Sycophantic trash. She's so guilty.
2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching the trial played out on TV back in the day. I was convinced of her guilt then and I'm even more convinced of her guilt today.

This entire documentary was just sycophantic and carefully constructed to try and elicit some doubt and paint her in the best light possible.

The facts remain the same though. She didn't report her daughter missing. She partied and got tattoos during the 31 missing days, the cadaver dogs indicated there was a positive for the smell of a decomposed body in the boot of her car and her closest friends at the time said she showed zero signs of anything being wrong.

She admits that she lied and lied again to the police, but then lies some more to explain those lies today. It's absolutely fascinating to watch someone with these sorts of mental health issues in action.

She has surrounded herself with a group that mostly consists of her defence team, who of course talk very highly of her and in positive ways.

I'll never forget how irritated Casey was when the police started their investigation and how she spoke to her parents on the jail phone, that was another thing pretty much glossed over. If she was as scared of her family as she claims in this pile of rubbish then she wouldnt be talking to them with that attitude. She's absolutely a narcissist.

She claims in this documentary that both her brother and her father sexually abused her during her childhood, then goes on to claim that Caylee was a product of rape when she was 18...uh huh Casey, sure. I really AM a survivor of childhood sexual abuse that went on for many years and you sound to me like a liar. It's no different to how Amber Heard sounded to women who legitimately had gone through DV and couldnt relate to the lies Amber Heard was spewing.

If my daughter had ever gone missing you better believe the first people I would call would be the police. Why would you lie to the very people who are trying to find her, you just wouldn't.....unless of course, you were guilty of her death regardless of whether it was accidental or intentional.
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