! This just shows that season 4 is truly the best season yet! The walking dead shows that bad things can happen and that it can really emotionally shock people! More dark but good things to come definitely! And the people of terminus are obviously keeping people locked up to eat! As you here people screaming and see human flesh and bones in one scene! Also cliffhangers are annoying but this worked so well keeping people on their feet and wanting season 5 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!

Not been disappointed with any episode at all. Cannot wait for season 5!
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They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out.
snoozejonc19 December 2021
This is a compelling episode with an ending that, for the first time in the show, made me immediately watch the next one.

There is virtually nothing I can say about the plot without spoiling, however it has plenty of big character moments for Rick, Carl and Daryl. Rick's development is quite significant, along with Carl's perspective of him, and this is clearly presented through the use of flashback. Also, the storytelling has a creepy sense of foreboding that is very effective.

Andrew Lincoln is on top form and is supported very well by the rest of the cast.

As ever, it is wonderfully produced with great cinematography, editing, lighting and fantastic art design. The set design of the Terminus is especially good.
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Not Quite The Ideal Season Finale
sharpcourse31 March 2014
Here I have to say its good to see Hershel again.

First Rick goes into prison nostalgia then we find out the reason for that soon enough. We have a contestant for the most far-fetched recovery from a group of marauders in the scene where Joe's group attempt to punish Rick for killing their friend. That escape was played quite unconvincingly. Its salvaged by Daryl though. How we have seen unquestionable loyalty from him towards Rick over the course of this series but that scene was another structure for his character, further emphasized by the "you are my brother" phrase from Rick.

Oh terminus. Men without guns asking men with guns to lay down their weapons. That's gotta give you a bad feeling. Quite mediocre episode this is. I looked at the time at the end wondering -is this it-? This episode could have been replaced with the mid-season finale "too far gone", all they need is a little storyline reshuffling after all nothing much has happened from then up till now.

This season and sometimes the entire show just takes a brilliant premise and drags it on to God knows where. The only reason I look forward to next season is cause I wonder how Rick's gonna prove "they are screwing with the wrong people".

I'm still undecided.
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A good episode, but not a good finale
fraherj31 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first off, this season finale raised more questions than it answered. What is up with the Terminans? Where is Beth? Why didn't we see Carol, Tyreese, and Lil' Asskicker? What was with that creepy candle room?

So, the episode opens with a flashback (one of many) of the gap between seasons 3 and 4, where Hershel is trying to get Rick to learn to farm in order to save himself and Carl from the people they're becoming. I liked these flashbacks, because they show how much Rick has gone back to his bad ass self.

The whole episode focuses on Rick, Carl, Michonne, and Daryl, once the two groups meet, resulting in a big fight scene, my favorite of the episode, and ending in Rick biting off a piece of Joe's shoulder and brutally stabbing another man from Joe's group. After, they are unsure of Terminus, and rightly so, given the shows track record.

So, they sneak around to the back of Terminus through the woods, where Michonne tells Carl about what happened to her son, Andre, and how she ended up with her first pair of walker pets. It's nice to finally find out what happened with Michonne. The four of them sneak in the back way and find a woman speaking into a microphone, reading the "Those who arrive, survive" stuff from the episode's trailer, and about 6-8 guys doing something in a warehouse-looking room. The leader of Terminus is a man named Gareth, and he asks the group to place their weapons on the floor, which they do. They then get searched for any other weapons, and when none are found, they are taken to the courtyard we saw Glenn and the others go into last week.

Several new faces are seen, but not the ones we know and love. Rick notices one Terminan's pocket is sagging, so he reaches into it, puts a gun to the man's head, and finds Glenn's watch. Michonne, Daryl, and Carl raise their weapons, and we have another hostage situation. A sniper on the roof shoots the hostage in the back of the head, and the four run around Terminus, apparently being guided by the sniper's gunshots, as they are all aimed at their feet. During the running, we see a pile of what appears to contain a rib cage, and hear some shouts coming from a train car.

Rick and the others find then enter a room that is filled with candles and what appears to be names written on the floor. The only other door in that room is shut as they approach it, so they exit the way they entered to find a line of people with guns. Gareth tells Rick, whom he calls "Ringleader," to go to the train car, followed by Daryl ("Archer") and Michonne ("Samurai"), or Carl dies. They follow his instructions, and the four of them enter the train car, which happens to contain Glenn's group. After another flashback, Rick says "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out" to which Abraham replies "Find out what?" And the season ends with Rick saying "They're screwing with the wrong people."

Really? That's how the freaking season ends?! That would've made for a fantastic MID-season finale, but so few questions were answered, and so many new questions arose. It seems like the writers are suffering from "Breaking Bad syndrome," where they're thinking of the story in the "big picture" rather than season to season. The past 3 season finales had a sense of closure to them, leaving the CDC, escaping Hershel's farm and finding each other, welcoming the Woodbury residents into the prison, but this one feels like there should be an episode following it the following week. The only closure this provided was killing off Joe's group. We still hardly know anything about Terminus. Maybe my disappointment comes from my high expectations of this episode, but it just didn't feel satisfying.
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This episode was not that great.
tbrunningbare230 March 2014
This episode is not what I have come to expect from the writers of the show. It has too many flashbacks, and had very little to do with what is actually going on in the present. The writer of this episode got this vision of grandeur about the episode and completely missed the mark on it. Trying to take us back to get a complete idea about Rick is what he said on The talking dead, but this is inaccurate as he did not go back to where it began, he just wanted to fill the episode of clips so that he can continue the story line in the next season. Overall, this is a prime example of why people get upset about this "Poetic license" That screen writers and producers use when adapting books into movies.
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What an awesome gripping episode!
cmccarthy12331 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There were many exciting and gripping scenes what put you on the edge of your seats for example: -The marauders attacking Rick and trying to rape Carl -Ricks and co arriving at terminus and realising somethings not right -The flashbacks -Even the dude getting eaten lol! Etc....And more!

Overall this was a lot better the the season 1 & 3 finales and even on par or even better than season 2 finale even though there was no main character deaths! It was just different and different is good! This season has been my favourite season so far its fresh with brilliant writing, brilliant character development and darker with a lot more shocking scenes and episodes! 10/10 by far this was best season! Cannot wait for season 5!
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Blood will flow and vengeance shall be sweet!
Alan_H431 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how put this episode in words but damn what a hell of a episode! I knew what was coming (kind of), but those few last moments were worth every second waited for!

The next upcoming episodes from season 5 must need one heck of a writer to get my high excitement going for this series. this last episode made it up for "all" the other boring episodes and it did it with a lot of blood shedding!.

Rick was as always incredible in his role! and to be honest i didn't really like the "little kid" Carl but this time it actually was going to hurt me 'if' he died, because i started to care... very well done character development i must say!

As i said they will need some really smart and loyal writes to keep up my excitement and of all the other viewers up, in order to keep this amazing show getting high ratings.

I can't wait for the next season!

Some things that will and must be there (in the next season) in my personal opinion:


2: heartbreaking decisions

3: Losing some important characters (hope not).

4:Touching moments that will make the toughest guy shed a tear.

5:Don't screw this up writers... please!

6: What in gods name do you want more? it's perfect if all of the above are accomplished!

thank you for reading!
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Season 4
rutherford-2721020 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This will be a review of the finale and the season as a whole. If you like this review, stay tuned for more reviews of each season until I stop watching.

Hmmm. Ok, this was a very bizarre season. Season three has been the best yet but had the worst ending, putting season four in a weird position. First off, it was a very mixed bag. It was established early that everyone is starting to feel cozy at the prison, so it was only a matter of time before something horrible happened in the form of a virus killing the prison's inhabitants. The virus, while kind of just another wrench in the gears, did result in some great character moments with Hershel. It also resulted in a great conflict between Carol and Tyreese later on. My least favorite part of the season is the story involving the Governor, following him after the massacre of his people and the destruction of his town with even his trusted soldiers leaving him only for him to be reunited with Martinez in a couple of episodes 😅. While it was interesting seeing the Governor interacted with the family, it all felt pointless at the end, making me think all this could have been finished in the third season somehow. However, despite my complaints, it did result in Hershel's brutal death and the most extensive action sequence of the show thus far. Funny enough, the most significant addition from the Governor's story was Tara, the wannabe cop, who I liked in the latter half.

Now on to the second half, which I enjoyed more. The second half was lower stakes and maybe less eventful but was much more intimate and character-centric. I would say the characters are the biggest strength of this season. With Rick and Carl's relationship being explored and Michonne joining them. Glenn and Tara running into The fun newcomers Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita. Bob was strengthened with his determined tracking of Maggie with Sasha. Beth also came into her own in one of the best character-centric episodes of the show with Darryl. Last of all, Tyreese, Lizzie, Mika, and Carol took the spotlight in a highly intense and heartbreaking episode. Eventually, the instant family Rick, Carl, and Michonne ran into Darryl with the Claimers, and some violent stuff ensued. The finale was much better than season 3. After the other gang got to Terminus, I sensed something was off, and boy, was I right. Rick, Darryl, Carl, and Michonne arrived and realized something was wrong. After a pretty well-directed chase through the compound past some human remains, they are eventually captured and forced into a train car. While it was a good cliffhanger, it did feel a little frustrating as a season finale. Also, Rick's dramatic line was somewhat lame but, at least he had the foresight to leave some weapons for when they hopefully escape.

Overall, season 4 was very good, with an explosive end to the prison and further improving the characters-the ending, while a bit up in the air, is raising the stakes further For next season.

Favorite episode: Internment/Still/The Grove Least Favorite episode: Indifference/Dead Weight Season Rating: 7.8.
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Cliffhangers are annoying but I loved this episode! Perfect!
dicamilo-920-29799431 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Cliffhangers are annoying but I loved this episode!

Many exciting scenes what put you on the edge of your seats for example: -The marauders attacking Rick and trying to rape Carl -Ricks and co arriving at terminus and realising somethings not right -The flashbacks -Even the dude getting eaten lol! Etc....And more!

Overall this was better the the season 1 & 3 finales on par or bit better than season 2 finale! It was just different and different is good! This season has been my favourite season so far its fresh, brilliant writing, brilliant character development and darker and shocking scenes and episodes! 10/10 by far this was awesome! I cannot wait for season 5 brilliant writing this season! !!!!!!!Its not just about violence or main characters dying people!!!!!!!
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So, this season
laniparker30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Has been quite the roller coaster of extremely high highs and notably mediocre lows. This episode, which was flashback central-presumably to the early interim between seasons 3 and 4-and the two episodes preceding it make up the highest point of the season in which all of the emotional threads that had been set up earlier in the season paid off in spades. Not sure if made up for the 8 or so episode lull.

Maybe I am just not sufficiently moved by the characters of Glenn, Daryl, Carl and Beth (yet), but I spent such a long time yearning for the confrontation between Tyreese and Carol. That being said, the payoff of Jeff's group felt a bit too rushed even though it was still thrilling. However, the rest of A delivered on bringing the character development of season 4 to a head in an episode that had my stomach in knots for its duration which has been rare for The Walking Dead since its first season.

The season leaves off on a pretty amazing cliffhanger with all of the characters' lives potentially in danger whereas last season ended with everything all honky dory. Season 5 has a lot of puzzle pieces at its disposal this fall. Hopefully it doesn't fumble as much as season 4 has.
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Great finish for a pretty good season.
john-z-taylor31 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I give this episode a 10 and the season a 9. This episode has shown us all what rick is trying to do and that is keeping his son alive even though he might have to go to extremes like biting someone in the neck and and stabbing someone to death like a 100 times. We finally see rick make it to terminus right off the bat when Glenn's group met Mary I knew something wasn't right, we all knew something wasn't right and we were right. In the end we see both groups in a jam...for now can't wait and see what they have planed next. Now my review for the season, overall the season was good we had good episodes and we had bad episodes we had episodes like Too Far Gone and we had episodes like still so we had ups and downs but in my opinion it's my fave season finale of the show.
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Incredible. This episode was so near perfect
tomasle199531 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, I have loved this season, in fact I have loved every season and every episode, but this season has been extra special. The amount of character development has never been better. The awesome storyline and all the action was just so amazing. Now for the season final... This was the icing on the cake. I don't know how too far gone will be ever be topped, this episode didn't top it but it still was very very very satisfying. I am not going to say much because I don't want to spoil it but anyway, the flashbacks used provided a very beautiful and artistic contrast. The episode was also full of suspense and a little traumatising. I also loved this episode because it had a great mixture of character development as well as suspense and action. OH MY GOD how are we meant to wait until October... Anyway I give the episode a 9 out of 10 really only because it wasn't as good as too far gone, but it still was a satisfying final.
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That was some wicked sh*t
yudenjp200631 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show sometimes goes so slow that some people are always complaining how it was ruined by the production bla bla bla... OK I admit it, not all episodes are masterpieces, but they are not suppose to be anyway. The show needs those slow paced episodes in order to build enough tension and lower expectations so much that when you see an episode like this season finale you can say "Holy Sh*t!" with all you've got in you!!

OK, now let's talk about this episode... I have to say it seemed pretty normal at the beginning, I was expecting Joe and his gang of redneck punks plus Daryl to catch on Rick, Michonne and Carl, and have them suffer for a while (it happened like that) but honestly I thought Daryl was going to save the day but as Joe was defeating Rick, Michonne, Carl and Daryl I was like "WTF? Who's gonna do be the hero then?". I have to say Rick just shocked the living flesh out of me with that walker-like reaction, he instantly recovered the leading role he had been losing ever since season 3 started. He just got that sh*t back with one single bite, wow!! Then, after that, the whole Terminus thing happened, and we all knew it was gonna be bad but all that planning and systemic way to catch Rick's group like that was quite impressive of them. Now, I'm just eager to know what's going to happen next season, especially after seeing Rick become the Alpha of the group again with all that confidence he showed at the end. It seems like biting makes you somehow more powerful, and zombies know that!! =D
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Cann anyone spell ...
alsation723 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers

I reckon terminus is a group of cannibals calling fresh meat to themselves. I can't believe no one else has mentioned or theorized this.

Of course I may be completely wrong.

Nice to finally hear Michonne's back-story but sorry if I found the prison flashbacks a little dull and regressive. I find - and have for a while - Rick's son to be kind of bratty.

Okay is that enough lines ?

No it wasn't so I'll just try to ramble on a little more when I've really made my point about the cannibals thing. I do think that season 4 has been great, really liked it now that they got out of that boring prison and the even more boring Governor is gone!
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Goodbye Walking Dead
sonofhades31 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I seriously doubt that I'll return to Walking Dead after this season finale. One of the worst episodes of season 4 (and worse than any in seasons 1-3). One of the worst last episodes of any season. Of any series. At times it reminded me of Miami Vice - the bad guys as infinite ammo as in that show.

Rick went Zombie/Vampire on the "bad guy" played by Eric Roberts. That whole scene could have been written better by a chimp. Bad guy with his illogical choice to have Darryl kicked to death after he had protected Darryl in the previous episode? Against a long term member of his group, who got killed for lying?

The whole idea of tracking down someone who had killed a member of his group is a bit strange. Was there actually any logic there at all? Like, bikers just ditched their bikes in order to hunt down a single dude in a world full of zombies - where they had previously had to look for a house to settle in for the night and search for food? In previous episode, they were looking forward to finding a woman. Now one of the group - or based on the dialogue, they all are child-rapists who want to rape Carl on the spot? Asking Michonne to wait for her turn?

The bad guys have the upper hand in the situation, but they all get killed in a manner that is unreasonable. For example: The child-rapist threatens to kill Carl, but then proceeds to let Carl go and opens his arms wide to let Rick kill him? Sure. Sounds like a plan.

Then the whole Terminus matter. It was ridiculous to start with how easily they penetrated the place's defenses and got to the control area. Then Rick notices a chain hanging from a guy's pocket and deducts from this that the guy has Glenn's watch? The show's producers pointed out the Poncho (Maggie's) and Riot Gear (Did Rick actually see Glenn make it out of the camp in Riot Gear?). These were in my opinion better reasons for his alarm than the chain. I am just puzzled why they requested that Rick and his group display their weapons, but then they give the weapons back. If the whole idea was to capture them? Was that so they could have a cool alley run scene where people could show off their cool automatic rifles?

Seriously folks. If you know anything about weapons, the idea, that you can open fire with automatic rifle on rapid fire and shoot accurately just in front of someone, is so ridiculous that I had hard time to stop laughing. Or crying. Can't be sure since my emotions were so mixed.

Then Rick's final words in the episode? Cliché.

And then I come online and see people vote this episode with rating over 9? Have people never seen any other show on the television? I've loved the show in seasons 1-3. And it seemed tolerable until the episode when the Governor came to the prison for the final confrontation. After that it has been downhill for this show and I don't see any possible way to make it better. Or actually, I do, but I guess that is not what people want. It would require firing the whole screenwriter team and replace them with someone who has IQ higher than his shoe number. For me, it is time to find something better to do with my life, I am not going to waste another minute of it on this kind of ...
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luckyllamaking25 June 2021
Probably one of my favorite cliffhangers of any series ever this episode has a perfect pacing as well!
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