Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Alibi Me (1956)
Season 2, Episode 7
Over the top throughout
8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The basic story here is a good one. It is the details that are a bit shaky and downright silly in spots. The idea is that there are two young,long-time rival gangsters in what seems to be a small city or town. It is repeated several times that the police are quite aware of the ongoing gangster rivalry and they will know who to blame if either of the two rivals disappear or end-up dead. If one of them dies,the other criminal will be blamed,automatically.

Well,you guessed it,one of the gangsters shoots the other in a fit of anger. Now,the shooter needs an alibi,and a solid one at that. Several people he asks waffle or straight-up tell him 'no'. His on and off girlfriend is willing to help until she finds a photo of a stripper in the shooter's pocket. This exchange is particularly ridiculous,the young girlfriend flips in a split-second right-after declaring endless love for the gangster. At last,a perfect alibi is finally offered but it falls-apart in a sad way.

A decent episode despite some weak points. 75/100.
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