Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Here's why it's such an iconic classic
19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
8* out of 10*

This movie had no big budget, no special effects, not much of a plot and almost no gore. Still, it is a truly unnerving viewing experience that chills me to the bones. Having recently rewatched it for the first time in at least fifteen years since I first saw it, I appreciate it even more. It surely helps that I have seen hundreds of horror films in the meantime and can now better understand what TCM did so well and why until this day it is a blueprint for movie makers trying to create unease and tension.

What Tobe Hooper excelled at with TCM is creating an eerie atmosphere of dread. The film permeates unease with almost every frame. Even in the peaceful scenes you can feel that something is looming and that terrible things are going to happen. The film has this gritty and unrelenting atmosphere that so many modern horror films lack. It starts with visuals of unearthed corpses, accompanied by audio reports about freak incidents like grave robbers, random attacks and collapsing buildings. This turns into the blood red opening credits that feature not music but strange and unnerving sounds. Right from the get-go you feel unsafe with the notion that something harrowing might happen anywhere at any time. The grainy look of the film and the almost documentary style add to the rawness of the experience. Especially when they enter the house, you don't have the feeling of being in a set-piece. Everything looks and feels so real, like the film crew just found it this way and decided to pull out their camera and start shooting. All the animals (dead and alive), bones, remains and feathers look creepily authentic. The visual style is pretty impressive too, with creative camera angles impressive colors.

The immediate rawness is also applied to the terror scenes. One of the all-time scariest and most shocking scenes of all time for me is the first encounter with Leatherface. The guy walks into the house and we know something bad is waiting for him, we just don't know what it is. There is no big buildup, no music or sound effects. Leatherface just appears out of nowhere grunting like a pig; he almost seems as surprised as we are. In what appears almost as an instinct-driven affect, he strikes the guy with his hammer. The dude falls to the ground and starts twitching. Leatherface pulls him in and slams the sliding door shut with a bang. It's over almost as quickly as it started. I was and still am terrified by that scene. Other timeless classics include the first encounter with the hitch-hiker, the infamous dinner scene and Leatherface dancing with his chainsaw in the warm sunlight in the final scene. There is also the other girl falling into the room and slowly but suddenly realizing that these are not only animal skeletons but also human remains. The close-up of Sally's eyes during the dinner scene and her constant screaming. Much has been said and written about all of this. And most of it is true.

Where the film lacks a bit is in the dialogue and character department. Most of the characters are very shallow. While we do get a bit on Sally and here rather annoying brother Franklin the three other victims have no personality at all. We never get a sense of who they are and why we should care about them. This is, however, just a minor criticism. This film is not a character study. Somehow, it is not even a classic narrative. It is, in my opinion, a study in fear and tension. And that's where it absolutely excels.
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