The Mangler 2 (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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Makes you want to throw up over and over and over and over and over and over...and over...
Lando_Hass24 July 2003
Now, I have never seen the first Mangler movie, but after viewing part 2, I know that it has almost no relation to the first movie at all. First off, before I start my review, I would like to say that Mangler 2 is the second worst movie of all time (the first movie being Killjoy). I was browsing through the channels at 4:00 in the morning, looking for something to watch. As I scan through the guide, I see this.Mangler 2. I really wanted to see the movie, because I heard it was awful, and I wanted to see if it was as bad as everyone said it was. I pressed ok, and I was so lucky, the movie just started. It was the second worst movie experience EVER. First off, the story of the first movie wasn't very good, but it was a good old-fashioned horror, and it was from legendary Stephen King. But, what the writers try to do with Mangler 2, is they try to use computers to make the movie at least seem a little smart. They used computers and viruses and crap like that to try and override the fact that the plot was awful. I was constantly searching through the guide to find something else on, but there wasn't! The acting is what you would call wretched, the actors give little or no life to the characters, but the bad acting might have improved if the script wasn't filled with ridiculous lines. Speaking of the script, I would like to say that this movie wins second place for worst script ever written. The characters have no personalities, they are all just a bunch of walking, talking clichés. The movie itself tries to be funny, but fails. For example, just when a character is about to be killed off, the computer monitor says in big text, YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK. That was obviously a pathetic attempt to get a laugh or a smile. After you're stomach and mind finally get over the terrible script and acting, you will cringe at the constant re-playing of techno music in some scenes. In a part of the ending, a girl shoves a knife between the strap of her pants, and begins to walk with an angry look in her face. This is one of the scenes that make you want to yell obscenities at the TV, and throw something at it as well. This scene is also example of pathetic choreography: The techno music plays-the girl walks into frame.she walks out of frame.the camera is now in front of some other building.girl walks into frame.and then out of frame, and the repetition of that just makes you laugh at how stupid and witless it is! I've seen the trailer for the first film. I can already tell that it has lots of gratuitous blood and gore, but this movie just has blood, there's nothing special or appealing. The deaths are cheesy and clichéd. Now, horror movies these days call themselves horror, but they're not horror. The writers of this movie thought that if they added blood, that people would call it a horror movie. No. This movie does not deserve to called a horror movie because it has ABSOLUTELY no chills at all. You'll laugh more than you'll scream. Bottom line, the acting is wretched, the script makes you want to throw up, the constant re-playing of techno music makes you laugh and cry, the awful choreography makes you point at laugh at the TV screen, and the lame-ass "chills" makes your heart beat slower, and not faster. Take it from me, if you're looking for a good straight-to-video B horror movie, look somewhere else. Hell, if you're looking for some entertainment, go watch paint dry because it'll sure as hell be better than this garbage. It's awfulness matches right up to Killjoy, also a straight-to-video "horror" movie. Mangler 2 is a disgrace to the world.

Overall score: A big fat 0 out of 10.
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The Mangler 2: Yikes!
Platypuschow1 April 2018
Okay fine it's true I watched the Mangler franchise a bit wonky, I saw the first which I think was a watchable effort followed by the third which was a total mess and now finally all these years later have gotten to part 2.

Now going in my hopes were fairly high, it stars Lance Henriksen so it couldn't possibly be that bad, right?

Well The Mangler 2 follows on from the first movie in no shape or form, it's an original tale about a virus that takes over a heavily automated school and starts killing folks off.

Devoid of originality, oddly dull, with awful death scenes and instantly forgettable characters The Mangler 2 tops part 3 but just barely.

Not entirely sure what they were going for but I can confidently say that it doesn't work, not even slightly.

Watch The Mangler (1995) and pretend it doesn't have sequels.

The Good:

Decent soundtrack

The Chef stole the whole film

Lance Henriksen

The Bad:

Weak connection to the original film

Really quite boring

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I'm left wondering whose idea it was for one of the girls to just wear her bra for near the entire film
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Ugh. Good thing I didn't pay to rent this.
capkronos21 May 2003
While most of her peers are away on break, a student genius (Chelse Swain) plans to get revenge on the stern dean of her school (Lance Henriksen) by developing a computer virus that will shut down her high-tech campus long enough to give her and her stupid friends some time to party. Instead, the plan backfires when the computer system takes on a mind of its own, traps the group inside and starts killing them off by manipulating and controlling the electric wiring.

Chelse Swain (THE VIRGIN SUICIDES) fails to convince us she can tie her own shoelaces, let alone is a genius, and the talented Henriksen is sorely wasted as the human heavy, who's eventually transformed into what looks like Plughead from the CIRCUITRY MAN films.

Highly implausible plot, amateurish acting, insipid dialogue, painfully annoying characters and offscreen murders mean don't bother with this "sequel," which is completely unrelated to the 1993 Tobe Hopper film.
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Hilarious (ly bad)
morilibus18 April 2007
It's amazing what kind of movies are made when monkeys write the script. There was a scene in the movie where a guy tries to be really philosophical about the periodic table, saying that it's a language written by aliens. For example, they communicate with molecular formulas... "Take Silicone for example, it's used to make computers faster, but put it into a woman's body, and that speaks in much different ways." The element on the periodic table is Silicon. I'm pretty sure if you put that in a woman's breast area, it would kill her. Silicone and silicon are two completely different things.

Nice going, ya dunce.
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Why? Why God why?
elcabio11 November 2002
This movie has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. It's an unwanted sequel, unbelievably stupid, no horror, no laughs, and no gore. OK, I admit that I missed the first 15 minutes. Thank God. But what does this movie have to do with the original? Why was it even rated R? Nothing happened! Talk about low budget! And how about a computer that taunts the token black guy before killing him. Nothing like a race conscious computer! Good grief. If this review stops at least one person from watching this movie, it would be worth it. I would give this movie 0/10 stars if possible.

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They call this a sequel to Tobe Hooper's, uhm, masterpiece? Seriously?
Vomitron_G26 May 2010
Holy Macaroni! This one really is as bad as everyone says it is. Poor Lance Henriksen! This truly is one of the worst movies I ever saw him in. This movie should have been called "The Cables of Death" or whatever, because it has nothing to do with the original "The Mangler" (1995) and all we see is some cables and wires moving around once in a while. At least in my country DVD distributors had the sense to re-name it "Virtual Death" (a more stupid & more fitting title). All killings are off-screen and there's no real tension whatsoever throughout the whole movie... And that stupid, cheap electro/techno soundtrack... Ow, aw, ugh! On to the points: One point because this movie makes "The Mangler" look incredibly good (and the original one needs that, in my humble opinion), if not to say excellent! One point for Lance Henriksen hanging on cables with wires running through his head and body near the end. One point for Daniella Evangelista doing a lot of running dressed in a tiny red bikini, making her boobs go up and down and up and down and up and down and... wooow, what a fascinating sight that was. There you have my generous rating for "The Mangler 2" explained.
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By the time a character in The Mangler 2 says "useless piece of American garbage" you'll know exactly how he feels, absolutely awful film.
poolandrews1 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Mangler 2 starts with a rebellious teenager named Jo Newton (Chelse Swain) being sent to a private school by her displeased billionaire Father (Ken Camroux) after breaking into one of his hi-tech computer lab thingy's & hacking the main computer, or something like that. Headmaster Bradeen (Lance Henriksen) holds a school assembly (consisting of about 50 students) to inform everyone that while they have been away on their spring break the school has been fitted out with the latest computer system called M2K from 'Newton Industries' that will safeguard the students needs & safety. As it happens everyone is going away on a geography trip, everyone that is except the five head prefects, Jo, Dan Channa (Will Sanderson), Corey Banks (Miles Meadows), Will Walsh (Dexter Bell) & Emily Stone (Daniella Evangelista) who have to stay behind because of a practical joke played on the schools website which 'degrades' the school & it's pupils. Bradeen specifically accuses Jo so as revenge she downloads a virus called the 'Mangler' & infects the schools brand new computer systems with it. Before long Bob the maintenance man (Jeff Doucette) has been murdered by the schools computer as it decides to kill everyone currently within it's walls...

Written & directed by Micheal Hamilton-Wright The Mangler 2 has no connection to the previous Tobe Hooper directed The Mangler (1995) & is truly one of the worse films you will ever have the opportunity to witness. It's absolutely abysmal on every conceivable level you care to think of. The script is so slow & boring it could probably put most people into a coma, Bob the maintenance man isn't killed until the 36 minute mark so that means there is 36 painful, dull, uneventful & frankly god awful minutes before anything that even approaches horror takes place. Up to this point it's just totally unnecessary chit chat & character development that instead of making the viewer care about these people does exactly the opposite, I hated every single annoying, unfunny spoilt brat in The Mangler 2 & it's been a while since I've hated every character in a film. I mean take Jo for instance, besides being a sort of anti-hero she is always in a mood but what has she got to be in a mood about exactly? Her Father's a billionaire, life can't be that bad for her surely! So you just sit there hoping they will be killed off in very painful ways, well you can forget about that as almost all of the murders, of which there aren't many anyway, are off-screen, incredibly dull & bland. There is no gore in The Mangler 2 just a burned guy & a few splashes of blood, really that's it, in fact there isn't an effect in The Mangler 2 that you couldn't create at home with a bit of fake blood. From a technical point of view it ain't bad but the direction sucks, director Hamilton-Wright fails miserably to create any tension, atmosphere, scares or anything that resembles entertainment. How can a computer control things which aren't electrical like a washing machine lid or a wheelchair? How can it makes wires come alive & wrap themselves around people? How was this film ever allowed to get past the script stage (if there was a script)? Why are the characters so dumb? Why don't they just stand out in the open where there are no electrical appliances? Why do they split up & constantly argue? Why don't they just walk out of the door instead of having to run across the roof? Why has no one got a mobile phone? Doesn't everyone have mobile phones these days? The unbelievably mushy ending when the annoying character who started it all in the first place finds a new found appreciation for her Father & they both live happily ever after just compounds the fact that I wanted to slit my wrists after suffering 90 odd minutes of this crap, Micheal Hamilton-Wright bow your head in shame! A quick word about the acting, first everyone's terrible & really unlikable. Second, oh dear what on Earth was Lance Henriksen thinking?! This piece of straight-to-video, or maybe it was made-for-video?, turgid rubbish really blots his copybook as far as I'm concerned. A special mention goes to the highly irritating & annoying techno music that director Hamilton-Wright insists on abusing our ears with. According to the IMDb The Mangler 2 had an estimated budget of $4,000,000, all I can say is that where did the money go because it's a cheap looking film with few effects & actor's. Currently almost 70% of the votes on the IMDb give it 1 star which it fully deserves & I honestly can't see what anyone would get out of The Mangler 2 in terms of entertainment. Apparently there is a yet another sequel called The Mangler Reborn (2005) at which I shudder at the mere thought. There really is nothing that I can compliment The Mangler 2 on, it is one of the very worst films it's been my misfortune to endure & generally speaking it is just an astonishingly bad film that I hope you never have to sit through & if you already have then I feel your pain...
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Load up on beer and munchies first. Do not watch without.
Zombified_66023 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I know for a fact this is one of the more maligned horrors out there, but hell, I kind of liked it. I'm big enough to admit I liked something a bit cheesy. I think that had a lot to do with the fact that I watched it straight after coming home from a pretty whack party I'd quietly snuck out of. Loaded up on cheap booze and BBQ food, I bunged this in the DVD and killed the bad vibe hung over from the party with it.

It's got a budget that'd have trouble funding half an hour of infomercials, a no-name cast (Lance Henriksen aside), and a complete lack of scares, but so help me, Mangler 2 is pretty good fun. The cast aren't really what you'd call good actors, but they're all pretty amiable, so they make the movie fun to watch. The plot, super-virus and all, is pure sci-fi hokum, but it doesn't really matter.

It's weird I enjoyed the movie as much as I did, as on paper I really shouldn't have. As a horror film it's downright shoddy. It has no scares, no gore and any tension built up is destroyed by a throbbing techno soundtrack throughout. But despite all this, it's a really easy film to watch, and it's very entertaining.

Expect anything more than a cheesy B-movie full of schlock-horror and you're gonna hate it, but watch it to chill out and pass the time and you'll probably enjoy it.
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Very Bad....
dhart-225 October 2003
This is a story about a teenager who deliberately downloads a virus to take down the new school computer security system. What she doesn't realize is that it is out to kill everyone.

Where this film goes wrong is in everything that has to do with the physical universe. A combo of wires and mechanical doors moving by themselves, cold water pipes suddenly becoming scalding hot (for those who don't know, cold water pipes, especially sprinkler pipes, are physically isolated from hot water pipes in every building), and a computer turning a human into a cyborg.

Most of these are forgivable in movies that involve possession or paranormal. But these have no place in a computer/virus horror movie. The only believable scenario involves an electric fence. Though, why anyone would install an electric fence around a school is beyond me.....

All of the characters make the usual horror movie mistakes: splitting up, going back for more, not pulling the plug, etc. The acting is okay, considering the script...

Only watch this if you are totally bored out of your mind. This would be a perfect film for Mystery Science Theatre 3000 to lampoon....

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NeverAgain8514 January 2009
Simply one of the worst movies you could pick out of your video store..

Jo Newton uploads the mangler virus into her schools computer which controls the whole school. Lance Henriksen stars as the headmaster who seems pretty obvious in his face that he cant stand this movie. The schools computer starts eventually starts killing everyone one by one. Jo is basically the Rebel Child, and her friends include the Jock, The hot girl, The funny guy, and the black guy, all with overly used clichés and who are all stereotypes you will find in a slasher/horror movie...but this a horror movie? no its not, Im not sure what is is,but for a 15 cert here in Ireland its the biggest pile of feces laid to man. A lot of questions need to be asked about this, but ill just raise the important ones:

Why is Chelse Swain so angry in this movie? What has she to be angry about? Why did Lance Henriksen star in this movie? Why??? Why was this movie even made?

There is no blood or gore in this movie, just a few stupid deaths,one by electrocution and others off screen. A few references are made to other sources,like on the computer after one of the kids dies " You are the weakest link" and an stupidly amusing Spice Girls quote by Henriksen "tell me what you want,what you really really want"


What were they thinking?! :(
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PoemFreak51924 August 2003
I saw this movie on HBO just a few short days ago. While I knew all the while how poor the acting, script, etc. really was, I was compelled to watch until the credits rolled. This was for one thing and one thing only: to confirm my already-predicted ending. Awww, look, the loner girl saves the day (or her own ass, leaving everyone else to the Mangler)... or does she??? :::dun dun dun:::

We have here yet another piss-poor sequel that makes more than obvious attempts to grab the youth of america by the balls. (And though I am not equipped, being a girl, I'm pretty confident that I walked away unscathed by the wrath of the super-spooky Mangler)

From the painfully cliche characters... -the "goth" girl who obsesses over chaos -the skanky girl who was sexually abused by the headmaster I'll just end that topic here.

And let's not forget the soundtrack... For a second there I thought I was on ecstacy...all that techno rave music. Well, let's bring out the glow sticks! Ok, while we can all appreciate a movie score which echoes the plot (computer technology = techno), I doubt we could appreciate it as much when it's on a continuous loop. "Jo" could've been tying her shoe, crying over her meaningless existance some more, or hey, maybe even taking a crap and we'd still here that same techno track. I mean, come on.

And I know someone already mentioned the pointless product placement of sorts, i.e. the Mangler quoting "Tell me what you want what you really, really want" of the Spice Girl fame. Well, I did I guess that was the attainable result of the writers. But I laugh only in mocking of their collective effort...and the miserable failure in the process. Not to mention that I was picturing a wired Lance Henrikson as the next Scary Spice...

But moving right along... I have seen, for lack of a better word, prequel--The Mangler.

And I have a few questions: How exactly did the evil spirit Mangler end up on the internet via virus? I was just wondering... oh wait, that's right. THE MANGLER 2 WAS NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM RELATED TO THE ORIGINAL. Ok, so there are many horror movie sequels that fail to acknowledge the previous installments. But for the love of all things sacred....could they at least leave us with something!? The Mangler 2 may as well been called...Killer Virus on Campus, or something. And by the other incriminating evidence (read: non-stop techno, empty stock characters), I declare The Mangler 2 to be in direct violation of movie ethics. The writers go far beyond focusing on a target audience...they dumb down the target audience to the effect of complete idiocy. Sure, we'll buy the latest shoe or guzzle the new flavors of the slurpee machine at the 7-11. But please, don't force-feed us with sugar-coated crap, if there is nothing in it for us. Not all teens, after all, are hell bent on chaos. And not all teens fit into those neatly-woven cloths they cut, in their close-minded cliche ridden dialogue. Playing some funky synthesizers and having well-endowed women on the screen does not ensue entertainment. I mean really, I am 19 years old. And even im my darkest hour of self-pity, I doubt I'll be putting any "Manglers" on my college's main frame. Then again... :::cue the techno music:::
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The Mangler 2
Rautus7 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked The Mangler 2, it is low budget and doesn't have any connection to the first film but for some reason I still enjoyed it. One thing I liked was the plot, the whole idea of a school that has a high tech computer security system that controls the whole place malfunctioning because of a virus is pretty interesting.

The film sees a girl named Joanne who's an hacker getting caught in her dad's building and being sent to her private school again where a new high tech security system is being installed by her dad's company, after a incident with the headmaster her and a few of other students who are also suspected have to stay in the school while the others go on a trip, after an argument she goes to her computer and downloads The Mangler 2.0 virus to get at everyone, the virus soon goes into the computer system and then things start to happen. The computer watches the whole school with the cameras and begins to use the various things linked to the computer to kill people. Soon they discover this and try to escape from the school but The Mangler 2.0 virus watches them and tries to stop them from leaving the school.

The Mangler 2 is not that bad and is a pretty good film. Check it out. 10/10
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From supernatural to virtual
Elvis-Del-Valle22 July 2023
The Mangler 2 features a different story that makes it either a spin-off from the previous movie or just a different movie that only bears the title. It leaves aside the supernatural thing to bring us something more focused on science fiction. What we have here is a virus that infects a school's computerized security system and unleashes a disaster. It does pretty much the same thing as The Lawnmower Man, which is take a Stephen King story and turn it into something else. The only theory that could connect this movie to the previous one is that the virus is possibly the same entity that possessed the machine from the previous movie and was transcended into a virtual medium. As a movie it's another one of those cheap movies you could find in video stores during the 90s and 2000s. A generic home movie that didn't invest a lot of budget, since instead of using digital effects, everything here is practical. What attracts the most attention is the veteran Lance Henriksen who went from participating in large productions to low-budget films. The original soundtrack is pretty good with that electronic style and that includes the songs. The soundtrack is perhaps the best thing of the entire movie. The Mangler 2 is one of those bad sequels that have been made to take advantage of a well-known title, even though The Mangler was a flop at the time, but this sequel has a certain charm for those who grew up watching this type of film. My final rating for this movie is 6/10.
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one of the ten worst movies made
lovethathat21 October 2005
This movie only scored 1.6 out of ten. which makes it in the bottom ten movies ever in IMDb's rating. for some reason this fact is not recorded on IMDb's worst 100 movies list. perhaps someone knows why this is. In any event it was truly an excellent movie, in my opinion and should have come in the top ten movies of all time. There are a few goof in the movie though. there biggest one being that the opening credits were not immediately followed by the closing credits. however after 80minutes of playing the fool, the director finally realised the gravity of the goof and corrected the error, allowing us to settle down to watch far more talented productions such as the shopping channel.
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Worse than Plan Nine From Outer Space
filmbuff19709 April 2002
The first movie was awful.This movie has zero reason to be called a sequel. Its main female lead is awful and not even nice looking probably due to some horrendous make up.The other female is the better Actress and nicer looking. But the horror is the movie itself. This was probably funnier than Scary movie 2, but only cause it's rotten. I saw this on DVD and it looks like it was transfered from a videotape. The budget must of been spent on Lance Henriksen, maybe he had bill's to pay. As for the plot and script add up to probably the worst horror sequel that makes the original look like a piece of Art. And considering the original was quite awful. This just proves how rotten this is. 1 out of 10
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Micke_Eriksson27 December 2001
One of the worst sequels I've ever seen, ESPECIALLY with Stephen King as the writer...

This movie could be classed as a B- movie, dark, strange camera angles, flashbacks (same flashback 2- 3 times works once, not more, atleast in this movie...)

The only character that brings this movie any credits is Lance Henriksen...

You'll notice if you see this film.

And as always when any electronics is involved, the consultans (If that's the right word..?) are NOT DOING A GOOD WORK.

I've never (ever) seen a cable move it self by electricity. There's no explaination what so ever to why everything happens, it just does.

Almost every other S. King movies I've seen, begins with an resonable explanation, for eg. Magic, mechanical stuff (Moved by magic), but not a friggen computer that controls cables!!? Get real.

Michael Hamilton-Wright - Get a new job! Obvious, this is his first directed movie (IMDB), ok, sure, that's acceptable, but he sure need's to learn how to use a computer, then how IO- ports work, things behind that etc, etc...

Then also, a computer system like the one in the movie, could not be able to close doors, hatches, move cameras without engines and things like that WITHOUT ANY EXPLANATION. That's what makes a movie ESPECIALLY when computers are involved.

Sure you may think "That's what's written in the script.." Hmm... Get a new perspective on things, or learn your self about electronics and computers.

I personally think that when there's computers and electronics involved, the characters should really know what the heck they're talking about! They speak of firewalls and stuff not really related to what they're doing as they speak of it.

I'm only guessing that I might, if I had the chance, I would have made the consulting better...

The plot it self is good thou, a computer virus - That's cool and belongs to the age of the new millennium

Petty though it had a lot of gaps in the directing

One thing (Among many) that I thought was quite tacky, the ending scenes... Not to mention too much, but it was too obvious, too short, and too often used scenario

The prequel was a LOT better =0)

Summary of this: If you're interested in computers and programming, don't see this movie. This movie is a disappointment
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One hell of a virus.
michaelRokeefe23 February 2003
This movie does have its moments, but you have to be quick to catch them. Gruesome in some spots and then others the horrible deeds are off camera. Disgruntled students want to get back at their Headmaster. A teen thinks it good pay back to download a virus on her school's state of the art computer system. Little did she know that Mangler v2.0 would unleash a murderous entity. A glimpse of "jiggle and wiggle", but nothing redeeming. Just about a waste of time. The players are:Chelse Swain, Dexter Bell, Daniella Evangelista, Miles Meadows and Lance Henriksen.
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Not as bad as I've been told
rockgnoff21 September 2002
When I saw Mangler 2 at place 3 of the imdb worst films ever, I realized that I had to see it! When reading user comments I felt it even more, no film made not long ago could be that bad! And I was right. It was not that bad at all, I've seen plenty horror movies that are way worse than this and several films in other genres that are way worse. I wouldn't call it a sequel to Stephen King's "The Kangler", since they are not related in any way (as far as I noted) other that both are written by the same author. I would have liked them to show more of the "action" when it came to the killings though, seemed to be a kids type of horror movie, no details when it comes to blood and gore. Or maybe I just had a censored version?

Anyways, to sum it up, if one like horror movies, it's worth watching.

I give it 4/10.
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the biggest piece of crap EVER !!!
surfandski14 June 2003
this is the worst movie I have ever seen. Actually there are 3 people in the house and we agree this is the worst movie WE have ever seen. to bad the lowest score is 1 cause this POS is a -7. I was so facinated by how bad it was that I kept watching to see how much more pointless and boring it would become. And I wasn't disappointed, it keept getting worst and worst and.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Can it get any worse?
theastrocreep42029 January 2003
This is quite possibaly the WORST movie in existance to date. I can't think of a single good point in the movie. Not too much about it even makes sense. Every single thing about this movie sucks... the acting, the story, the music... anything you can think of. So, if you're thinking of renting or buying this movie, DON'T!
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What were they THINKING?
SusieSalmonLikeTheFish9 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to popular belief, the first Mangler film was actually very good. While nothing overly amazing, it's still a fun, thrilling and at times profound story of an ideal small town mostly employed by a laundry factory with a dark secret inside. Riddled with corruption, abuse and hellish working conditions, this factory also has the Mangler, an enormous warehouse-sized laundry mangle with a taste for human blood. It becomes up to a detective, his parapsychologist best friend, a dying crime scene photographer and a teenage girl to put a stop to the terror once and for all.

So, what does The Mangler 2 have to do with any of this? Well, aside from having the same name as the first film, it doesn't really continue the story at all. In fact, the evil laundry mangle is out of the picture, as are all the film's main characters. The Mangler 2 follows a college student who installs a computer virus (because EVERYTHING in this day and age has to be digital, eh?) and the virus, called 'Mangler 2.0', attacks people... and, yup, that's about it...

The entire story was terrible, the acting was pathetic, the scenes of violence and gore were fake-looking and annoying, and the script was garbage. This movie definitely isn't worth anything, and the only thing scary about it was that somebody thought it needed to exist.
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The Mangler Deux: A Masterpiece waiting to be discovered!!!
djcoreyp200316 January 2006
The Mangler Deux was one of the best movies I have ever seen. Going into the movie I had no idea what it was about, and now I do. Why did this movie go straight to video? It should have been a red carpet summer blockbuster!!! It would have been the feelgood hit of the year!!! I guess it is just a sleeper, maybe in the year 3029 The Mangler Deux will finally be recognized as a film making masterpiece. I don't really know who was in the movie, who produced or directed it, hell, I don't even know what day it is. One thing I do know is, The Mangler Deux will make you want to do huge dramatic jump fly kicks, and cast wizard spells on drunken sprites. Apparently they are making a sequel to The Mangler Deux. I don't know the name of the title, but I hope it is The Mangler Thrice. Hold on to your cowboy hats, it's gonna be a wild ride!!!!!
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Not A Bad Sequel
vengeance205 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've heard bad things about this film, even worse than than the original which I personally thought was good. I found this one to be just as good.

The film this time around follows a rebellious teenager who installs a virus into a College Campus Computer which causes the electronics to be possessed & kill people off in Final Destination esque ways.

I found the film to be good, while it lacks in gore, it does have a better bodycount than the first film. The story is interesting enough, though the virus being named "Mangler 2.0" was a clear attempt (like the title) to tie in to the original even though it bares no comparisson. But it's important to remember this is a stand alone sequel using a different concept, people would complain if it was like the first. You can't win with a tough crowd eh.

The eye candy is pretty good and the characters while card board like, were good. The pacing was a bit off despite the 89 minute runtime.

Overall, it's not as bad as people are making out. People need to remember that just cause it's a sequel, doesn't mean it has to be like the first or the same. This is a STAND ALONE Sequel & is not half bad. Yes, it is kind of sucky, but what do you expect. It's a cheaply made film & not made on a huge budget, but that doesn't make it bad. The effects are good for what they are as with vissuals. The ending wasn't too bad either & better than the first in terms of the ending.

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The Ultimate Sin
canopic122 February 2002
I know bad movies. Hell, I make them. But the creators of Mangler 2.0 have committed the ultimate movie sin. They've made a picture that is not only derivative but absolutely boring. They've taken elements from The Lawnmower Man, Hellraiser and every teen slasher movie and combined them into one uninteresting mess. I feel sorry for the cast who tried valiantly but what did they have to work with? Even Lance Henrikson fell on his face. The best part of the film was looking at Daniella Evangelista. Why in the world would the producers want her to keep her clothes on!?!
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A Rival to the Greats
Beanchar13 April 2004
Ladies and Gentlemen, The times of great film are thought to have gone the way of the Tasmanian Devil and the Ne-Ne--lost to the ages. If you find yourself a believer in this school of thought, I submit to you "The Mangler 2--Graduation Day." Our times are defined by a select few films, viewed by folks generations from now who see the characters and scenes of these films to portray the thoughts and emotions of those living in its time period. Truly, "The Mangler 2" is one such film. With its true-to-life dialogue, allowing the viewer to not only empathize with the character but to BECOME the character, this movie takes us by the collar and pummels our emotions brutally, stomping on our conceptions of modern security systems and slicing away piece by piece our false sense of safety in our schools. From the first intense seconds of this film, the viewer follows along the turbulent life of a young girl who struggles with her father as well as herself and what society expects of her. She soon meets up with several friends, all of whom are perhaps the most well-developed, complex characters to grace the big screen since those of "Taxi Driver" or "Citizen Kane." These young men and women struggle against a foe far greater than they can comprehend, and several succumb to its evil plots, meeting only the most horrible (yet thought-provoking) deaths imaginable to the human mind. Without spoiling the ending of this cinematic classic, I will suffice it to say that the climax is gripping, a true testament to fine camera-work, acting, writing, and music. The viewer is left on the edge of his seat until, finally, the movie comes to a breath-taking close, leaving us to ask "what's next?" Not only do I give this movie 10 stars, I give it a standing ovation and offer it my first born. Dare I ask when "The Mangler 3" will come squealing from the womb of its writers, squinting into the bright lights of fame?
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