The Fugitive: May God Have Mercy (1965)
Season 2, Episode 25
Who loves ya, baby?
7 February 2023
Dick is working as a hospital orderly when he is recognized. Nothing new about that, but this week's recognizer is a former Stafford resident whose husband is in the hospital for some tests, ulcers he tells her. Telly Savalas is Victor Leonetti, who has been given 10 months to live, better than the usual 6 that most terminals are given. His wife doesn't know this, and mentions to Dick that Vic is in the hospital for some reason. She knows Vic hates the doc because he blames him for the death of their daughter. The wife, on the other hand, doesn't blame Kimble at all. He don't know Dick, because Dick is like the most compassionate guy and doctor ever, and was, in fact, in New York at the time trying to get the best heart guy in the country to come to Stafford. When Vic hears about this, he decides to confess to Helen's murder. By this time, the cops have shot Dick, one of the most serious of his 8 bullet wounds taken on the show. Gerard has arrived by now, and he tries to trip Vic up on the details of the killing, but Vic has done his homework and knows just what happened. Now, the story at this time was still that Helen was strangled and not hit with the lamp, as what was eventually decided as the method of her demise. Anyways, Dick gets sent to X Ray as it's easier to escape from there. He does this by rubbing the thermometer on the sheet vigorously and hitting his wounded shoulder with a water bottle when the nurse takes a break. She is concerned when she sees his temperature is 114 when she comes back and he is sent to X ray, where he makes his escape by clobbering the annoying orderly Toby. He gets into the unlocked back of a convenient laundry truck just before Gerard gets there, and the brilliant lawman doesn't think to look in the back of the truck. Thanks, Phil. So the brilliant lawman, sent to pickup his helpless adversary at the hospital, has to return to Stafford empty handed once again. Is anyone in Stafford surprised? Vic recants his confession and he and his wife make the most of their final 10 months together. And Richard Kimble, wounded as he is, who has skipped out on yet another hospital bill, remains.....a fugitive.
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