The Storyteller: The True Bride (1988)
Season 1, Episode 9
Great end to a timeless classic
28 May 2023
Have always been a fan of Jim Henson and 'The Storyteller' has always been a timeless classic of a series. Love all the episodes in their own way, though some are more special than others. A very mature series tonally but with enough to not make it too dark for kids with some episodes being quite playful. Those who love the Muppets, 'The Dark Crystal' and 'Labyrinth' but haven't somehow seen 'The Storyteller' yet should do so absolutely.

"The True Bride" is not one of my favourite episodes of 'The Storyteller', with it not being as good as "Sapsorrow", "Three Ravens" and especially "The Soldier and Death". It is however a great ending to a timeless classic and a fine episode in its own right. Also a great way of seeing a young Jane Horrocks and Sean Bean pre-stardom. All the episodes of 'The Storyteller' are very good to brilliant, and "The True Bride" is one of the great ones while not quite brilliance worthy.

Occasionally the dialogue is a little on the ropey side.

Can't fault anything else though. It again looks splendid visually. Absolutely love the atmosphere present in the sets and the episode is beautifully shot, but it is the puppetry that shines most of all, which is with all the previous episodes too. The music score similarly enchants, is hauntingly beautiful and its melancholic tone fits like a glove with the story's atmosphere.

Despite occasional moments of ropiness, the writing is full of intrigue, suspense and fun. The story never feels dull and is incredibly atmospheric, it is based on German folklore and the Grimm Brothers at their darkest influence is obvious throughout.

John Hurt is cast perfectly as the Storyteller, while Horrocks and Bean are appealing in the lead roles. Even better are the stuff of nightmares that is Frederick Warder and booming and suitably mysterious Michael Killgariff.

All in all, great. 9/10.
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