Person of Interest: Zero Day (2013)
Season 2, Episode 21
The Virus
27 February 2024
There is a virus in The Machine that is erratic and it has been ten days since it delivered a number. Reese is listening to the police communication and Carter has many dead bodies to investigate. Root discloses her identity to the Special Counsel, shows a gun and tells him that she wants information. Out of the blue, The Machine calls Finch and delivers the name of Ernest Thornhill, who owns twenty million dollars and is buying phone companies. Finch finds that a company called Decima introduced the virus in The Machine that will reboot is twenty hours to fix the problem. Finch and Reese investigate Thornhill's company and believe it is a front for Decima. Finch receives a phone call from Root trying to convince him to join her to defend The Machine from Decima and the virus. When Reese is looking for Thornhill's car hired at the airport, it is attacked by a drone and blow-up. Soon Finch learns that The Machine has created Thornhill, but he does not know why. Reese goes to Thornhill's apartment, where he stumbles upon Shaw, who is hunting down Root. Finch calls the police and meets Root, and she threatens Grace if Finch does not go with her. She tells him that Decima is buying phone companies to become the administrator of The Machine, since it will make a call in a public phone after the reboot. Out of the blue, the police arrive at the apartment and Reese is arrested, while Shaw vanishes. Meanwhile, Carter is questioning about the death of Beecher since she believes HR is the responsible. Terney lures Carter to go to a bust at the house of Beecher's possible killer and she is framed by the HR.

"Zero Day" is a confused episode of "Person of Interest". The plot informs that The Machine will reboot because of the virus, but how Decima and Root knew that information. Further, how do they know that a public phone will call and the person who answers will be the administrator for twenty-four hours. Why Finch made such vulnerability in The Machine? Finch joining the psychopath Root to fix The Machine does not convince. The best part of the show is the poor Carter being framed by the HR and the dirty Terney. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Zero Day"
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