Casey Anthony: Where the Truth Lies (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster

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Lessons in narcissism
vickyjonsten30 November 2022
This shouldn't be watched as having anything to do with the death of Caylee. Rarely does one view with such intensity, such a complete performance. She plays all the cards, the victim, the blamer, defiant, the pleading, the manipulator. The liar, personified.

This is a dangerous woman.

Text book watching for parents seeking to warn their teenagers of just how far the narcissist liar will go.

I like that the documentary makers appear to allow her to have the control.

She does everything and anything to avoid the death of her child but centre the narrative on her own allegations of abuse.

Everyone but me.
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She had a decade to construct her story, and has yet to express true remorse.
sofia_vince29 November 2022
I watched this with an open mind and have to say, I still have more emotion after losing my family dog years ago than Casey has over the death of her daughter.

If you're looking for answers, you're not going to get anything new out of this documentary except further frustration. I personally find it totally implausible when she tries to say she was outside the home searching for Caylee when suddenly her Dad appears, holding Caylee's tiny, wet body and proceeds to go inside the family home never to be seen by Casey again. She "wishes she knew what happened". What?!

Maybe this is far reaching, but I think if any of us saw an innocent, sweet child in that state, let alone your own daughter.. you can believe the neighbors would hear the sounds of a heart breaking and know something was wrong. Did she just hang out outside for a few hours while her Dad magically disposed of her? It just doesn't add up.

She admits she lied (we already knew that), but is adamant that she still has no idea what truly happened. She conveniently elaborates on her alleged abuse which helps paint a different scenario the viewer can take into consideration. If her allegations are true, it's terrible and disgusting and abuse certainly explains some deficiencies in emotion, but not reporting your missing child for over a month is truly unexplainable. Many of us have gone through traumas at a young age but to carry on with life like Casey did, it's ridiculous.

Too many untruths have been told for her to be believed. I think this entire family has deep rooted issues and sadly the true victim, Caylee, will never see justice.
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Caylee Anthony is rolling over in her grave
plurlife198915 December 2022
Casey had 11 years to come up with a plausible story to explain her horrible behavior and this was the best she could come up with? Did she wait till the night before filming to put her new story together? I wouldn't be surprised, we already know she has procrastination issues, just look how long it took her to report her daughter missing - and that was AFTER her mom forced her to.

Her story doesn't make any sense, and you can tell that the evidence/video footage they're presenting in this "documentary" are very selectively edited to fit the narrative she's trying to push. In addition, Casey doesn't take any accountability for the fact that she lied every step of the way when everyone was going crazy trying to find her daughter. Instead, she just shifts all the blame over to her family & says she either had to tell all those lies because of what others did to her, or because she was just such a screwed up person because of all this abuse she had to endure from her father & brother. EVERYTHING is always someone else's fault with this girl. If this documentary was an effort for her to repair her reputation, it was a miserable fail. Hopefully people actually do their own research about this instead of trusting Casey's word, because she's done nothing but lie her entire life.

And just to be clear, I'm not saying her claims of abuse aren't true, I honestly don't know. And if she's telling the truth about the abuse, then that's terrible & I'm sorry she had to endure that. But there are tons of people who suffer abuse & would never do any of the disgusting things she did. And it's hard to accept her abuse claims as truthful because Casey Anthony has a well-documented history of lying & being viciously vindictive against anyone who she feels has wronged her. And according to court documents filed by someone who worked on Casey's defense team when they were preparing for her trial, Casey explicitly said she wanted to put the blame for her daughter's death on her mother, father, and brother, because she was pissed off at them after they helped law enforcement find Caylee & later testified against Casey at her trial. This is also evident in this show when Casey is watching an interview with her parents where her dad is saying that Casey deserves to be in jail for Caylee's death (which is OBVIOUS). And you can just see Casey getting enraged while watching this. That part makes it pretty clear why Casey is doing this documentary: she's still pissed at her parents for not going along with her crap anymore like they used to always do when she was growing up, and she's still punishing them.

Casey spends so much time in this "documentary" acting like SHE'S the one who suffered the worst, not her daughter who died at age 2 and was then stuffed into a garbage bag & tossed away in the woods like a piece of trash. CASEY ANTHONY IS NOT A VICTIM. The reason her life is ruined is because she neglected to report her daughter missing for 31 days (and only finally did so after her mother FORCED her to), and based on her shady behavior & all the other details of the case, it's very likely that she's the one who killed her daughter (although we'll probably never know whether she killed her intentionally or by accident, lord knows Casey's never gonna be honest about that).

This documentary is a disgraceful disservice to the memory of poor Caylee Marie Anthony, may she rest in peace. If you haven't watched this show yet, do yourself a favor & don't waste your time.
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NBC Should Be Ashamed of Itself
sbharbison10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
NBC or Peacock, whatever you call it has lost all credibility with me now. This is CA, telling the story the way she wants to tell it. It is not a documentary by any stretch of the imagination.

First, Oprah gave Harry and Megan a forum to spin their story exactly the way they wanted to and now NBC has done the same for CA.

Someone tell me how a mother holds the lifeless body of her drowned two-year-old for a minute or so, then allows her father to take the body away without any explanation. Tell me how that same mother believes the child is "ok", when she supposedly held the dead child.

And if the child was somehow revived, why would the grandfather need to keep her hidden from everyone for 31 days?

CA's story is so ridiculous it almost seems like satire. It is bizarre staring at a woman who thinks she can feed this story to the public and they will believe her. I'm not a shrink but Casey Anthony seems completely delusional.

I won't be watching anything made by this "documentary" filmmaker in the future.
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Sycophantic trash. She's so guilty.
Lil_Git2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching the trial played out on TV back in the day. I was convinced of her guilt then and I'm even more convinced of her guilt today.

This entire documentary was just sycophantic and carefully constructed to try and elicit some doubt and paint her in the best light possible.

The facts remain the same though. She didn't report her daughter missing. She partied and got tattoos during the 31 missing days, the cadaver dogs indicated there was a positive for the smell of a decomposed body in the boot of her car and her closest friends at the time said she showed zero signs of anything being wrong.

She admits that she lied and lied again to the police, but then lies some more to explain those lies today. It's absolutely fascinating to watch someone with these sorts of mental health issues in action.

She has surrounded herself with a group that mostly consists of her defence team, who of course talk very highly of her and in positive ways.

I'll never forget how irritated Casey was when the police started their investigation and how she spoke to her parents on the jail phone, that was another thing pretty much glossed over. If she was as scared of her family as she claims in this pile of rubbish then she wouldnt be talking to them with that attitude. She's absolutely a narcissist.

She claims in this documentary that both her brother and her father sexually abused her during her childhood, then goes on to claim that Caylee was a product of rape when she was 18...uh huh Casey, sure. I really AM a survivor of childhood sexual abuse that went on for many years and you sound to me like a liar. It's no different to how Amber Heard sounded to women who legitimately had gone through DV and couldnt relate to the lies Amber Heard was spewing.

If my daughter had ever gone missing you better believe the first people I would call would be the police. Why would you lie to the very people who are trying to find her, you just wouldn't.....unless of course, you were guilty of her death regardless of whether it was accidental or intentional.
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Perfect opportunity wasted
wbprops30 November 2022
Why did the interviewer never challenge Casey? I sat through the entire series waiting for the interviewer to ask good questions but she never did. What a shame. This was purely a platform for Casey to tell more lies and get sympathy. She walked free all these years with no real justice given to that poor child and now Peacock gives her the stage. People unfamiliar with the case will actually think she might be innocent. I'm a mother and i can't imagine parting for a month while my child was missing but that's just it-she knew she was dead. George is weird but I'll never believe he caused her death. This series was cringe worthy.
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Lies, lies and more lies
vus2930 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting documentary overall. No one except the defense lawyers comes out unscathed. Much as the producers try to make this program seem impartial, it is obviously driven by the insights of the accused who has an abuse narrative she wants to push and highlight. The police made mistakes due to bias for the retired police father. The media had already tried and convicted this case before it even went to court. The father George Anthony is an attention seeking serial liar who seemed to have an agenda to protect himself because I suspect he is the only one who knows what really happened? Both parents lavish in the fame and notoriety of this case, even if it is to the detriment of Casey. The brother has wisely kept a low profile and is only spoken of in third person.

Casey who is also a serial liar has inexcusable behaviour and actions in the 31 days when her daughter was missing. She has had extensive therapy and is able to justify some behaviours. What puzzled me the most is she says she did not trust her daughter Caylee to be alone with her incestuous father, would always make sure herself or her mother were home to babysit. Yet after "discovering" her daughter in the pool, suddenly she trusts her father to take care of Caylee for 31 days during which she believes she will see her daughter.

Overall an engaging and interesting docu-series worth watching for Casey's personal perspective, but the 3rd episode is very agenda driven. I found myself disagreeing, ridiculing and switching off. Definitely worthy of watching even if you think you know everything there is to know about this case.
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The Title Is Wrong. It Should Read "Casey Anthony: Poor ME".
Foutainoflife5 December 2022
Look, if Casey Anthony was sexually abused at the hands of both her father and brother, it is horrific and NO ONE, not even someone who has killed their own child, should have had to suffer such abuse as a child. However, it doesn't give you the right to shift blame, make accusations that don't seem to be grounded in verifiable credibility or use it as an excuse to lie about EVERYTHING when people who can help you are offering their help.

The whole country wanted to help bring justice to her child and yet she still seems indifferent as to whether justice will or will not ever be found for Caylee.

She claimed she was a good mother that allowed Caylee to sleep in her bed with her and would place pillows between the mattress and the wall to protect Caylee from slipping between them yet, she wasn't sure if she locked the door to keep the monster that had been sexually abusive to her for years, from slipping in and abusing her baby.

To this day she's never come out and flat out said that her father killed Caylee and there's never been any other suspects. However, if she truly thought her father guilty, why would she not break down in the arms of the detectives, reveal everything and show how desperate she was to find her child and finally feel the freedom of the weight she'd been carrying? Where's her demands for the police to thoroughly investigate her father?

Where's her cry to investigate any other potential suspects?

Where's her desperate cries for any sort of justice?????

This whole program was a poor me pity party for Casey and had very little to do with what actually happened to Caylee. The most telling moment for me was when she made the following statements:

"It's waking up everyday and wishing that some days, I would wake up and look over and she'd be right there. Sweet little kid. That all this is the sh***iest bad dream.

We all talk about all the things we have in a lifetime and I had the shortest life with her. It's just so hard to deal with."

Only "some" days she wish she'd look over and see Caylee there. How is it not EVERYDAY? SHE "had the shortest life with her." What about the long life that was taken from CAYLEE? It isn't about what Casey lost. It is about what CAYLEE lost. Caylee lost her life. Everything this woman says is about herself.

The person that killed Caylee is not some vague killer hidden behind a veil of possibilities. If that were true, a mother that is upset about her loss and seeking justice for the lost potentials Caylee suffered when someone ripped her from this world, would be desperate for answers. Casey Anthony is not desperate for answers. She already has them and is only desperate for the sympathetic spotlight this biased documentary gave her.

Why doesn't she just take full advantage of our double jeopardy law, look at the camera and say once and for all, "I DID IT. I GOT AWAY WITH IT. THE WORLD KNOWS. THE WORLD CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT."

Only God can avenge Caylee because we failed this baby girl.
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You can take it to the court with probable cause but you need 100% tangible evidence for a conviction
RedKidBytes6 December 2022
There was no concrete evidence to prove that Casey Anthony was the killer. That's why she was exonerated. In order to successfully get the death penalty, you need a lot more than the suspicious reaction of Casey Anthony. There must be irrefutable evidence such as fingerprints, DNA evidence, direct witnesses, or more.

In this case, the available evidence only tied the remains of Caylee Anthony to the house of Anthony. There wasn't any tangible - beyond the reasonable doubt evidence that pointed Casey to the murder.

Yes, she surely acted like guilty and her initial testimony was laden with lies about where she has been or who saw Caylee the last, which made her look like a killer who was covering her tracks. Her reaction was most surprising, without emotions, dull and stiff, unexpected from a mother who lost her child and didn't report it until her own mother called the police 30 days later.

Nonetheless, none of the above is nearly enough to charge someone with the death penalty.

However, the documentary elucidated other very relevant information that wasn't flashed in the media the way that her behavior did. It turns out that other family members have made a lot more seriously erroneous statements than Casey Anthony did in the beginning.

Consequently, when you look at the evidence that the jurors saw, you get a clear understanding of why they have acquitted Casey Anthony.

The documentary tells the story from the eyes of Casey Anthony for a good reason. We have been bombarded by the media, from the era when the me too movement was absent and the news were bombastic. And no one until now saw her side of the story.

A few of the previously unknown facts about the case are shared with one of Casey Anthony's roommates' who arguably tells the documentary crew that he believes that Casey is guilty because she has been a habitual liar in this case. When the truth is revealed you can see the shame he felt for not believing her for such a long time.

The documentary does a great job of getting out Casey Anthony's point of view. You may or may not believe her but the evidence and the facts are undeniable.

Many of the commentaries appear to not have watched all of the episodes. In the first two episodes but particularly in the 1st episode she appears to be 100% guilty.

For me, this is a must-watch for anyone who is wholeheartedly interested in knowing the truth.

P.s. I have to admit that I have never heard a grandfather recalling his experience with his granddaughter in such quotes; "I have missed the sweet sweat of my granddaughter"
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These reviews show widespread ignorance of trauma
jamielireyn26 December 2022
I watched this documentary alone. I was too young during the media parade to remember the spins and twists what we were told to believe. I have worked on mental health for over ten years. With traumatized kids and those grown into adults.

These reviews are sad and a lot of the reason people w various trauma never tell anyone, seek help, and feel alone for their entire lives, whether or not their story ends up like Casey or not. One event trauma as an adult has an extremely different impact than recurring trauma experienced as a child as this doc explored. Casey likely has CPTSD but that's not a current dx in the US-just elsewhere. Well come around one day.

Either way the traumatized brain doesn't make "logical" sense. It doesn't mean she's a killer. This family has a multitude of toxic dynamics. If you're interested in learning more, read Running on Empty, Trauma Keeps the Score, etc. Society is also over using the word narcissist. She displays no narcissistic traits in this documentary. I hope eventually we will all be more educated in one of the great mysteries of the world. The human mind.
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This should be a career-ending move for director Alexandra Dean.
aweynand9614 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it so you don't have to, and to put it bluntly, this "documentary" series is a slap in the face to the genre. There is no journalistic integrity, there is no objectivism - this is simply a platform for a narcissistic, pathological liar who avoided prison to spread her new narrative. This is OJ Simpson's "If I Did It" put to a crummy streaming service.

The main purpose of the series is to project Casey Anthony's new, "refined" narrative. The long and short of it centers around her father, who she claims is a serial sexual abuser, who murdered her child Caylee and took care of the aftermath. If George Anthony is a vile and manipulative abuser, why was he helping Casey raise her child? Why did Casey not flinch to being presented with her dead child, and then allow her to be whisked away forever? Why was she okay with partying for a month without a word to the police, or to anybody for that matter?

It doesn't explain Casey's jailhouse phonecalls to her parents, who appear genuinely distraught over Caylee's disappearance (contrasted with Casey's complete apathy and even frustration with them for being concerned about their granddaughter). It doesn't explain Casey's internet searches. It also doesn't explain her shockingly obtuse lies to the police about her fake job at Universal, the fake nanny, and everything in-between. There's no evidence against George Anthony - just the words of a proven liar trying desperately to recoup some semblance of a reputation. They used a quote from George, "I miss the smell of Caylee", as evidence for his abuse - nonsensical. Nothing adds up, and Casey is still a liar. Even the documentarians' claim that Anthony is in perfect mental health (a beat taken from her court defense) contradicts itself, because nobody of sound mind would handle Caylee's death the way Casey explained it.

As a series filed under "documentary", this thing falls embarrassingly short. It is biased towards Casey in every way - in the sympathetic music choices when Casey defends herself and foreboding music when someone condemns her, in the cherry-picked videos that appear to support her (even when the rest of the content would be damning to show), and in its conclusions. Alexandra Dean was either delusional by tackling this project, or a slimy, morally bankrupt individual. It's a shame seeing as how well-educated and experienced she is.

Don't waste your time with this, and don't bother with Peacock; my subscription is done with. This series is an insult to journalism, to Caylee, and to the truth.
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It took her 10 years for her most elaborate lie yet
kdwy-1794230 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This "documentary" was the most disgusting thing I've ever witnessed and I'm ashamed my curiosity got the better of me and I chose to watch all 3 episodes. But here we are.

The first lie was when the interviewer said that Casey wouldn't have creative control. What a load of crap that was. When I heard that in the promo I was hopeful they would be asking her the tough questions and rebutting her statements with proven evidence. But that didn't happen. Instead they let her go on and on about this made up world she created in her head.

"I rarely go out because I have social anxiety now". As a Floridian myself, there's constant pictures of her out & partying around different parts of FL on the regular. Maybe it's not as common to hear about in other parts of the US, but it's pretty normal to hear about a friend or someone you know talking about seeing her.

"They never looked up George's cell phone data". This was an attempt to try and swat that the searches for "chloroform" and "fool-proof suffocation" could've been made by George and not Casey. And while thats correct, we don't have his cell phone ping data, what we DO have is time slot records that show that he was at work at the time those searches were being made. Same goes for Cindy. The ONLY one home during that time was Casey.

So much was conveniently left out by Peacock and the shameful producers of this program. Like my title said, she's only speaking now because this is how long it took for her to come up with yet another lie to try and scheme her way out of the public's utter hate for her.

The most disgusting thing about this for me was that it was never about Caylee. While Casey can never be tried again, George could be. Let's play make believe for a second and say she was telling the truth for the first time in her life. That she was going along with whatever George told her, the SECOND she found out for sure that Caylee had died & her body has been found, she could've talked to the police. If it were my child, I wouldn't rest until their murderer paid for their crime. Immediately given an interview calling him out, begging for the police and public's help. She did nothing of the sort. This was never about or for that poor little girl who lost her life. Instead, it was for that diarrhea crapstain of a human being begging for sympathy.

I'm ashamed of myself for watching it. I'm ashamed of all those involved in it. The only thing I'm proud of is the fact that I cancelled my subscription and deleted the peacock app in its entirety. Shame on me for watching, shame on them for making it, shame on the jury who didn't know the difference between all doubt and reasonable doubt and thought they were in an episode of CSI, and shame on everyone who had any part in letting that monster walk amongst us.

Casey, if you're reading this (which wouldn't be a surprise considering how much of a narcissist you are). Your little plan didn't work. You may have convinced 12 idiot jurors and a handful of viewers but you'll never convince the majority of us. We always have, and always will hate you. I hope you have the life you deserve.
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Shame on Peacock and the documentarians
film1277 December 2022
Remember OJ Simpson's book, "If I Did It"? This reminds me of that. I can only imagine that someone in her camp saw dollar signs. There's enough time since the original investigation that Casey Anthony must think she can get her implausible story out there for the bank.

The manipulation of the background music, the softball questions, and lack of follow-up on statements that are fishy and easily refuted - it's egregious.

Casey is a pretty good actress, but when you take away the filmmaker's pro-Casey angle, it's obvious to see that this is just a fluff piece for ratings and money.

Yuck. Just yuck.
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They should have hired a different actress this one was awful.
alexmcalkins5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Casey Anthonys forced tears and concern for her own appearance make this a hard series to choke down. It's so scripted I don't know why anyone would buy her account of anything. It makes you wonder how long she was practicing her overly dramatic speeches and tears in the mirror.

I recommend watching it through the Behavioral Panel on YouTube, they see right through her bs. And it was far more interesting than this series.

I have no idea why they gave her any air time, and based on other reviews, I hope she doesn't think she will get to assimilate back into society after this. It did her no favors.

Rip to that sweet baby.
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Omg. What a bunch of BS!!!!
gweesha9 December 2022
I read a lot of these reviews, I feel the exact same way. This show was NOTHING but garbage and pathological lies!!! This documentary is an absolute joke and travesty. I, like others, can't believe I watched this trash. Honestly, it only made me hate her more than I already did. Why was she given a platform to spew her ridiculous stories, hate and lies? Why did she wait 11 years to talk about it??? The purpose of this stupidity was to portray herself as a victim, which she NEVER was. Poor Caylee. None of this was about that baby who was murdered by her scumbag mother. She should get her money back for the acting classes because she sucked. I never saw one tear fall down her face. I DON'T BELIEVE A WORD THAT CAME OUT OF HER MOUTH. Not even that she was raped. She is nothing but a pathological liar and psychopath. Worst documentary I have ever seen in my life. It was laughable.
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I don't buy it even a little
tmdarby29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sold on the tears or the accusations. There is zero proof offered. As per usual if you notice it's all about her... still. The narcissism bleeds through every part of it. All she has is her word, which is good for nothing really after how much she's lied. It's clear she's angry, but that is the only emotion that seems real. The rest is poor me, as usual. This still isn't about Caylee, . It's all about her. Tells me everything I need to know. Apparently everyone on earth abused her, she's not responsible for anything. Nothing new, same Casey we saw years ago.

I'd like to believe that justice was done and Casey deserved to be acquitted. I don't though, and this series actually made me more sure that she did it.
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A waste of oxygen
cbrennanisnow13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Guilty as sin, this heartless murderer only ever sheds tears for herself, for what she lost, for how hard it is for her. Never for the little girl that was thrown in a ditch in a bin liner. Full of absolute contradictions, for instance her entire story is that she couldn't remember being abused until after the killing, when she was in prison. Later she claims she never left her daughter with her father because she knew what he had done to her. It is shameless and this woman is guilty as sin. Sickening.

Her lawyers talking points are without exception technicalities, not one of them produce a single bit of evidence and her lead lawyer spins a story she acknowledges isn't true.
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Where is Candice DeLong?
edquisth11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary has me really confused. I cannot say innocent or guilty. I definitely do not believe everything Casey is saying here but I definitely do not think she is an intentional "baby killer".

I would love for Candice DeLong to analyze this case. I recently heard her analyze the Menendez Brothers case and she gave me a whole new insight different to what I thought about it. Sexual Abuse is devastating and can make people act in the most unusual ways.

The media was using pictures of Casey partying years before having her daughter. George was a retired cop so I can see why the detectives never looked closer at him. Why was George's suicide attempt never mentioned? That is suspicious.

However, why was Casey not diagnosed with anything by psychiatrist? She should have been diagnosed with PTSD and the very least.

Nothing makes sense in this case.

I would rather have an acclaimed ex FBI agent and psychiatric nurse to take a close look at this case.

I am glad to have watched this but it has me even more confused about the case than back in the day when it happened. So many more questions left unanswered. I just hope that Caylee was not smothered by her grandfather during an assault. That is definitely a new possibility. Ohhh where is Candice?
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sarita122530 November 2022
I've had an IMDB account for over 20years and rarely leave a review.

I lost a parent to a murder that would remain unsolved for almost 20years and I am disgusted by being forced to see the thumbnail for this show when I want to watch a show on Peacock. I am honestly considering cancelling my subscription due to this.

There is no reason for this to exist. There is no reason to give this person a platform. There is no reason to exploit the death of a child...

Except for profit. The brutal unsolved death of a child and the subsequent miscarriage of justice, reduced to the words of the monster likely responsible for it.

So for that, 1 star. And I will cancel peacock.

For you, mom.
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Different perspective
copelandrebecca1 December 2022
I recommend watching this because I watched this trial, I watched Nancy Grace, HLN, Court TV, all the 20/20s, dateline, nightline, Dr. Phil with the parents...all of it. Even at the beginning of this I said "these people who took her in are idiots...". Yeah, this just reminds me so much of cases where someone gets railroaded and ultimately wrongfully convicted and spends half their life in prison before being found innocent. I also think anyone who has has been abused can relate and a lot makes much more sense after seeing the other side. Watch the whole series of 3 episodes before you decide. I am not joking when I say I was 1001% convinced that she is guilty, not really sure now though...pretty sure she is innocent.
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New information gave me a new perspective
Shanny952 December 2022
Seriously. I went into this having watched a lot on the topic and having decided this woman killed her daughter. After watching this twice. I am not so sure. Watching objectively on the second watch there is *something not right about George* and they raised a lot of good points. Maybe I am naive and too empathetic, but I left my second watch with a new understanding to new information and that's how it should be. I know a lot of people will cast this interview aside, but I didn't see an Amber Heard level liar when I watched her like I expected. Honestly I recommend the watch because a lot of this came together so much better for me despite my bias going in. I don't think she killed her daughter. She admits to having been a liar then and having failed her, but the reasoning for her actions and the research behind that reasoning ,given her alleged experiences with George fills in the gaps I always thought this case had.
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Shame on you Peacock
bobbyandbeans29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Casey had her chance to talk back when the cops showed up on her doorstep, for the 3 years she was in jail waiting trial, and then again when in court.

And what did she do?

She LIED from the minute the police arrived and never stopped LYING. A jury found her guilty of LYING to the police (sadly, the only thing they found her guilty of) and she was sentenced to over 3 years in prison for LYING (she was given time served while waiting trial plus a few weeks, for anyone who missed how that worked out).

And now Peacock has given a proven, convicted LIAR airtime... to do what, LIE some more?

Even in the previews, she's "crying" (I don't see any real tears, no red nose or face...) about how "No one ever asked me why..."

EVERYONE asked her WHY about everything, repeatedly!

WHY, whatever stupid story you want us to believe (and now we know there was no babysitter named Zaneida and poor Caylee was already dead by the time the police were called) didn't you call the police? Don't tell me it's because you were afraid of your father. You were an adult by then, well away from him.

WHY did you lie to the police about where you worked?

WHY did you lie to your mother about needing her to babysit so you could work, when we now know that you were unemployed at the time?

WHY did you lie about someone named Zaneida?

WHY did you lie and make up so many nonexistent people in your life?

WHY did you lie about having talked to Caylee on the phone just a few days before the police showed up, when we now know she was already dead by then?

If you want us to believe that your father is responsible for Caylee's death, or you just "don't know what happened," then WHY did you write in your journal that you were the happiest you'd ever been? WHY did you get a "beautiful life" tattoo?

WHY, if your stupid story of Caylee drowning in the pool was true (and no one believes that BTW) was there duct tape over her face?

WHY did you make 80+ searches for chloroform on your computer?

WHY didn't you just give that sweet baby to her grandparents if you wanted to party so bad? You were afraid of your father? Then we're back to the question of why you had your mother babysit when you actually didn't have a job to go to.

Her stupid friend says that the Casey she knows would never hurt her child, she "loved" that child. Well, there was never any signs that Susan Smith abused her two boys before she strapped them in the backseat of her car and let it roll into the river, so she could be free of them and date her rich boyfriend (look her up). Anything that the friend of a proven LIAR has to say is pointless and there were pictures of Caylee with a black eye and other bruises, so god only knows what happened in that house.

Casey is a convicted, proven LIAR and still everything out of her mouth is all about her, from her point of view, just a big pity party. I've never seen anyone so narcissistic.

Seriously Peacock, shame on you.
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What a crock...
axxmqmcy30 November 2022
It doesn't matter House you try to spin it, that lady is always going to be known as the liar who murdered her daughter.

I watched this 3 episode mini series out of curiosity but it was just 3 hours of that lady trying to blame everyone else and desperately trying to regain her 15 minutes.

Basically she spent the entire time trying to blame everyone else for murdering her daughter. She even goes so far as to say that her pregnancy was the result of a GHB-induced assault... It doesn't matter how many people she tries to blame, she murdered that little girl and then lied ridiculously. If she hasn't been a young, attractive, white female, she would be in prison right now!

So sorry Kaylee, you deserved better than her!!!
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She can't stop lying.
estebanivanoff4 December 2022
This is an awful documentary in which she tries to blame her father regarding what happened to her daughter. It's just pathetic to listen to her fabrications on and on. She wants people to believe that her father had complete control over her and made her not to call the police and took Cailee away from her when Cailee was supposedly found wet and somewhat unresponsive, then Casey went to party for an entire month and to have a Bella Vita Tattoo on her back and during all that time she was thinking Cailee was well with her father. Then when the police was involved she proceeded to lie to them about any single detail she could lie them and she did all of this because she was somewhat, according to her, controlled by her abusive father. Do you think that a real concerned parent act in this way regarding any of their children when they are found wet and unresponsive?. This is ridiculous and the fact that Peacock is going along with her lies and provides her a platform to attempt to cleanse her image is shameful.
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teenydutton3 December 2022
I really thought she would give America some remorse but instead she thinks that we are that stupid! She is lonely and wants to have a normal life but she can't. Ifeel so sorry for her parents. I'm sure they would have raised caylee for Casey if she had just walked away. That is what this documentary was about! The fact that she is trying so hard to give us so much conviction, like that is going to make us believe her. They tried to take friends from her past that didn't believe her and make us think this new information has changed their minds completely. Casey you killed your child and got away with it do us a favor and go back into hiding.
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