Adam-12: Log 134: Child Stealer (1970)
Season 2, Episode 23
Cujo, Green Stamps, A Baby, A Bus and A Case Full Of Free Booze!
19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A few episodes back, Officer Pete Malloy had to contend with an ex-con who hated his guts. Then he had to deal with an ex-cop who hated his guts. In this episode, Malloy has to square-off against a German Shepherd dog that hates his guts. Apparently - because that is quite a snarl that dog has, and my, what big teeth he has! Better to chew off Malloy's arm with! But this dog hates Reed too. The dog does, however, love sitting in cars. That includes Police cars of which a probationary rookie Officer has left the passenger-side window rolled down.

The segment with the dog takes place outside Malloy and Reed's latest favorite food joint, Duke's Longhorn Bar & Grill. The scene is played for humor, but this dog is ferocious. M & R are on the verge of calling in a SWAT team when the dog's owner, a little kid, walks up and takes easy control of the dog. The dog has a creative name - Luger. As in the German Luger pistol. German Luger - German Shepherd. Cute.

Another comic segment features ancient character actor, Burt Mustin. He appeared in pretty much every television show there ever was in the 1960's and 70's. His character here is a typical elderly curmugeon. He's had lunch at a drug store dining counter and wants to pay with Green Stamps. Just when you think either Malloy or Reed are going to pay the old geezer's $1.25 bill, the old guy cracks open his wallet (you can hear it creaking) and he pulls out a big surprise. And hey, remember... the incidents we see on Adam-12 are based on true events encountered by real Police Officers.

There's also a bit with a baby taken from it's Mother by the Father. The viewer doesn't get what the viewer expects in the concluding moments of this storyline. Interesting change in the proceedings there.

Bullets fly in another segment featuring a guy who's just trying to take a little snooze on a city bus. The production surprisingly takes the time to make it clear that a day has gone passed when the police patrol action continues. The show has previously made it clear that Police Officers don't just hop back in the squad car and continue patrol after firing their weapon. Certainly not after actually hitting their human target. In this case, the shooting was most definitely justified.

After rescuing a Delivery Driver from two hijackers, Malloy and Reed are offered a very nice reward from that Driver. With the "okay" from his boss, the Driver offers each Officer a case each of delightful alcoholic beverages. (His Delivery cargo.) Unfortunately, the guy makes the offer right in front of Sergeant MacDonald, so our heroes have to say "no thanks". Well, sparkling + squeaky clean Malloy would have said "no" even if Mac hadn't been standing there. Police Officers are not allowed to accept such "gifts" from anyone. Reed, however, begins to salivate at the thought of all that free booze. You know Reed's thoughts are no where near "squeaky clean". Especially when he aims a rather derogatory joke straight into the direction of his boss, Sergeant Mac, who again, is right there watching over his Officers like a Mother hen. Very funny stuff! Terrific episode.

On an aside; the DVD for this episode features commentary by Sergeant Frank Mika and Officer Rob Nobile, both of the Los Angeles Police Department. They discuss the Adam-12 squad car, how bare-minimum Police Vehicles of the era were compared to current day. Apparently this particular squad car, a Plymouth, really smoked! (That's a good thing.) Considering the kidnapped baby featured in the episode, the Commentators speak of Megan's Law which was enacted in 1996. They also discuss various tactics used by Malloy and Reed which by current standards, are (of course) very out-dated. All very interesting and very much worth a listen.
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