Review of A

The Walking Dead: A (2014)
Season 4, Episode 16
Season 4
20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This will be a review of the finale and the season as a whole. If you like this review, stay tuned for more reviews of each season until I stop watching.

Hmmm. Ok, this was a very bizarre season. Season three has been the best yet but had the worst ending, putting season four in a weird position. First off, it was a very mixed bag. It was established early that everyone is starting to feel cozy at the prison, so it was only a matter of time before something horrible happened in the form of a virus killing the prison's inhabitants. The virus, while kind of just another wrench in the gears, did result in some great character moments with Hershel. It also resulted in a great conflict between Carol and Tyreese later on. My least favorite part of the season is the story involving the Governor, following him after the massacre of his people and the destruction of his town with even his trusted soldiers leaving him only for him to be reunited with Martinez in a couple of episodes 😅. While it was interesting seeing the Governor interacted with the family, it all felt pointless at the end, making me think all this could have been finished in the third season somehow. However, despite my complaints, it did result in Hershel's brutal death and the most extensive action sequence of the show thus far. Funny enough, the most significant addition from the Governor's story was Tara, the wannabe cop, who I liked in the latter half.

Now on to the second half, which I enjoyed more. The second half was lower stakes and maybe less eventful but was much more intimate and character-centric. I would say the characters are the biggest strength of this season. With Rick and Carl's relationship being explored and Michonne joining them. Glenn and Tara running into The fun newcomers Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita. Bob was strengthened with his determined tracking of Maggie with Sasha. Beth also came into her own in one of the best character-centric episodes of the show with Darryl. Last of all, Tyreese, Lizzie, Mika, and Carol took the spotlight in a highly intense and heartbreaking episode. Eventually, the instant family Rick, Carl, and Michonne ran into Darryl with the Claimers, and some violent stuff ensued. The finale was much better than season 3. After the other gang got to Terminus, I sensed something was off, and boy, was I right. Rick, Darryl, Carl, and Michonne arrived and realized something was wrong. After a pretty well-directed chase through the compound past some human remains, they are eventually captured and forced into a train car. While it was a good cliffhanger, it did feel a little frustrating as a season finale. Also, Rick's dramatic line was somewhat lame but, at least he had the foresight to leave some weapons for when they hopefully escape.

Overall, season 4 was very good, with an explosive end to the prison and further improving the characters-the ending, while a bit up in the air, is raising the stakes further For next season.

Favorite episode: Internment/Still/The Grove Least Favorite episode: Indifference/Dead Weight Season Rating: 7.8.
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